Welcome to AstroSage’s Weekly Newsletter! Today, we bring you all exciting stuff
for this holiday season. Yes! with new year approaching, its time to celebrate.
So, lets’ start with a preview of what all AstroSage is set to offer you this week.
We have “Special Discount Offers” on some of our popular services. All the new year
calendars are ready to be at your service to make this year go smooth & also
we have your favourite, horoscopes for the “New Year 2014”!
Special Offers To Grab!
We have a grand 25% discount going on some of our popular services, this is a one
time special offer, don't let this chance slip away. Our services,
2014 Personalized Horoscope,
Marriage & Love Analysis and
Astrology Reading Over Phone (30 mins). These services have proved
time and again that they are most sought after by our visitors. As such, we have
chosen these service to give you the maximum benefit. Just use the below mentioned
code and make the best of our offer!
2014 Personalised Horoscope
Everyone wants to know what the new year has to offer, what surprises awaits them.
Well, there is no other means more convenient than reading your horoscopes for 2014.
Our 2014 Personalised Horoscopes have all the details to start your new year all
prepared. We have covered all the topics like family, career, health, finance and
of course love life.
Marriage & Love Analysis
Love, a word that brings two people closer and will never part ways. To find someone
who will love you more than anybody else is a priceless feeling; and what better
way to take this forward than tying the holy knot. Get tips and ideas from expert
astrologers and craft your path to a lifelong of togetherness.
Astrology Reading Over Phone (30 mins)
Astrology has, time and again, proved a lifesaver for many. Are you facing unnecessary
delays in your work? Is your life filled with problems? Do you feel like it’s a
dead end and there is no way out? In such cases, Astrology may prove out to be your
savior. Have a talk with our astrologers, who have a solution for anything and everything.
Apart from this, we have some more important stuff that will help you leading a
smooth year ahead.
2014 Calendars Is Here!
Now, coming to the other important information and events of the week. Let’s have
a look at the important dates of the week.
Important Dates Of The Week
- 24 December: Christmas Evening
- 25 December: Christmas
- 26 December: Kalashtami
- 28 December: Saphala Ekadashi
- 29 December: Saphala Ekadashi
Let’s now see what your stars tell about this week. Find your FREE weekly horoscope
Services Of The Week!
2014 Annual Horoscope/ Varshphal
2014 Finance Report
We will keep on sharing information with you on our new updated stuff. Stay tuned
to AstroSage for more such interesting stuff, informations & FREEwares. Utilize
the best of our services and stay blessed!
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