Monday, May 25, 2015

Weekly Horoscope (May 25 - May 31)

Do you want to take a look on the possibilities of the upcoming week? Are you curious to know the facts which can take you to the top? All the future predictions are getting unfolded here by our expert astrologers with weekly horoscopes from May 25 to May 31.

Plan your upcoming week with the predictions of weekly horoscope.

(May 25 - May 31, 2015) Week At A Glance

May 26: Shree Durga Ashtami, Sri Dhumavati Jayanti
May 27: Shukla Devi Puja, Uma Brahmani Navami

Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator


This is not a good time for you to take any financial risk. So, if you are thinking about investing funds in stock-market or any new business, wait for the right time to come. Suggestion of an elder person or senior may help you a lot this time, you are advised not to ignore it. Students and competitors will perform great in studies and competitions. Benefits in business or promotion in job is possible to your life-partner. You will enjoy at the weekend with family and friends.

Love Prediction 

This week will provide you mental peace. Love relationships will give pleasures in the beginning of the week. If you want to meet your sweetheart, it would be great to meet at your friend’s place. A competitor may try to come in between your love in the mid of the week. Weekend will give highly favorable results. Married couples will enjoy some special benefits.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy/Treatment: Think carefully before taking any major decision.

Click here to know more about your sign: Aries zodiac sign


This time will remain a mix of ups and downs. You will feel emotionally strong, but minor problems may disturb you at the work front. Seniors will support, but they may pressurise you to complete a given task on time. Your family may demand either for shopping or for a small trip. Your parents will support you. Mid of the week may drain your energy with workload in office and demands of family members at home. But, give some time to relax in the weekend, everything will come in your favor.

Love Prediction 

You will feel excited for your love in the starting of the week. But, some domestic problems may degrade your mood. Don’t release your domestic frustration on sweetheart. You will make your partner happy in the mid of the week and enjoy your love life. But, small lovely tiffs are possible in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Stay calm and avoid feeling stressed, you can also try Yoga or meditation for the same.

Click here to know more about your sign: Taurus zodiac sign


Any auspicious event is possible at your home which might keep you busy. Don’t forget to take care of your health in this busy schedule. Also, take care of your valuables, otherwise losses may occur. Your relatives will praise you. Appreciation is also likely to come at workplace. Due to heavy workload or other commitments, you won’t be able to give enough time to your personal life. Life-partner will support, but take care of your child’s health.

Love Prediction 

This week will remain favorable for you. Beginning of the week is favorable for outings and entertainment. If possible, watch a movie together. Some stress is possible in the mid of the week, your interest may also reduce in love in this duration. In the weekend, don’t show your love in such a manner that it will irritate your partner. Take care of your partner’s choice while doing anything.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Either don’t carry or take care of your essentials while travelling.

Click here to know more about your sign: Gemini zodiac sign


This week time will give you favorable results, if you keep your anger and arrogance at bay. Don’t get into dispute with anyone at home or in office, otherwise unnecessary defamation may occur. Stay calm and try to resolve everything with patience. Any good news is likely to come from in-laws. If you are participating in any competitive exam, there is a need to increase your efforts to get the desired results. Overall, stay calm and keep doing your work in the right direction.

Love Prediction 

It would be great to start a new week with romantic talks. Fulfil the desire of your sweetheart, if it is in your budget. Try to go for an outing in the mid of the week. It would be even better to watch a detective movie together. Weekend will give some special results to married couples.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid anger and arrogance completely.

Click here to know more about your sign: Cancer zodiac sign


Minor health problems may disturb you this time like headache, cough or cold, so take care of your health. But, your ability of moving ahead in every situation will not let these problems affect your personal and professional life. If there are some problems in married life, spend more time with your sweetheart. This time may help you in resolving them. Your children will provide some good news, either they will perform great in studies or in sports.

Love Prediction 

The week will start in a romantic manner. This is the correct time to confess your feelings if you are in love with a colleague. You will meet your distant sweetheart in the mid of the week. Avoid the situations of disputes if you are in love with your neighbor, everything else will remain in favor.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati.

Click here to know more about your sign: Leo zodiac sign


Any of your friend may ask for your suggestion. Either you will meet some old friends or talk to them on phone. Your decision making ability will improve and your decisions will create the right impact. Your might and courage are also likely to remain at their peak. This is also a good time for taking major financial decisions. If you want to invest in stock-market or in a business, time is appropriate for that. Your health will remain normal.

Love Prediction 

A dissatisfaction is possible regarding love life. A trip is possible in the beginning of the week, or you may have to stay away from your sweetheart due to some reason. Mid of the week will give favorable results, but avoid doubting each other. Try to avoid arguments completely in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Maa Lakshmi for better financial situation.

Click here to know more about your sign: Virgo zodiac sign


This week you will be able to attract many people with your charm. Your eloquence will remain great. This is the perfect time for job seekers to go for interviews, time will soon give them the desired results. There is a need to take care of your health, avoid junk food, otherwise your stomach may get disturbed. There is an extra need to take care in the mid of the week, because it might also disturb your work. Some guests may arrive at home in the weekend which will keep you occupied.

Love Prediction 

This week will give mixed results in love. Beginning of the week is appropriate for your love life. A new energy will come love and warmth will remain. Either you will visit your distant partner or he/she will come to see you in the mid of the week. But, avoid doubting each other. Weekend is going to be highly favorable, you will enjoy your love.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid heavy and junk food, also drink a lot of water.

Click here to know more about your sign: Libra zodiac sign


Your intellect will remain great, you will take some appropriate decisions during this week. This time is highly favorable for making important future plans. Your subordinates and servants will work in your favor. Those who are eligible for marriage may get some marriage proposals. If you want to confess about your love relationship in front of your parents, time is appropriate for that. You are advised to drive carefully, otherwise injuries are possible.

Love Prediction 

You may remain busy in the starting of the week. Although you will be able to balance your love and professional life. Mixed results will come in the mid of the week. Try to enjoy your love-life as much as you can and don’t let doubts come in between. Avoid going on long journeys together in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid driving alone at night.

Click here to know more about your sign: Scorpio zodiac sign


You will concentrate more on your looks and dressing style. People will also appreciate your appearance. You would like to experiment something new for your wardrobe, at your workplace and probably for home too. Your mood will remain joyous, everyone will feel happy by talking to you. Your presence of mind will remain great. Prosperous atmosphere will prevail at home and you might get a good news of arrival of a new family member at home. Overall, time is in your favor, make the most of it.

Love Prediction 

Try to maintain good relations with your sweetheart as much as possible in the starting of the week. Visit a nearby pilgrimage and pray for each other’s well-being. Workload may increase in the mid of the week due to which you won’t be able to give ample time to your sweetheart. But, weekend will vanish all the previous complaints and you will enjoy a new freshness in your relationship once again.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Shiva.

Click here to know more about your sign: Sagittarius zodiac sign


Financially, this is a very good time for Capricorns. Either your income will increase or new sources of income will develop for them. But, there is a need to take every decision very carefully, because a minor mistake can give losses. Everything will remain smooth in your domestic life. Parents will support and you will spend a good time with life-partner. Your children may make some unwanted demands, but there is a need to handle them with calm. 

Love Prediction 

Beginning of the week is a bit less favorable. Stay cautious regarding your relationship in this situation. Follow a decent behavior. Mid of the week will improve the situations, but don’t let any misunderstanding come between you two. You will try to take out time for love in the weekend, instead of work pressure.

Fortune Star: 2/5

Remedy/Treatment: Don’t lose your patience in any situation.

Click here to know more about your sign: Capricorn zodiac sign


Ups and downs are a part of life, but you have an ability to overcome from bad situations with courage. You are going to use this ability once again, this week. Some bad situations may come your way at home or in office, but you will resolve them with intellect. You may have to stay away from home for some time due to work or business related issues. You may think of buying a new home or vehicle, start searching for the suitable one because time is appropriate for that.

Love Prediction 

Beginning of the week is highly favorable for your love life. Time is good if you are in love with your colleague. Married couples will enjoy this time. But, mid of the week is not much favorable, so follow a decent behavior. Don’t get into a fight over an old dispute. Weekend will bring auspiciousness and you will see the relations getting better.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Don’t take any decision in a hurry.

Click here to know more about your sign: Aquarius zodiac sign


This time your interest will increase in spirituality and religion. You might plan for a pilgrimage. You will do a lot of net surfing for finding information about different subjects. Time is good for those, whose work is related to research and investigation. The week will start on a normal note, but you may feel tired in the mid of the week. Weekend is looking favorable, you will spend a good time with your sweetheart or life-partner.

Love Prediction 

Beginning of the week will give favorable results, if you keep your anger and arrogance away. Avoid getting into any dispute with your sweetheart. Mid of the week will intensify your love. Your partner will take care of your feelings. Maintain a decent behavior in the weekend and don’t take any kind of risk.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worshiping Lord Ganesh will bring auspiciousness.

Click here to know more about your sign: Pisces zodiac sign

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mercury Retrograde Into Taurus Today - Effects On Your Sign

Mercury will retrograde in Taurus on May 19, 2015 and will turn direct on June 12. This planetary movement will bring changes in the lives of every individual. Get to know everything about these changes here. 

Mercury retrograde in Taurus will bring changes for your sign

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Attitude of working hard and giving best will keep workfront pleasant. Name & fame will follow due to your humbleness. Read more...


Good deals are foreseen coming your way. Though you will feel contented, concentrate a bit on your personal life. Read more...


Sudden and unexpected success might come to you. Financial matters need to be handled carefully. Read more...


This transit is all about living joyful moments with your friends and loved ones. Try to bring peace in your life. Read more...


Working in coordination with all will bring progress at workfront. Be cautious while dealing with matters of money. Read more...


Going on pilgrimage will bring goodness in your life. Reserve this phase to cherish joyful moments with family. Read more...


Rather than thinking anything else, think about your true supporters. Owing to your past deeds, you can expect happiness. Read more...


Every friend is helpful in one or the other way, keep this in mind. As far as personal tiffs are concerned, resolve them. Read more...


Be goal oriented, deliver your best and there you are with success. Try being joyful and enjoy good times with loved ones. Read more...


Talk to your sweetheart, end all problems and spend romantic time together. Staying happy will enlighten every aspect of life. Read more...


It would be good to be clear and precise about your conversations. Think and analyze before finalizing any decision. Read more...


Spend quality time with your spouse. Listen to your family members, fulfil their wishes and make them smile. Read more...

Today’s Special!

Click here for today’s Stock Market Predictions: Sensex-Nifty Predictions

Have a nice day!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Shani Jayanti & Somvati Amavasya Today - 5 Tips To Come Out Of Problems

Auspiciousness of this Monday will increase with the observance of Shani Jayanti. Falling on the same day this year, Shani Jayanti and Somvati Amavasya will put an end to all your sorrows. Read this informative article to discover as to how you can get relief from the malefic effects of Shani. 

Astrology states Saturn as an important planet among the nine planets. If we talk about legends, a lot has been explained about the birth of Shani. Shani Dev was born on the Amavasya of Jyeshtha Krishna Paksha. This is the reason behind celebration of Shani Jayanti on this day. Pleasing Lord Shani helps in getting relief from troubles. 

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Legendary Importance Of Shani Jayanti

According to the legendary stories, Lord Sun was married to Sangya. Together they had three children. Sangya could not withstand Sun’s brightness for long and hence, she left him with her shadow in his service. Later, Lord Shani was born to Lord Sun and Chaya (Sangya’s shadow). When Shani was born, he had black complexion, huge body, large eyes and long hair.

On this day, importance of alms and donations increases for natives suffering from Sade Sati, Shani’s Dasha, Maha Dasha or Antar Dasha. Diseases like Vata, Kapha, cancer, etc. happen due to malefic impact of Shani. With Shanidev's blessing, one can achieve victory, wealth, bliss, and disease free life.

Ward Off All Troubles On Shani Jayanti Through These 5 Tips

  1. Establishing Shani Yantra and worshiping it is very fruitful. Worshiping this Yantra regularly with all the rituals pleases Lord Shani. 
  2. Worshiping Lord Hanuman after sunset is considered auspicious. Use Sindoor (vermilion), oil, and blue flowers to honor the lord. You can use this remedy every Saturday. 
  3. Donate five iron goods, food grains, and oil to any needy on this sacred day. 
  4. Offer Til Ladoo, Urad Dal, and sweet Puris to Shani Dev. Offer the same to cow, dog, and crow and take it yourself as well.
  5. Keeping Kheer (sweet rice porridge) in silver bowl and then placing it on the terrace on Monday, frees one from all problems. 
  6. Besides this, you can some really helpful and easy remedies to escape from malefic effects of Lord Shani - 5 Tips To Ward Off Saturn’s Malefic Effects

Somvati Amavasya Is Adding Auspiciousness To This Shani Jayanti

Everytime Amavasya falls on a Monday, it is known as Somvati Amavasya. It is considered extremely auspicious for married women to observe fast on this day for the longer life of their husbands. Observing fast on this day gives rewards equivalent to donation of cow. Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva and Somvati Amavasya is observed in honor of the lord. Bathing in rivers on this Amavasya is considered extremely sacred. According to Mahabharata, explaining the importance of this day to Yudhishthir, Bhishma said that “one who bathes in holy rivers on this day, gets relief from physical ailments and sorrows of life”.

If you have any query or feedbacks related to this day, please mention it in the comments.

We wish you a blessed Shani Jayanti & Somvati Amavasya!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Weekly Horoscope (May 18 - May 24, 2015)

Do you want to take a peek into the upcoming time? Do you want to make accurate plannings for the future? Then, read the general and love weekly horoscopes for this week, prepared by our expert astrologers.
Weekly horoscope will tell about your love and general life for the upcoming week.

(May 18 - May 24) Week At A Glance

May 18, 2015: Shani Jayanti, Somvati Amavasya
May 19, 2015: Mercury Retrograde In Taurus, Jyeshtha Shukla Paksha Begins
May 20, 2015: Maharana Pratap Jayanti

Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator

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Your financial status will improve. Your works will produce benefits at workplace and in business. Fame and respect will increase in society, but avoid speaking harsh. Beginning of the week will give benefits, but minor disputes may occur at home during the mid week. Handle everything with calm and patience this time. Weekend will try to bring back the lost charm of your personal life. Make some plans for outings and entertainment to keep yourself refreshed.

Love Predictions

Kittle and celebrations will continue in your relationship this week. But, avoid unpleasant confabulatory, otherwise problems will increase. Beginning of the week will help in expressing yourself. Mid of the week is likely to give you some great results, a sweetness will remain in your relationship. Weekend will give average results, in this duration you should love by staying relieved.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Meditate to control your anger.

Click here to know more about your sign: Aries zodiac sign


This week will remain a mix of emotions for you. You will feel emotional and spend a good time with your loved ones. Workload is likely to increase in the mid of the week, but don’t let this workload produce any impact on your health. Your mother will take good care of you. You will feel satisfied with your efforts in the weekend. You may make some plans of outing or distant trips with family.

Love Predictions

This week dedicate yourself for love and entertainment. Time is going to be very appropriate for those who are in love with a neighbour. In the beginning you will enjoy your love by being emotional and romantic. Romance will also continue in the mid of the week, but take care of your words this time. Favoritism will continue in the weekend as well.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Take care of your health and avoid junk food.

Click here to know more about your sign: Taurus zodiac sign


Good benefits are likely to come your way if your work is related to foreign land. Time is also good for going on distant or work related journeys. You will feel energised in the beginning of the week, appreciation will also come at workplace. Mid of the week may drain your energy a bit, but a good time overall. Take care of your health in the weekend, small seasonal problems like cough or cold may trouble you.

Love Predictions

Lord of fifth house, Venus is in the constellation of Rahu. It indicates that sweetness will remain in your relationship, but unpleasant confabulatory should be avoided. Beginning of the week may keep you apart due to some reason. but love and yearning will remain. You may feel emotional and love to stay connected to your partner in the mid of the week. It would be great to have a dinner together at a restaurant in the weekend.

Fortune Star3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Stay aware from thefts while travelling.

Click here to know more about your sign: Gemini zodiac sign


Take care of health of elder family members, otherwise you may have to spend a lot on them. This time is not suitable for giving or taking money on debt. Apply extra cautiousness in your work this time and take care of important documents. Anyone closer may help in getting your work done. Everything will remain smooth in your domestic life, but avoid the unwanted demands of children. Minor stomach related problems may create trouble, so take care.

Love Predictions

This week will give mixed results in your love life. You may feel that intensity of your love is decreasing due to some reason. Act with patience in this situation, everything will be alright. Beginning of the week is going to be very favorable, but decency would be important in the mid of the week. Weekend will bring the lost auspiciousness back.

Fortune Star: 35

Remedy/Treatment: Don’t give money on debt, help only if it is very important.

Click here to know more about your sign: Cancer zodiac sign


Generally, you have a good presence of mind and eloquence. But, they will improve further this time. You will entertain your fellow colleagues and people around with your sense of humor. Your efficiency will remain great, but you will not be able to concentrate much on work. Some or the other distractions will keep you occupied, so try to avoid them. If thinking of buying a new property or vehicle, time is appropriate for that. Overall, a good time, but avoid distractions.

Love Predictions

This week is generally favorable for your love life. You will enjoy some great time together. In the beginning of the week, you are going to enjoy the time a lot if you are in love with a colleague. Mid of the week may let you enjoy a freshness in your love life. But, end of the week may remain a bit weak. You may have to stay away due to some reason.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Perform meditation to increase your concentration power.

Click here to know more about your sign: Leo zodiac sign


You were struggling a lot from a long time, but now you will get a chance to relax. Family members will support and you will get good chances to spend quality time with them. Everyone will like you at workplace, your calm attitude will make it easy for everyone to work with you. An injury is possible to your father or any elder family member, so take care. Avoid business or work related distant journeys, as they might not produce the desired results.

Love Predictions

This week will give you mixed results in love, but married couples will enjoy a lot this time. Make some plans of trips in the beginning of the week, go for a pilgrimage if possible. Due to prior work commitments, you may not be able to give ample time to love in the mid of the week. But, weekend will give some highly favorable results.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Perform any spiritual task or do charity as per your ability.

Click here to know more about your sign: Virgo zodiac sign


This time may demand more efforts from you in every work, especially works related to your profession or education. You may have to try hard to get appreciation from seniors. But, this situation will not last for long. Mid of the week is ready to give you many positive results, you will get support from colleagues and family members. Prosperous atmosphere will prevail at home. Weekend will give a chance to relax, but arrival of guests is also possible at home. Time is not appropriate for applying for a loan.

Love Predictions
This week is not looking much favorable for love, so avoid being rude on small things and disputes. Cautiousness would be required in the initial days of the week. You also have to take care of each other. Situations will get better in the middle of the week, try to improve things further. Weekend will give some favorable results.

Fortune Star2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Don’t give up in any situation and worship Lord Ganesha for removing hurdles.

Click here to know more about your sign: Libra zodiac sign


Your servants and subordinates will support and work dedicatedly to provide you benefits. You will also feel happy about their performance. Life-partner will support, but children may make some unwanted demands. You may visit to any of your relative’s place. The good thing about this month is that nobody will lie to you and everyone will share his/her true sentiments with you. Take care of your health and food, as the weather is changing so it might affect you a bit.

Love Predictions

Generally, this week will give mixed results, but don’t let sensual thoughts overtake your mind, otherwise problems will increase. Initial days of the week will intensify your love. Married couples will get some special results. But, a decent behaviour would be required in the middle of the week. Weekend will give some good results.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid junk food and take more of fruits and cold products.

Click here to know more about your sign: Scorpio zodiac sign


Minor problems may come in your personal life, don’t speak harsh to your sweetheart or life-partner otherwise problems will increase unnecessarily. This time, there is a need to stay calm in your personal relationships. Time is good for legal proceedings and judgement, so don’t delay these matters, if possible. Your income will keep on coming with the normal pace. If thinking of experimenting something new in business or in work, you can try it out this time.

Love Predictions

This week may give some sweet and sour results in your love life. Any kind of carelessness would not remain appropriate for love. Having fun is good in a relationship, but avoid being serious while doing it. Beginning of the week will give mixed results, but mid is very favorable. You will enjoy this phase, but avoid indecent behaviour.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Shiva to increase the auspiciousness of this time.

Click here to know more about your sign:  Sagittarius zodiac sign


This is a favorable time for going on trips, you will enjoy a lot and if any work related journey is there, you will get the desired results. Government servants will get some special results this time, either they may get an increment or promotion. If you are searching for a new job or looking for job-change, time is appropriate for that. You are advised to avoid wasting your time on useless issues. 

Love Predictions

This week is indicating that transparency would be required in your relationship, otherwise fear of worsening relations will remain. Beginning of the week is favorable, you may also get someone’s proposal. But, fear of defamation may arise in the middle of the week due to excess of sensual thoughts. Favoritism will remain in the weekend, so it will help in feeling relaxed.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Utilize your energy in the right direction and avoid arrogance.

Click here to know more about your sign: Capricorn zodiac sign


Your expenses are likely to increase and income may decrease. So, take care of your expenses that they will not increase beyond a limit, otherwise you will feel financially unstable. Also take care of elder family members. Time may remain a bit weak in the starting of the week, but it will keep on getting better with time. Mid of the week may help in improving the situations. You will get chances of entertainment in the weekend, so give some rest to your mind in this duration.

Love Predictions

This week is going to be highly favorable for your love life, although some small tiffs are possible. You may not be able to give ample time to love in the beginning of the week due to some domestic issues. But, mid of the week will compensate for it. You will keep your partner happy. Some sweet little disputes are possible in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Maa Lakshmi to get good financial benefits.

Click here to know more about your sign: Aquarius zodiac sign


You are advised to drive slowly and carefully, otherwise any injury might occur. Also stay away from fire and electrical appliances. Other than that the time is auspicious for you. You will get the appreciation from seniors and support from colleagues. Try to visit any pilgrimage this time, if possible, it will help in providing peace to your mind. You may take some work related stress, but try to avoid this because it will not work in favor.

Love Predictions

This week is going to be favorable for your love life. You may go for some entertainment trips in the beginning of the week. You may make some plan of meeting in the mid of the week, but take care of your privacy while meeting. You will remain filled with excitement in the weekend, but avoid impractical things.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid taking stress.

Click here to know more about your sign: Pisces zodiac sign

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Event Of The Day!

Today is Shab-e-Miraj. The day is celebrated to commemorate the night when Allah took Prophet Muhammad to heaven.

Today is Vat-Savitri Vrat. Married women from Gujarat, Haryana, and Rajasthan observe a fast and worship Vat tree (Banyan tree) for the well-being and success of their husbands.

Have a great day!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Sun Transit Into Taurus Today - Discover The Pros & Cons

Sun, the King of all planets will travel in Taurus on May 15, 2015. Residing here till June 15, 2015, it will bring changes in the lives of all. Discover these changes on your sign through this horoscope. 

Sun transit in Taurus will affect you.


An auspicious phase for those who are in job as well as for businessmen. Love life will keep you happy and contented. Read more...


Things look satisfying at workfront. Some expenses are possible on spouse. You are expected to turn religious. Read more...


Whether you are married or dating someone, love will keep your cheerful. Try to cut down your expenses a bit. Read more...


Every aspect of your life will go great during this phase. Get ready to enjoy one of the best time spans of your life. Read more...


Distant journey is foreseen on your cards. Professional and personal life will go in the right direction. Read more...


Seniors and elders will prove helpful in this period. Some expenses are possible, but they will be followed by profits. Read more...


To live a smooth and happy life, stay away from matters of others. Enemies might try to harm, be careful. Read more...


Performance at workfront will improve tremendously. You will enjoy sweet moments with your beloved. Read more...


This is the phase when you will dress to impress. Mental state will remain peaceful. Don’t dominate anyone. Read more...


This phase is good for socializing and extending it further. Married couples will cherish joyful moments. Read more...


Thoughts of making your home look more beautiful will strike your mind. You will surpass others with your talent. Read more...


You will enjoy with your family. Luck will support and profits will approach you from every sphere of life. Read more...

Event Of The Day!

Click here for today’s Stock Market Predictions: Sensex - Nifty Predictions

Panchak will end today. Click here to know the actual meaning and significance of Panchak: Panchak 2015

Today is the auspicious day of Shukra Pradosham. This day is considered highly sacred to please Lord Shiva. Click here to know all about Pradosham: Pradosham 2015

On May 16, devotees of Shiva will celebrate Masik Shivratri.

Have a nice day!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekly Horoscope (May 11 - May 17, 2015)

Weekly horoscope from May 11 to May 17, 2015 has come to tell you about the auspiciousness of the upcoming week. Do you want to know what's hidden inside this week for you? Take a look on the exclusive weekly and love weekly horoscopes and know more.

Weekly horoscope will tell you about your love and general life predictions for the upcoming week.

(May 11 - May 17) Week At A Glance


Weekly horoscopes are based on your moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें


Good time is ready to knock on your door. Auspiciousness is coming your way from every possible path. You will get success and appreciation at workplace, seniors may also think of recommending your name for promotion. You will feel highly energetic and courageous. This is a good time for taking big financial or business related decisions. You may spend for any spiritual or religious task. Your fame will also increase in society. Overall, time is in your favor, make the most of it.

Love Predictions

This week is very appropriate for your love relationship. But, keep in mind that no one is smaller or bigger in love, both the partners are equal. Beginning of the week is favorable, but you have to try to take some time out for love along with work. Mid of the week may remain a bit weak, but weekend is looking great.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Take care not to waste your energy in the wrong direction.

Read the predictions of whole month of May, by clicking here: Aries May Horoscope


Your eloquence will remain great. You will be able to impress others with your speech and presence of mind. Students will perform great in studies. This is a good time for giving job interviews, because your intellect will support you a lot. Luck will also support, but getting in dispute with someone might become a reason of problems for you. Everything will remain smooth at domestic front, your father and life-partner will support you.

Love Predictions

This week you may remain a bit unpredictable about love. Time is also very appropriate for outings and enjoyment. Go for a trip together if possible, in the beginning of the week. You may not be able to give ample time to love in the mid of the week, because of prior work commitments. But, whatever time you get, you will enjoy it to the maximum. You are advised to act with patience and dignity in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worshiping Lord Hanuman will help in increasing luck.

Read the predictions of whole month of May, by clicking here: Taurus May Horoscope


This week will give mixed results. You are required to apply cautiousness while taking important financial decisions. But, this time is good for planning the future. You may also plan some journeys this time. Those who are related to work in foreign land, media, journalism and fashion will get some special benefits. Competitors of competitive exams are required to work a bit harder for getting success. This time may give a favorable results of any of your old deed.

Love Predictions

This week is indicating that maintaining transparency would be important in love. But, if your partner is staying away from you, a compatibility will remain. Beginning of the week is not much favorable. So, act with dignity in your relationship. Your partner will behave in a nice manner in the mid of the week. Weekend is highly favorable for love, but some tensions are possible.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Increase your efforts to get success.

Read the predictions of whole month of May, by clicking here: Gemini May Horoscope


Cancerians may feel spiritual, you may also want to spend on religious activities. Your communication skills are likely to improve. You will present yourself in an effective manner. People will appreciate your dressing style which will boost your confidence. You may get a good news from close relatives. Distant of foreign journeys are possible, but they may not give the desired result. So, try to delay them a bit, if not very important. You are advised to stay away from company of bad people, otherwise unnecessary problems may occur.

Love Predictions

This week is indicating toward the possibilities of affiliation with a colleague. You may fall for a respectable person. Beginning of the week would be favorable for love. Time is appropriate for considering marriage proposals and for married people. But, you have to stay restrained in the mid of the week. You will be able to create a balance between work and love in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid company of bad people.

Read the predictions of whole month of May, by clicking here: Cancer May Horoscope


Lions will enjoy a great time if they utilize their energy in the right direction. You are required to focus only on your work. Avoid bad company and addictions completely during this time. Also avoid disputes, especially with neighbours, otherwise unnecessary disputes may come your way. Any good news is likely to come from in-laws. Any old friend may help in the time of need. Life-partner will support, but take care of his/her health.

Love Predictions

This week is going to be highly favorable for love. You may fall for your colleague. Minor disputes are possible in the beginning of the week, but later you will feel the depth of true love. Mid of the week is also very auspicious. Appropriate amount of warmth will remain in your relationship. Married couples will get highly favorable results. Take care of each other in the weekend and stay restrained.

Fortune Star: Avoid disputes with neighbours and unknown people.

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Shiva.

Read the predictions of whole month of May, by clicking here: Leo May Horoscope


This week you may have to work hard for accomplishing works. Your increased efforts will give satisfactory results at workplace. This is not a good time to experiment anything new in business or starting any new work. Your loved ones will support and help you. Any auspicious event is possible at home, but be careful from small thefts or losses. Apply cautiousness in every work and avoid unnecessary anger and disputes. Luck is not supporting much, so be careful.

Love Predictions

This week you will get the favorable results in love. You may start liking someone at workplace. In the beginning of the week, you will meet each other with full warmth and communicate your thoughts. You will also enjoy a great time in the mid of the week. You are advised to stay restrained in the weekend, also don’t let the warmth of your love change into disputes.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid doing experiments at workplace.

Read the predictions of whole month of May, by clicking here: Virgo May Horoscope


Your efforts will give the desired results this time. Your children will perform great and become a source of happiness. Life-partner will also support. Drive carefully and avoid drinking and driving. You may feel tired due to workload in office, but avoid taking stress otherwise it may affect your health. Minor headache may trouble you, so take care and rest. Overall luck will support, but time is bit weak for health, so stay cautious.

Love Predictions

The upcoming week is going to be favorable for love. You may get attracted toward someone while travelling. Domestic issues may disturb your mood in the beginning of the week, which might also affect your love life. Although, mid of the week will compensate for love. Weekend is also going to highly favorable for love.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid travelling at night.

Read the predictions of whole month of May, by clicking here: Libra May Horoscope


Ups and downs may come in your personal life. Differences are possible with life-partner. If you are in a relationship and want to confess your love in front of parents, time is not at all appropriate for that. Someone closer may try to cheat on you, so be careful. You may feel attracted towards someone, but this will not last for long. Time is appropriate for work or business related journeys, you will get the desired results from them.

Love Predictions

This week is going to be highly favorable for love. Time will help in proposing your love interest or considering marriage proposals. Go for some entertainment together in the starting of the week, this will help in intensifying your love. It would be great to meet at a friend’s place in the mid of the week. Weekend is going to give you some great results, but avoid arrogance.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Perform charity as per your ability.

Read the predictions of whole month of May, by clicking here: Scorpio May Horoscope


This week you may meet some old friends or talk to them on phone. Hurdles may come in work, but you will resolve them with your intellect. You will be able to impress your seniors at workplace. You will become more conscious about your appearance and dressing style. Some sudden financial gains are possible to you or income is likely to increase. Time is also good for making financial investments.

Love Predictions

This week feelings of arrogance may try to dominate over love. Avoid such feelings and enjoy your love life. Don’t get into any dispute regarding any old or financial matter in the beginning of the week. Enjoy your love life and go for outings in the mid of the week, also focus on love of your neighbourhood. Any of your friend will help in eliminating love related disputes in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worshiping Maa Lakshmi will give some great financial benefits.

Read the predictions of whole month of May, by clicking here: Sagittarius May Horoscope


Change of job location or residence is possible. Either you will get a transfer or change your job. Time is good for attending business meetings or giving job interviews. Promotion or appreciation is possible at workplace. Your income may also increase. Your efforts will produce the desired results and you will feel happy. Make some plans for outings and entertainment, it will help in keeping you refreshed.

Love Predictions

You are required to maintain mutual faithfulness, because this week is indicating that doubting your partner may become a reason for disputes. Beginning of the week is highly favorable. Your emotions will be valued. But, maintain purity in domestic relationship. Middle of the week will intensify your kindness. You would love to roam around your partner’s home. Weekend will give mixed results.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Plan some outings and avoid work pressure.

Read the predictions of whole month of May, by clicking here: Capricorn May Horoscope


Any auspicious event at home may keep you busy throughout the week. But, along with celebrations, take care of your work also. Guests may visit to your place, which will keep you occupied. Any injury or health trouble is possible to your child, so take care of him/her. Minor disputes are possible with life-partner. Mid of the week may remain a bit hectic, but you will get time to relax in the weekend.

Love Predictions

Favoritism will remain in your relationship this week, but avoid being arrogant. Beginning of the week may keep you away due to some reason. But, relations will improve with partner living abroad. Your relation will be full of emotions in the middle of the week. But, difference of opinion is also possible regarding a financial matter. Weekend is going to be highly favorable.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Wear more of white colored and clean clothes.

Read the predictions of whole month of May, by clicking here: Aquarius May Horoscope


The week will start with a bang, but its energy will decrease as the time will pass. You will feel energised in the beginning of the week. Mid of the week may bring some stress, but you will get a chance to relax in the weekend. You may feel financially week, but this situation will not last for long. Ups and downs will come for those who are in love with someone. You may also feel attracted toward someone from opposite sex.

Love Predictions

Beginning of the week will fill a new energy in your love life. A kind of freshness will come in your relationship. Both of you will meet with full warmth. Mid of the week may keep you apart due to some reason. Weekend will make you emotional, but avoid speaking anything harsh by being emotional.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid speaking harsh or unpleasant.

Read the predictions of whole month of May, by clicking here: Pisces May Horoscope

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra.

Event Of The Day!

Click here to read today’s stock-market predictions: Sensex-nifty predictions
Panchak is beginning today. It is a duration of five inauspicious days in which anything auspicious should be prohibited.

Today is Sheetala Ashtami Vrat. It is believed that worshiping Sheetla Mata on this auspicious day prevent outbreak of deadly diseases.

Today is Kalashtami or Kaal Bhairav Jayanti. It is one of the best days to worship Lord Kaal Bhairav to ward off all the hardships and miseries.

Achala Ekadashi will be celebrated on Thursday , i.e. on May 14, 2015. It is also called Apara Ekadashi. The observance of this day helps in eliminating all Karmic sins.

Bhadrakali Ekadashi will also be observed on May 14, 2015. This Ekadashi is dedicated to Maa Kali and it is a mainly observed in Punjab, Jammu Kashmir and Haryana.

Jalkrida Ekadashi, a major festival of Orissa will be celebrated on May 14, 2015. This Ekadashi is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Lord Jagannath.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Mars Transit Into Taurus - Your Future Is Here

Mars has transited into Taurus on May 4, 2015. After residing here till June 16, 2015, it will transit to Gemini on the very same day. Taurus is an earthy element plus a fixed sign. Discover your future possibilities during this transit period through this horoscope.

Mars transit in Taurus will affect your life directly or indirectly.


Refrain from conflicts and have good connections with your family members. Stay alert from opponents. Read more

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Unnecessary trips, expenses and ill health of spouse are possible. Working dedicatedly will bring rewarding results. Read more


Your expenses might increase. Success will surely knock your door, if you put your best foot forward. Read more


Quite a good time when profits will keep on approaching you. Get ready to rule over your enemies. Read more


Keep your temper in control and things will go great at workfront. Don’t stress your back, as backache is very much possible. Read more


Stay conscious regarding your image. Luck might not prove that supportive. Journeys might not prove fruitful. Read more


Any kind of fine or penalty might charge you. Any valuable you have been searching for long might come back to you. Read more


You will turn into an argumentative human being. However, your influential nature and superb ideas will let you shine on work front. Read more


This is going to be an average phase for you. Keeping a check on health will keep you away from health issues. Read more


Profits from property will raise your bank balance. Personal life will blossom. Overall, a prosperous phase. Read more


You will share great bonds with powerful officials. Profits will reach you through multiple ways. Undoubtedly a great phase. Read more


Fruitful journeys will bring great results. Luck will stand by you in every situation. Beneficial agreements are possible. Read more

Monday, May 4, 2015

Know 5 Precepts For A Happy Life On Buddha Purnima

Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and Nirvana - all these 3 big events coincided on the same day i.e. Purnima. This has never happened with any other saint or scholar. Adopting the path of non-violence and peace, Buddha encouraged everybody to live with love and harmony. On this sacred day of Buddha Purnima, let us throw a light on those teachings of Buddha... 

Discover the 5 tips to get success on Buddha Purnima

Lord Buddha was born on the Purnima (Full Moon) of Shukla Paksha of Vaishakh month. This was the day when he gained knowledge and wisdom under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya. Another important thing about this day is that it was this day only when Lord Buddha left his body to attain Nirvana (salvation). For this reason, this day is celebrated as Buddha Purnima

Buddha’s 5 Principles Of Achieving Success

Bad habits always pull us apart from our goals and take us on the wrong path. Lord Buddha in his preachings has always taught us to stay away from negative things. His 5 precepts are:

  1. पाणातिपाता वेरमाणी सिक्खापदं समादियामि। (Don’t kill animals)
  2. आदिन्नादाना वेरमाणी सिक्खापदं समादियामि। (Don’t take what is not given to you)
  3. कामेसु मिच्छाचारा वेरमाणी सिक्खापदं समादियामि। (Sensual misconduct must be avoided)
  4. मुसावदा वेरमाणी सिक्खापदं समादियामि। (Don’t lie) 
  5. सुरा मेरिय मज्जपमादट्ठाना वेरमाणी सिक्खापदं समादियामि। (Refrain from alcohol or any other addiction)

In Hinduism, is is strongly believed that Buddha is the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Due to this reason, this day is considered sacred for Hindus. According to Buddhism, this day should be spent in the devotion of Lord Buddha. Other than this, Buddhist scriptures are also recited on Buddha Purnima. Followers of Buddhism decorate their homes on this day and light Diyas (earthen lamps) in the entire home. 

Legendary Events Associated With Buddha Purnima

The day is also known as Vaishakh Purnima. Charity, donations and other religious activities are performed on this day. Donating fruits, Sattu (powdered mixture of roasted pulses and cereals, especially grams), clothes and pacifying souls of forefathers on this day brings eternal good fortune.

‘Satya Vinayaka Purnima’ is also celebrated on this day. When Sudama, Lord Krishna’s childhood friend, visited Dwarka to meet the Lord, seeing Sudama’s poor condition, Krishna advised him to observe Satya Vinayaka Vrat. With the meritorious impact of this Vrat (fast), Sudama got relief from his poverty and miseries. He became wealthy, contented, and happy. 

Meritorious Deeds Done On Buddha/Vaishakh Purnima & Their Rewards

  1. Offering sweet Til (sesame seeds) to five or seven Brahmins eliminates all the sins. 
  2. Eating food only once on this day and conducting Satya Narayana Vrat bestows with bliss and wealth.

Lord Buddha spent his entire life following path of truth, non-violence, and humanity. He encouraged everyone to live a peaceful life. Let us all follow the teachings of Lord Buddha in our life and make it successful and blissful.

Wish you all a very Happy Buddha Purnima !

Event Of The Day!

Click here for today’s Stock Market Predictions: Sensex-Nifty Predictions

Have a nice day!