Chandra, the Lord of Planets, Lord of Rajanipati (lord of night), the God of fertility, rides his chariot all over the sky every night. The day Monday, is dedicated to Chandra and observing fast on this day is considered very fruitful and helps in overcoming the malefic effects caused by it.
Monday is the day of the Moon. Worshiping Moon or Chandra is said to be very effective. Moon is Karaka of many things. He is an indicator of females, well-being, happiness, memory, mind, beauty, femininity and eyesight. Moon when bright, is considered benefic whereas; when dark, is considered malefic. It is known as rabbit or hare in Vedic stories because it jumps from one planet to another planet very rapidly. Moon rules over the sign Cancer, is exalted in sign Taurus and falls in the opposite sign of Scorpio.
Mantra for the Moon
ओम श्रीं क्रीं चं चन्द्राय नमः
Aum Shri Krin Chn Chandray namah:
Appearance of Chandra Devta
Chandra is young, fair and beautiful. He has two arms which hold a mace and lotus respectively. His chariot is pulled by ten white horses. Chandra is the father of the Planet Mercury (Budha) and is married to 27 Nakshatras (Constellations). It is also called as Kshuparaka (who illuminates the night) and Indu (bright drop).
Sadhana Of The Moon
Moon controls the five gross and five subtle senses that run human life. All our senses are controlled by the mind and the mind is ruled by the moon. If it is Monday on Shivratri or when it is positioned in Taurus than, Moon is considered to be the most beneficial. Undergoing Sadhana on this day is very favorable. On the night of full moon (Sharad month), people place kheer (sweet) in the Moonlight and take it as Prasada the next morning. It is believed to cure Asthma also.
Advantages Of Sadhana Of The Moon
- Improves the eyesight and imparts a glow on the face.
- As Moon rules the mind, its sadhana is great for those engaged in research and involve in a lot of planning and thoughts.
- It rules the motherly feeling in the women and rules beauty and attraction too.
- Worshipping Moon helps in reducing the malefic effects of the planets like Sun and Mars.
- Power of the Moon helps to get success in politics, law and social work.
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When Moon is Strong in Horoscope
If, Moon is exalted, conjoined or aspected by benefic planets then, it bestows the native with, popularity, maturity, beauty, wealth, creativity, good health and sensitivity.
When Moon is Weak in Horoscope
If, Moon is debilitated, aspected or conjoined by malefic and enemy planets, native results in sickness, bad luck, mood fluctuations, disturbance, timidity and trouble in mother.
Gemstone for Moon
To reduce the ill-effects of Moon or to enhance its impacts, wearing ‘Pearl’ is recommended. It should be worn as a ring (ring finger of right hand) or locket, but the metal used should be silver only. The day for wearing it is Monday. Purification (Shuddhikaran) of pearl is done with milk, curd, pure ghee, honey and Gangajal while chanting the Chandra mantra.
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Daana for Moon
- The best way to please Moon is, by doing good to others.
- One can donate Daana according to their affordability; however, donating white colored things such as sugar, white clothes, rice or white sweet is considered good.
- Donating silver and pearl is also believed to be very effective.
Chandra Remedies
- Moon gets pleased when a white candle enclosed in beautiful attire of pearls and white flowers is lightened at dawn on Mondays.
- Throwing something silver in flowing water is also believed to be a remedy for Moon.
- Keeping the milk in a container or vessel besides the bed the whole night and offering it to a Moon like plant the next morning, relates directly to the divine beauty.
- Adoption of two faced Rudraksha is also one of the ways to perceive the Moon.