Friday, March 29, 2019

Ambani Brothers, Astrology & Their Secret of Success & Failure

Separation of Ambani brothers led to expansion of Mukesh Ambani’s empire while Anil Ambani faced a downfall! Know the reason.

The richest family of our nation which manages to grab headlines everyday is Ambani family. Both Mukesh and Anil’s names are associated with that of Dhirubhai Ambani. Both of these brothers are counted amongst the richest people of India. Mukesh Ambani is the elder brother while Anil Ambani is the younger one. According to a report published by Forbes, Mukesh Ambani occupies the 13th position in the list of all the richest people in the world. On the contrary, Anil Ambani occupies the 1349th position in the same list. If the assets of both Ambani brothers are combined, very soon they will win the race to become the richest family in this world. Today, we will conduct an analysis of the respective Kundalis of Ambani brothers and try to know what are the specialities and defects present in them.

Why Is There A Difference Between Mukesh and Anil Ambani? 

If we take a quick glance at the list of world’s richest people, Mukesh Ambani’s name has already been inscribed along with the world’s top entrepreneurs. But coming back to his brother, Anil Ambani can not even make it to the list of India’s top ten richest people. After division of assets in the year of 2004, both of these brothers parted ways and tried their luck in business without each other’s support. Both got access to equal share of property, but in the current time, Mukesh Ambani is a far richer and successful man than Anil Ambani. This contrast can mostly be because of their thinking and working pattern, but there seems to be a major difference in their planetary positions. Let us unravel interesting facts about the respective kundalis of Ambani brothers.

Mukesh Ambani’s Birth Chart

Birth Details
  • Birth Date: 19 April 1957
  • Birth Time: 19:53:00
  • Birth Place: Aden, Yemen
  • Birth Ascendent: Scorpio
  • Birth Sign(moon) : Sagittarius
  • Birth Nakshatra: Mul
See Here: Mukesh Ambani Horoscope Details

Birth Chart

Navamsha Chart

The birth date of Mukesh Ambani is 19th April, 1957 at 7:53 pm in the evening, in Aden, Yemen, according to which, he comes under the Scorpio sign. His moon sign is Sagittarius. The ruling lord of this sign is Jupiter, who is responsible for making a human being sensible and intelligent. Sagittarius natives are also considered to great advisors and this trait is seen in Mukesh Ambani also. Leadership qualities are also easily acquired by the natives of Sagittarius which is quite apparent in Mukesh Ambani’s character. Mukesh Ambani is born under the Scorpio ascendent. One special thing about Scorpio ascendent is that they can judge an occasion accurately and work according to the circumstances, which is also applicable in the case of Mukesh Ambani. He has taken the right decisions according to the needs of the market and people. Ascendent ruler Mars is placed in the seventh house and fully aspecting the lagna house, which is why Mukesh Ambani’s lagna house is in an exalted state. The exalted lagna house also provides strength to the personality of the natives. 

Astrological Analysis of Mukesh Ambani’s Kundali

Because a Scorpio native, Mukesh Ambani never loses focus and tackles every possibility which stands in his way of success. In the Kalpurush Kundali, Scorpio rules the eighth house, which helps him to concentrate on his work without paying heed to any obligation. There is a saying that do your duty and let your success make all the noise, which is perfectly applicable on Mukesh Ambani. The launch of Reliance Jio turned out to be his landmark victory, because of which he is earning profits in crores in the current time. Moon is present in the second house of his kundali which is why he will speak in a gentle and sensible manner. This house is also ruled by Sagittarius, which is under the dominance of Jupiter. Pleasant rhetorical skills will also help him to bag huge profits in his business. Being a Sagittarius, Mukesh Ambani performs a particular task with all his mind and heart. People like him leave no stone unturned in completing their desired tasks. 

Being the lord of one’s zodiac sign, Jupiter provides inspiration to make the most of the opportunities available in one’s life. It makes us believe in a power greater than self. In Mukesh Ambani’s kundali, Jupiter, who rules the second and fifth house (house of wealth and money) is placed in tenth house and aspecting second house, and ninth lord Moon creates financial prosperity. Also, Jupiter is aspecting the tenth lord Sun, which results in favourable outcomes in government sector. Also, with the blessings of Jupiter on Mercury, lord of the eleventh house, brings economic prosperity and wealth.

Anil Ambani Birth Chart

Birth Details: 
  • Birth Day: 04 June 1959
  • Birth Time: 22:30:00
  • Birth Place: Mumbai
  • Birth Ascendent: Capricorn
  • Birth Sign (Moon): Taurus
  • Birth Nakshatra: Kritika
See Here: Anil Ambani Horoscope Details

Birth Chart

Navamsha Chart

The birth date of Anil Ambani is 4th June, 1959 at 10:30 pm in Mumbai. Considering his birth details, his kundali belongs to Capricorn ascendent and his Moon sign is Taurus. Venus is the ruling lord of this zodiac sign which provides materialistic and artistic aspects to the personality of the natives. However, lethargy is also one of the character traits of Taurus natives. 

Astrological Analysis of Anil Ambani’s Kundali

Anil Ambani’s Kundali belongs to Capricorn ascendent, whose ruling Lord is Saturn. Saturn is also considered the lord of your actions and Karma. Capricorn ascendent prefers to look after their interests first before taking care of others. They also receive the favour of luck quite late in their lives. Mars and Jupiter are the respective planets which do not produce fruitful results for these natives and when these planets undergo Mahadasha and Antardasha, the natives go through a tough time. People born in these lagna have a steep inclination towards spirituality, which is why they fail on the familial front even after achieving milestones in the respective fields. Considering these facts, it would not be wrong to say that stars of Anil Ambani are not aligned enough to provide him prosperity in his business. If he takes part in the journey of spirituality, he will have better chances to be successful. 

This Special Yoga Will Bring Economic Prosperity To Mukesh Ambani’s Life

Mercury, lord of the eighth house and Venus, the ruling lord of twelfth house, is placed together in the sixth house of Mukesh Ambani’s Kundali. This planetary position is giving birth to an Vipreet Raj Yoga, which helps a person to cut through all the difficulties standing in his/her path and climb the ladder of success. The ruler of tenth house is in an exalted position in the sixth house, which helps him to rise above his market competitors and lord of the eighth house, Mercury helps him to plot secret schemes and take care of his rivals. The presence of Mars in the sixth house of his zodiac sign always keeps Mukesh Ambani a step ahead of his competitors. 

In the present time, Mukesh Ambani is going through Rahu’s Mahadasha and Mars’ Antardasha, which will remain static until August 2019. After this period, he will undergo the dasha of Jupiter. The growth factor of a person’s life is determined by the planet Jupiter, and it is quite important in Mukesh Ambani’s kundali. It can be expected that in the upcoming time, he will gain more financial and social prosperity and touch new heights of success. 

Saturn Behind The Success Of Jio?

The year 2007 was a golden year for Mukesh Ambani as Jio was established in this year only. During this period, Saturn’s Antardasha was going on during Rahu’s Mahadasha. Saturn, the lord of third house, is placed in the first house and aspecting the tenth house signifies service industry. Considering the above given reasons, the unexpected but huge success of Jio can be retrospected. 

Saturn’s Mahadasha Will Create Further Problems For Anil Ambani!

On a different note, if we place our eyes on Anil Ambani’s Kundali, it can be seen that the ascendent lord Saturn is placed in the twelfth house and debilitated Mars is aspecting the lagna house, hence making it weak. He will face difficulties in successfully implementing his schemes. Although Venus, ruling lord of the tenth house, is posited in the seventh house, but its placement with the debilitated Mars in the ruling sign of Moon, which is inimical, has caused it to become weaker. Saturn is also posited in the eighth house of Moon and currently Moon is experiencing Saturn’s transit, which is why malignant Saturn is going through Dhaiya. This period will give birth to mental tensions and economic crisis. Currently, he is witnessing retrograde Saturn’s Mahadasha which also includes Mercury’s Mahadasha and will go on till May 2020. It can be said that a year’s time from now onwards will not be favorable for Anil Ambani. Other than that, Rahu will also transit in the seventh house and go through Mars and Venus, which can also cause adverse effects. In the year 2002, RCOM was established under the supervision of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group and during this time only, Saturn’s Antardasha was taking place in retrograde Jupiter’s Mahadasha and Ketu’s Antardasha was also taking place. Considering all of these planetary positions, the consequences were bound to take place. 


After the division of properties, Anil and Mukesh Ambani got access to the same amount of assets and resources. But it wouldn’t be wrong to say that Anil Ambani’s true colours did not shine because of the position of planets and stars in his kundali. Whereas the stars and planets of Mukesh Ambani’s Kundali worked in his favour. The respective kundalis of the Ambani brothers state that the upcoming year will be quite positive for Mukesh Ambani but numerous challenges are waiting for Anil Ambani. 

We hope that you will appreciate this article of ours. We wish the best of luck for your future.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Jupiter Transit in Sagittarius Will Change Your Outlook!

Jupiter transit will transform the lives of natives, luck will favour! Know the effects on your zodiac sign.

Jupiter, the Lord of Gods, is considered the most auspicious planet according to Vedic Astrology. It grants knowledge along with offspring and financial resources. It provides one with the inspiration to develop an inclination towards religious matters. It represents the air element and is the ruling lord of zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces. The planet Jupiter gets exalted at 5 degrees in Cancer and debilitated at 5 degree in Capricorn. Sagittarius is its Mooltrikona sign.

Influence of Jupiter in the Kundli

If Jupiter is in an exalted position in a person’s kundali, then the person can become an advisor to any minister and there will be no dearth of money, progeny and radiance in that respective person’s life. Jupiter also keeps a tab on the fat stored in our body and rules the stomach. If the position of Jupiter is weak or debilitated, then the native might fall prey to obesity and experience difficulties in getting married. Apart from that, its malefic aspect can cause Cancer, Diabetes and Liver related diseases. For female natives, Jupiter is considered the determiner of marriage. It is the lord of Northeastern direction and has Mars and Moon as its friendly planets. Mercury and Venus are its rival planets and Saturn is neutral with Jupiter. It is recommended to wear Yellow Sapphire and Guru Yantra to strengthen Jupiter and garner benefic results.

Transit Period 

On 28th March 2019, Jupiter will transit from the zodiac sign Scorpio and enter in Sagittarius at 19:42 in the evening. It will start moving in a retrograde motion from 10th April and in the same position, will go back to Scorpio on 24th April 2019, at 2:41 in the morning. Being in Scorpio, Jupiter will become direct on 11th August 2019 and make its way back in Sagittarius once again on 5th November, 2019, Tuesday around 00:03.

Between 17th December 2019 to 11th January 2020, this planet will combust. Thus, Jupiter will remain turbulent throughout this year, whose repercussions will be felt by the natives too.

Remedies for good health, happiness and success: Guru Puja, Guru Mantra and Remedies

Jupiter’s Movement & Its Effects on the Country

It is necessary to know that as Jupiter is making a transit in Sagittarius, Saturn, the significator of Karma, is also getting placed in this zodiac sign between April till 17 September. In such a way, the union of Saturn and Jupiter in Sagittarius seems inauspicious, therefore:

  • With the effect of Jupiter Transit, there may be a lack of things to eat or consume at many places in the country (India).
  • Along with this, the value of essential commodities is also expected to increase rapidly.
  • During this time, there can be an atmosphere of unrest amongst the crowd, which can lead to higher anger levels.
  • Violent incidents can also happen during this period.
  • Apart from this, there are chances of major political transformation in may states.

Effects of Transit on IPL and Lok Sabha Elections

According to expert astrologers, two major events will also occur during the Jupiter transit in the country. The first is IPL Season 12 and the second are Lok Sabha elections. It is imperative that this planetary event will affect both these events. IPL 2019 is primarily associated with sports, entertainment, and economy. At the same time, Jupiter is the factor of growth and wealth. That is why in the Lok Sabha elections, candidates can use the power of money to win elections in their respective constituencies. Many candidates may be seen violating the code of conduct during this phase.

Now let us know what’s special for your sign during this Jupiter transit:

Know your Moon sign here: Moon Sign Calculator


Guru or Jupiter planet governs your ninth and tenth house and will easily transit into the ninth house. This activity will leadingly affect your professional life, making you a successful person. During this time...Read More


For Taureans, Jupiter rules the eighth and eleventh house, and will transit in the eighth house. According to predictions for Jupiter transit, you might encounter some severe effects of this transit resulting in health...Read More


For Geminis, Jupiter rules their seventh and tenth house, and will transit in the seventh house accordingly. As per Vedic astrology, Jupiter transiting in this section can prove to be highly beneficial. As a result, you will spend some...Read More


The lord of justice Jupiter is the king of the sixth and ninth house for Cancerians and will transit in the sixth house itself. Vedic astrology denotes Jupiter in the sixth house a unlucky movement, as the house...Read More


Jupiter planet rules your fifth and eighth house significantly and will accordingly transit in the fifth house. Jupiter sitting in your fifth house indicates prosperity. During this time period, you will expand your contacts, who will benefit you...Read More


The lord of spirituality Jupiter widely rules your fourth and seventh house, and will make a transit in the fourth house itself. Although Jupiter positioning in the fourth house isn’t indicating a good sign and concludes several...Read More


Dominating your third and sixth house, Jupiter will make a transit in your third house respectively. As per Jupiter transit 2019, Guru planet resting in your third house might not prove to be beneficial. You might...Read More


Ruling the second and fifth house, Jupiter will transit in your second house respectively. As second house denotes wealth, transit of Jupiter into this house will bring lots of luck and power. You will come across...Read More


Jupiter or the God of Wisdom rules your zodiac sign as well as your fourth house, and will transit in the first house. As a result, this period will highly favour your academic, married and love life. Luck will be...Read More


Guru or Jupiter is the monarch of your twelfth and third house, and will make a transit in the twelfth house. This time period will offer you mixed results. There are chances of you travelling on a long journey, be it personal or professional....Read More


Being the ruler of the eleventh and second house, Jupiter will transit in your eleventh house itself. Its positioning in the eleventh house signifies high profit and great health. You will witness major improvement...Read More


Brihaspati or Jupiter planet is the ultimate king of tenth house and transits in the tenth house itself. Transit of Jupiter in this house is a good sign. You might change your house during this period...Read More

For Gemstones, Yantras and Other Astrological Solutions, visit: AstroSage Online Store

Monday, March 25, 2019

IPL 2019 Match Predictions Are OUT, Check Now!

Get notified for IPL 2019 Match Predictions now! Grab IPL match results via astrological predictions. 

If you want to get notifications for cricket and IPL related predictions on your mobile phone, please visit: Subscribe Cricket Predictions
The tempest of IPL 2019 has already taken over the entire nation. In this twelfth season, the cricket fever is quite high among the fans and spectators. The visuals of wickets going down and sixes and fours being hit are causing quite a stir among the spectators. Various national and international players will try to give their best in this tournament. The tournament’s popularity can be judged on the simple fact that Star India has bought the publicity rights of IPL for a sum of 16,347.5 crores which continues for a duration of five years.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

AstroSage’s Special Coverage of IPL 2019

Our website has provided special prediction of each and every upcoming match along with providing astrological insights on various important aspects of the tournament. From the past few years, we have been providing astrological predictions about every IPL match, which has also helped us in earning appreciation and warmth of the readers.This year will not be any different, as we are back with all the necessary astrological information.

The most special thing about this year’s prediction is that along with textual predictions, we are also providing predictions in video formats. To watch our videos, you can visit and subscribe our youtube channel, AstroSage YouTube Channel. Other than that, if you want to receive notifications on your phone associated with IPL and cricket, click and subscribe the link mentioned below:

We would like to add that the IPL Team names, logos, IPL Marks and texts used are the sole property of IPL. These cricket information and predictions are provided for astrological, academic and research purposes only and doesn't support any kind of illegal or immoral activities such as betting. Kindly do not carry out such activities and stay true to law.

We hope that you will appreciate this announcement blog of ours on Indian Premier League 2019. If you have any comment or question related to IPL match predictions, kindly note down your remark on the comment box below.

Weekly Horoscope 25th to 31st March, 2019

Jupiter’s transit in its own sign Sagittarius will bring crucial changes in the lives of natives. Read about its respective effect on all the zodiac signs in our weekly horoscope. 

Read our weekly horoscope predictions and find out what does the last week of March, 2019 has in store for you. Find out how the ship of your love life will sail this week. You can also learn important facts about your career, family and health and find solutions to all the problems associated with them. We will provide remedies according to your zodiac sign which will definitely bring positive changes in your life.

Hindu Panchang and Astrological facts of this Week

The last week of March 2019 will begin with the Panchami tithi of the month of Chaitra during Krishna Paksha. Along with this, March will also end on the Ekadashi of Chaitra month during Krishna Paksha. During this week, Moon will transit from Libra and enter the zodiac signs Sagittarius, Scorpio and Capricorn. Because of the Moon’s transit in these respective signs, Nakshatras like Vishaka, Anuradha, Jyestha, Mool, Purvashada, Uttarashada, Shravan and Dhanistha will also get affected. 

Gain Fruitful Results from Jupiter

Along with Moon’s transit in three zodiac signs there is another major transit which will take place this week. Jupiter will transit from Scorpio to its own zodiac sign Sagittarius. According to astrology, one earns prosperity when Jupiter’s position is strong in his/her kundali. However, one gets obese because of Jupiter’s malefic influence, which can be controlled by installing Guru Yantra. Natives can wear Pukhraj gemstone and Panch Mukhi Rudraksha in order to please Lord Jupiter. During this period only, retrograde Mercury will start moving in a straight motion and its effect will be seen in all the respective zodiac signs. 

Crucial Week for Indian Politics

Considering the upcoming Lok sabha elections, this week will remain quite crucial politically. Most of the prominent political parties are busy preparing strategies to gain victory. BJP has disclosed one such strategy recently under which the candidature of eleven sitting MPs stands cancelled and opportunities will be given to new candidates to serve the country. BJP has also refused to entertain the candidature of any family members of the respective MPs whose candidatures were dropped. Because of this decision, the fate of ex-CM Raman Singh’s son is also at stake. He is currently serving as an MP and sources have confirmed that his candidature will be dropped. No matter what the political decisions are, but Jupiter’s transit in its own zodiac sign will definitely will alter many established political equations. 

Bollywood Special 

South Indian superstar Prakash Raj, who has created quite a stir in Bollywood with his acting, will be celebrating his birthday on 26th March, 2019. On 28th March 2019, super talented Vinod Khanna’s son Akshaye Khanna will be celebrating his birthday. Fans will celebrate the birthdays of these particular stars will great excitement and honour. 

Let us have a look at your weekly horoscope according to your zodiac sign. 

Know your Moon sign here: Moon sign calculator


This week, Moon will transit in your eighth, ninth and tenth house of your zodiac sign. With this transit, you will witness a sudden inclination towards spirituality. You will participate in religious activities and spend money for the same. Keep a check on your financial resources.....Read More

Love Predictions: For love matters, this week will be quite favourable. Due to Venus and Mercury aspecting your fifth house, love and romance will bloom between you two. Also, the communication between you....Read More


Moon will transit in the seventh, eighth and ninth house of your zodiac sign this week, which will bring success in your professional life. If you are eagerly expecting a promotion, then this week will definitely bring good news for you. If you are a businessman...Read More

Love Predictions: This week will be moderate for love related matters but your attraction towards another person within your workspace may create adverse circumstances in your love life. It is extremely important….Read More


This week Moon will transit in the sixth, seventh and eighth house of the Gemini natives, due to which you are likely to experience challenges in your life. Rahu’s presence in the Lagna house will take you on cloud nine and make it difficult for you to understand the core of your responsibilities..…Read More

Love Predictions: This week is likely to remain favorable for love related matters. Your love and affection will grow and you will get multiple opportunities to travel and spend time together. You may also go out to please.....Read More

Get Free Kundli through Online Software


This week, Moon will transit in your fifth, sixth and seventh house. You will remain preoccupied with various tensions and your expenses will also increase. You should look after your health as mental disturbances can also affect you big time. You may also experience gut-related health issues..….Read More

Love Predictions: For love related matters, this week will start on a good note but as the week progresses your love life might experience a bit of turbulence. You will remain preoccupied with certain tensions.....Read More


This week, Moon will get placed in your fourth, fifth and sixth house, which will bring forward happiness and peace in your life. You will spend quality time with your family. Problems related to the family which have been haunting you for quite a long time will come to an end.....Read More

Love Predictions: For love related matters, there will be ups and downs this week. The combination of Saturn and Ketu present in your fifth house is creating hurdles in your relationship. You should remain patient and calm...Read More


Moon will transit in your third, fourth and fifth house this week, because of which there will be prospects for short distance journeys which you will enjoy thoroughly. You will receive full cooperation from your siblings and they will touch milestones in their respective fields......Read More

Love Predictions: This week will be average for love related matters. You will connect more with your friends, which will not be quite acceptable for your partner. You may also grow a soft corner for a certain friend of yours.....Read More


This week, Moon will transit in your second, third and fourth house. An auspicious function might be solemnized at your house. You may also receive the good news of someone’s marriage as well as the birth of a new baby in the family. During midweek, you may also get an opportunity....Read More

Love Predictions: This week will be quite favorable for love related matters. You will be able to navigate the turbulence perturbing in your relationship due to the direct motion of Mercury. You will witness sparks of joy in your love life...Read More


This week, Moon will transit in your first, second and third house. You will remain mentally stable, but the influence of Shani Sade Sati will cause stress at regular intervals. Since Scorpio is your ruling sign, Mars will provide you strength and courage, and you'll be prepared.....Read More

Love Predictions: The natives of Scorpio should remain cautious with regard to love related matters. Jupiter’s influence on your fifth house will create balance in your love life, but Sun’s presence will set differences....Read More


This week Moon will transit in your twelfth, first and second house, which indicates that your weekly expenditure will increase to a great extent and you may also experience health-related issues. Dedicate most of your time in taking care of your health, as health is the most primary...Read More

Love Predictions: You will witness bitter-sweet moments if you are in a relationship with someone. This week will start on an indolent note for love related matters, as you will remain preoccupied with other aspects….Read More


Moon will transit in your eleventh, twelfth and first house this week. During this period, a very important wish of yours might get fulfilled, after which your happiness will not know any bounds. However, at the same time, your income will increase. You may also receive guidance...Read More

Love Predictions: Because of Mars’ presence in the fifth house, your love life may remain dull. However, Jupiter’s influence until 28th March 2019 will bring joy to your relationship. Time is a great factor which gravely influences your....Read More


This week Moon will transit in your tenth, eleventh and twelfth house. You will shine at your workplace as soon as the Moon gets posited in your tenth house. Your achievements will flourish as quickly as it moves into your eleventh house. However, Saturn and.....Read More

Love Predictions: This week will remain moderate for love related matters. Venus and Mercury’s combined effect on your zodiac sign will keep you contented and influence you to love your partner with all heart.…..Read More


This week Moon will transit in your ninth, tenth and eleventh house. This transit will create prospects for you to travel to a faraway place. You may also get an opportunity to go on a pilgrimage with your family members which will help you observe peace and serenity. During midweek...Read More

Love Predictions: The current planetary positions are indicating the prospects of going around random places with your partner. It may also be possible that you may either go on a long drive or visit a nice place to spend quality time.….Read More

For Gemstones, Yantras and Other Astrological Solutions, visit: AstroSage Online Store

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Mars Transit in Taurus Brings Unexpected Changes in Life!

Mars transit in Taurus lead to the formation of Mangal Dosha in some zodiac signs. Read and check if your sign is affected or not.

Widely known as the Red planet, Mars is the significator of courage, energy and leadership and tells about one’s younger brothers and sisters. It is said to be the ruling lord of Aries and Scorpio zodiac signs and Mrigashira, Chitra, and Dhanishta Nakshatra as per Vedic Astrology. It is hot in nature, which is why any native under the influence of Mars tends to become aggressive, strong, dominating and fierce. In Hinduism, this planet is associated with Lord Kartikeya, who is the God of War. It gets exalted in Capricorn and debilitated in Cancer.

When it is posited in a benefic state in one’s kundli, the native enjoys power and is hailed as the leader. S/He develops a bold, courageous and energetic personality, which attract the eyes of masses. On the other hand, if it is weak or afflicted, the native can suffer from blood-related problems, muscular pains, disturbed marital life, impatient and short-tempered. Mars placed in first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house of a native gives birth to Mangal Dosha, which can prove to be quite tumultuous. Mars remedies and rituals can be followed to nullify its malefic effects. Also, establish Mangal Yantra within your surroundings and worship it daily to curb the ill-effects of Mars. Vedic Astrology also suggests wearing a ring made of Coral gemstone to strengthen the placement of Mars in one’s chart. Anantmool root and Teen Mukhi Rudraksha can also be adorned to attain benefic outcomes.

Transit Timings

On 22nd March 2019 at 15:20:15, Mars has made a transit in Taurus from Aries and will remain in this sign for the next 1.5 months. On 7th May, 2019, it will move from Taurus at 07:02:30 and get posited in Gemini. This transit has influenced the lives of natives of all zodiac signs and offer major changes.

Effects of Manohar Parrikar's Death on BJP & Election 2019

Manohar Parrikar, a leading face of BJP in Goa, passed away on 17th March 2019. He was considered an intelligent and legitimate leader who gave his best to establish a positive perspective for Bharatiya Janata Party in Goa. On March 17th, when he was laid to rest, as per Swarodaya Vigyan, it was a big loss for BJP. Thereafter, on 18th March, BJP announced Pramod Sawant as the succeeding CM of Goa and made him responsible for further improvement and development. 

The impact of Manohar Parrikar’s death for BJP in Elections 2019 is huge, and the loss is even inconsolable for the state. Although BJP has announced a new name for CM and people are looking up to him, but this loss doesn’t seem to cover up the downfall it brings along. Astrologically speaking, BJP may suffer a loss of power. However, it may succeed in gaining some sympathy votes. Overall, stars suggest that the party will make a powerful come back.

To know your Moon sign, click here: Moon Sign Calculator


Mars rules the first house, which represents oneself and eighth house of your horoscope, which tells about a native’s longevity. Second house is the house of finance, family and wealth. With this transit, Mars will transit in the second house of your kundli, which indicates health issues for your...Read More


For Taurus natives, Mars rules your twelfth and seventh house, which depicts expenditures and losses and marriage and partnership respectively. Mars will transit in your Lagna or First house, which represents the native’s personality and nature. This transit hints at the rise of luxuries and comforts...Read More


Mars rules your eleventh house, which tells about income and gains and sixth house, which represents diseases, debts and enemies. It will get posited in your twelfth house with this transit, which represents losses and expenses. The phenomenon of Mars transit indicates a rise in power and position in your...Read More


Mars rules your tenth house, which tells about career and profession, and fifth house, which depicts about a native’s intellect and children. It will move in your eleventh house of income and gains with this transit. As a result, this transit will boost the work prospects...Read More

Wear Hanuman Kavach & Gain Blessings of Mars


As per Vedic Astrology, Mars rules your ninth house, which represents father, luck and religion and and fourth house, which depicts mother and happiness. It will transit in your tenth house of profession and career. Mars transit seems to be favourable for Leo natives, as they will grow more confident...Read More


Mars rules the eighth house (longevity) and third house (siblings, valour, courage) of your sign and will get placed in your ninth house, which tells about luck, religion and father, with this transit. As a result, your marital life may get affected. You may encounter disagreements and multiple arguments...Read More


With this transit, Mars will get placed in the eighth house of your kundli, which depicts longevity. Astrology says that Mars is the ruling lord of your seventh house, which tells about marriage and partnership, and second house, which represents wealth and family. Thi transit will bring many challenges...Read More


Mars will transit and get posited in your seventh house of marriage and partnership. On the other hand, it rules your sixth house, which tells about diseases, enemies and debts and first house or Lagna, which tells about oneself. As a result, marital life of Scorpio natives will get majorly affected....Read More

Do You Have Mangal Dosha in your Kundli? Click to Know


Mars is the ruling lord of your fifth house (children and knowledge) and twelfth house (expenses and losses). With this transit, it will be in the sixth house of your horoscope, which tells about debt, loan, illness and enemies. As a result, you can get into some kind of verbal spat with someone at the office....Read More


Mars rules the fourth house of your birth chart, which represents mother and happiness and eleventh house, which tells about income and gains. With this transit, it will get placed in your fifth house of intelligence and kids. Under its influence, you’ll achieve gains through your...Read More


Mars will enter in the fourth house of your birth chart, which tells about your happiness and mother. For Aquarius natives, it rules the third house, which signifies brothers and sisters and courage, and tenth house, which tells about career and professional life. With the influence of this transit, your expectations...Read More


Mars will be posited in your third house, which represents courage and siblings. On the other hand, it rules your second house of wealth and family and ninth house, which signifies about luck, father and religion. As a result, this transit will instigate some sort of issues with...Read More

For Gemstones, Yantras and other astrological solutions, visit: AstroSage Online Store

Friday, March 22, 2019

Venus Transit in Aquarius, Know the Effects

Venus’ transit will bring economic prosperity for natives, and contribute positively in bringing forward radiance and love. Read how will it affect your horoscope!

According to Vedic Astrology, Venus planet is considered the determining factor of beauty, music, dance and other activities associated with art and culture. It also determines lust, passion and other worldly desires. It is also the ruling lord of zodiac signs Taurus and Libra. It remains in an exalted position in Pisces and in a debilitated position in Virgo. Mercury and Saturn are known to be friendly planets but the Sun and Moon are its grave enemies. A particular planet remains weak in the company of its rival planet. If it conjuncts with a friendly one, it becomes powerful. Venus is also the ruling lord of Nakshatras like Bharni, Purva phalguni and Purvashada. 

If Venus is placed in the second, third, seventh and twelfth house in a native’s Kundali, it attains strength and brings forward favorable results. On the contrary, if it is placed in the eighth and sixth house, then it becomes weak and bears negative results in the lives of the natives. In the other respective houses, it produces ordinary outcomes. With the positive influence of Venus, natives get their worldly desires fulfilled. The native gains fame and popularity as his/her artistic skills get refined and which also helps him/her in attracting the attention of someone from the opposite gender. Venus’ positive influence also enhances intimacy in one’s life. But if Venus is in a debilitated position in one’s Kundali, then it can give birth to repercussions like acne problems, impotency, indigestion, loss of appetite and many other skin problems.

How To Curb The Ill Effects Of Venus?

Astrological remedies not only help in curbing the ill effects of Venus, but also strengthening the positive influence of Venus. The installation of Shukra Yantra by following rituals and offering prayers can make the planet powerful. Along with it, stones like American Diamond are also worn to strengthen the power of Venus. In order to gain favorable results, Chhah Mukhi Rudraksha, Terah Mukhi Rudraksha and Arandmool root can also be worn. 

Time Of Transit

On 22nd March 2019, Friday, Venus will transit in the zodiac sign Aquarius at 3:34 AM in the morning and remain in the same position until 16th April 2019, Tuesday, 00:55 in the morning. This transit will also affect the other zodiac signs respectively. 

Influence on Lok Sabha Elections and IPL 2019

This transit will affect the lives of natives in multiple ways. Currently, the nation is witnessing the storm of upcoming elections and IPL 2019. This transit will definitely influence these upcoming events. According to India’s kundli, its Lagna sign is Taurus and Venus will transit in the tenth house of this particular zodiac sign. In such a situation, Venus’ influence will give strength to the party who is in power currently and political parties or candidates with a feminist agenda will be favored during this period. Coming back to IPL 2019, this season will earn more popularity by the grace of Venus. It can be said because Venus will transit in the Aquarius, which is also the ruling sign of eleventh house as per Kaal Purush Kundali. This period indicates towards a rise in gadgets, entertainment and all sorts of luxuries and comforts. 

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Venus is the lord of your second and seventh house. It will transit in your 11th house. Unexpected sources of income will lead to an increase in your earnings. You will chase the goals of your life with full dedication. Your love life will be ecstatic. Romance and passion will add the spice that’s…..Read More


Venus is the lord of your own sign and your sixth house. It will transit into your 10th house, which tells about your profession and actions. As a result of this transit, your personal life will be harmonious. You will get along well with your family members. There might be some minor…..Read More


Venus rules your twelfth and fifth house. During this transit, it will be posited in your 9th house. Your lucky stars will align themselves to make things work for you. The pending tasks which you were not able to cater from a long time will be completed during the period of this transit.…..Read More


Venus rules your eleventh and fourth house. It will be posited in the 8th house of your kundli, which signifieds sudden changes. Due to this transit, you may develop perverted habits. Do not let perversion take its toll on you. You should keep a check on your expenses.…..Read More

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The planet of beauty, Venus rules your tenth and third house. As it enters into Aquarius, it will be posited in your 7th house. This will kickstart a period during which you will do well in your relationships and partnerships. If you are in love with someone and want to take your love…..Read More


The planet Venus rules your ninth and second house. As it moves in Aquarius, it will be posited in your sixth house. As a result of this transit, you will be required to give your best shot in whatever you do. You should stop relying on your luck and start working hard in order to achieve…..Read More


Your own sign is ruled by Venus. It is the lord of your eighth house as well. Its transit in your fifth house of intelligence, children and past life deeds will fill your life with joy and happiness. You will gain success in any task that you start during this stretch of time. Also, the tasks that you have been…..Read More


Venus rules over your seventh and twelfth house. It will transit in your fourth house, which depicts comforts, luxuries, vehicle, house, mother and the present time. As a result, your family life will be peaceful. The hardships that you have been facing will come to an end during this period…..Read More

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Venus is the lord of your sixth and eleventh house. Being posited in Aquarius, it will be in your third house, which depicts hard work, younger siblings and marketing and communication resources. You will be a hard-worker during the period of this transit. You will rely on your determination…..Read More


The planet Venus governs your fifth and tenth house. As it transits into Aquarius, it will be posited in your second house, which tells about our speech, food and relations with family members. This transit will be the time when your financial conditions will strengthen.…..Read More


Venus rules your fourth and ninth house. As it transits in your own house, it will impact your life in various ways. You will be full of emotions and sentiments. During this phase, you will be attracted to others. You will possess a loving nature as well. Your physical appearance will…..Read More


The planet Venus rules over your third and eighth house. With its transit in your twelfth house, your expenses will skyrocket. You will spend for your comfort. You will be inclined towards spending a lavish life. Due to this, you will fervidly pay for luxuries. Your siblings may go on a foreign journey…..Read More

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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Holi Special: Find Your Lucky Colour As Per Your Zodiac Sign & Make This Holi Special

This Holi, play with colours according to your zodiac sign and resolve your problems!!

The festival of colours, Holi is celebrated all over India with great energy and ardour. It is believed that during this festival, people let go of their differences and heartily embrace each other. The negative aspects of life also get wiped out along with the colours. According to the Hindu Panchang, Holi is celebrated on the Pratipada of Chaitra month during Krishna Paksha. Many times, Holi (Dhulandi or Vasant Utsav) is celebrated on the very first day, if Pratipada stretches for two days. This festival is celebrated to mark the arrival of spring, which brings back all the lively colors to nature. Holi is celebrated to honour this gift of Spring to nature. In the North Indian state of Haryana, Holi is also known as Dhulandi. 

Why Holi is Celebrated?

Sky, earth, water, fire and air are the primary elements essential for the formation of life on Earth and these basic elements are combined through the medium of Yagna. When the Earth was in its emerging stage and lacked a heartbeat, then Lord Vishnu manifested himself in Treta Yuga. During this time only, seven hermits acknowledged the importance of Yagya in their dreams after which they started making preparations for the Yagya. They initiated the Yagya under the supervision of Narad Muni. As the mantras were being chanted, Vishnu Tatva emerged from the Yagya along with the fire flames which eradicated all the negative energies from earth. Fear creped in between these negative entities but they were unable to figure out their source of destruction. After this, Lord Vishnu’s complete avatar was manifested in front of the saints and hermits. This day of Lord Visnu’s manifestation is also known as Phalguna Purnima. It becomes clear that Holi is celebrated in remembrance of the first Yagya ever conducted in the Treta Yuga. There are multiple legends associated with Holi mentioned in Hindu Dharmashastras.

हिन्दी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें...

Holi in Mythology

The existence of various historical places are enough to prove that Holi celebration is not limited to this current decade only. It was celebrated in the ancient Kingdom of Vijayanagar. The revival of an ancient picture offers proofs of Holi celebrations in Kingdom’s capital Hampi during the 16th century. The picture beautifully depicts the importance of the festival for not only royals but also the common subjects. In the same manner, a record more than 300 BC old found in the Vindya mountains also mentions about the festival of colors.

Importance of Holi

Holi is very significant for the Indian society. During this festival, people let go of their social boundations and influence people with their personal virtues and try to incorporate the virtues of other people also. People also try to acknowledge their spiritual and mental powers. Holi is considered the epitome of good over evil. Just like the nature undergoes a change and becomes colourful with Holi’s arrival, in the same way, human beings also try to grow good habits and leave their vices behind during this time. It is a favorable time for people who want to set foot in the realm of spirituality. During this period, prayers should be offered to Agnidev (Lord of Fire) as he determines the positive energy prevalent on earth. 

Let us have a look at the colour which will be auspicious for you according to your zodiac sign:

1. Lucky Colour For The Natives Of Aries

First of all, Aries natives should offer red colour to their main deity (Isht Dev) and then start playing Holi using red colour only. Favorable circumstances will be experienced if the natives keep wearing red clothes after being done with the celebrations. 

2. Lucky Colour For The Natives Of Taurus

The ruling lord of Taurus zodiac sign is Venus. According to astrological calculations, Taurus natives should use pink and other bright colours. Natives should start playing Holi with Pink colour and wear pink coloured clothes only. 

3. Lucky Colour For The Natives Of Gemini

Mercury is the ruling lord of this zodiac sign and its determining element is water. According to astrology, the natives of Gemini should use the color green and wear clothes of this particular colour only. 

4. Lucky Colour For The Natives Of Cancer

Moon is the ruling lord of this zodiac sign and its primary element is water. According to Hindu Astrology, the natives of Cancer should wear white clothes and use the same colour to play Holi.

5. Lucky Colour For The Natives Of Leo

The natives of Leo should use saffron and orange colour to play Holi because Sun is the ruling lord of this zodiac sign and its colour is also saffron. Leo natives should also wear clothes of the same colours only. 

6. Lucky Colour For The Natives Of Virgo

The ruling lord of this planet is Mercury and it is also determined as the earth element. Natives of Virgo should use the colour green to play Holi and wear green coloured clothes. 

7. Lucky Colour For The Natives Of Libra

The ruling lord of this zodiac sign is Venus, an air element. Natives of Libra should wear pink or light white coloured clothes and use the same colours while playing Holi.

8. Lucky Colour For The Natives Of Scorpio

The ruling lord of this zodiac sign is Mars and water is its determining element. Natives of Scorpio should wear red coloured clothes and start playing Holi with the same colour. 

9. Lucky Colour For The Natives Of Sagittarius 

The ruling lord of the Scorpio zodiac sign is Jupiter and has a fire element. The natives of this zodiac sign should wear yellow coloured clothes and start playing Holi by applying a tika of the same colour. 

10. Lucky Colour For The Natives Of Capricorn 

According to Astrology, Capricorn is the zodiac sign of earth element and its ruling lord is Saturn. Natives of this zodiac sign should wear black coloured clothes and begin the celebrations of Holi by applying some black colour on your ruling deity(Isht Dev).

11. Colour For The Natives Of Aquarius

The ruling lord of Aquarius is Saturn and it is determined as the water element. The natives of this zodiac sign should wear clothes of sky blue colour as it will bring forward favourable results. Offering sky blue colour powder to the ruling deity(Isht Dev) will also be good for natives.

12. Lucky Colour For The Natives Of Pisces 

Pisces possesses the water element and the ruling lord of this zodiac sign is Jupiter. Light yellow colour will be quite favorable for the natives of Pisces which is why, they should wear clothes of light yellow colour only and start playing Holi by applying a tika of the same colour. 

We hope to benefit you from this article. We wish the best of wishes for the upcoming celebrations of Holi.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Celebrate Holika Dahan and Curb the Effects of Saturn!!

Perform Holika Dahan ceremony as per auspicious muhurat and eliminate all the doshas!

Holika Dahan is the first and most special day which announces the arrival of the festival of colours, Holi. On the Purnima of the month of Phalgun, Holika Dahan is celebrated nationwide. The celebration of Holi begins the very next day which is also known as Dhulendi, Dhulandi and Dhuli in various states of India. This festival is celebrated to mark the victory of good over evil, which is why it is necessary to solemnise the Holika Dahan ceremony according to an auspicious time (muhurat). It is believed that the ceremony’s successful commemoration negates problems and negative influences from one’s life and brings success and prosperity to one’s family. Let us take a glance at the auspicious timing to commemorate Holika Dahan 2019 before discussing its importance and procedures.

Holika Dahan Muhurat 2019
Holika Dahan Muhurat
From 20:58:38 to 24:23:45
Time Period
3 hours 25 minutes
Bhadra Punchha
From 17:34:15  to 18:35:34
Bhadra Mukha
From 18:35:34 to 20:17:45

Important: This muhurat will be effective in New Delhi Only. Know the Holika dahan auspicious muhurat in your city.


The celebration of Holashtak ceremony marks the beginning of Holika Dahan Festival, which is celebrated approximately eight days before the festival of Holi. In the same manner, Holashtak ends with Holika Dahan. Astrologers advise people not to commemorate any holy function such as Griha Pravesh or Housewarming ceremony, Marriage, Mundan during Holashtak as the given period is considered quite inauspicious. It is only after Holika Dahan that this inauspicious period comes to an end.

Phalgun Poornima

Phalgun Poornima is observed after Holashtak ends and falls on the Poornima of the Phalgun month. Just like Holi, Phalgun Poornima holds high religious, social and cultural significance. Therefore, people fast from sunrise till moonrise. Religiously speaking, fasting on this day helps the natives get rid of sufferings and gain the blessings of Lord Vishnu. Therefore, Holi is observed on this auspicious date along with Holika Dahan, which is observed the night before.

Importance of Holika Dahan 

  1. According to Hinduism, festivals have religious and mythological importance as every festival grants us knowledge, message and advice. The festival of Holika Dahan also has its own relevance as:
  2. While burning the bonfire meant for Holika Dahan, we burn the vices of the society. It is believed that a person should shed his/her demonic traits and put them in the sacred bonfire to gain purity.
  3. According to the tradition, if the person circumambulates or completes the circle around the sacred bonfire, then he/she is blessed with health, wealth and prosperity.
  4. Through this festival, we express our gratitude towards Lord Agni and welcome the Spring season.

Holi is celebrated a day after the commemoration of Holika Dahan. Get ready to welcome the festival of colours- Holi 2019

Pacify Saturn and Resolve All Your Problems

  • According to Vedic Shastras, if the native offers prayers during the night of Holika Dahan, then the vices (doshas) prevalent in his/her Kundali can be curbed.
  • Offering prayers during the Holika Puja can help the natives get rid of the effects of Shani Dosha and Pitra Dosha.
  • One can eliminate all the doshas by circumambulating across the sacred fire and roasting sugarcane.
  • Circling around the holy bonfire (Holika) can help the natives to get rid of planetary obstructions or Grah Badha.

Remedies To Observe During Holika Dahan

  • It is considered auspicious to complete a circle around the fire of Holika along with family members. Offer gram, peas, wheat and linseed to the fire as this ritual can help one to prosper financially.
  • According to traditions, one should light a lamp of ghee under a Peepal tree and circumambulate around it seven times on the night of Holi. This will negate all the upcoming hurdles in one’s life.
  • The very next day after Holika Dahan, colours should be offered to Gods and Goddesses first and then to each other.
  • Offering camphor to Holika (holy fire) will destroy all the harmful bacteria that live amongst us.
  • Offer some mustard seeds to the holy fire while invoking Goddess Lakshmi so that she offers her blessings to one’s home and family.

According to astrologers, observing these remedies associated with Holika Dahan will eliminate sorrow, pain and ailments from one’s life and success and prosperity will touch his/her feet.

Auspicious Rituals To Follow During Holika Dahan

According to Hindu Shastras, Holika Dahan should be solemnised after sunset (Pradosh Kaal) once the effect of Purnima Tithi becomes powerful. Holika Dahan is considered important for the prevalence of happiness and prosperity in one’s family. Let us read about the initiation of the Holika Dahan ceremony and things to keep in mind during this time.

  • While performing the Holika Dahan ceremony, one should face the north or east direction.
  • In the puja plate, materials like roli (sacred thread), flowers, garlands, raw yarn, turmeric (in non-powdered form), lentils, colours and five types of grain, wheat and a tumbler of water should be kept.
  • It is considered auspicious to circumambulate around the fire of Holika along with one’s family while enfolding raw yarn around it.
  • After performing the necessary rituals, an offering of water should be given to Holika and fire should be lit during Pradosh Kaal (after sunset).
  • The ash of Holika Dahan is considered quite sacred. Applying this ash on your body, the following morning after Holika Dahan will help one to get rid of all ailments and sorrows.

We hope that this article on Holika Dahan/Phalgun Purnima will benefit you. AstroSage offers you best wishes for Holika Dahan and Holi.

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