Monday, September 2, 2013

Acupressure - The Art To Ease Out Your Pressure Points

Acupressure is a natural healing therapy, which is performed by pressing the key healing points on the body using our fingers. This practice of acupressure stimulates the points to bring out its natural healing capacity. By doing this, the blood circulation in the body is improved and the tension causing nerves and muscles are relaxed. Another similar method in this art of healing is Acupuncture. While this method uses small needles to cure the pressure points unlike Acupressure which uses fingers.


With this small introduction, let’s move to the main concept of Acupressure and Acupuncture…

To get a more detailed idea of what Acupressure and Acupuncture is, please click these links - More On Acupressure and More On Acupuncture

What is Acupressure ?

 Acupressure points
Acupressure is all about attending to the key pressure points in the body to relieve them from stress and tension. It is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The principles of TCM states that the health of the body is governed by the flow of life force called “Chi” or Qi; and interruption in this flow leads to body’s imbalance in the flow of energy causing all the medical complaints.

Acupressure points have two ways of working. When we massage or stimulate a point where the pain is exactly troubling, then it is called local point. But if the massage at the local point stimulates some other area of the body which also has pain, then it is called trigger point. And, this is carried out by a pathway called meridian which runs inside our human body. It is believed that there are at least 14 meridians connecting one organ to another part of our body.

Now, let’s see some of the benefits of Acupressure. This is a simple and widely used method which many find easy, safe and quick to relieve any kind of stress or tension that bothers your daily work flow. Acupressure helps in the following:

  • Promoting hair growth
  • Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis
  • Treatment of neck pain
  • Inducing labor pain
  • Helps in digestion

This is a very popular method of healing used in the world of beauty treatments. Massaging facial muscles tones and relaxes, thus helps in reducing wrinkles.

To read more on Acupressure, click here. More On Acupressure

Now lets see,

What Is Acupuncture ?


Acupuncture is a method very similar to Acupressure but in this case the treatment involves the usage of tiny needles. This is widely practiced in China, Japan and Korea to name a few.

This needle art of healing has gradually developed into many varieties of treatments, like:

  • Electro Acupuncture
  • Tui Na
  • Cupping
  • Moxibustion

Some of the conditions treated by Acupuncture are:

  • Helps in reducing Migraines and headaches
  • Helps in reducing chronic pain, joint pain and lower back pain
  • Helps in controlling anxiety and in quitting smoking
  • Helps in fighting common cold, menstrual cramps, to name a few.

For more details on Acupuncture, click here More On Acupuncture

What Are Rahu & Ketu?

What are Rahu and Ketu
By Mrityunjai Ojha

Rahu - Ketu: Reasons By Astrology & Astronomy

Generally, we know Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets that disturb human life. Astrologers discuss a lot about these two shadow planets or lunar nodes, but many astrologers face difficulty in their application. Astronomically, we know that the Sun is a star and Moon is a satellite, but in astrology we consider them as planets because they affect us. Rahu and Ketu have no physical body, but they are considered as planets.

AstroSage Editor’s Note: 

Lots of people get confused when Sun, Moon, Rahu and Ketu are called planets, as in the modern astronomical terminology these can not be planets. The confusion arises due to the translation of the word ‘graha’ as ‘planet’. In Sanskrit, the word ‘graha’ is made from the root ‘grah’ which means holding or catching. As Rahu and Ketu hold the influence, these are considered Graha. The same is true for Sun and Moon. As modern astronomy lacks a term that can describe this meaning, word ‘planet’ is used as a rough translation. The word ‘planet’ should always used with caution when used in astrology as it doesn’t describes the true meaning.

Most of the classics do not give any lordship to these two nodes Rahu and ketu, though they have been assigned ownership of Nakshatras. Rahu and Ketu are like a black hole in the space, they observe everything that is close to them, they give result as per their placement of houses, signs, planet conjunctions, planetary aspects, Nakshatra (constellation), etc. Due to this nature, we can say that Rahu and Ketu are the most powerful planets in Kaliyuga. They take energy from the other sources and become more powerful like a black hole. We will try to understand what is Rahu and Ketu in both astronomical and mythological way.

Astronomical reasoning: As we know, every planet, satellite, stars is rotating and revolving like Moon to Earth, Earth to Sun and so on. The revolving path of Sun, is called Ecliptic. Moon's path is inclined to the Ecliptic by 05*09. So, Moon crosses the Ecliptic 2 times while revolving around the Earth. Rahu is basically the point of intersection between the revolving Moon and South to North course. It is also known as ‘ascending node’ or ‘the North’. The point where the Moon crosses the ecliptic while travelling from North to South is known as Ketu, the South or ‘descending node’. So, these two intersection points are Rahu and Ketu. These two lunar nodes have clubs of magnetic and gravitational forces. That’s why they rule electricity, magnetic areas, hidden things, hidden disease in human life.

Mythological reasoning: Rahu and Ketu comes into the picture during the churning of the ocean in the Hindu mythology. There is a tale of terrible battle between Gods and demons, both started fighting with each other for Amrit (immortality potion). Gods prayed Lord Vishnu to solve this problem. Lord Vishnu changed his appearance as a beautiful woman “Mohini”. The demons were impressed by this beautiful lady “Mohini”. Mohini (Vishnu) asked deities as well as demons to stand in a queue. One of the demons named “Swarbhanu” understood the secret of Vishnu and he changed his look as a deity and stood in the line of the deities. Swarbhanu also took the Amrit with other deities. The two deities Sun and Moon recognized him that he was a demon. Sun and Moon informed Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu killed Swarbhanu by Sudarshan Chakra in two parts. But till that time Swarbhanu had taken Amrita, so he became immortal. The head of Swarbhanu is called Rahu and rest of the body is called Ketu. Even today, the demon “Swarbhanu” (Rahu and Ketu) takes his revenge from Sun and Moon by overlapping them as a shadow. We know this event as eclipse.

Hope it helps getting some perspective for Rahu and Ketu.

Sensex - Nifty Predictions (2.9.2013)

Stock market predictions for 2.9.2013.

Planets position on 2nd September 2013 at 09:15am at Mumbai

Planetary Aspects

Sun sextiles Jupiter and trines Ketu, Mars conjoins Moon and squares Ketu, Mercury sextiles Jupiter, Jupiter sextiles Ketu, Venus squares Jupiter, Rahu conjoins Saturn/trines Jupiter and sextiles Sun.


Day: Monday
Tithi: Krishna-Dwadasi
Nakshatra: Pusyami
Yoga: Variyan
Karana: Taitula
Rahukal: 07:30 To 09:00 Hrs

Although astrological indicators are indicating that the market will go up but conjunction of Mars and Moon may bring the market down, so trade cautiously today. Uptrend may be seen from 2.35pm onwards.

Persons having Gemini and Aquarius moon signs / lagna will be financially affected today. They should refrain from money matters today.

We suggest the readers not to indulge in any kind of speculation like day trading but invest astrologically as per their individual horoscopes for long term to gain profits.

Disclaimer: - The predictions made herein are for information purposes and are not recommendations to any person to buy or sell any securities. We only use astrological analysis, so target are not based on any technical or fundamental analysis but only on the experience of an astrologer. Its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. The information provided herein is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities of any kind. The Astrologer and the company do not accept any liability for the use of this column. Readers of this column who buy or sell securities based on the information in this column are solely responsible for their actions. And author won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anyone.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Baby Names As per the Moon Sign

“I sometimes think I was born to live up to my name. How could I be anything else but what I am having been named Madonna? I would either have ended up a nun or this.” - Madonna

Baby Names

What is your name? This is the primary question that we ask a child. That name is carried forward to eternity. In India, the birth of a child is more than adding a member to the family. It is a process of adding another life on Earth. To ensure that your child does not lose himself/herself in the vast sea of people, give him/her an identity to begin the journey of life. Other than your family name, your morals and your culture what else can you give your child that remains for an entire lifetime and beyond that as well. These are the traditions that we have inherited. Be a part of India and her amazing tradition.

“Words have meaning and names have power” – Proverb

Give your child that power and……

In this fast paced world you hardly give these things any importance. However, that does not change the fact that a name is the most important part of anyone’s life. Namkaran Sanskar is one of the most important rituals after the birth of the baby. It involves naming the baby as per the Moon sign. We Indians attach a great amount of significance to names and truly believe that the name has an influence on the life of the baby. Also, the name helps in shaping the personality of the child.

“People are mortal, while names go on to be immortal and eternal”

We are here to help you choose the right name for your baby. Just have a look at our special service, which will give you the first sound or letter of your baby name as his/her Moon sign. All you have to do is fill in the asked information. We hope that our attempt to make you understand the importance of names is successful.

Click on here to find your baby’s name.

Ayurveda : Nature’s blessings to Mankind

Ayurveda… Nature’s Blessings to Mankind 


Ayurveda is perhaps the most oldest and most valuable gifts that nature has provided mankind. It originated in India and spread far and wide. This is a widely followed method of cure in the state of Kerala. Ayurveda is a general term for “traditional medicine”. The methods and cure mentioned in Ayurveda can be dated back to 1200 year. The manuscripts Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita form the core for ancient Ayurveda, which are evolved to be used in the modern days.

You can have a look at the names of some herbs and spices in Ayurveda, just click here for the Info... Herbs, Spices And Leaves Names In Ayurveda.

Now.. lets understand in detail,

What Is Ayurveda ?

What is Ayurveda
Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine. In Ayurveda, a human body is viewed as an individual entity made up of five elements. Yes, just like how the five elements, air, water, fire, earth and ether exists in nature, it exist in our body too. They are called the Panchamahabhutas.

Practising Ayurveda can help you get rid off bodily toxins and help you attain a healthy lifestyle. Ayurveda provides us specific methods to treat the three doshas. They being Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When the toxins in the body accumulate to the large extent, then a treatment called Pancha Karma is put to use. It is a process to cleanse the body which comprises of massages, herbs, nasal cleansing, herbal baths, and nutritional diet intake.

To know more about Ayurveda, click here More On Ayurveda.

Now that you have got an idea of what exactly Ayurveda is, Lets go more deeper into the subject.

Practicing Ayurveda

Practicing Ayurveda
For practicing Ayurveda, we first have to understand the basics of nature called Gurvadi Gunah, the five elements and the three doshas. Since we have already discussed about the five elements and the three doshas, lets have a look at the 10 qualities of nature. They are :

  1. Guru (heavy) - laghu (slow)
  2. Manda (slow) - tikshna (quick, sharp)
  3. Hima (cold) - ushna (hot)
  4. Snigdha (unctuous) - ruksha (dry)
  5. Slakshna (smooth) - khara (rough)
  6. Sandra (solid) - drava (liquid)
  7. Mrudu (soft) - katina (hard)
  8. Sthira (stable) - cala (mobile)
  9. Sukshma (subtle) - sthula (gross)
  10. Vishada (non slimy) - pichila (slimy)

By understanding and gaining knowledge on these qualities, we can analyse the body which suffers from these. Increase in any of the above can be set right by altering the opposite of that quality.

Today the importance of Ayurveda has grown immensely and many are opting for the safe and tested age old medicines to western medicine. Ayurvedic treatments such as, body massages, Yoga and meditation have a strong impact on people, with great results to back it up.

To know more on Ayurveda, click here… More On Ayurveda

September Horoscope for All Zodiac Signs

September Horoscope
By Acharya Raman

Last month I had said that when Mars will enter Cancer, there will be accidents and mass deaths. We saw that happening in Bihar and Syria. Month of September has major influence of Rahu and Jupiter. One (Jupiter) is the most benefic of all and the other (Rahu) is just opposite. Therefore, we will be witnessing Pakistanis violating the ceasefire and getting killed in return by our brave soldiers. Violence against women will continue and incidents like rapes, acid attacks and suicides will be there. India will see further declination of its moral values. There will be clashes between people of different sects. The person presently heading the nation will face further defamation. It looks like evil will be winning over good this month, though temporarily. Religious Gurus need to be careful with their religious acts otherwise there repute will suffer a lot. People will be caught red-handed taking bribes and will largely go scot-free.

Transit chart for India.

Worldwide there could be serious issues regarding democracy and some major powers may assert their pressure on smaller countries. The marked dates and a day before and after need to be watched for all such happenings.

The month of September will be beginning with following planetary configurations:


Natives will also have their share in this month as planets affect all-same way depending upon their natal horoscope and transits. Let us see what the possible outcomes are this month for us:

Aries: The Ascendant Lord is debilitated in watery sign and will be travelling in stars of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. Aries people will not have good time this month. Effect of Saturn and Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node) combined on Mars will make you aggressive, irritating, short tempered, which will create problems for you. You need to be cautious and cool this month. Personal life will also suffer as you will have a hard time dealing relationships with your friends and coworkers.

Taurus: You will be in a recreational mode. Your health will not be good and if you have pets they will also be suffering. You will gain wealth and spend it generously. There will be celebrations in the family and new members can also come to increase the family size. There will be misunderstandings with your partner so you need to be careful while speaking.

Gemini: You will be traveling a lot this month and therefore they will have to interact and socialize. Health of your child will trouble you a little. Your father may experience ill health this month. This month will not be that favorable for you and women in your life will also be the reason of your unhappiness. You will achieve your goals by your own efforts.

Cancer: This will be a good month for you. You will be getting unexpected success and favors from others. Wealth will be gained by your own efforts and there will be expenses to drain the gain. You will have to be clear in your communications with others as there is every possibility to be misunderstood. Don`t be lethargic.

Leo: A good month throughout for you. You will be involved in religious activities and moral upgrading of self. Success will come easily this month in all your endeavors. However, relations with younger siblings will not be good and it will be your fault and not theirs. Long travels will not be fruitful.

Virgo: Dual, Earthy sign of dual and fast moving planet Mercury. It always keeps the native in several thoughts and thus actions are minimized. There will be quarrel and chaos in the family and maternal uncles will cause problems to you. Hope of gains will be very high but will not be fulfilled easily. September will bring for you, sudden bad news. Pregnant women specially need to be very careful as this month of not that good for them.

Libra: You are riding high on your aspirations. It is good indeed, but there is an end to everything and it will be better that you become aware of the reality around you. It is not necessary that people who favor you are your well-wishers only. Besides, many of you are going through legal issues. Remember, lawyers need money so they prolong everything. Family life will be hit too. Gains are there but with natural drawback of drains, so better don’t count on them. They will vanish. However the troubles are only temporary.

Scorpio: Health should be your first priority. Other things can come later. Do not spend on luxuries. Also avoid using opposite sex for physical pleasures otherwise you will face defamation or suffer from a disease in return. Remain cautious during the month from servants, relatives etc as there could be some conspiracy against you. Do not eat outside much.

Sagittarius: You will have very nice month ahead and will have mental and financial peace throughout. You will be successful in all your endeavors and will save quite a lot. You will have things coming your way easily, without much effort. You will do religious travels with family and there will be celebrations at your home. Your father will also see a good time this month. Professional front will also be good and you will make progress.

Capricorn: You will be working hard, good combinations for professional progress but desired results will be coming only after September. Personal life will be troublesome. You will have misunderstandings of all sorts leading to skirmishes. You are prone to STD`s. Take care of your health. Do not run after sensual pleasures. Work should be your first priority.

Aquarius: This is the mooltrikona sign of Saturn and the most unfavorable sign. Month will go in religious travels, thoughts, and severe mental tensions. Be careful with eyes and brain. Don’t take any tensions and remain focused. No harm is going to come. It is all in your thoughts, so be relaxed. By month end you will get good news.

Pisces: There could be change of place. Do waste time and money on long travels. Loss in travels is there for you and your health will also not be that favorable. Be away from all kind of contagious places and people. Finance will be weak and so will be health, so prevention is better than cure. Relations with friends will also sour and in legal issues you will face defeat.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Astrology For September 2013

September 2013 Astrology
Welcome to AstroSage’s monthly newsletter. September has come and its time to schedule the entire month. Like everytime, we have decided to give you all what we have prepared for you to add in your September schedule.

In this newsletter, you will get to know about all the important Hindu events, Muhurats, horoscopes, services of the month and many more. 

September & Spirituality

As you must have seen the list of September’s important events on the right hand side, you must be expecting to know more about these events. So, we have collected some information for you. Though we have hyperlinked most of them in the list of events, yet some of the special ones are explained below:

Ekadashis (Aja Ekadashi & Parsva Ekadashi) in the month of September are:

1. Aja Ekadashi - 1 September 2013
2. Parsva Ekadashi - 15 September & 16 September, 2013

You must be thinking what is so special about this day. Click here to know - Ekadashi in 2013

September festivals
The Amavasya (New Moon) in September is very special, as it is Shraddha Amavasya. It is on 5th of September. Apart from this, the special Shraddha for the women who leave the world before their husbands will be performed on 28th of September. Click here to know more - Shraddha & Amavasya

Purnima is considered as the most auspicious day of the Hindu lunar month. In September, the Purnima that is falling is of Bhadrapada month. If you wish to know about the significance of Purnima, please click here - About Purnima In 2013

Let’s now see how the month of September will be for you.

September, 2013 Important Dates

 September Horoscope Video (English)

September Horoscope Video (Hindi)

You may also know your predictions in more detail with the help of weekly and daily horoscopes.

Service Of The Month

Astrology on phone service
The service of the month is Astrology Reading Over Phone. This service allows you a consultation of 30 minutes with our expert astrologers on any topic. It doesn’t matter with what you are troubled. All you need is just to speak it up; our astrologers will suggest you the reasons along with suitable remedial measures. 

Click here to take this service: 30 Minutes Astrology Reading Over Phone (Paid Service)

Apart from paid services, we also have many FREE services for you. They are really useful; have a look at them here - AstroSage FREE Services

These are some of the Free services of AstroSage. If you will explore more, you will find many such things. AstroSage believes in offering Free services as much as possible. You should have a look to find services that may help you in a better way.

We hope this newsletter must have helped you a lot. We will keep on sharing our endeavors with you, to help you lead a blissful life.

Have a great month ahead!