Friday, December 25, 2015

Venus Transit In Scorpio Today - Predictions For You

On December 25, 2015, Venus will transit into Scorpio. Here, it will travel in constellations of Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury. In the Kundali of Kaal Purush, this sign comes in eighth house, which is not considered good. Impact of this transit will vary from person to person depending on their sign or ascendant. Natives going through Antar or Pratyantar Dasha of Venus will witness major chang.

Venus transit in Scorpio will affect your life directly or indirectly.

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You might face disappointments at the last moment. Keep a check on your speech in this phase of life. Read more


You will feel mentally good. Progress will come to businessmen and servicemen too. Great time for conjugal pleasures. Read more


Luck is not that favorable, be careful. Don’t leave current job till you get any other. Expect less in this time. Read more


Problems are foreseen for businessmen. Embarrassment is possible due to any hidden relation. Read more


Time is very fortunate for service people. This transit will bestow you with wealth and sensual pleasures. Read more


You will talk polite and influential. Your efforts will be quite energetic and you will get benefits out of them. Read more


Wealth gains are foreseen for businessmen and service people. Long journeys will bring rewards. Read more


Happiness will come in married life. Quality time will be spent with friends too. You will coordinate well with all. Read more


Avoid online shopping in this period. Harmony might lack from your personal life for some days. Read more


Time is good to switch job, if you are bored from current one. Benefits will come from friends as well. Read more


Time is great to test your luck. Wish anything and it will come true. However, avoid over confidence. Read more


Luck is with you and you will enjoy extreme profits. You are going to have a fabulous family life.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Mars Transit In Libra Today - Predictions For You

On December 24, Mars will transit into Libra. Constellation of Mars, Rahu, and Jupiter come under Libra. It will reside here till February 20, 2016. Mars is a deadly planet and its results vary according to lord of house and ascendant lord. If you are going through Pratyantar Dasha of Mars, major changes will be seen in your life. 

Mars transit in Libra will affect your life directly or indirectly.

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Stay away from anger and frustration. This is the time when you should think carefully about your married life. Read More


Domestic issues might trouble a bit and same is foreseen in financial life as well. Don’t panic, everything will get resolved soon. Read More


All you need to do in this phase is focus in your love life. Besides this, refrain from eating spicy food and heavy food. Read More


You fall in love often, but feelings fade away soon. Avoid love for now and concentrate on your professional life. Read More


Drive carefully and stay away from tiffs. Journeys are possible and they will bestow you with profits. Read More


Others might not think good for you, but keep yourself unaffected from this. Stay retrained and let this phase go calmly. Read More


Your endeavors will accomplish, no matter what happens. Be careful regarding health, as minor health issues are possible. Read More


Friends will support you and you will successfully your endeavors. Financial gains are very much possible. Read More


Professional life will go wonderful in this phase. Friends are pillar of strength, don’t argue with them. Read More


This time is meant for fun and recreational activities. Let everything else take a back seat, enjoy life with your loved ones. Read More


Profits will come from friends and in-laws. Luck is with you. Engage yourself in charity and donation to increase goodness. Read More


Financial profits are foreseen for you. You will dominate your enemies. You need not worry about anything. Read More

Monday, December 21, 2015

Weekly Horoscope (December 21 - December 27)

Read Weekly Horoscope predictions and know what this week has for you. Our Weekly Love Horoscope & Weekly Horoscope are prepared by expert astrologers. Take a look into future and see what will happen in your life.

Know the future of your upcoming week with weekly horoscopes.

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Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. 

Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon Sign Calculator


This week might be a little horizontal in terms of favor. Success will come into your kitty after putting in a lot of hard work. However, don’t panic and don’t lose your calm, as betterment will come in the middle of the week. It would be good to involve in religious deeds and obey your elders. By the end of the week, things will turn in your favor and you will experience relief. 

Love Predictions: You might feel little emotional in the beginning of this week, but make sure you express this emotional side of yours in the form of love and not anger. Middle days are also expected to go smooth with little tiffs which is just normal. The end of this week will be great as you both will spend amazing time together. You might plan to go shopping together. 

Love Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Be careful in the beginning of the week.


Mixed results will come in the life of Taureans this week. Slight ups & downs will come in your career. Talking about personal life, don’t waste too much time in it and invest your time in other important things. Avoiding doing anything in hurry and think carefully in every matter. Goodness will come in the mid of the week. You will cherish success, name, and fame. 

Love Predictions: You both will meet less than you usually do and might also have to stay away from each other for a while. In the middle of the week, your feelings will get stronger and this will be respected. You will feel like sacrificing everything on your beloved. A calm and satisfactory end to this week is also predicted if you are able to keep control on your emotions. 

Love Rating: 2.5/5

Remedy: Hard work will bring success at workfront.


This week will open on a very positive note for you. Enemies will demolish at every stage and you will move forward. Pending tasks might proceed in direction of completion. Pleasure will come in personal life no matter you are married or unmarried. It would be good to drive vehicle carefully. Any legal matter might end in your favor in the end of the week. 

Love Predictions: Romance will fill your life in the beginning days. If you want to go out with your lover, just say it. Make sure not to spend too much in impressing someone, it will affect your budget. Though this week is going to end on a good note as your partner will respect you and your emotions. But if your relationship has just started, avoid making promises you can not fulfill as it will hurt you both in future. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Please the almighty to increase auspiciousness.


Most part of this week is favorable for you. However, avoid being over emotional in the beginning of the week. It is suggested to take care of your health. Happiness is possible from children, but lovelife might become the reason behind stress. Businessmen will get success in endeavors. Outings are possible with friends. Try to spend time with your family members, 

Love Predictions: If you are in love with your colleague, the beginning days of the week are going to be great. Middle days of the week are also in favor of those who are planning to propose someone. Control your desires as days will be less favorable. You both might spend some more time together due to work related things. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Don’t get over emotional.


Lions will have a normal week; however, problem are possible in domestic life. Unexpected issues might crop up, which might lead to sleepless nights. Try to avoid getting into relationships this week, as harm is foreseen to you image. Competitors might try to challenge you and you will surpass them. If you work in partnership, extreme success is foreseen for you. 

Love Predictions: Go out with your lover if you both agree to it, maybe to a pilgrimage. You will succeed in spending time together even if the middle days will keep you busy at work. Ending of this week is also good as you will be able to be with your lover. But make sure you are not distracted while being with your partner. 

Love Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Tackle domestic issues carefully.


Beginning of the week is in your favor. However, make sure to keep your self confidence high. Short journeys are on your destiny cards. Though everything looks fine, but some issues might pop up in personal life. You might get attracted toward charity or spiritual deeds. You will spend money on beautifying your home or vehicle. Take care of your mobile phone.

Love Predictions: A good week for you if you will be positive. Being patient about your life is something very important. Especially the beginning days are very favorable. Just control your desires and try not to behave rigid. Betterment in your love life will be there in the middle days. Fortunately a good week till the end for all of you. Make sure you do not ignore your personal life while being busy in your work. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Be careful for your gadgets.


You will get neither good nor bad results this week. Financial life looks delicate in the first few days of the week. Your words might hurt others; hence, speak very carefully. Your lost confidence will come back in the mid of the week. Things will go wonderful at workfront and your efforts will be admired by seniors. Workload might increase, which might disturb your life.

Love Predictions: Very loving and satisfactory start of this week is assured especially for the married ones. Yet keep control on your desires in the middle days and act maturely. Improvement in your life will be seen in the ending of the week. Do not hurry in taking big decisions about your relationship. Whether it is about marriage or anything else. Being patient will give good results. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Take financial matters very carefully.


Scorpions will have a favorable week. You might turn emotional in the starting days of the week. However, it is suggested to use your intellect more than your emotions. Be careful with your words and behave properly with one and all. Refresh your mind by going for a movie or some sort of entertainment. Try to stay away from alcohol and non-vegetarian food. 

Love Predictions: Majorly this week is very fortunate for your love life. You will behave a little childish and self-willed in the starting days. Maybe you want to rule over your beloved. But there is no place for ego in a relationship, and you know it. Favorable results for you are seen in the middle days as well. Married couples will have great time together. Still save yourself from saying something which you will regret later. 

Love Rating: 2.5/5

Remedy: Use the best of your intellectual skills.


Sagittarians might turn insomniac this week. Expenses might increase on useless matters, try to control them. Useless journeys are also possible. Don’t feel bad, as things will proceed toward improvement in the mid of the week. You will spend most of your time on social networking sites. A sort of rejuvenation will be experienced by you in the end of the week. 

Love Predictions: Initially, you might feel attracted toward your classmate or coworker. On the other hand, your partner can get hurt by your ignorant behavior. So, do spend time with him/her to keep harmony in your relationship. Great end to this week is predicted as you both are going to enjoy romantic time and sweet talks. The ones who are married will have extra point in terms of positivity. 

Love Rating: 4/5

Remedy: Try to cut down your expenses.


Profits will come in the beginning of the week. Chances of gaining profits are there in the starting of the week. This week is all about balancing your personal and professional life. Financial life looks stable, nothing to worry about. Love life will go in the right direction, you will enjoy time with your partner. Some sort of tensions are possible in the weekend. 

Love Predictions: Overall a good week throughout is predicted for you. In the starting of this week, you might feel a little irritated because of some familial issue or anything else. But from the middle days the things around you will be better and you will feel happy. You might propose your friend. Talking about the end of this week, little tiffs might be there but good things will happen in the end. 

Love Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Strike balance between personal and professional life. 


Aquarians will have favorable week. Be careful and dedicated toward your professional life. Take every decision carefully and be careful regarding your image. You will enjoy delicious delicacies with your closed friends. Try to save money by cutting all the unnecessary expenses. A sort of inner contentment will be experienced by you. Don’t take any stress.

Love Predictions: Melodious time for your love life is predicted from the beginning itself. Sensuousness will be all around you in the starting days. Middle days are also coming up with lots of happiness. Meet at some place safe or maybe plan a meeting at your own place. You will feel more closeness toward someone and in this way the week will end for you on a positive note. 

Love Rating: 4/5

Remedy: Stay away from mental stress.


This week is good for you. Profitable journeys are there for you. You will get involved in religious and social activities. Mental peace will be experienced by you. Businessmen will get profitable deals or agreements. Name and fame will increase in the society. Support will come from elders at every stage. Your endeavors will accomplish on time. 

Love Predictions: In the initial days, give importance to good things and spend some loving time with each other instead of indulging in quarrel. The middle time of the week is going to be very good. If you are in love with your junior or anyone from your office, this time is going to pass away very nicely. Share your love with full sincerity and if you are planning to propose your neighbor, move forward. Little tiffs might come in your love life but nothing to worry about. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Doing charity and donation will bring goodness.

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Friday, December 18, 2015

Saturn Rise In Scorpio Today - Future Predictions For You

Saturn will rise in Scorpio on December 18 under its own constellation, Anuradha. Natives who were getting fruitful results will now have to face its adverse effects and vice versa. It all depends on whether or not you are going through Dasha or Maha Dasha, Antar or Pratyantar Dasha of Saturn.

Saturn rise in scorpio will affect bring changes in your life.

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You need to find hidden sources. Some problems are foreseen for you in this phase. Read more


Others might cheat you. You might get married and a lot many good things are possible. Read more


You might face problems due to others. These things might affect your father too. Read more


You need to please Shani Dev, as extreme problems are possible. Read more


‘All’s well that ends well’. This phrase will come true for you. Read more


Golden days for you. Everything will happen slowly and steadily. Read more


The road looks not so easy, as some problems are possible. Read more


Other than few things, this transit is fortunate for you in every aspect. Read more


Self esteem is everything. Make sure it does not gets damaged. Read more


Excellent phase for you. Be calm, all will turn into profits. Read more


Your desires will come true and new opportunities will come your way. Read more


Lord Shani is pleased by you. However, you might not get that good results. Read more

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Sun Transit Into Sagittarius - Predictions For Your Sign

On December 16, 2015, Sun will transit into Sagittarius. It will reside here till January 15, 2016 and will move into Capricorn on the same day. Here, it will travel in constellations of Ketu, Venus, and Sun. If lords of these constellations are owners of your malefic house, you will get unfavorable results and vice versa. 

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Time is excellent to enjoy love life. Don’t let emotions overpower you and be restrained. Read more


While some endeavors will accomplish, others might not. You might get trapped in any old issue. Read more


Avoid taking major decisions. Handle marital issues very carefully, else even a small matter can turn serious. Read more


Old endeavors will accomplish with support of seniors. Recognition will come for you at workfront. Read more


Love life might give disappointments in this phase. Profits will be there, but not that extreme. Read more


Long journeys are foreseen on your future cards. Monetary benefits will increase auspiciousness of this time. Read more


Your inner strength will take you forward. Make sure to keep an eye on your health. Read more


Financial life will give you reasons to smile. However, love life might face ups & downs. Read more


If you are associated with real estate, benefits are assured. Behave well with all, else you will invite problems. Read more


Things at workfront might slow down, which might create problems. You will earn financial profits. Read more


Time is great for you and for your spouse as well. Profits will reach you through him/her. Fortunate time in every aspect. Read more


You will try to dominate others, which you should avoid. Don’t doubt your friends and loved ones. Read more

Monday, December 14, 2015

Weekly Horoscope (December 14 - December 20)

Take a look into your coming time with us. We present you the exclusive predictions of weekly horoscope and weekly love horoscope written by our expert astrologers. Read them and take a step forward toward success.

Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator

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Arians will get mixed results in this week of December. Domestic life might face some hurdles in this phase. Tough time is possible in love life as well. It would be good to fulfill wishes of your partner. Workfront will go great and you will enjoy your work. Minor health issues like headache or pain in eyes are possible. 

Love Predictions: A relaxed week for love birds though they will have to keep their sexual desires in control. Positive start to this week is guaranteed for you. But don’t forget to spend some time with your beloved. Middle days are also going to be nice as you will feel the bond between you two. The end might not be so amazing. But nothing to worry as such. 

Love Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Please the almighty to fetch goodness.


Beginning of this week is wonderful for you. You will enjoy luxuries and comforts. You will make successful plans and will enjoy benefits out of them. Married couples will enjoy romantic weekend; whereas, singles will find fun in the company of friends. You might develop interest in reading any novel. Drive carefully.

Love Predictions: Mixed results will be seen in this week. You might feel distressed in the beginning days and you won’t get much time with your partner. Though this will be covered in the middle days. You will be able to manage your personal and professional life quite wisely. A good end to this week is also predicted if you will behave intelligently. 

Love Rating:

Remedy: Keep your loved ones happy.


Almost every day of this week is in your favor. However, you might get worried regarding education of your child. Success is possible in your endeavors. Businessmen will get beneficial deals. Finances look great, but you are suggested to keep a check on your expenses. Most of your week will be positive for you. Avoid alcohol and non-vegetarian food.

Love Predictions: Favorable end to this week is predicted for you but familial issues might give you tensions. Awesome time for lovers in the beginning days. Be in your limits and enjoy blissful love life. Favorable time amidst the week. In your free time, you will be enjoying your love life to the fullest. Balance your personal & professional life in this week. 

Love Rating: 2.5/5

Remedy: Give your best efforts.


First half of the week looks dull and not that favorable. Some sort of domestic issues might give you stress. Health will remain fine and you might add meditation in your daily to-do list. Workfront will improve in the middle of the week and you will see progress in your endeavors. Minor conflicts are possible in personal life, try to avoid them. 

Love Predictions: Generally a relaxed time is seen for you in this week. Still do not prolong little tiffs. The middle days are so amazing for all those planning to marry also those who are already married. Yet you are suggested to keep control on your desires in the last days of the week. 

Love Rating: 2.5/5

Remedy: Be calm in the beginning of this week.


Positivity will prevail in your life as this week starts. Your cards witness your focus shifting more on your health. Romantic evening with your beloved is possible in the weekend. Lions are expected to showcase their best talent in this span of time. Your hard work will be noticed and admired. Finances will remain stable; however, try to control your expenses. 

Love Predictions: Beautiful time for those who are in love! You might feel attracted toward your classmate or might meet your ex-classmate. Though the middle days are predicted to be going fine but yes, little tiffs can also happen. But a little spark is not bad. In the ending days, you will relish love. But do take care of your beloved and respect his/her emotions. 

Love Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Don’t spend money unnecessarily.


Virgos are suggested to keep a check on their words, else useless conflicts are possible. You might come across your ex boyfriend/girlfriend. If we throw some shade on your work front, things look promising. Married people might face some issues due to their children. You are expected to spend time on online shopping. Overall, nothing to worry this week. 

Love Predictions: Mixed results for your are predicted in this week. If you are planning to propose someone, make sure not to hurt anyone. Middle days are going to be fine but try to ignore any argument. You will have relaxed weekend. So, enjoy your time to the fullest.

Love Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Talk carefully and in limit. 


A promising week is seen for the Librans. Your dedication will take you close to your goals. Money is likely to spend on items of luxury and comfort. Personal life will remain normal. Though nothing wrong is predicted for finances, but it would be good to postpone plans of investment. You might go out on a date in the weekend. Generally, the week seems good for you. You will get success in your efforts. You will cherish luxurious amenities. In the beginning of the week, you will salivate more for junk food. It would be better if you could keep a control over your temptations. In the mid of the week, everything will turn in your favor. You may go to watch a movie by the end of the week. But, the movie won’t be able to satisfy you very much.

Love Predictions: You will have great love life in the starting days of the week. However your mood will not be so good due to your domestic life. But you can still meet at some safer place. Your love will now make up for the past tensions. Things will be good in the last days as well but try to avoid arguments. 

Love Rating:

Remedy: Be careful while taking financial decisions. 


It’s good to be emotional, but being over emotional is something you need to avoid this week. Make sure not to take any decision emotionally. You might get into argument with your father. Your vehicle might give you some troubles. Talking about professional front, promotion or hike in salary is strongly possible. Maintain good relations with seniors. 

Love Predictions: Amazing week for lovers. Try something new in the starting days if your partner demands adventure. You might be stressed in the middle days. Meeting at your friend’s place would be good. Avoid being stubborn in the ending days. There are chances that you might fall for your classmate . 

Love Rating:

Remedy: Try to share good rapport with seniors. 


Your chances of getting profits are stronger in the beginning of the week. Students who want to go abroad for education should try this week. Your in-laws might come to visit you for few days. Whether you are in job or business, benefits are on your cards. Expenses are possible on religious deeds. Don’t drink and drive. 

Love Predictions: Ego is the only thing that spoils a relationship. So, make sure you do not let ego triumph and spoil your mood. Some finance related things and something that has already passed will stress you in the starting days. Go out and relish time with your beloved. Your neighbor might win your heart. Stress might distract you in the ending days. 

Love Rating:

Remedy: Avoid intake of alcohol.


Give your best and get ready to get the best. However, nothing great will come if you leave everything on destiny. Friends might ditch you at the last moment. Businessmen will get profitable deals and might think about expanding their business. Finances will remain stable. You might think about investing money in something important. 

Love Predictions: Be true to your partner and your relationship. Unfaithfulness might become the barrier in your love life. You might feel attracted toward your colleague. Amazing start to this week is predicted for you. Your emotions will be valued. On the other hand, some quarrel can also happen in the middle days. The week will end on a positive note. 

Love Rating: 3/5 

Remedy: Don’t depend on luck. 


Aquarians will have an auspicious week. You might give your suggestions to others, which will help them in a great way. Your friend circle increase and so does your influential contacts. Your work will get appreciation by your boss and you will surpass all. Enemies will not be able to harm you. You might take interest in literature, music, or arts. 

Love Predictions: Basically a mixture of everything is predicted for the natives. You may have to stay apart for few days in the starting of the week. However there are chances that you will meet your relatives. Passion will have the upperhand in your love life in between the week and your emotions will be valued. Stiffs are possible in the ending days. So, try to avoid getting into any argument. 

Love Rating: 2.5/5 

Remedy: Don’t let your hard work fall.


Pisceans will begin this week on a good note. You are expected to purchase new phone or laptop. Success will come in job and business. Students will get success in education. Monetary gains are very much in your cards. Happiness will come for children. You might go on pleasurable trip with your family. You might invest on gold this week. 

Love Predictions: New energy will enter your love life. Time will support if you are planning to propose someone. Passion & excitement will fill your love life. You might have to spend some time apart in the middle days. You will feel more emotional but do not feel disheartened if others do not value them. Be positive and live your moment. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Strike balance between personal and professional life. 

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Monday, December 7, 2015

Weekly Horoscope (December 07 - December 13)

Take a look into your coming time with us. We present you the exclusive predictions of weekly horoscope and weekly love horoscope written by our expert astrologers. Read them and take a step forward toward success.

Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator


You will enjoy favorable time in the beginning of the week. You will develop optimistic approach and will remain mentally healthy. You might go to short trips with your friends or family. Domestic issues will keep you busy in the mid time. Some malfunctioning is possible in your vehicle. Keep a check on your diet and stay healthy. 

Love Predictions: This is the time when you will get mixed results for everything. Married couples will enjoy awesome life. Starting of the week will also be favorable. You will be spending romantic time with your beloved. But the mid days will demand you to control your sexual desires or you might put your honor on stake. Nice end to this week is seen for you. So, just spend some together with your lover and enjoy your time. 

Love Rating: 2.5

Remedy: Eat healthy, avoid eating outside.


For Taureans, this week will come with a bag of mixed results. You need to keep a check on your words, as your language might turn offensive. Keeping a control on your finances will do wonders for your future. Natives belonging to jobs will have regular income coming. Love life will remain as it is. Weekend is better. 

Love Predictions: A mixture of everything will happen in your love life. You have to take care of yourself and control your sexual desires. In the beginning of the year, you will feel passionate love. You will spend romantic moments with your lover. The mid days want you to give some time to your partner. Since the end looks quite flat, try to behave intelligently and with decorum. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Think before you speak.


Your cards for this week predicts favorability in every thing. You will enjoy comfortable state of mind. Success will come in your endeavors. However, it is suggested to stay away from anger and ego. Taking care of health is always good and you should understand this. Unexpected trip to some distant place is also foreseen on your cards. 

Love Predictions: The major section of the week will be remain positive yet the lovers need to maintain purity and transparency in their relationship. Beginning of the week is going to be on your side, if you are planning to propose someone or express your feelings. However, the centre days the are ordinary. Ending is fabulous especially for the married couples. 

Love Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Take care of your health.


Generally, this week is good for you. However, controlling expenses is something suggested to you in these 7 days. Though things will go great at workfront, but you might feel restless. Don’t worry and let things go easy. Any good news might come to you in the middle of the week. You will spend money on fun and recreation in the weekend. 

Love Predictions: The week is going to be ordinary for your love affair. If you are going to travel together, there are chances that you might face some difficulties. The beginning days will be nice and relaxing. Most probably, you both will meet at some safe place. Stop yourself if you are planning to propose someone as you might get disheartened. You will be feeling low during this phase. But amazing weekend is guaranteed for you. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Control your expenses.


Profits and financial gains are expected for Lions this week. Your income might increase. Gifts or surprises are possible either from spouse or in-laws. When everything good is happening, increase this goodness by keeping control on your expenses. Love birds will intensify their bond and might plan to tie the knot. 

Love Predictions: Awesome week to this end is predicted for your love life. You will fall in love with someone special living far from you. Also, any relative staying distant will meet you. You will have the time of your life with your lover, during the initial days. Yet, keeping yourself safe and secure in the middle days is very important. Favorable weekend is seen for you as your partner will enjoy your talks. 

Love Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Don’t lose your calm.


In the initial days of the week, you will get favorable results. You will attain success in your work. Talking about workfront, you will give your best efforts in everything. Seniors will support you. Mid of the week is the time when you should focus your attention to your love life. You will share a great chemistry with your family members. 

Love Predictions: Generally the week is going to be horizontal but do take notice of the mood and health of your partner. Deep romantic conversations will happen between you two in the starting days which will make you both come closer. Plan interesting things with your partner in the middle days. Sober end is also seen for you. Make plans to meet at some place quiet and safe. 

Love Rating: 2.5/5 

Remedy: Don’t trust anybody blindly.


You will go religious and will spend time in pleasing the almighty. Your name and fame will increase in society. Success seems coming in your endeavors. Financial gains are very much possible in this span of time. Love life looks as it is. You will enjoy a health state of mind. Expenses might increase on luxury and comfort. 

Love Predictions: During this week, your life will be simple and sober. You will fall in love with someone living far from you through social media. Hopefully the beginning of this week will be good but make sure you speak nothing offensive in the mid days. Do not miss any opportunity to enjoy your time with your partner. Make sure you use this time as much as you can. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Have faith in the almighty.


To get benefits and progress, Scorpions need to work really hard this week. Not only this, but you need to be extremely careful in financial matters as well. Also, you need to be careful with your financial matters. You will experience relief and relaxed mind in the middle of the week. If any trip is scheduled for this week, profits are expected from it. 

Love Predictions: Though this week is not making major changes in your life, do not trust anything from its outer appearance. Value those who are close to your heart and make sure you do not hurt them for someone who is not worth your love. Beginning of the week is observed very calm but in the centre, favorable outcomes are predicted. Be alert in the starting days. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Increase your efforts.


Mixed results are foreseen for Sagittarians this week. Arguments are possible with spouse, try to keep things in control. Caution is needed in partnership business as well. Make sure not to shed your anger on others. It is good to be straight forward rather than talking behind anyone’s back. Betterment will come in the weekend.

Love Predictions: You might feel distressed because of some familial issues, but rest of the things look fine. Happy time will be observed in the initial days but the middle days are less favorable so be alert. Your partner will value your emotions. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Be careful in partnership business.


Excitement and enthusiasm will come this week. You will make creative plans, which will bring success. Hard work and dedication will bring good results for you. You might go on amusement trip in the weekend. Your focus will shift on looking good and you will bring change in your dressing sense. In the end of the week, stay extremely cautious.

Love Predictions: Commonly, the initial days of the week will be good but make sure you are loyal with your partner. The start of this week is positive as you might get attracted to your colleague. Make sure your senior is ok with it. Middle days of the week look so much in favor to you though you might not get much opportunity to meet each other. 

Love Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Be careful in the weekend. 


Education might become a reason of concern for students. You should keep your temper in control and avoid getting into arguments. You might get to do something you love and cherish. If you have taken money from anybody, think about returning it back. Overall, this is going to be an average week. 

Love Predictions: Take care of what you speak to avoid any misunderstanding between you both. Rest of the things look fine. You might go on a trip maybe to a pilgrimage. But you will be busy with your work in the between the week and might not get to spend much time with your partner. Ending of this week is god. So, live this moment. 

Love Rating: 3/5 

Remedy: Try to repay back the taken debt.


Some difficulties are possible in the beginning of the week. Electrical appliances might undergo malfunctioning. You need to be alert in office, as minor tiffs are possible. Betterment will come in the middle of the week. Your hard work will give you desired results. Financial life looks wonderful, nothing to worry for. 

Love Predictions: It will be suggested to you not to expect great things in this week. But that does not at all mean you will have bad time. Avoid going in flow of your sexual desires for your own good. Lucky time for you in the middle days but you might also feel insecure and tensed. Good time for you in the end of the week. So, you can make up for the past days now. You might feel attracted toward your colleague. 

Love Rating: 2.5/5

Remedy: Be calm and restrained in the beginning of the week. 

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Mercury Transit Into Sagittarius Today - Effects On Your Sign

Mercury will transit into Sagittarius on December 06, 2015. Sagittarius belong to fire and after transiting in it, Mercury will travel in constellations of Ketu, Venus, and Sun. Venus is very friendly with Mercury and Sun is also its friend. Natives going through Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury will face major changes. 


Whether you are married or dating someone, you are going to enjoy romance a lot. Doing charity will bring auspiciousness. Read more


Not so favorable transit for you. Tiffs are possible with family members. Love life might also face serious issues. Read more


Married life will be wonderful and you will enjoy mental peace. Expenses are possible on love life. Read more


If you are into job, increase in income is foreseen for you. This transit will bestow you with profits. Read more


You will get extreme success at workfront. You will turn humorous and your charming personality will please everyone. Read more


Your bonding will grow deeper with your loved ones. Sudden foreign trips are also possible. Read more


Luck will support you in the best way. Use your intellect and debating skills, to reap benefits in this phase. Read more 


Gifts and surprises from in-laws will make you happy. Extreme profits are foreseen for businessmen. Read more


You will feel like enjoying fun, laughter, and humor. You might get an opportunity of representing a team at workfront. Read more


Plan ways to complete your endeavors on time. Stay away from relationships for sometime, as disappointments are possible. Read more


Happiness and profits will come from children. Time is great to fulfill your desires, which you have been dreaming for a long time. Read more


Time is wonderful for businessmen but quite average for service people. Think carefully before you speak. Read more

Friday, December 4, 2015

New Year 2016 Horoscope Package By AstroSage!

December shouldn’t go in vain. Afterall, it is the month to plan the New Year! We have brought you horoscopes and many other important things of the year 2016 for you here. Let’s get updated!

Decorate your trees, pack the gift boxes, plan a family together, and do all that shopping; because it is Christmas! Everyone is busy making it even more happening, so we thought of adding a bit to your happiness.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें


Horoscope 2016 is here to help you plan your entire year ahead. Know everything in detail about your zodiac sign according to the Vedic Astrology from here: 2016 For Your Sign

Read Your Horoscope 2016 Now

We have got Vedic Astrology based horoscope in regional languages as well.

Chinese Horoscope 2016 is based on the principles of ancient Chinese Astrology. Know the predictions for you.

Read Your Chinese Horoscope 2016 Now

In addition to these, we have many other horoscopes that might interest you. You may find them here: AstroSage’s Corner For 2016

Some of the most read horoscopes are given below:

Tarot Reading 2016 Numerology 2016 Horoscope


Date Event
1 Dec World Aids Day
3 Dec Kaal Bhairav Jayanti
6 Dec Mercury transit in Sagittarius
7 Dec Uttapanna Ekadashi
8 Dec Bhauma Pradosham
9 Dec Monthly Shivratri Vrat
11 Dec Margshirsha Amavasya
14 Dec Vinayaka Chaturthi
16 Dec Panchak begins, Vivah Panchami, Sun transit in Sagittarius
18 Dec Saturn rise in Scorpio
20 Dec Panchak ends
21 Dec Mokshada Ekadashi, Geeta Jayanti
23 Dec Budh Pradosham
24 Dec Dattatreya Jayanti, Christmas Eve, Prophet Muhammad's B'day (Id-E-Milad), Mars transit in Libra
25 Dec Christmas Day, Margashirsha Purnima, Venus transit in Scorpio
26 Dec Mercury transit in Capricorn
28 Dec Sankashti Ganesh Chaturthi
31 Dec New Year's Eve


Merry Christmas & A Very Happy New Year 2016!