Saturday, April 18, 2015

Shanichari Amavasya Has Zillions Of Opportunities To Bless You Today

Legends consider Amavasya extremely auspicious when falls on Saturday. To avoid negative impact of Saturn, remedies followed on this day prove much more helpful than other days. Know how!

Know the useful remedies to be followed on Shanichari Amavasya.

Shanichari Amavasya is celebrated in the honor of Lord Shani. As per legends, Amavasya is considered highly auspicious if it falls on a Saturday. Rituals performed on Shanichari Amavasya bestow one with internal peace and good luck. 

Shanichari Amavasya is very much significant for natives suffering from Shani Dosha, Shani Sade Sati, or Dhaiya. Remedies performed on this day pacify all the Shani Doshas found in one’s Kundali (birth chart). Also, it ends all the troubles. Astrological remedies suggested on this day ward off all the evils caused by Shani.

Legendary Importance Of Shanichari Amavasya

Religious scriptures state that Shani Deva was the son of Lord Sun’s second wife. Due to his physical appearance, Lord Sun accused his wife that Shani is not his son. It is from that moment Lord Shani shares inimical bond with Lord Sun. Shani Deva pleased Lord Shiva with his hard penance and devotion. Lord Shani requested Shiva that it is his mother’s wish that his son take revenge of all the allegations put on her. He further requested to make him more powerful than his father (Lord Sun). On this, Shiva blessed Lord Shani and said that Saturn will have the highest position among all the nine planets. He also said that besides gods, humans will also face fear of Lord Shani. 

We all are familiar with the rage of Lord Shani; however, he is extremely affectionate too. Doing special rituals on the day of Shanichari Amavasya is a way to get relief from Pitra Dosha. According to mythology, pleasures related to progeny get hampered if ancestors are unhappy. As a result, progress and prosperity of life decreases. 

Remedies To Ward Off Impact Of Saturn On Shanichari Amavasya

  1. Sesame, barley, and oil should be donated on Shanichari Amavasya to please Lord Shani. Doing so blesses with results as per one’s desires. 
  2. Zodiac signs undergoing Shani Dosha should worship Lord Shani on this day to seek Lord’s blessings. 
  3. Besides offering oil to Lord Shani, chanting Shani Mantras also ease the miseries. 
  4. Visiting Shani temples and offering Til, Urad, iron, flower, and jaggery helps in fetching blessings of Lord Shani.
  5. Offer what bread with Ghee on it to any dog. As dog is the vehicle of Lord Shani, offering food to him pleases Lord Shani.
  6. Keeping 8 almonds and 8 Kohl boxes wrapped in a black cloth in a chest on Amavasya night is also a way to eliminate miseries. 

Other than this, we are going to tell you some really easy remedies, which if followed on Shanichari Amavasya will help in staying away from malefic effects of Lord Saturn - 5 Tips To Ward Off Saturn’s Malefic Effects That You Must Know

If you have any queries related to this day, please mention it in the comment box given below. 

We wish you a blessed Shanichari Amavasya!

Event Of The Day!

Panchak, the inauspicious period of five days, will end today. Know all about it here: Panchak 2015

Have a nice day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sun Transit Into Aries Today - Discover Its Impact

Sun will enter in its exalted sign (Aries) on April 14, 2015. Predictions assume this transit as the driving factor behind change in weather temperature. But, what about you? What about your zodiac sign? Know it all here.

Sun transit in Aries will affect your life directly or indirectly.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें


Financial gains will keep your mood good. You will complete tasks on time. Health will remain great. Read more


You will experiment with your dressing style. Whether you are married or dating someone, love will keep you delighted. Read more


A highly rewarding time for your professional life. Love life will blossom. Your friend circle will increase. Read more


Everything will go perfect at workplace. Your interest in religion and spirituality will be taken ahead by someone. Read more


A soothing state of mind will keep your rejuvenated. This is the phase when you will make sure to look your best. Read more


This is the phase when you should enjoy your love life. Relax and cherish fun time with your family. Read more


Some sort of financial gain might reach you through in-laws. Benefits are foreseen for professional/business life. Read more


Love life looks extremely promising. You will socialize with powerful people of the society. Overall, a good phase. Read more


Your children will give you reasons to smile. This is the time for fun and frolic with your loved ones. Read more


Improvement in your abilities will bring recognition for you at workfront. Your relation will improve with one and all. Read more


Health will remain fine. Promotion is foreseen on job front. Extremely great time for your financial life. Read more


If you are dating someone, this transit will do wonders for your love life. Profits will come from relatives. Read more

Event Of The Day!

Baisakhi, one of the cherished festivals of Sikhism will be celebrated today.

Vishu, the day which marks the New Year of people of Kerala will be celebrated today.

Panchak, the inauspicious 5 days will also begin from today.

Today, people of Tamil Nadu will also welcome their New Year by celebrating Puthandu.

Entire nation will celebrate Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Jayanti today. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar is known as the ‘Father of constitution’.

Have a nice day!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Weekly Horoscope (April 13 - April 19, 2015)

Do you want to make a perfect planning for the upcoming week in advance? We are here with the accurate horoscope predictions of the upcoming week for you. This will help you in both, your general an love life. So, read on...

Plan your upcoming week with the predictions of weekly horoscope.

(April 13 - April 19) Week At A Glance:


Weekly horoscope predictions are based on your ascendant sign. Know your ascendant sign by clicking here: Know Your Ascendant Sign Now!

Weekly love horoscopes are based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें


Weekly Horoscope

This week is likely to increase pleasures in your personal life. Married people will share a great bond with their spouse and unmarrieds will soon get their partner. Parents will also support a lot in every situation. Don’t let feelings of arrogance come in your mind. Distant journeys are possible, but they may not produce the desired results, so try to delay them a bit. Financially, this time is good for doing investments, you will see some great benefits coming your way. So, this time is really favorable for you.

Weekly Love Horoscope

Your love will continue on the right track if you keep arrogance out from your relationship. You might face problem in giving sufficient time to your partner, due to work in the beginning of the week. But, mid of the week is favorable, your love will touch new heights. Weekend will give mixed results, some problems are possible, but they will resolve with time.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Offer grains to birds and wheat bread to dogs.

Click here to know more about your sign, Aries: Aries zodiac sign


Weekly Horoscope

This week is advising you to believe in your actions, without relying on luck. Expenses may increase beyond limit, so try to control them. You will also overspend on internet packs of mobile phone. Journeys may not produce the desired results. But, your courage and reasoning ability both will increase a lot. You will not give up in any situation. You are advised to take financial decisions very carefully, otherwise losses may happen. Infact, it would be better to take the advice of an expert or senior.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week is favorable for your love life, but maintaining transparency will improve the situations further. Go for an outing with your sweetheart in the beginning of the week, also try to maintain a good relationship. Work might keep you occupied in the middle of the week, but you have to maintain a balance between work and love. You will enjoy the weekend. You may fall for someone who lives at a distant place.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Shiva’s family.

Click here to know more about your sign, Taurus: Taurus zodiac sign


Weekly Horoscope

Your intellect will support a lot. You will gain some great benefits and able to control opposite situations with it. Luck is also in your support, so time is favorable if looking for a job change or new job. You will be able to communicate in a nice manner and impress others in interview. But, take care because time is not very appropriate for doing experiments in business. Let it continue the way it is, till the right time will come. Health will also remain normal, but pregnant ladies are advised to take special care.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week is indicating to give sufficient time to love and to avoid arrogance. The aim of your partner was not to insult you, so avoid that thought completely. Act wisely in the beginning of the week, mid of the week will remain average, your beloved will also behave nicely. Weekend is looking great for love, refreshment will come in your relationship.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid arrogance and give some gift to your servants.

Click here to know more about your sign, Gemini: Gemini zodiac sign


Weekly Horoscope

Benefits are coming for you from everywhere. You will perform great at workplace and appreciation will come from seniors. A harmonious atmosphere will remain at home. Father and elder brother will support a lot. Your courage and enthusiasm will remain high. You will earn a lot on the basis of luck and intellect. Only one thing you need to take care of is your anger, avoid it completely. Also, don’t get into anyone’s dispute unnecessarily. Time is in your favor, make the most of it.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week will fill your love life with warmth. But, stay away from impatience and exorbitance. The week will begin on a favorable note for your love life. Time is good for talking about marriage. You have to act wisely in the mid of the week. Weekend will be better to go for outings together. You may fall for any of your colleague.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid sweets and perform exercise regularly.

Click here to know more about your sign, Cancer: Cancer zodiac sign


Weekly Horoscope

This week will give mixed results to you. Luck will not support much and some mental complications will arise. You have to work hard for successful accomplishments of works. Students and competitors of competitive exams are also required to increase their efforts. Avoid bad company, disputes, and addictions. Health will remain normal. Try to maintain harmonious relations with colleagues at workplace. You might have to wait for promotion for some more time.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week will remain favorable for love, but avoid unpleasant conversation. Either your distant partner will come to meet you or he/she will inform you about his/her arrival, in the beginning of the week. But, those who are close to their partners are advised to avoid disputes. Very good results will come in the middle of the week, especially married couples will enjoy their relationship a lot. But, there is a need to stay restrained in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Perform Rudrabhishekam and worship Lord Shiva.

Click here to know more about your sign, Leo: Leo zodiac sign


Weekly Horoscope

Some tensions and success both are waiting for you this week. Domestic life may not remain very good, but success will come at workplace. You may feel stressed due to your child’s behavior, it would be better to talk to him/her calmly. But, everything will proceed in your favor at workplace. Colleagues and seniors will support. Some financial gains are also coming your way. Ups and downs may come in love life, but relationship with spouse will remain normal.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week will remain favorable for love. You can also visit somewhere on a tour, if possible. You will meet your partner with full passion in the beginning of the week. Someone may propose you this time. Take care that your enthusiasm will not turn into arguments in the middle of the week. Weekend seems better, you will enjoy a lot, but stay restrained.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Have some curd before leaving home.

Click here to know more about your sign, Virgo: Virgo zodiac sign


Weekly Horoscope

This week will blow the air of love in your life. Marrieds will enjoy with their spouse and unmarrieds will find the special one. Material pleasures are also likely to increase, either you will buy a new vehicle or some household utility products. Students will perform great in studies, they will also spend a good amount of time on internet for doing research. You are advised to choose your words properly while speaking. Don’t speak harsh and avoid anger.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week will give mixed results in love. This time it will be very important to stay away from thoughts of sensuality. Your mood may become slightly impaired in the beginning of the week, some domestic problems may give mental stress. This may also affect your love life. Mid of the week is extremely favorable. You would like to be immersed in love. Weekend is also favorable, but patience and decency would be required.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid addiction.

Click here to know more about your sign, Libra: Libra zodiac sign


Weekly Horoscope

This is not going to be a good week for your enemies, they will not be able to stand in front of you. But, expenses are likely to increase a lot. Either the demands of family members will increase or you will spend on yourself. But, avoid wastage of money. The good things about this month are, your family members will give their support and your decision making abilities will remain great. You will understand all the aspects of a thing before taking any decision. Health will remain normal, but take care of health of elder family members.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week is not very favorable for love. Take care that any mess would not occur due to love. Time would be favorable for married couples. Beginning of the week is favorable, it would be better to go for some entertainment together. This will help in intensifying your love. Don’t visit to a distant place for outing in the mid of the week, also don’t let domestic problems come in between your love. Weekend would remain greatly auspicious for your love life.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Donate yellow colored products like lentils or clothes.

Click here to know more about your sign, Scorpio: Scorpio zodiac sign


Weekly Horoscope

Your respect and fame will increase in society. You will get appreciation at workplace and support from colleagues. This is the time to handle your love relationships cautiously. Take care of your life-partner’s feelings and give full support to him/her. Expenses are likely to increase, but you will not waste your money. Time is also not correct for taking big financial decisions. Behavior of your children may make you feel uncomfortable. Talk to them calmly and take appropriate action.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week will remain favorable, but it would become important to act according to the mood and health of your partner. Act wisely in the beginning of the week. Don’t get into any dispute regarding any old matter during this time. Go for outings together and enjoy in the mid of the week. It would be good to go for a movie together. Any friend would help in the weekend to eliminate the distance between you two. A good compatibility will come in your relationship.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid anger and arguments.

Click here to know more about your sign, Sagittarius: Sagittarius zodiac sign


Weekly Horoscope

You may feel lazy in the starting of the week, some mental complications or indecisiveness may also arise. But, all will come in your favor in the mid of the week. Your decision making ability will improve and all mental complications will disappear. You will enjoy a lot with your love. Minor stomach-ache may trouble you this time, so take care of your health. Property related matters will end up in your favor. Favors are also likely from distant relationships.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week will remain extremely favorable for your love. But, don’t let your physical desires overpower your emotions. You may feel a bit extra emotional in the starting of the week. You will also feel very romantic. If your partner discuss any financial or domestic problem with you in the mid of the week, explain him/her everything with love. Weekend will remain highly favorable.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Don’t give or take money on debt.

Click here to know more about your sign, Capricorn: Capricorn zodiac sign


Weekly Horoscope

This week will give mixed results. Luck will support so any major problem will not arise. Siblings will give their support, but minor disputes are possible with father. Try to avoid this. Journeys will make you feel tired and they will also not result in favor. There is a need to put extra efforts for successful accomplishment of works. Competitors of competitive exams are also required to work hard. Time is not very appropriate for changing job, so you can try this later.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week will give mixed results in love. Beginning of the week may keep you apart due to some reason., However, doing work by maintaining a balance between work and love will give far better results. Don’t speak anything harsh which may hurt your sweetheart in the mid of the week. You will get the chances of enjoying together in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Be extremely cautious while doing work.

Click here to know more about your sign, Aquarius: Aquarius zodiac sign


Weekly Horoscope

This is the time to take care of your health and behavior. Take good care of your health, otherwise weakness or fever may disturb you. Also, behave properly with your father and seniors, otherwise disputes may occur. A good coordination will remain with life-partner and he/she will also support you. Your children will bring some good news for you, but their demands are also likely to increase. You are advised to plan everything accurately before doing anything.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week will give mixed results in love. Although starting of the week will give new energy to your love. You will also get to see the purity of love very soon. Mid of the week may remain a bit weak. But, you may meet your partner this time if he/she is away from you. Weekend will make you emotional. Don’t use inappropriate words for your partner this time.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5
Remedy/Treatment: Avoid company of bad people.

Click here to know more about your sign, Pisces: Pisces zodiac sign

Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Event Of The Day!

Click here to read today’s stock-market predictions: Sensex-nifty predictions

Have a great day!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Mercury Transit Into Aries Today - Impact On Your Sign

Mercury will move into Aries on April 12, 2015. Till April 26, 2015, it will stay here and will transit into Taurus on April 27, 2015. Mercury is intelligent and sharp, but its results never remain the same.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें


Financial profits will approach you continuously. Love will make your life beautiful. You might go on foreign tour. Read more


Some sort of secret earning or income is foreseen for you. Your will give your best at workfront, which will do wonders. Read more


Romantic talks with your love interest will raise your mobile bill. Professional life will go smooth and successful. Read more


Every aspect of your life will outshine at this time. You might develop love for driving fast. Control expenses. Read more


Something magical and warming will beautify your love life even more. Try doing charity to increase auspiciousness. Read more


Love life will prosper during this period. This is the time to cherish joyful moments with family and friends. Read more


Sudden unexpected benefits will surprise you. This is the time when you will spend a lot for your spouse. Read more


You will spend money on items related to comfort and luxuries. Professional life will flourish to a great extent. Read more


Every bond be it familial, married, or any, will go extremely great. Aromatic things such as fragrances will attract your eyes. Read more


Cordial relations will develop between you and your family members. Students will do well in studies. Read more


Trip related to work is possible. Purchase of some new equipment is also foreseen. Mental peace will keep you enlightened. Read more


Luck seems favoring you, make the most of it. Gain of name & fame is also on your cards. Overall, a good time. Read more

Event Of The Day!

Today is the pious day of Kalashtami. Please Lord Bhairava today and get relief from the shackles of miseries and sorrows.

Have a nice day!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Mars Combust In Aries Today - How Will It Affect Your Sign?


A phase when you should be alert about everything. Don’t poke your nose in matters of others. Please Lord Hanuman. Read more

Mars combust in Aries will affect your life.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें 


Don’t let aggression overpower you during this phase. Act smart and calm, as nothing else is needed. Read more


Your friends and loved ones might get hurt because of you, take care. Don’t annoy those who can prove helpful in future. Read more


You will feel as if things are out of your hands. Everything is pre-planned, instead of losing temper, be calm. Read more


Forcing others to fulfil your desires can help now, but not in the future. Avoid acting mean and behave well. Read more


Though things like black magic sound superstitious to some, better stay away from it. Don’t give anyone the power to rule over you. Read more


You might share ideological differences with your spouse, but treat him/her right. Karma will bless you with result of your actions. Read more


Rather than dominating others, be polite to them. Don’t allow your anger ruin your professional life. Read more


Don’t waste time in doing things just to impress others. Please the almighty along with enjoying pleasure of life. Read more


Disputes related to property are very much possible. Keep a check on your behavior, as you are expected to hurt others. Read more


Tiffs are a part of everyone’s life, don’t over think about it. Try not to post anything negative or rude on your social accounts. Read more


Overreacting on others will give you only defamation and nothing good. Behave well with all no and be polite. Read more

Event Of The Day!

Click here for today’s Stock Market predictions: Sensex-Nifty Predictions

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Jupiter Direct Into Cancer Today - Blissful Or Oppressive?

Jupiter is all set to turn direct in Cancer on April 08, 2015. Predictions see this planetary movement highly rewarding for the astrologers. But, what about others? What about you? Discover all now.

Jupiter direct in Cancer will affect your life directly or indirectly..


A good phase when luck will support, victory will come in legal issues and recognition will welcome you at work front. Read more


Self obsession and feeling of selfishness might take birth in you. Excessive usage of phone will cost you high. Read more


Online shopping and taste of delicious cuisines will keep mood perfect. Love, affection or some surprise might come from in-laws. Read more


Love life will prosper and flourish even more. Problems are possible, but an alert mind is the key to figure out the right solutions. Read more


Pleasure of having a new phone or laptop will come to you. Must call it your golden period, as investment in gold is highly possible. Read more


Your quality of advising others about good and bad will excel. Now is the time to think about planning your family. Read more


Old memories will be cherished again, as you will meet your old buddies. Make sure not to harm yourself while helping others. Read more


Your image might get affected. Any deal might bless you with monetary gain. To enjoy goodness of time, worship the almighty. Read more


You might experience lack of mental peace. Level of confidence might drop. Income or gain of money from hidden source is on the cards. Read more


If you are married, you will enjoy a peaceful and romantic phase. Be attentive toward health of your partner. Read more


Say a big no to heavy food, alcohol, and smoking. Extremely good time to get your dream job, put in the right efforts. Read more


Social circle will extend in this phase. Get ready to make the best of this time, as influential people will come in your contact. Read more

Event Of The Day

Click here for today’s Stock Market Predictions: Sensex-Nifty Predictions

Sankashti Shree Ganesh Chaturthi, the most auspicious day to please Lord Ganesha and end all troubles will be observed today.

Have a nice day!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Weekly Horoscope (April 6 - April 12, 2015)

What reward the upcoming week is bringing for you? Read weekly horoscope predictions from April 6 to April 12, 2015 and plan your time accordingly. The suggested remedies will keep you away from the difficult times.

Plan your upcoming week with predictions of weekly horoscope.

(April 6 - April 12) Week At A Glance:

April 8, 2015
: Sankashti Shree Ganesh Chaturthi
April 12, 2015: Kalashtami


Weekly horoscope predictions are based on your ascendant sign. Know your ascendant sign by clicking here: Know Your Ascendant Sign Now!

Weekly love horoscopes are based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator

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FREE matrimony & marriage website


Weekly Horoscope

This week will remain filled with auspiciousness for you. Good news is likely to come from everywhere. You will experience rise in personal and domestic happiness. Time is good for starting any new work, changing job and for childbirth. You will experience mental peace and happiness. Love-birds will enjoy this time. Besides all good things, you are required to take financial and professional decisions very carefully. Slight downfall is possible in income, but time is in your favor, make the most of it.

Weekly Love Horoscope

Strating of the week is extremely suitable for your love life. Anyone may propose you, if you are single. But, you have to stay cautious in the middle of the week. Your partner may feel sad or depressed due to some reason. So, try to make him/her happy and stay yourself happy as well. End of the week will be better. Outings will bring a refreshment in your relationship. You may also fall for any of your colleague.

Fortune Star: 3/5

: Stay cautious while taking financial decisions and chant Gayatri Mantra.

Click here to know the April horoscope predictions of Aries: April Aries Horoscope


Weekly Horoscope

This week will give mixed results. Enemies will be defeated, but stress may surround you. Chances of getting positive results from journeys are very less. Children and family may also become a reason for stress. Stay calm & patient and don’t say anything which may hurt others. This week will give result according to your efforts in financial matters. But, time is not appropriate for taking any big financial decision. Take care of your health and refrain from eating out.

Weekly Love Horoscope

Starting of the week is favorable for love, but don’t let arrogance come in between your relationship. Take care of your partner’s health in the middle of the week. Don’t do anything that may increase the irritability of your partner. However, problems will reduce to a greater extent till weekend will come. It would be better if you visit any religious place or go for an outing in the weekend. This will change your mood and increase your love.

Fortune Star
: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Take care of your health and drink lots of water.

Click here to know the April horoscope predictions of Taurus: April Taurus Horoscope


Weekly Horoscope

This time is favorable for Gemini natives. You will get the full result of your efforts. Income will increase immensely and father & higher officials will support. But, take care of health of your father and elder family members. Your decision making ability will improve and decisions will also result in favor. You are likely to spend on decoration or electrical appliances of home.

Weekly Love Horoscope

If you want to express your feelings, do that in the beginning of the week, because your confidence will remain great during this period. Mid of the week is average, but keep your ego aside and don’t disappoint on small things. This will improve the intensity of your love. Your partner will take care of your feelings. Be completely honest toward your partner and make a wish by considering his/her mood.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Ganesh and Lord Sun.

Click here to know the April horoscope predictions of Gemini: April Gemini Horoscope


Weekly Horoscope

Promotion or transfer is possible in job. Time is also favorable for those who are searching for a new job, so keep on doing that. You are likely to spend most of your time on social-networking sites this week. But, don’t neglect other things as well. Your efficiency will improve a lot, you will be able to complete all works with ease. You may also make a plan of outing with life-partner or sweetheart in the weekend.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week will remain favorable for your love life. But, don’t speak anything harsh that may hurt your sweetheart. Mid of the week will give mixed results. This week may bring showers of love for you, but this rain may also replace calm into yearning for your beloved. Keep your arrogance aside in the weekend. This will increase the intensity of love in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

: Exercise regularly and avoid sweets.

Click here to know the April horoscope predictions of Cancer: April Cancer Horoscope


Weekly Horoscope

You need to take care of two major things this time, first is your health and second is anger. Take care of your health, diet and refrain from eating out. Your anger may create troubles for you, so try to control it. Otherwise your dear ones may also go away from you. Try to delay legal matters for some time, as time is not auspicious for them. Also, maintain a safe distance from fire and electrical appliances.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week will bring favorable results. The week is not only favorable for entertainment, but it is also creating the possibilities of outings. Go for a movie with your sweetheart. Mid of the week may bring some tensions. However, your partner may help in overcoming from it. Weekend will help in maintaining a balance in your love life.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Chant Maha-Mrityunjay Mantra for a good health.

Click here to know the April horoscope predictions of Leo: April Leo Horoscope


Weekly Horoscope

This week is having some big financial profits for you. Income will increase and strong chances of profit are also there in business. But, you are advised not to take any financial decision in hurry. Time is with you, but use your intellect also. Minor differences or disputes are possible with family members. But, you will spend a good time with your life-partner, you may also make a program to visit somewhere. Time will bring some ups and downs for love-birds, but there is nothing to worry as it will not last for long.

Weekly Love Horoscope

It would be better to start your week with sweet-talks. You may speak something harsh this time, which may hurt your beloved. Don’t get into any dispute over domestic or financial matters with your beloved. You may go for a movie together in the middle of the week. You will devote full time to love in the weekend that will remove all the resentment.

Fortune Star
: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Offer wheat bread to black dog at night.

Click here to know the April horoscope predictions of Virgo: April Virgo Horoscope


Weekly Horoscope

You will remain calm and feel eternal happiness. Atmosphere will also remain prosperous at home. Any auspicious task can be organised at your place. But, stay cautious from people outside home, as they may try to harm you. Relations will remain great with life-partner and sweetheart. But, time is looking very average for profession and business, so take all the major financial decisions very carefully.

Weekly Love Horoscope

You may feel romantic in the starting of the week. But, don’t let your enthusiasm overflow, because you are going to enjoy a lot by maintaining decent behavior. Married people will get some great chances to enjoy their life. Avoid unpleasant talks in the middle of the week. Use facebook, whatsapp and other social media sites to connect with your sweetheart, in case you are away from him/her. Avoid situations of disputes in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Perform Yoga for improving concentration.

Click here to know the April horoscope predictions of Libra: April Libra Horoscope


Weekly Horoscope

This week you will be able to defeat enemies and make some new friends. You will turn opposite situations in favour with your intellect. But, you may have to work a little harder for accomplishing works. Participants of competitive exams and job seekers are also required to work a bit hard. But, the good thing about this week is that your intellect and courage will not leave you alone. Father and elder brother will also provide their full support.

Weekly Love Horoscope

This week may not bring a sense of satisfaction in your love life. Stay connected with him/her by using facebook, whatsapp or other social networking sites. If that is not possible, atleast share photos of your recent activities. All will remain good if you remain stress free in the middle of the week. Weekend will intensify your love. You will remain emotional and connected with your partner. Don’t get into an argument with him/her in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Maa Lakshmi.

Click here to know the April horoscope predictions of Scorpio: April Scorpio Horoscope


Weekly Horoscope

Health problems of your mother may disturb, so take care of her. Avoid others’ & financial disputes completely. Some mental complications may trouble you, but you will conquer them easily. Time is good for lovebirds and for talking about marriage with family members. Competitors of competitive exams are required to increase their efforts a bit, otherwise success will remain doubtful.

Weekly Love Horoscope

Moon will remain in your eleventh house and bring a new energy in your love life this week. You will meet your partner with full enthusiasm. But, mid of the week is less favorable. Either you will visit to meet your distant partner or he/she will come to see you. Weekend may make you emotional, therefore avoid doing anything wrong by being emotional. However, you will talk a lot with your partner this time.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid disputes and worship Lord Hanuman.

Click here to know the April horoscope predictions of Sagittarius: April Sagittarius Horoscope


Weekly Horoscope

This time may test your patience, so stay calm. Results will come in your favor in the end. Domestic pleasures will increase and life-partner will support a lot. You are also likely to hear a good news from children. Time is not appropriate for buying a new home, property or vehicle, so you should wait for the right time. Your health will remain good, but take care of health of elder family members. Your decisions will create a positive impact and help in finding success.

Weekly Love Horoscope

Beginning of the week will remain favorable. This time will give special results to those who are in love with their colleague. But, others are required to maintain a balance between their love and work. Therefore, you are advised to utilize your time. Time may remain a bit weak in the middle of the week. But, weekend will bring the lost favoritism back.

Fortune Star: 3/5

: Don’t take or give money on debt to anyone.

Click here to know the April horoscope predictions of Capricorn: April Capricorn Horoscope


Weekly Horoscope

This time will give good results to you in condition of avoiding anger and controlling words. Avoid disputes and don’t use bitter words. Your journeys may remain long and hectic, try to delay them if possible. Take care of children that they will not spend all their time on social networking sites. Ideological differences are possible with father and elder brother, so take care and present your thoughts in a calm manner.

Weekly Love Horoscope

You may make a plan of outing with your partner in the beginning of the week. If it is not possible to visit a distant place, go for a religious trip. Mid of the week will be highly favorable. Though work may increase a lot this time, try to maintain a balance between work and love. You have to act with cautiousness in the weekend, also follow a decent behaviour during this time.

Fortune Star
: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid carelessness because luck is not supporting much.

Click here to know the April horoscope predictions of Aquarius: April Aquarius Horoscope


Weekly Horoscope

Money will come on a normal pace, but take care while taking big financial decisions. Drive carefully and slowly. This time your loan will be passed very easily, so if you want to take it, this is a good time for that. Your mental complications may increase and courage may decrease. Try to avoid this kind of situation and believe in yourself. Time is not appropriate for buying land, property or vehicle, so wait for the right time. Health problems of any family member may become the reason of mental and financial problems.

Weekly Love Horoscope

Sometimes you will feel enthusiastic and sometimes disappointed for your love in the starting of the week. So, you won’t be able to devote yourself fully to love. Take care of your partner’s mood this time. Mid of the week will increase favorability. However, due to some trips and works, you will not be able to give enough time to your sweetheart. Weekend is going to be highly favorable. This time will compensate for your previous days and you will enjoy your love.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid meat, alcohol, and company of bad people.

Click here to know the April horoscope predictions of Pisces: April Pisces Horoscope

Event of the Day!

Click here to read today’s stock-market predictions: Sensex-nifty predictions

Have a great day!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Venus Transit Into Taurus Tomorrow - Read Its Impact On Your Sign

Venus will enter its own sign, Taurus on April 6, 2015. Till May 5, 2015, it will occupy this sign. Venus is all about luxuries, while Taurus is an earthy sign.

Transit of Venus in Taurus will bring some big changes to your life.

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This is the phase when your aura would be pleasing. Your taste buds will develop an urge for sweets. Take care of your partner’s health. Read more


Passion for romance and libido will rise. Workfront will remain pleasant. Students will excel in studies. Read more


An inflow followed by outflow is possible in terms of money. Act smart to control expenses. Indecisiveness in thoughts is on your cards. Read more


New friends and that too beneficial ones will increase your friend list. You would enjoy ‘happy go lucky’ attitude. Online shopping is also possible. Read more


Workfront will blossom. Internet and cell phone will keep you busy. This is the phase when your enemies will be demolished. Read more


Luck will be your best friend at this time. You will tune well with your colleagues. Keep an eye on your expenses. Read more


Be very careful regarding your image at workplace. Weigh your words before speaking and talk in limit. Stress might trouble. Read more


Laziness will lead to delay in your endeavors. Feel good, as your hidden wishes are expected to get fulfilled now. Read more


While promotion could be seen on your cards, thoughts of changing job are also possible. Fever might attack you, take care. Read more


You might have to deal with an upset stomach. Love life will be at its best. Outings and romance will keep you cheerful. Read more


It’s good to be emotional, but not over emotional. Your outstanding performance at workplace will grab eyeballs of all. Read more


Keep all problems aside and enjoy fun time with your family. Take care of your health and be careful from colleagues. Read more

So, this is all we had for you about Venus transit in Taurus. Utilize the best of these predictions, stay tuned with us, and have a blissful life ahead.

Event of the Day!

Today’s Sunday is special, as it is Easter Sunday today.

Vaishakh Krishna Paksha has begun today.

Have a nice day ahead!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Chandra Grahan Will Change Your Life Today - Know The Possible Impacts

The smallest total lunar eclipse of the century is today from 15:45 till 19:19 IST. It is the first partial lunar eclipse (Anshik Chandra Grahan) of the year 2015. This eclipse will affect different signs in different ways. Are you ready to witness this interesting event? How this partial eclipse will affect your life?

Chandra Grahan will change your life, get to know the possible impacts.

Know How This Eclipse Is Special From The Perspective Of Numerology

The numerology number of date of lunar eclipse i.e. April 4, 2015 is 8, which is the number of Lord Saturn. It indicates that different types of diseases may upset people this time. They may also experience the effect of Shani Dhaiya and Shani Sade Sati.

Click here to know more about Numerology: What Is Numerology

Hanuman Jayanti Also Holds A Great Significance in 2015

Lord Saturn feel pleased if we worship Lord Hanuman. You can take the full advantage of today’s auspicious day of Hanuman Jayanti by worshiping Lord Hanuman. Worshipping him on the day of this lunar eclipse will fill your life with happiness.

Read about the festival of Hanuman Jayanti by clicking here: Hanuman Jayanti 2015

Click here to take a look on effective ways for avoiding the bad effects of Lord Saturn: 5 Tips To Ward Off Saturn’s Malefic Effects That You Must Know

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You May Get To See The Blood-Moon This Lunar Eclipse

When the Sunlight falls on Moon on the day of lunar eclipse, Moon changes color to red or orange. For this reason, it is called “Blood-Moon”. The possibility of occurence of Blood-Moon is very high in today’s lunar eclipse.

Time & Measures Of Partial Lunar Eclipse

When earth comes in between the Sun and the Moon in such a way that the shadow of earth covers the whole or partial part of Moon. In this process, Earth creates an obstacle for Sun rays to reach the Moon. This is known as Lunar Eclipse.

Today, partial lunar eclipse will take place for 3 hours and 33 minutes, but total lunar eclipse will only be visible for 5 minutes. With this article we will tell you the time and some important measures to be followed on partial lunar eclipse.

Chandra Grahan will change your life, get to know the possible impacts.

Read about Chandra Grahan 2015 in detail by clicking here: Chandra Grahan 2015

Some Simple Measures To Avoid The Side Effects Of Partial Lunar Eclipse

  1. Worshiping Lord Shiva during Chandra Grahan would be highly favorable.
  2. Holy bath and charity will help in getting rid from all kinds of problems.
  3. Pilgrimages, meditation, and fire sacrifice produce some really special benefits.
  4. Touching the idols of lord and performing any kind of Puja ritual should be prohibited during Grahan. But, Bhajans can be done by the devotees.
  5. Pregnant ladies should avoid cutting, weaving and sewing during Grahan. Because doing any of them will increase the threat of bad effect of eclipse on the unborn child.
  6. Perform as much charity as you can after eclipse for eliminating its effects.
  7. Avoid eating anything during Grahan (except for children, elders and patients).

Why NASA Is Considering This Eclipse So Special

According to NASA, this lunar eclipse is going to be the third one of a series of four lunar eclipse. This series is known as “Tretad”. The first eclipse of this series took place on April 15, 2014, after that in September 2014. The fourth and the last one of the series will take place on September 28, 2015.

We hope that you will soon get relief from all your problems. Keep these important measures in mind and stay happy.

AstroSage wishes you a safe lunar eclipse 2015!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Read 6 Unknown Facts About Lord Mahavira This Mahavir Jayanti Now

Mahavir Jayanti will be celebrated with great joy and fervor today. Lord Mahavir is known for peace, tolerance and humanity. But, do you think you know the lord very well? We will tell some really interesting and unknown facts about Lord Mahavir.

Know the secrets about the life of Lord Mahavir this Mahavir Jayanti. Label(s): Festival

Mahavir Jayanti is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Mahavir. Many things are prevalent about the Lord throughout the world. But, today we will tell you some really interesting facts which will make you feel closer to the Lord.

Lord Mahavir was born about 2500 years ago (599 years before christ) in the state of Kundalpur of Vaishali. He was born as the third child of King Siddharth and Queen Trishala. He was the last and 24th colossus of Jain religion.

Read about the festival of Mahavir Jayanti in detail by clicking here: Mahavir Jayanti 2015

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6 Unheard Facts Of Lord Mahavira’s Life

1. Do you know how Lord Mahavir was known to be as a Teerthanker (a great man) before birth?

Chaos was spreaded in Lord Mahavira’s state before his birth. The people of state were waiting for the birth of a great man. During that time, Queen Trishala was pregnant and she saw some really beautiful dreams in the last phase (Pahar) of night. The next morning, King Sidharth asked for the meaning of those dreams. Then he came to know that a great man is going to take birth in his house.

2. Lord Mahavir is called by how many different names?

Lord Mahavir is called by five different well-known names like Vardhman, Veer, Ativeer, Mahaveer and Sanmati.

3. At what age Lord Mahavir left the Kingdom and family?

The parents of Lord passed away when he was 28. After that, he stayed at home for two years on the request of his elder brother, NandiVardhan. But, he received Diksha at the age of 30 and left family and Kingdom on the day of Margashirsha Krishna Dashami.

4. For how many years did Lord Mahavir meditated?

Lord Mahavir meditated for approximately 12 years. He attained enlightenment at the age of 42, after 12 years of hard penance.

5. Lord Mahavir had explained how many theories for finding the way of salvation?

Lord Mahavir had explained five very simple theories for gaining salvation. Those are truth, tolerance, avoiding theft, avoiding excess of collection, and purification of mind. One can lead a very simple and stress free life by applying these theories in life.

6. Lord Mahavir had died at what age?

Lord Mahavir died at the age of 72 in Pawapur on the day of Krishna Amavasya. He also received the title of Nirvana at that time.

The life of Lord Mahavir is like an open book which gives the message of truth, non-violence and humanity. He taught to follow the principle of ‘live and let live’ for spreading peace in mankind. Let’s make our life successful by following these principles in life.

AstroSage wishes you a Happy Mahavir Jayanti 2015!