Friday, September 13, 2013

Lal Krishna Advani: Palmistry Analysis

 Lal Krishna Advani Palmistry
By Manish Paliwal

Lal Krishna Advani was born on November 8, 1927, in Sindh, Karachi. An Indian politician, he is the senior leader of Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP). He started his political career volunteering for Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. It is a cultural organization.

According to his Birth Date Number 8, makes him stubborn as well as down-to-earth. Being projected as iron man, his hand looks quite balanced. His personality is quite soft and easily adaptable, not tough. People like him are slow but steady, and are never scared of obstructions. Even Narendra Modi is number 8; hence, they share a mutual admiration.

Advani’s Hand & Palm Reading

The thumb of LK Advani Ji is tapered and is bending backward, which indicates that he is a perfectionist. Never satisfied, he loves to experiment.

People like him love to be in different circumstances and can mold themselves very well.

They also tend to get bored very easily as changes appeal them. Experimenting helps them to constantly look for changes. Advani Ji must be having love for variety of tastes. The bending backward gives love for changes and tapering gives refinement. He must be having a refined taste in all sphere of life.

People like him listen to other people well. They get under the skin of the person. They are rigid, stubborn and are willing for new options. But as age goes on, it's all well known that a person who gets old becomes stubborn and inflexible.

The best sign to have in the hand of a politician is the 3rd phylange of the Mercury/little finger being longest and thick. Such people look for opportunities and have all Mercury qualities.

They cherish worldly pleasures.Mercury is the planet known for intelligence, awakening, cleverness and wisdom. Longer 3rd phylange may bring negative qualities.

The heart line is good; therefore indicating good health. The person is detached too. This shows he will play the game till last moment.

Radha Ashtami: Birthday of Radharani

Radha, the mother of beauty, consort of Lord Krishna and forever an example of true, boundless and eternal love. This article will have all the information related to Radharani, her birth, her love for Lord Krishna and how this festival is celebrated beautifully all over India. 

This year Radha Ashtami is on the 13th of September, 15 days after Krishna Janmashtami. Radha Ashtami is celebrated in the Bhadrapada month on the Ashtami of Shukla Paksha. This is a grand event in Gahavar forest in Barsana, suburb of Mathura. Also in places like Braj, Vrindavan and Rawal the celebrations are just as grand as Janmashtami. 

Special pujas and rituals are performed on this day. Women observe fast to get the blessings of Radharani. Temples decorate the idols of Krishna and Radha most beautifully, devotees line up to get a glimpse of this marvel. 

Goddess Radha

Click here to find out the auspicious Muhurat time of the day to perform the puja on Radhastami - Shubh Muhurat 

Birth of Radharani

Goddess Radha was born to Vrishbhanu and Kirti. One legend says that Radha was the daughter of King Vrishbhanu, who found Radha as a baby when he was cleaning the floor for a yagna puja. While another legend says that, when Lord Vishnu was to take birth on earth as Lord Krishna, he asked his family to also take birth on earth. Hence Goddess Radha appeared on earth as eternal companion or lover to Lord Krishna. It is believed that Radha was older to Lord Krishna and that her eyes were closed until krishna appeared in front of her. So great is her love for Krishna. 

Radha: The Most Important Of The Gopis

Krishna And The Gopis

According to Skanda Purana there were about 16000 Gopis, of which 108 were the prominent ones. Out of the 108, 8 Gopis were the Principal ones and Radha the most important one of all. The names of the Gopis are Lalita, Visakha, Champakalata, Citra, Tungavidya, Indulekha, Rangadevi and Sudevi. It is believed that Goddess Radha’s love for Krishna was beyond anything mortal, her love for Krishna was immeasurable. Radha and Krishna were one and the same. This quality of hers has been proved in many legends, one of which is given below. 

To test the love of Radha for Krishna, his wives played a prank on her by giving her a hot glass of milk to drink. On hearing that the milk was sent by Krishna Radha drank it at once. The wives were astounded to see that Radha was perfectly fine even after drinking a boiling glass of milk. Their slight disappointed turned into tragedy when they saw Krishna suffering from ulcer in his throat as a result of the hot milk that radha drank. This incident proved everyone that Radha and Krishna are one and the same. So great was Radha’s love to Krishna that she drank the boiling milk and so great was Krishna’s love to Radha that he never will he let any pain touch her. 

Celebrating Radha Ashtami 


The celebrations reach its peak in Rawal, the birthplace of Goddess Radha. The idol is bathed, decorated with new clothes and rare jewels. Large amount of milk, coconut, ghee and honey is used for the puja ceremonies which is later distributed to the devotees as prasad. Places like Vrindavan, Mathura and Braj have equally grand celebrations like the one in Rawal. 

May this festival bring you all the happiness and prosperity, and may you be showered with the blessings of Goddess Radharani.

Sensex - Nifty Predictions (13.9.2013)

Stock market predictions for 13.9.2013.

Planets position on 13th September 2013 at 09:15am at Mumbai

Planetary Aspects

Sun sextiles Jupiter, Moon squares Sun, Mercury sextiles Mars & Saturn and Rahu squares Mars.


Day: Friday
Tithi: Shukla Ashtami
Nakshatra: Moola
Yoga: Ayushman
Karana: Bava

Market will start rising from 9:35 am onwards and after the ups & downs, Nifty will try to close in green.

Copper will see rising trend till 10:35 am. Banks will see upsurge till 11:30am.

Persons having Scorpio and Cancer moon signs / lagna will be financially affected today. They should refrain from money matters today.

We suggest the readers not to indulge in any kind of speculation like day trading but invest astrologically as per their individual horoscopes for long term to gain profits.

Disclaimer: - The predictions made herein are for information purposes and are not recommendations to any person to buy or sell any securities. We only use astrological analysis, so target are not based on any technical or fundamental analysis but only on the experience of an astrologer. Its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. The information provided herein is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities of any kind. The Astrologer and the company do not accept any liability for the use of this column. Readers of this column who buy or sell securities based on the information in this column are solely responsible for their actions. And author won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anyone.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Vastu for a Prosperous Home

“A home filled with nothing but yourself. It's heavy, that lightness. It's crushing, that emptiness.” ― Margaret Atwood

What is home, sans the people, sans all the feelings and the laughter? It would be a body without a soul; A mere existence rather than living. Human beings since the time immemorial have been building shelters for themselves. Vastu is an ancient science of construction. It is one of the many gems that we have inherited from our great forefathers. With great effort Vastu was revived so that it could be followed in the modern world. 

For a Happy Home

“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.” ― George Augustus Moore

Have you ever wondered why are you never at peace with yourself even if there is nothing much that bothers you. Coming home after a long day at work, you still feel restless. Are you having sleepless and restless nights? Does it look like that in spite of doing everything right, everything is falling apart? May be it is time to have a look at Vastu of your House, office and other places that concern you. The principles of Vastu Shastra are based on the energy of the Sun, the position of the Moon, direction of the wind, Earth’s magnetic field and the influence of the universe on Earth. It is basically a well drawn system that keeps in mind the science of direction, astrology and astronomy.

Bring in Happiness and Prosperity

If we have a heritage to be proud of, then there is no point in making that a part of our modern lives. Bring in Vastu in your home and welcome prosperity, wealth and happiness. The troubled times are over now.

Sensex - Nifty Predictions (12.9.2013)

Planets position on 12th September 2013 at 09:15am at Mumbai

Planetary Aspects

Sun sextiles Jupiter ,Moon Trines Mars, Mars Squares Ketu ,Mercury sextiles Mars , Saturn & Rahu Squares Mars


Day: Thursday
Tithi: Sukla Sapthami
Nakshatra: Jyeshtha
Yoga: Priti
Karana: Vanij

Bulls will win the tug of war today also and Nifty will close in green.

Persons having Libra and Gemini moon signs / lagna will be financially affected today. They should refrain from money matters today.

We suggest the readers not to indulge in any kind of speculation like day trading but invest astrologically as per their individual horoscopes for long term to gain profits .

Disclaimer: - The predictions made herein are for information purposes and are not recommendations to any person to buy or sell any securities. We only use astrological analysis, so target are not based on any technical or fundamental analysis but only on the experience of an astrologer. Its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. The information provided herein is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities of any kind. The Astrologer and the company do not accept any liability for the use of this column. Readers of this column who buy or sell securities based on the information in this column are solely responsible for their actions. And author won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anyone.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

England Vs Australia: 3rd ODI

By Acharya Raman

England Vs Australia: 3rd ODI, Birmingham

13:00 GMT September 11, 2013.

The one day series between the two giants has begun already. Both the teams will give their best to win this series. I am also trying to find out who will be the winner of each match by my way of astro-numerology. Let us see what happens to this match.

Ascendant lord: Mars -9
Moon star lord: Saturn - 21
Moon sign lord: Mars - 9
Day lord: Mercury - 9
Time used for prediction: 21:00:00, Birmingham

Winner: The result is 1 so team 1 England will win this game.

Yoga For Peace & Tranquility

“Yoga is the cessation of the movements of the mind. Then there is abiding in the Seer's own form.” - Patanjali

Yoga is the only way to attain that form; the form that you truly are. The selfless, tranquil and blissful you; ‘the you’ that does not need a reason to be happy. The importance of Yoga has been highlighted time and again and there is a strong urge in all of you to follow the path, which promises to make your body healthy and mind calm.

Yoga for peace and tranquility

You may like to read:
In spite of knowing it all, do you find it difficult to bring it in your life style? Well we might have a solution just for you. Learn the principles of Yoga with us and begin to live the change.

Rules of Yoga:
  • Practice Yoga empty stomach.
  • Relax for 10 seconds at least after each yoga exercise.
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothes for practicing yoga.
  • Do not push your body too much, instead be slow and patient.

You may also like to read: Yoga for concentration

"You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do are yoga exercises, which may reveal to you where you are resisting your natural state." - Sharon Gannon

Yoga is nothing but a simple way at getting back together with your former self, your true self. Yoga will not heal you, rather it will tell you that you are wounded. Further it will tell you what needs to be done to heal that wound. 

Yoga for ultimate bliss

"Breathe in a smile; breathe out a chuckle." - Cheri Huber

Enough has been said and read about this ancient art. It is time now to act upon all of it to ensure that you get all the happiness that you deserve, Yoga is the first step towards meditation. It is the grand entrance to physical and mental well being. Wake up to a new you and find that life has much more to offer than you bargain for. Life is out there to offer you all the pleasures, but are you prepared to accept it. We are lost and Yoga is a way to finding the self. Heal the wounded, mend the broken, for life has mysterious ways of offering you your share of happiness and sorrow; and ‘true you’ will accept all without any distinction.