Monday, January 4, 2016

Weekly Horoscope (4 Jan - 10 Jan, 2016)

Make new plans of the week ahead of the New Year with this weekly horoscope. Let’s now know what this week holds for you.

Weekly horoscope for January 4 to 10, 2016 is here.

Weekly Horoscope 2016 is totally based on the moon calendar. know your moon sign with our moon sign calculator.

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Ariens, Weekly Horoscope 2016 foresees that you might gain an income from multiple sources. An exciting and romantic time will be spent on long journeys with a spouse. The good news is expected from children. Weekly Horoscope 2016 suggests that if you are going to appear for any exam or interview, then boost your self-confidence to obtain victory. This week you will gain positive energy in your thoughts. You will receive full support from friends of opposite sex.

Love Predictions: In general, this week you will found a blend of everything but do not take love as a piece of entertainment. Moreover, have control on your concupiscible desires to get better results. Starting of this week will be comparatively better for you love birds. Married couples will fetch good outcomes this week. Middle of the week less favourable. Hence, maintain a decent attitude. Therefore, by this weekend it would be better to be limited as compare before.

Remedies: Beware of servants, serve your mother and elder women with gifts.

Ratings: 2.5/5


Taureans, this week your luck ratings will get strong. Natives Weekly Horoscope 2016 predicts that a success will be received in every task. If you are investing in a business, or going on interview or applying for jobs, this time is favourable. Decisions that are taken wisely by ownself will give positive result but do not get affected by others consideration. Your opponents might plan strategies against you, so beware. Although you will defeat them with your goodness. 

Love Predictions: This week is going to be mixed in terms of courtship. Keeping your domestic problem off shore, can help you to make week prosperous. In beginning of this week a lovable bond will be experienced but it might turn into useless arguments The mid part of this week will going to be favourable. You might go on a date. In order to have a dignified living friendly behaviour would be appropriate by end of this week.

Remedies: Spend your valuable time with your partner and flow coconut in running water wrapped in a red cloth.

Ratings: 3/5


Geminis, this 2016 you might receive an income from unknown sources. People who are looking for a new job or want to switch, better opportunities are waiting for them. Students might get deviated from their studies. Children might face mental problems this week as predicted by Weekly Horoscope 2016. Natives this week is not favourable for your health, some mental problems and tiredness will make you suffer. Objections seem to be coming in your life, during this period be calm as advisable. Indulging money on luxury items will be seen.

Love Predictions: Normally, it can be said that this week can be of mixed results. Anything cannot be forcibly done, hence it would be inappropriate to make any attempt in that manner. Therefore act sensible, take decisions with a kind heart. Although week will start with unfavourable situations. If you intend to propose anyone go on but this time is not conducive. S o be careful. Middle of the week is also favourable but avoid humiliating each other. Being limited will help to improve compatibility level. 

Remedies: Donate gram, jaggery, copper utensils, red cloth and vermillion on Hanuman. Visit Temple on Tuesdays.

Ratings: 3/5


Cancerians this week will be full of excitements. Arousal of an auspicious ceremony or spiritual activities likely happens. Purchasing a new vehicle is on the cards. Your house or land will get ready by this week. A respectful attitude will be received in from society. Natives, who are looking for new jobs your wait will get over now. An outing with family is possible. There are good chances of success in business. Foreign trade will also prove to be beneficial. Although a little delay in work and controversies might occur, but with sure success at the end. Collaborating with some high officials this week will help you to complete your task. 

Love Predictions: In general this week promising you to give favourable results. Due to some affairs, a development is relation is foreseen. In early days of this week if for some reason the mind is unhappy then love can refresh your mood. Middle of this week is favorable, but for some reason, you can found yourself in an emotional state. By the ending of this week some matters need to resolved with love.

Remedies: Donate Split Green gram & sweets made up of gram flour, stationery and Yellow clothes at Temple.

Ratings: 4/5 


Lions this week, uncontrolled anger can be so exclusive therefore have control over speech and anger. You might receive a sudden wealth this week, but your mind remains restless. The child may also cause problems. Pregnant women need to take special care this week. Due to some situations, you might have to go away from home. This week dramatic changes in the home and workplace are foreseen. Expenses are likely to be very high. Suddenly borrowing conditions could become the new investment. Weekly Horoscope 2016 suggests you to avoid taking any major economic decisions this week. 

Love Predictions: The week seems to be favourable for love matters. If you are in love with a neighbour or colleague then the week will be more auspicious. With the starting of this week; do take time to have some entertainment this will make your bond strong. Middle of the week will average. By ending of this week, chances to get proposals on social media are possible.

Remedies: Stay away from deep water and predatory animals. Worship Lord Shiva and Sun. Try to avoid arrogance and anger & avoid unnecessary disputes in the family.

Ratings: 3/5 


This week your strength power will be well maintained the whole week. If you are participating in a competition then good chances of receiving success are there. Business or a work related trip are possible which is extremely favorable. For married life, time is unfavourably resulting in arguments. Weekly Horoscope 2016 suggests; maintain a harmonic relation with a partner. Service people might honor with a promotion this week. Good opportunities for businessmen are waiting, a good amount of income will be gained. In business people who are involved in a partnership, needs to stay cautious with their relations. 

Love Predictions: In general, this week is going to be in your favour. You might fall in love with your colleague or classmate. However, in starting of this week if you are going to propose someone choose your words wisely. In the middle, someone might keep an eye on your activities therefore, by being careful continue to enjoy your love. Moreover by the ending of this week just keep frivolous things out of your mind and keep flowing with the wind of love. 

Remedies: This week negative thinking in any work should be avoided. Before indulging deeply in activities related to intoxication get rid of it. Make donations related to planet Rahu.

Ratings: 3/5


This week collaboration with a partner will be in a good phase. due to which all sorts of happiness will be seen. Work that was paused for a long time will resume now and this week you will be able to purchase a new car or land. Any ongoing dispute will come to an end, this time, being in your favour. This week the time is perfect to have a pleasant journey. large investment in business can be made or views of expanding it can be implemented now. Job seekers this week is auspicious for you. With Weekly Horoscope, 2016 promotions are on the cards. 

Love Predictions: This week is full of mix and match outcomes. In starting someone might propose you with love. If looking forward to get married then chances of getting marriage proposals are there. Therefore, week might start with some oddish conditions. In middle of this week do not hurt your partner sentiments. Proposing someone with a little delay will be beneficial. In the end enjoy your lovable moments and ignore things from past. 

Remedies: Chant Mantras related to Planet Shani and lit camphor at Shani Dev and Lord Shiva.

Ratings: 2.5/5


Luck will remain strong this week as well as an amazing courage, wisdom and a will power will be seen. Individual will experience happiness in life and sweetness in relation with a spouse is expected. Natives who are looking forward to getting married their wait will end now. Pregnant women should need to take careful measures. To deepen the relationship of love this week foresees to be very good. Businessmen will gain income from more than one source whereas people who are doing desk jobs Weekly Horoscope 2016 is indicating strong chances of promotion opportunities. Parents or spouses might face health problems, so be cautious.

Love Predictions: This week is very favourable for love birds who are in long distance relationship. You might have to stay away from your partner due to some reason. In the middle, a romantic mood will be observed in you but keep in view your partner's mood as well. By ending of the week, you might experience mixed outcomes are coming in your way. Arousal of unnecessary arguments are possible, so avoid. Beware of neighbours. 

Remedies: Avoid toxic items to live a healthy life. Keep control on your speech. Donate food & clothes to leepers.

Ratings: 2/5


This week is full of action, hence avoid, being lazy to work well. If some task is pending for long, it will be done this time. Good performance from children's side will welcome happiness. If you are participating in any competition, then both luck and hard work will support you. Social and political life is expected to rise in rank and reputation. If you were thinking of a new vehicle this wish will get fulfilled. Journeys remain favorable and soothing. This week is an auspicious time to make a new investment.

Love Predictions: This week will be very prosperous for you. Although, maintaining limits will be helpful in relations. However week will start off with some positivity around you. This time is very auspicious for people who are in love, to get married or for married couples to gain fruitful results. With the mid of this week you might have to go far from your spouse. You will remain emotional and you might feel that you are less valued by your partner.

Remedies: Avoid consumption of sweet and rich commodities. Chant Mantra Lord Ganesha Mantra.

Ratings: 3/5


Weekly Horoscope 2016 foretell that this week your family will be able to meet the cost needed for maintenance of house comfortably. Working with some entertainment and rest are advised this week. Do not disclose your enthusiasm and ideas and plans to the public. Problems due to the decisions you have made in past that resulted in a bad economic situation will improve, efforts will bear fruit. The trip will be productive from an economic standpoint because time is better. It is advised to stay away from the lottery. Partner might suffer from health issues. 

Love Predictions: In general, this week is going to be for love. So in love with a colleague Keep in mind that much of the heart of boss you do not pay them too careful otherwise Stay. At the beginning of the week will be the new energy in your love. You both work and love Will settle between. Middle of the week will also be weak Weekend May remain. Therefore, understanding the behavior continue.

Remedies: Avoid hasty donations and donate related to Planet Venus as well offer lotus flower to Goddess Lakshmi.

Ratings: 3/5


This week is very proficient for health and socio-economic status. Be cautious from your enemies. Do not trust blindly on people who provides a loan, chances of getting ditched are quite possible. Theft or loss of a thing might increase your expenses, so be alert of thieves. This week the children will make you happy and those who are preparing for competition better chances of success are there as per Weekly Horoscope 2016. For people who are working time is awesome but traders remain problematic. Fraud or theft at the workplace also poses the sum of the loss.

Love Predictions: It may be a mixed week for love. You might get attracted towards someone living far. But beware he/she might deceive you. At the beginning of the week because of busy the schedule, you might get less time for love. But by balancing your work and love life sweetness in love will be obtained. The weekend will stay combined with a sum of sweet and sour moments.

Remedies: Pour water on Peepal tree or offer mustard oil at Shani Temple.

Ratings: 3/5


This week victory can be achieved on the basis of your strength and self-confidence but differences may generate with spouses and some tensions may arise with father, so be cautious as suggested by Weekly Horoscope 2016. The increase in respect of reputation may grow. This week fortune is not favouring you. Therefore, keep the distance from gambling. Chances of a job promotion or transfer to your desired location are there. Allergy-related problems can disturb this week. Overall familial matters will not be good this week.

Love Predictions: The beginning of the week is not very good for you. Therefore, beware from receiving wrong numbers on social media. Middle of this week is relatively favorable, but due to some reason you might not get a chance to meet with your love ones. Keep your efforts on by having the conversation on phone calls etc to keep your bond connected. The weekend looks good you might start liking someone at work. Chances of getting proposals are there. 

Remedies: Keep track of your and your spouse's health and to control anger. Worship Goddess Bhagwati and donate toys to kids.

Ratings: 3/5

Love predictions in this horoscope are exclusively given by Pt. Hanuman Mishra

Saturday, January 2, 2016

January 2016 Horoscope

With this horoscope 2016 for January, we are offering you the predictions that are required to plan your year ahead. Know what this month has to offer you.

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January looks normal for health. Expected improvement will come in family. 2016 will begin on a favorable note for you. Luck will play a major role in achievements this month. The change of sign by Jupiter - Sun will lead to success and extreme self confidence in studies. Venus, lord of second as well as seventh house will also change sign with Mars, lord of ascendant and eighth house. Drive vehicles very carefully in this period of time. This month will fulfill your every interest and desires. You will successfully take out time for your hobbies. Opportunities to go on journeys are likely to come your way. Friend list will increase with new friends. However, you might lack support of family members in your tasks. 

Remedy: Recite Hanuman Chalisa twice a day and keep your surroundings clean.

Rating: 3 out of 5


Beginning of January will bring ups & downs for your health. However, your prestige will increase and you will be respected. Transit of Rahu will lead to progress and financial gains in business. Financial profits are possible from people associated with politics. This month is excellent for finances. Hurdles created by enemies will end. Positioning of ninth house lord in Kendra (centre) along with Venus (lord of sign) will do wonders for your luck. Mercury, fifth house lord, is posited in ninth house in friend’s sign. This planetary position is going to unlock your future. However, your expenses will remain high during this month. This increase in expenses might affect your familial bliss in one or the other way. You might also spend on some religious deeds during this month. Presence of Mars in your sixth house will make your enemies inactive throughout this month. This will boost up your courage, strength, energy and confidence. Your confidence might bring good chances of making money to you. Strong financial aspect will help you getting money from tricky things as well. However, it would be great to have control on your temper. Being emotional is also necessary, do not make friends with thoughts of making money only. Such bonds not only die soon, but also lead to mental stress later.

Remedy: To cure Saturn’s Mahadasha (Antardasha), recite Dashrath Krit Shani Stotra & Hanuman Chalisa. Recite Beej Mantras for Jupiter Mahadasha. 

Rating: 3.5 out of 5


First house will help you in accomplishing pending works related to professional life. Foreign connection will also bring rise in your profits. Jupiter is retrograde this month due to which support and guidance of seniors will remain absent. Savings will increase slowly. You might take loan for the sake of your professional ventures. Avoid thinking about changing job. Uncertainty will be there in income. Don’t act careless in journeys as injury is possible. Wealth loss will add up to reasons for worries. Good thing possible this month is your health which will remain at its best. Support from family is assured. You are not that cordial with your father. However, this is not a good thing and definitely unfavorable for your luck. Your mother might not feel happy this month. Love matters look disturbed this month. It will be appreciable not depending on luck and others. Business plans will proceed with slow pace. Previously done works will shower rewards now. Profits coming this month will be directly related to abroad. Being optimistic is the key to complete every task in the beginning of the month. Support of spouse will do wonders for you. More than interest, dominancy by others will be experienced by you in workfront. Increased expenses during mid of the week will disturb financial situation.

Remedy: Recite Hanuman Chalisa for Saturn’s Mahadasha and visit Kaal Bhirav temple. 

Rating: 4 out of 5


Presence of Jupiter (ninth house lord) in your second house might provide you with benefits during this month. You may not get benefits from advices of your seniors. Increase in your luxuries might take your expenditure graph high this month. You might spend more money on a person of opposite sex. Be careful, as this may lead to disturbance in your family’s monthly budget. You may also spend money on your life partner. Tensions and disputes might arise in your family. Work with vigour and self confidence in order to get success in your career. Your aptitude for solving problems has to be raised during this period. It is also possible that you might have to work below your abilities, but everything is going to be alright soon. This month, you will remain busy solving your domestic problems. You may also face some ups and down in terms of income and profits this month. You might also plan taking any kind of business loan during the middle of this month. A small holiday with your life partner is predicted. Traveling is foreseen on your future cards. Time is crucial for following your hobbies and travelling. You might find yourself busy in solving problems of your personal life. You might take help of your friends to solve issues of your love life. Be cautious about your health during the beginning of this month. You might turn angry and suspicious at times. This behavior of yours might affect your partner’s health adversely and might increase your problems too. Try to understand your child’s feeling this month.

Remedy: Chant Hanuman Chalisa to get away with Saturn Mahadasha and chant Devi Kavach thrice a day to get rid of Rahu/Ketu Mahadasha. 

Rating: 3.5 out of 5


By using all the positive traits of your personality you will take care of your colleagues, partners and subordinates. You will try to do everything with dignity. Your love for justice might also increase. You might take more interest in love. This might also become a reason for increased expenses and decrease in funds. You might have to take extra care of your health this month. Your small arrangements of defeating enemies will also give successful results. Legal matters are likely to extend a bit. Intelligence and diplomacy will come in your thoughts after mid of the month January. Ups and downs might come in your partnership and business. Take care that any situation of misunderstanding will not arise in this duration, otherwise relations might worsen. You might have to forget old controversies at workplace for a better tomorrow. Expenses are likely to increase. You might also have to spend something for increase in income. Chances of disatisfaction in your disposition are there. You might have to face domestic issues. You will try to invest money for a secured future. Tendency to complete the given tasks on time will keep you energised and excited. Don’t leave your efforts in between in this duration, because you will be able to complete difficult tasks on time.

Remedy: Offer sacred cloth to lord Hanuman. Chant hanuman chalisa if going through Dasha or Antardasha and chant Devi Kavach thrice a day to cure Rahu or Ketu’s Mahadasha.

Rating: 4 out of 5


You will show creativity and artistry in your work. Your works will also be praised this month. You might try to get your income/profits as soon as possible in order to improve your financial status. Problems in your work might start deteriorating after the middle of this month, which in turn will increase your income. Some complications might be there in partnerships, but they will get solved soon. You might also plan to give some of your money on debts. Courageous decisions might prove good for you as you might accept some challenging work and will complete it cheerfully. Time is favorable for selling/purchasing a property. Some unexpected profits might also come your way to increase your savings. Relationships with your family might be a little rational in the middle of January. Avoid taking quick decisions. Your expenditures on your family might also increase. Try to make most of your luck this month. Your friends will increase during this period. Controlling your expenses might prove beneficial to you. It is recommendable to start planning during the middle part of January. You might turn melancholic due to recurrent troubles in your life. Lack of self-confidence can bother you a little this month. 

Remedy: Chant Aditya Hridaya Stotra for Sun’s Mahadasha. 

Rating: 3 out of 5


January might give you financial success. Lord of your eleventh house Rahu will drive you toward progress. You might accelerate your skills to complete pending works. Time is not favorable for investing money in big projects. Profits from real estate is predicted for you this month. Retrogation of Mercury might give you little trouble in your speech this month. Quarrels with your relatives and friends are predicted because of restlessness and stress. Income and expenditures will decline this month. Do not lean on luck for getting benefits, as hard work pays off in the end. Some unexpected incidents might astonish you. Safe driving is recommended for you. Time is favorable for love birds. Your may earn good profits. Some ups and down might also come your way this month. Your seniors might praise & help you in building your enthusiasm, self confidence and willpower. Time is also favorable for strategizing new ways to increase your profits. You will make affectionate relations in your family. Following rituals at home might help you in building faith in God. Take good care of your father’s health. You might have to travel to places to get benefits financially. 

Remedy: Wear Manikya and chant Hanuman Chalisa. 

Rating: 3 out of 5


Month is favorable for savings. Time might be crucial for getting answers to all your questions. Your family life may remain normal this month. Do not trust other people over your own family members, as someone may try to ignite fire in your family. Travel safely, as some problems during your small trips are predicted. You must also try to postpone all your trips before middle of this month. Relations may not stay too cordial with your mother. Work related problems might be the cause of your worries this month. Your financial condition will remain strong during this month. Good profits are predicted from things which are risk prone and need lot of courage. Investing your money in stock market will also prove beneficial for you. Time is crucial for starting new ventures. Finding solutions to your problems might also prove beneficial for you. You may not remain satisfied with your ongoing business and start urging for something else. This might ignite some mental tensions for you. Do not take pity decisions. Taking advice from your seniors or some elder person is recommended for you. 

Remedy: Chant Hanuman Chalisa and keep surroundings clean. 

Rating: 4 out of 5


Your stars suggest keeping good connection with your boss and seniors, as it will help in getting success at workfront. People of opposite gender will grab your attention, which you need to avoid if married. Expenses seem rising up; thereby, affecting your bank balance. Saving money is the need of this month and will help in tough times. Single Sagittarians are expected to meet love of their life. For the already committed one's, destiny has its share of tests lined up. Working confidently and sincerely will uplift your career. Improve your decisive abilities to get the best of this month. Expenses will be done on journeys or materialistic things. Family will become your priority and you will plan get-together with them to strengthen familial bond. No matter what happens, keep yourself focused on your goals. While you will not face any major health problems, your spouse might go through some ups & downs regarding the same. Good news will come via children and they will do tremendously well in studies. However, a kind of stubbornness might be seen arise in their behavior at times.

Remedy: Chant Ramcharit Manas and keep Ram Raksha Stotra for good lcuk.

Rating: 4 out of 5


January, the first month of the year, will bring bliss in your financial life. If there are any pending tasks, this month is good to take a step toward them. However, you must not think about making any major investment during these 31 days. Professionals associated with construction work or real estate will enjoy remarkable improvement in their worklife. Try to keep good relation with your relatives and neighbours; else tiffs might pop up with them. It would be good to control your expenses. Rather than depending on your luck, take initiatives yourself and work on your target. Love birds will have a wonderful time with each other. Married couples who do not have their child yet might plan for the same. Nothing major will affect your health this month. Try to make your routine healthy by adding time for exercise or Yoga. Opportunities to raise your standard of livelihood will also come to you. Some of you might turn religious and plan to go on pilgrimage with family. Journeys will prove fruitful and you will earn huge profits from them.

Remedy: Chant Hanuman Chalisa, Shani Stotra and Aegala Stotra to increase auspiciousness. 

Rating: 4 out of 5


January is favorable to save money and increase your bank balance. You might feel confused at times and this might put you in dilemma. Looking at possibilities of your family life, things look average. You might believe outsiders more than your own loved ones which will lead to differences in family. Be careful while travelling. Some ups & downs are possible in your equation with mother. Some problems might come up on your workfront. It is suggested to avoid taking risks. Postpone plans of investing money in stock market or starting new ventures, as time is not that favorable for them. Some of you might feel lack of contentment in the current business or job. Try to divert your mind in some creative things to get out of this situation. Do not take decisions in hurry and think carefully before taking the final step in any important thing. 

Remedy: Chant Hanuman Chalisa in Saturn is your ascendant. Also chant Ramcharit Manas, Devi Kavach to please Maa Durga.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5


This month, you will focus on making good connections with your colleagues and seniors. You will make sure to do everything flawlessly. Decisions taken by you will prove right and will bestow you with benefits. Flow of income and expenses will go simultaneously. It would be good to take good care of your health. Enemies will remain harmless which will help you in every way. Businessmen will go through ups & downs in their partnership business. Try avoiding legal issues this month, as you might face losses in it. Multiple opportunities to make money will enter your life. You will develop an urge of completing tasks in the given time. Bond with family members will remain cordial as long as you keep control on your temper.

Remedy: Keep fast on Thursday and donate clothes to needy people. 

Rating: 2.75 out of 5

This was all we had to offer to you in January 2016 horoscope predictions. We hope you will find the above astrology predictions helpful and enjoy your year 2016 with full freedom. 

AstroSage wishes you a prosperous year 2016!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Welcome New Year 2016 With Horoscopes, Numerology, & Tarot Reading

We all take resolutions and make plans, but without horoscope 2016 nothing is impeccable. January 2016 has begun and it is the best time to think about making this year the best one till date.

AstroSage wishes you a very Happy New Year 2016 with many free astrological articles about this year.

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As 90% of the world’s population is in Northern Hemisphere, most of you must be enjoying the chilling effect under your blankets and sweatshirts. These lazy moments don’t allow us to do anything and entice us to bury ourselves in the softness of mattresses. But, still there is something that we can do while cherishing the cozy comforts; and it is the planning of the year.

First of all, we would suggest you to read your horoscopes of 2016 to know what is coming to you. It will help you in making a realistic plan.

Read Your Horoscope 2016 Now!

Explore Your Love Life With Love Horoscope 2016

As this is the month of January, you might also like to know how this month will fare for you. So, here comes the horoscope: January 2016 Horoscope

We have also created a calendar of January 2016; thought that it might come in handy. Check it out below:

January 2016 Muhurats

Now, let’s come again to the point. After all, it is January 2016 and you need to plan your entire year ahead. So, read ahead.

If you are more comfortable reading your horoscope in your regional language, look at the below given links:

India and China had been adjacent with each other in terms of civilization. Most people believe that Chinese civilization is older than India; rather it is the oldest on planet earth. So, let’s see what the Ancient Chinese Astrology has in store for you: Chinese Horoscope 2016

Apart from this, you might like our many other readings as well. Check them below:

Know everything else about the New Year 2016 here: AstroSage’s Astrology About 2016

Calendars 2016

Stay updated with everything everyday with the world’s #1 astrology app: AstroSage Kundli

If you want to get your personal reading about New Year 2016, you may find this service useful: 2016 Personalized Reading

We hope that this will help you in making a better plan to have even more blissful life ahead.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Plan Your New Year With Horoscope 2016

Happy New Year 2016! What is your New Year plan? Not decided yet? Welcome this year with a warm heart. Read New Year’s horoscope 2016, calendar 2016, transit 2016, regional horoscopes, and much more. We bring you everything that will make you New Year 2016 a blessing.

Read Your Horoscope 2016 Now!

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New Year’s Eve is the time to forget the past and focus on the new beginning. So, this New Year 2016, AstroSage brings you a detailed article, where you can get each and everything about this year. Whether it is the horoscope of 2016, calendars of 2016, or anything for that matter, AstroSage has it all. Now, plan your holidays in 2016 with our calendars.

The best way to get the zeal of the New Year is to feel it everywhere. To make it easy, we have brought you - Wallpapers 2016

AstroSage is the only place to offer you the horoscope of 2016 based on the Ancient Vedic Astrology. Let’s know what your predictions tell...

If you wish to know in detail about your zodiac sign, the below given links might come in handy:

We are offering you the love predictions for the year exclusively, you may find them here: Love Horoscope 2016

AstroSage provides regional language horoscopes only for you! Read in your own language and feel like home.

According to the Chinese Astrology, 2016 is the year of the ‘Monkey’; and we bring you amazing predictions of Chinese Horoscope 2016. Read them here: Chinese Horoscope 2016

Not only this, we have various other readings as well. You may get them from here:

Read Transit 2016 for your zodiac sign now

Get calendar 2016 and plan your holidays with full freedom!

Waiting for Hindu calendar 2016 to plan your trips? We are giving you some details of the major festivals in the year 2016 below:

Festival Date Day
Mahashivratri March 7, 2016 Monday
Holi March 23, 2016 Wednesday
Raksha Bandhan August 18, 2016 Thursday
Krishna Janmashtami August 25, 2016 Thursday
Shradh Begins September 16, 2016 Friday
Sharad Navratri October 1, 2016 Saturday
Dussehra October 11, 2016 Tuesday
Diwali October 30, 2016 Sunday
Christmas Day December 25, 2016 Sunday

You might also like to know when the Grahan is in 2016. The details are given below:

Surya Grahan (Solar Eclipse): March 9, 2016 and September 1, 2016 Chandra Grahan (Lunar Eclipse): March 23, 2016 and September 16, 2016

Know in detail about Grahan here: Grahan In 2016

To know the Panchang of any day, this is the best place to visit: Daily Panchang Online

If you want to stay tuned with everything related to astrology and festivals, download this app now: AstroSage Kundli

We thought that it might interest you: Commodity Market 2016 Predictions

This is not enough, we have got a lot of stuff on 2016. You may get everything here: AstroSage’s Astrology About 2016

We hope the above given dates of the events and festivals of 2016 will help you. Horoscope 2016 and other important things happening in this coming year will guide you throughout 2016.

AstroSage wishes you a great year. Have a blast with your family & friends on this New Year’s Eve 2016 and enjoy your life!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Read Your Horoscope 2016 Now!

Did you plan your year well? It is about to begin and you cannot afford to go this time in vain. Let’s plan our year with the horoscopes of 2016.

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2016 horoscopes at AstroSage are based on the Vedic Astrology. These predictions are made by the expert astrologers according to all the aspects of life. We are providing you the links to the predictions below:

Read Your Horoscope 2016 Now!

We have got exclusive love horoscope as well to help you know how much romance is being held by this year: Love Horoscope 2016

Apart from these, we have these horoscopes in some regional languages of India as well. If you speak Bengali, Bhojpuri, Marathi, Gujarati, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, or Tamil, below given horoscopes are the special treat for you.

If you like Chinese Astrology, this horoscope might come in handy to you: Chinese Horoscope 2016

We also have various other readings for the year. Find them below:

We hope that you will find this piece useful. Have a great year ahead!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Weekly Horoscope (December 28 - January 03, 2016)

Weekly Horoscope and Weekly Love Horoscope are now ready for you to see what this week as for you. Take a look into the future days, follow the remedies and enjoy your days! 

 Know the future of your upcoming week with weekly horoscopes.

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Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator


This week looks positive for Arians. Love life will go in the best direction, but you need to stay away from arguments. Professional life will bring success and progress in life. With the approach of middle of the week, you will experience more improvement. You might get invitation to attend any religious event. Closeness will increase with mother in this week. 

Love Predictions: Dating time for those who live apart but the ones who meet regularly, this week will be a week of less dating time. Beginning days are really good for everyone and you both might surprise each other by to each other’s houses. Predictions say that you will feel attracted toward your classmate or someone who works with you. Though there can be some discrepancies in the ending days. But you will find a way out and meet at some place safer. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Avoid getting into tiffs.


Taureans will have this week in their favor. Love life will keep you happy and contented. However, some issues might pop up in domestic life. Don’t worry, as you will handle them without any difficulty. Your children will excel in studies as well as co-curricular activities. Married couples will enjoy bliss in their life. You will spend money on luxuries items.

Love Predictions: Amazing week for you is surely coming. Just try and control your sexual desires to enjoy a blissful romantic life in this week. You might travel in the starting of this week but you will still manage to be in touch with each other through phone. In between the week, you might be having a naughty quarrel. Maintain trust in your relationship in the ending days to keep your love life happy. 

Love Rating: 2.5/5

Remedy: Be careful regarding domestic life.


Your week will start on a positive note. Your friends, family and seniors will support you in related aspects of life. Self confidence will be at its peak, which will help in achieving your targets on time. Benefits will come from short journeys. Luck will stand by you bringing you extreme goodness. Domestic life needs concern and attention in the end of the week. 

Love Predictions: Spark is quite an important part of love relationship but do not let your stubborn behavior make things complicated. Maintain sweetness in your relationship. You will spend money in search of happiness and will buy gifts for your beloved. In later days, you will enjoy the sweetness of your relationship and will get chance to spend some time alone. Though sometimes you will feel a little distracted in the ending days. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Behave good with family members.


Cancerians will have mixed results coming their way. Expenses might go beyond the limit in the middle of the week. Pick your words carefully, else tiffs are very much possible. It is suggested to remain self dependant and don’t get influenced by others. Matters of finances and deals need to be taken very carefully. Love life might not go that well, but it will in few days. 

Love Predictions: Everything will be great in your life if you can manage to keep control on your stubbornness. You will feel a little emotional in the starting days of the week and your partner will totally respect it. This positivity will prevail in your love life in the middle days as well. Enjoy the time you get to spend alone. The natives might feel attracted toward their neighbor in the ending days. So, make sure to trust each other and control your anger. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Put control on your expenses.


Be careful, be wise in your thoughts and you will get success this week. Useless expenses are very much possible, be careful. Don’t get carried away by emotions while taking any major decision. Betterment will come in everything in the middle of the week. Weekend might provoke you to work on improving your personality. Don’t go at isolated places in the weekend. 

Love Predictions: You will have to spend some time apart in the beginning days but that won’t stop you from loving each other as you will be in touch through phone. Love and romance filled with passion is what you will enjoy in the middle days of the week. Keep yourself away from saying anything that you will regret later as it might affect your relationship.

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Avoid getting over emotional.


Mixed results will come your way this week. Expenses are expected to increase and might go beyond the limit. You might feel restless in the middle of the week. Don’t worry everything will get back to normal in a day or two. Elder swill support and progress will come in job. Love life will give you reasons to smile. You might go on romantic date with your sweetheart. 

Love Predictions: You will be feeling close to someone whom you talk through social media. Positivity will remain in your life in the starting days and you will totally enjoy this time. Though the middle days will not be so happening but that does not make things less romantic. More trust and transparency in your relationship will help you in living a true relationship with a true pure heart and soul. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Control your habit of overthinking.


‘What goes around come around’, you will get results of your deeds this week. Your hard work will now bestow you with success and achievements. Excellent phase will come in your love life. Expenses are possible on purchase of expensive perfume or dress. You will socialize a lot, which will be reflected in the sudden increase in your contact list. Overall, a good time.

Love Predictions: You will feel a strong connection with a noble person and the beginning days will be important for your love life. If you are in love with your colleague then also the time is favorable. Marriage bells are heard for you or a new level to your love bond is also predicted. Be patient and control your desires in the ending days of this week to lead a happy love life. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Pleasing the almighty will increase auspiciousness.


Scorpions will feel this week praising them in every aspect. You will enjoy success, name, and fame in your endeavors. Businessmen will see graph of their achievements going up tremendously. However, you might lose your any particular valuable. Distant journeys are foreseen on your cards. Obeying your elders and fulfilling their wishes will bring goodness in life. 

Love Predictions: Love is something that you should be confessed face to face. Do not propose someone through social platform as there are chances you might get betrayed. Though you will get chances to spend time with your partner in the starting days. But the middle and the ending days will keep you a little busy. Most importantly do not cheat your partner as you will now be caught for sure. 

Love Rating: 2.5/5

Remedy: Take care of your valuables.


This week might give you the chance to participate in any religious deed. You can seek the blessing of elders by doing charity or social service as well. Relatives might visit you in the middle of the week. Pending tasks might get accomplished, but with slight delay. Your income might increase or you might get promotion. Stay away from those who envy you. 

Love Predictions: Some familial things will keep you distressed in this week. But do not let your anger and tensions harm your relationship. Horizontal graph in your love is seen for you in the starting days. So respect your partner and his/her emotions. Be alert in the middle days to ignore any kind of infamous thing happening to you. You might have to spend more time in your office and will miss your sweetheart in between this busy schedule.

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Fulfil wishes of your elders.


You need to be very careful in the beginning of the week. However, there is nothing to worry about. Music, arts or literature might grab you attention in the mid of the week. Student might find difficulty in concentrating on studies. Make sure not to annoy anybody at job front. Plans of going on movie or any other sort of entertainment are possible in the weekend. 

Love Predictions: If you are in love with someone who is not from your caste or religion, think again before moving forward. Though the beginning days are very much favorable for you. Married couples will feel a new light in their life. You might not get to enjoy much in the middle days but if you can manage to be in your limits, things will be fine. Some new level of passion and betterment is predicted for your relationship in the ending days of the week. 

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Try to share good rapport with colleagues and seniors.


Aquarians will get mixed results this week. Most of the things will bring good results. Partnership business will bring profits, thereby raising your finances. Happiness will come in married life. It is suggested to take care of your health and have normal diet. Try to avoid alcohol and non-vegetarian food. Stay alert from electrical equipments, as harm is possible. 

Love Predictions: Those of you who are planning to get married and those who already are, this week is going to be very much in your favor. Some sweetness along with some naughty tiffs will be there in the starting days. Very good time for you is seen in the middle days. Married couples will enjoy a lot during this time. Yet be patient in the ending days and trust each other. If required, talk and sought out things.

Love Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Be careful from electronic goods. 


Pisceans will work very hard in the beginning of the week. Your dedication will help you in surpassing one and all at work front. Level of confidence will boost up and you will feel rejuvenated. However, caution is needed in the mid of the week. Stay away from arguments and useless talks. Happiness will come from children. Family atmosphere will remain harmonious. 

Love Predictions: Great start to this week is predicted for the natives having Pisces as their sign. You might feel attracted toward someone studying with you in your college. ANd you might want to take risk in the middle days for your love. Sweet talks with fiance will go on. Though the ending does not have jackpot to offer but that does not mean things are not fine. Take care of your partner’s health and do not let others affect the love and trust you have on your partner. 

Love Rating: 2.5/5

Remedy: Spend time with family and friends.

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Mercury Transit In Capricorn Today - Effects On You

Mercury will transit in Capricorn on December 26, 2015. Certain changes will be seen in the lives of all with this planetary change. Impact of Mercury will vary from sign to sign. Here are the horoscope predictions of this transit. Major changes will be seen in the life of natives going through Pratyantar Dasha of Mercury.

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Love life and family life will blossom. Your efforts will increase and you will get to enjoy profits out of them. Read More


You will experience inner peace due to this transit. Keep your efforts on to make monetary gains. Read More


Health issues are possible, but not for long. Reciting Vishnu Sahastranam will bring goodness. Read More


You will enjoy mental pleasure, provided you avoid over thinking. Romance will fill your life love & affection. Read More


Great time for job change. Make sure to put your best foot forward, as doing so will bring eternal success. Read More


Company of friends will provide your immense joy. Time is strong for earning financial gains. Read More


Time is good to change home if living on rent. Progress is foreseen in endeavors. Stay calm & restrained. Read More


Good news will come from siblings, get ready for joy. Profitable journeys related to work are on cards. Read More


Financial gains are very much seen for you. You need to devote sufficient time to your love life in this phase. Read More


Utilize this golden period to accomplish everything you want. Real estate people will enjoy great profits. Read More


Profits are on your cards; hence, go your word sincerely. Enemies will fail in harming you. Fortunate transit for you. Read More


You will outshine at workfront, which will do wonders for you. Purchase of new things is possible. Read More