Monday, June 15, 2015

Sun Transit Into Gemini Today - Fortunate Or Unfortunate?

Sun, the King of planets will move into Gemini on June 15, 2015. Read this horoscope article to unveil the impact of this transit on your destiny. Be very careful, if going through Pratyantar Dasha of Sun.

Sun transit in Gemini will change your fate in one or the other way.

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Fame will increase and so will your social net. Energetic feeling will help you in delivering your best at workfront. Read more


Trip to abroad is possible in this time. Some sort of purchases will become the reason behind expenses. Read more

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Workfront will remain smooth. Not much, but yes, you can expect success to some extent in competitive exams. Read more


In this phase, married life will give you maximum satisfaction. Talking about other things, average time is foreseen. Read more


Profits related to wealth will make this period excellent. New bondings will bring betterment in every aspect. Read more


This phase is neither favorable nor unfavorable. Though your colleagues will support, but you might feel unsatisfied. Read more


Work hard and there you will emerge out as a winner. Religious thoughts will swirl around your mind. Read more


Get ready to collect some really serious profits, if you belong to income tax or research. Try to turn punctual. Read more


Finances will remain the way they are. Coming to your married life, you need to act extremely calm to enjoy this phase. Read more


Sincere efforts will bless you with everything you desire. Concentrate on health will let you enjoy life. Read more


Your friends will be your supporters and the source of benefits. Outing to any nearby place is on your cards. Read more


Spend time with family, talk to them, listen to them and grow your bonding with them. Work will remain great. Read more

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Weekly Horoscope (June 15 - June 21, 2015)

Do you want to take a peek into the future possibilities? Do you want to make accurate plannings for the future? Then, read the general and love weekly horoscopes for this week, prepared by our expert astrologers.

Weekly horoscope will tell about your love and general life for the upcoming week.

Week At A Glance

Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator

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Your craving for perfection in work will increase. You will want to complete everything on time and with excellence. But, don’t let this create stress in your mind. Minor disputes are possible with colleagues or business partner, and the reason would be the usage of unnecessary logic in everything by your side. This is not an appropriate time for going on work related journeys, because you may not get the desired results from them. Everything will remain smooth at home, but avoid speaking harsh.

Love Predictions

This week is favorable for love, but the fear of harm to your relation will also be there due to anger. So avoid anger completely and don’t create an issue unnecessarily. Special caution would be required in the beginning of the weak. Although, things will improve in the mid week. If possible, take out some time for entertainment in this duration. Weekend will arrive with mixed bag of fruits.

Fortune Star
: 2.5/5

Worship regularly and stay calm.

Click here to know more about your sign: Aries zodiac sign


Some health related problems like headache and blood-pressure might disturb you, so take care of your health. Disputes are likely to occur with in-laws, avoid speaking anything which may hurt others. Any religious event is possible at home or you may go for a pilgrimage. You are advised not to carry cash or valuables while travelling, otherwise theft is possible. If you want to participate in any competitive exam, time is appropriate for that.

Love Predictions

Generally, the weak is favorable for love life. The quince of love will continue to grow in the shelter of laughter and entertainment. You will feel romantic in the beginning of the week. Mid of the week will fill your love life with warmth. This time you will get enough time for enjoyment, but weakened may remain a bit weak. You may have to devote extra time at home due to some reason.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Take care of your daily routine and eating habits.

Click here to know more about your sign: Taurus zodiac sign


Luck is favoring you a lot this time. You will get favors from everywhere. Benefits will come in business and at workplace. You are also likely to get success in competitions. Parents will support, but if any proceedings of legal matters are there, try to delay them a bit. You may not get the desired success in them. Any of your halted task may complete this time, which will make you feel happy. Friends will visit your place and you will enjoy a good time with them.

Love Predictions

This week is not looking very favorable for love relationships. Ill health or any dispute may become a reason of reduction in enjoyment in love life. In this situation, it would not be appropriate to become emotional in the starting of the week. Any of your family member will help you regarding love life in the middle of the weak. Go for some entertainment together in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Hanuman regularly.

Click here to know more about your sign: Gemini zodiac sign


You will make plans of journeys. Parents will support and your life-partner will try to fulfil your every desire. You will enjoy some precious moments with your sweetheart. You may buy a new gadget. Weakness is possible in eyes, so take care of them, also must visit a doctor if necessary. Minor disputes are possible with neighbours or relatives, try to avoid them. You may spend on maintenance of home or vehicle and time is also appropriate for that.

Love Predictions

Controlling anger is the only way to maintain favoritism in your relationship. Although, beginning of the week will remain good and you will enjoy a lot. But, much favorable results will not come in the mid part of the week. Weekend will give mixed results. This week, your partner would love to value your emotions.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid working on laptop for long to protect your eyes.

Click here to know more about your sign: Cancer zodiac sign


This week you will spend a lot of time on social networking sites and chatting. You would love to talk to friends. Some health troubles are possible to your mother, so take care of her. The week will start on a normal note, but time will start favoring you in the mid of the week. Some guests may visit your place in the weekend that will keep you occupied. This time you will impress others with your speech and behaviour.

Love Predictions

This week is indicating that any kind of doubt would not remain favorable for your love life. Don’t hide anything from your partner, otherwise it will become a reason of dispute in the future. If you are in love with a colleague, you will get highly favorable results in the beginning of the week. You need to balance your work and love in the mid week. But, love will intensify in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Performing charity as per your ability will produce some special benefits.

Click here to know more about your sign: Leo zodiac sign


Your courage and might will remain at their peak. You will face and solve every problem with ease. Minor ups and downs are possible in relationships, but they will disappear with time. Take care of your mobile and gadgets. otherwise you will misplace them. This time it would be better for you to listen to your elders. Their valuable suggestion will help you a lot. Avoid being rude to anyone in office or at home, otherwise unnecessary defamation is possible.

Love Predictions

Generally, the week will remain favorable for your love life. You will enjoy even more, if there is any planning of going on an outing together. Beginning of the weak is highly favorable for this. You would love to spend time with your partner, despite work pressure in the mid of the week. Exchange of gifts is possible in weekend, but arguments are also possible on some matter.

Fortune Star
: 3.5/5

Worshiping Lord Shiva will increase the auspiciousness for you.

Click here to know more about your sign: Virgo zodiac sign


This week you will impress people with your eloquence and decision making abilities. You will take some quick and impactful decisions. People will appreciate you and ask for your suggestions. This week you will spend most of time thinking about work. This is going to be a good time for taking some major decisions, either related to your business or family life. You will feel contented and talk to everyone with love. This will increase your fame and make you popular among others.

Love Predictions

This week is not very suitable for love, so avoid doing anything which is not favorable for your love. Extra caution would be required in the beginning of the week. Respect each other’s emotions. Go for some outing in the middle of the week, if possible. You may not get enough time for love in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Donate things like clothes, food, milk as per your ability.

Click here to know more about your sign: Libra zodiac sign


Your work location is likely to change, either you will get a transfer or change of job. This change would be for your good, you will gain benefits from it. If you are staying away from home, it is very likely that you will visit your place. There are chances of small accidents, so you are advised to drive slowly. Also avoid travelling at night. Any of your friend may call you for help, so go for it.

Love Predictions

This week you may have to try hard for getting the favorable results. Beginning of the week will give auspicious results to married couples. Don’t get into any argument on useless things in the mid of the week. You will see things improving in the weekend, go for some outings and entertainment in this duration. Although, you may get less time for love due to work commitments.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid thinking about small things.

Click here to know more about your sign: Scorpio zodiac sign


Your workload is likely to increase. Due to this you won’t be able to devote ample time to your personal life. Your children may also ask for your attention. Your social interaction will increase and you would love to talk about your work. You may have to visit to your relatives for attending an auspicious event. Apart from this your health will remain normal and support will come from parents.

Love Predictions

Work with patience this week. If any kind of resentment is there, try to remove it. You will feel romantic in the starting of the week. Married couples will get even better results. Minor disputes are possible in the mid of the week. Go out somewhere together in the weekend, but drive carefully and try to forget old issues.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Worshiping Lord Ganesh will help in eliminating hurdles of your work.

Click here to know more about your sign: Sagittarius zodiac sign


You will spend on maintenance or decoration of home. Either you will buy new furniture or electrical appliances. You would also like to take a break from work and going for outings. Any auspicious event is possible at your home. Either you will talk to any of your old friend or he/she will visit at your place to see you. Despite everything in favor, minor tensions might surround you, so try to avoid that.

Love Predictions

This week is favorable for love. Don’t spoil the atmosphere by showing indifference to your partner. You will feel satisfied in the starting of the week. Opportunities of spending time together will come in the mid of the week. But, be careful and behave decently in your relationship in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid wastage of money.

Click here to know more about your sign: Capricorn zodiac sign


You will perform great at workplace and your seniors will support you a lot. Appreciation and promotion, both are likely to come your way. The beginning of the week might keep you busy, you won’t be able to give time to your family. Mid of the week is going to be a bit relaxing. Some relatives might visit your place and you will enjoy with them. You are advised to take care of your health in the weekend.

Love Predictions

This week is likely to give highly auspicious results to you, but avoiding unnecessary disputes would be even better. If you want to meet your sweetheart in the beginning of the week, either meet at your own home or any confidant person. Favorable results will come in the mid of the week. And, some lovely disputes are possible in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Take care of your health in busy schedule.

Click here to know more about your sign: Aquarius zodiac sign


Enemies will try to disturb you, but you will destroy them all. Minor stomach related problems might trouble you, so take care. Your children will give some good news. You will plan an outing with your life-partner or sweetheart. Those who are unmarried, some new marriage proposals are likely to come their way. You may find the special one for you. People related to politics and social service may get promotion or fame and respect in society.

Love Predictions

This week is highly favorable for love life, although transparency and patience would be required. The week will start on a favorable note. If possible, go together for some outing or entertainment. Any confusion or anxiety may affect your love in the mid of the week, but weekend is going to be highly favorable.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Drive carefully and slowly.

Click here to know more about your sign: Pisces zodiac sign

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Event Of The Day!

Today is Ravi Pradosham. Pradosham is a special day dedicated to Lord Shiva. Devotees keep a fast, worship Shiva and receive his blessings.

Today is Masik Shivaratri. A pious day related to Lord Shiva that falls every month is Masik Shivaratri.

Have a great day!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Mercury Direct Into Taurus Today - Discover Its Impact

Mercury will turn direct in Taurus On June 12. Due to this planetary shift, few or you can say major changes will be seen in everyone’s life. Get to know how much goodness Mercury will bring in your life with this horoscope article.

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Social circle will increase. Personal, professional, financial and every aspect of your life will be at its best. Read more


Success will come your way. Love life will be blissful and good health will keep you energetic & rejuvenated. Read more


Married life will go just the way you want it to. Old ventures which were pending will get accomplished now. Read more


Married life, love life, and financial life will rock in this period. Seniors will appreciate and support, lucky you. Read more


Good news will cheer you up. Health will remain at its best and everything will go perfect at workfront. Read more


This is an average phase for you when caution is a must in matters of any agreement or such thing. Read more


Utilize this time to return back the debt, if taken any. Love life will provide the much needed peace. Read more


Fulfilling wishes of family members will become your priority. Great time to get in touch with people. Read more


Some sort of illusions might occupy your mind. If trying to change job, this phase is extremely supportive. Read more


Endeavors will accomplish at the last hour. Try to concentrate on work, as you might face problem in it. Read more


Students will do well in studies. Natives who are into jobs will give their best at workfront. Love life looks average. Read more


Luck is in full mood to stand by you. Forget all the worries and get set to enjoy one of the most happening phase of your life. Read more

By Acharya Raman

Monday, June 8, 2015

Weekly Horoscope (June 8 - June 14, 2015)

Do you want to take a peek into the future possibilities? Do you want to make accurate plannings for the future? Then, read the general and love weekly horoscopes for this week, prepared by our expert astrologers.

Weekly horoscope will tell about your love and general life for the upcoming week.

(June 8 - June 14, 2015) Week At A Glance:

Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator

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Good time is knocking your doors. Auspiciousness is likely to come from everywhere. You will get success and appreciation at workplace, support from loved ones and happiness from children. You will feel happy and enjoy your time with people around. Your personality and dressing style will be appreciated. This is going to be the golden period for natives who are in the profession of teaching, defence, and banking. Jobseekers will also get the desired results.

Love Predictions

Some domestic complications will not let you do justice to your love life. You should try to maintain a balance between love and family life. Although, the week will start on a favorable note, but it will not remain the same in the mid of the week. Weekend will give mixed results.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Donate Urad Dal to the needy.

Click here to know more about your sign: Aries zodiac sign


Your strong will-power and courage will help in moving ahead in every situation. Enemies will not be able to stand in front of you and your influence will increase among others. Some opposite situations might come your way, but you will face them with ease. Your fame and respect is likely to increase. Your valuable suggestion will create benefits for many, especially in business related matters. You are advised to avoid bad company completely.

Love Predictions

This week is looking in your favor to up to a great extent. Good chances of entertainment and outings are possible. Use this opportunity to increase the intensity of your love. Visit to some nearby places in the starting of the week. But, any friend’s or your home would be suitable to meet in the mid week. Weekend is favorable, but you are advised not to take any kind of risk.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: For increasing luck, offer Doob (grass) to Lord Ganesh every morning.

Click here to know more about your sign: Taurus zodiac sign


Your income will increase, but expenses will also remain high. Problem of blood-pressure or headache may trouble you a bit. Pregnant ladies are advised to stay extra careful. Some distractions may shake your focus from goal, so try to avoid them. Any of your friend may ask for financial help, but help only if it is very urgent. Otherwise your money might not come back. Time is good for taking major decisions related to work or domestic life.

Love Predictions

Favorability will remain for your love life this week, but stay cautious regarding the health of your life-partner. Also, avoid any kind of dispute. In the beginning of the week, you may visit some distant places with your partner. But, your father may get an idea of your secret love. Maintain a balance between your love and work in the mid of the week. Weekend will give mixed results.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Offer water to Lord Sun every morning.

Click here to know more about your sign: Gemini zodiac sign


This week will give you average results. Ups and downs are possible in love life. You also need to control yourself for maintaining a smooth marital relationship. You may have to try hard at workplace for gaining success. But, sudden arrival of money is also possible. Support will come from friends and parents. You are advised to keep a control on anger and words, don’t speak anything harsh which may hurt others.

Love Predictions

Avoid any kind of dispute this week. It would not be appropriate to insist your partner for anything without knowing his/her mood. Otherwise, differences may come between the two of you. Beginning of the week is less favorable. Things will improve in the mid of the week. If you are in love with a colleague, weekend will give many chances to spend time together.

Fortune Star:

Remedy/Treatment: Perform Rudrabhishekam for controlling anger.

Click here to know more about your sign: Cancer zodiac sign


Luck is playing by your side now. All your difficulties will vanish and happiness will prevail all around. Your financial status is likely to improve. Respect and fame will increase in society. Your confidence and courage will increase. People will ask for your suggestion in almost everything and you will enjoy this attention. But, you are advised to avoid being arrogant. Your trust is likely to increase in god and expenses may also occur on spiritual tasks.

Love Predictions

This week is going to be favorable to up to a great extent, but you may get less time for love due to work commitments. However, everything will remain in favor if you are in love with a colleague. Beginning of the week is favorable, but decent behavior would be required in the mid of the week. You will get comparatively better results in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Help poor or needy, as per your abilities.

Click here to know more about your sign: Leo zodiac sign


Problems are possible in your domestic life this week. Your partner may not be able to understand your point of view or vice-versa. Parents will support, but they will not be able to bring peace in your personal life. You are also required to stay cautious from enemies. Anyone closer may also try to cheat you. Time is not appropriate for giving money on debt. Give money only if it is very urgent; otherwise, your money may get stuck.

Love Predictions

This week will give some sweet and sour results in your love life. Beginning of the week is favorable for love, but avoid any kind of dispute in this duration. Mid of the week may increase the intensity of love, but stay totally honest toward your partner in the weekend. Any kind of dispute would not do favor in this duration.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Take care of your valuables like money and jewellery.

Click here to know more about your sign: Virgo zodiac sign


Your courage and willpower will remain high. You will face every problem with ease. But, time is not appropriate for taking major financial or business related decisions. This time your decisions may not give the desired results. Those who are in job may get a promotion and job seekers are also likely to get the desired results. You have to take extra care of your health this time. Problems are possible in your lower-back, thighs and genitals; hence, stay cautious.

Love Predictions

Generally, this week is indicating cautiousness in your relationship. Beginning of the week will increase the intensity of love. If you are in love with a colleague, comparatively better results will come for you. Any competitor may come across in the mid of the week. Weekend will give mixed results. You are also advised to take full care of your life partner.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy/Treatment: You can perform Yoga for maintaining good health.

Click here to know more about your sign: Libra zodiac sign


You will feel relaxed and enjoy with friends and relatives. Work will continue with a normal pace, but you will not take any stress about it. Some work related or fun journeys are possible and you will get the desired results from them. Your relations will improve with in-laws. Prosperous atmosphere will prevail at home. Time is good for competitors of competitive exams and job seekers, they will get the desired results.

Love Predictions

This week is looking in your favor, married couples will get even better results. Some domestic problems may spoil your mood in the beginning of the week. You are advised to control them and enjoy your love. Mid of the week is very favorable, but avoid doubting each other. It is foreseen that weekend is ready to give you highly favorable results.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Hanuman.

Click here to know more about your sign: Scorpio zodiac sign


Your decision making abilities will improve tremendously. Everyone will ask for suggestion. This is a good time for taking some major financial or domestic decisions. Some sudden financial benefits are also possible. Your expenses may increase, so take care not to waste money on anything. Your intellect will remain high, so this is a good time for participating in competitive exams. Your sense of humor will increase and you will entertain the people around.

Love Predictions

This week will give average results in love. Beginning of the week is suitable for outings and entertainment. You may propose someone with the help of a friend. Mid of the week may bring some tensions. In the weekend, refrain from saying anything that may give tension to others. Propose only after checking the mood of the other person.

Fortune Star:

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid wastage of money.

Click here to know more about your sign: Sagittarius zodiac sign


Your children will make you feel proud. Happiness will prevail at domestic front and support will come from relatives and friends. People related to politics or social service are likely to get a better position in society. Your fame and respect is also likely to increase. This time you have to take care of your anger and words. Don’t speak harsh to anyone at home or at workplace. Your health will remain normal, but take care of health of elder family members.

Love Predictions

This week results may come in your favor if you want to propose someone, but it would be important to check the mood of the other person. Speak restrain in the beginning of the week. Although, things will improve in the middle of the week and you will feel happy. In the weekend your sweetheart may visit your home to see you.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Shiva.

Click here to know more about your sign: Capricorn zodiac sign


Small hurdles may come in your work which will make you feel stressed. Life-partner will support, but this will not help in lowering down your tension. Mid of the week may help in feeling better. Work load will remain, but you will be able to finish your work on time. Your in-laws will support you. All things will remain favorable at home as well. Make plans for outing in the weekend, it will help you in feeling energised.

Love Predictions

This week will give different results to different natures of love. Your emotions will be valued, but getting in any dispute would not be appropriate. Although, you will feel romantic in the starting of the week. Arguments are possible in the mid of the week. But, you will enjoy the weekend a lot, you will go for outings and entertainment together.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Offer gifts to your juniors.

Click here to know more about your sign: Aquarius zodiac sign


This time will give you favorable results. Your intellect will remain great. You will take some great decisions and face every situation with courage. Minor ups and downs are possible in your love life, but everything will remain smooth in married life. Ill health of your life-partner may disturb you a bit, so take care of him/her. You will get appreciation at workplace. Overall, time is in your favor, make the most of it.

Love Predictions

You may not feel satisfied with the achievements of your love life. Although, if you are away from your sweetheart, stay connected with phone or chatting. You will feel emotional in the mid of the week. You would like to spend most of the time with your sweetheart. But, avoiding arguments will let you enjoy your love life in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Either plant a new fruit tree or serve a fruit tree.

Click here to know more about your sign: Pisces zodiac sign

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Event Of The Day!

Click here to read today’s stock-market predictions: Sensex-nifty predictions

Kalashtami is going to be celebrated tomorrow, i.e. on June 9, 2015. This day is dedicated to Lord Kaal Bhairav. Devotees observe a fast and worship him on this day.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Welcome June With AstroSage’s New Worksheet!

AstroSage, India’s #1 astrology website, has brought a precious gift for the astrologers. It takes really good efforts to analyze a birth chart. So many planetary situations are required to be considered to make a prediction. An astrologer has to create various charts and tables to make an analysis. The trouble increases when, for each chart or table, the analyzer has to look at a different place. Obviously, you cannot remember each and every chart or table of a Kundali. Hence, you need to have them at one place! 

The ‘New Worksheet’ brings everything down at one page. 

Want To Know How?

Check out the image below. It has Ashtakvarga table, Vimshottari Dasha table, Lagna Kundali, Navamsa, and a lot more at very one page! 

You may add as many boxes as you want to, and as many charts or tables as are required.

Isn’t It Amazing?

Of course, it is! But, it will become even more amazing when you will know it’s features in detail and use it!

The Fabulous Features!

  1. Multiple Chart View: Yes, at one page, you may see all types of charts. 
  2. Modifiable Workspace: Easily adjust your worksheet by just dragging and dropping the charts or tables or anything that you want to see on your worksheet.
  3. Save Kundalis: Save all the Kundalis, charts, and other work done.
  4. English & Hindi Language: See your worksheet in both of these languages.
  5. North & South India Charts: Both of these charts are available.
  6. Automatically Saves Worksheet: Your customized worksheet will be saved as per your last edit and you can see it whenever you Log In the next time.
  7. Mixed View: You may put all you want in your worksheet. From charts to tables to everything that you want to see on your one space!

So, what are you waiting for?

In order to use AstroSage’s New Worksheet, you need to create a Kundali and then you will get this button at the top to get an access of AstroSage’s New Worksheet. Click on “Try new Worksheet” on yellow bar. See in the image below:

Use this fabulous creation from the house of AstroSage and share your feedback!

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What’s Up With June?

As usual, it must be warming the Northern hemisphere and chilling the Southern one. But, no matter what the season is. Festivals don’t stop. Check out the list of events in June:

Date Event
June 1 Vaikasi Visakam
June 2 Kabir Das Jayanti, Jyeshtha Purnima, Vat Purnima Vrat
June 5 Masik Sankashti Chaturthi
June 7 Panchak Begins
June 9 Kalashtami
June 12 Mercury direct in Taurus, Yogini Ekadashi, Panchak Ends
June 14 Ravi Pradosham, Masik Shivratri
June 15 Sun Transits to Gemini
June 16 Mars transits in Gemini, Vat Savitri Amavasya, Ashadha Amavasya
June 18 Ramadan Fasting Starts, International Picnic Day
June 19 Masik Vinayaka Chaturthi
June 21 Father's Day
June 28 Padmini Ekadashi
June 29 Soma Pradosham

June 2015 Muhurats

So, this was all we had for you in the month of June. Check out and Free services available there. We are waiting for your suggestions to give you the best experience of a hi-tech astrology portal.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Monthly Horoscope For June 2015

Welcome a new auspicious month in your life with highly reliable June Horoscope. This month may bring warm breeze in your life, but we will remove the heat of difficulties with predictions of our expert astrologer.

 June horoscope 2015 has come to tell you everything about future.

June horoscope 2015 is based on your Ascendant Sign. To know your Ascendant Sign, please click here: Ascendant Sign Calculator

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Aries Horoscope For June 2015

You are advised to stay calm and restrained this month. Control your anger and words. Health may also remain weak. Stay cautious, if you are a patient of high blood pressure. Enemies will not be able to produce any harm, but they will keep on chasing you. Income may reduce, expenses are possible in renovation of home or other domestic affairs. Journeys will not remain fruitful, if possible delay your business trips a bit. Your mind may remain distracted, try to be calm. Despite all these problems, closeness will increase in love relationships and life partner will support a lot. Read more…

Read your yearly horoscope by clicking here: Yearly Aries Horoscope

Taurus Horoscope For June 2015

Your mind will wander this month. You have to control your thoughts, otherwise some decisions may go wrong. It would be better to either delay some important decisions or think properly before deciding anything. Give preference to the suggestions of your life-partner, also respect his/her desires. Luck may remain weaker, so don’t leave anything on it. If you are thinking of investing in share market, either delay your plans or do it after proper research. Journeys are possible, stay away from fire and deep water bodies. You need to walk along with father or boss, otherwise disputes are possible. Drive carefully to avoid accidents. Read more…

Read your yearly horoscope by clicking here: Yearly Taurus Horoscope

Gemini Horoscope For June 2015

The time is demanding extra cautiousness. It may produce difficulties for money related matters. Income will remain regular, but expenses will increase beyond limit. Expenses are possible on your or on any family member’s ill health, so take care. Disputes are possible with friends. Keep a control on your anger and words. Try to stay calm, as this adverse situation will come to an end very soon. Read more…

Read your yearly horoscope by clicking here: Yearly Gemini Horoscope

Cancer Horoscope For June 2015

Thinking abilities may remain a bit weak. In other words, you may think more about useless matters. Money will come from more than one sources. Chances of getting profits in business and promotion in job are very high. Your sisters will support a lot in all the matters. Sudden support may also come from maternal side and in-laws. Luck will also favor you. This is going to be a good month for students who are participating in any competition. But, the unfavorable aspect of this month is negativity in thoughts and mental complications. Read more…

Read your yearly horoscope by clicking here: Yearly Cancer Horoscope

Leo Horoscope For June 2015

Your influence will increase a lot in society. This month is going to be very fruitful for people related to politics, spirituality or social works. You will spend money on religious works as well as on luxuries. Good chances of success in education and competition are there. Support will come from father, government, higher officials, and state. You may get a favorable result of dispute related to ancestral property. Stay alert regarding your mother’s health. Pregnant ladies need to stay extra cautious. Time is very favorable for foreign relations or business. Read more…

Read your yearly horoscope by clicking here: Yearly Leo Horoscope

Virgo Horoscope For June 2015

This month your courage will remain very high, but keep it under control. An ego may develop. A tendency of leaving everyone behind will develop, but it may produce some harms in the future. You will not listen to your closed ones as well. Argumentative power will remain very high, but in a negative manner. Unwanted expenses may come up and you may also spend a lot in excitement. So, control yourself. You may have to go away from home for some time. Problem related to children or education may arise. Disputes are also possible with higher officials. Overall, keep your anger, ego, and temper under control. Read more…

Read your yearly horoscope by clicking here: Yearly Virgo Horoscope

Libra Horoscope For June 2015

Some injuries are possible, so take care while driving and on high altitude places. You will get immense success in government related tasks. Luck may not support much, but you will get fame and respect. Any of your previous work may get a lot of appreciation this time. Reduction in domestic happiness and ideological differences are possible with life partner. Any new or auspicious work can take place at home. You will be able to create a great impact on enemies and they won’t be able to harm you in any way. Stay cautious while spending money, otherwise problems are possible. Read more…

Read your yearly horoscope by clicking here: Yearly Libra Horoscope

Scorpio Horoscope For June 2015

You may feel reduction in domestic happiness. Disputes may increase with life-partner, so stay calm and don’t initiate anything by yourself. Some health problems are also possible to him/her. Journeys may remain difficult; hence, travel only if very necessary. Lack of funds is also possible. Rely more on your actions than luck this time, stay away from gambling, stock-market and lottery. Don’t involve in anything that solely depends on luck. Problems of cough, headache, and stomach ache may trouble you. Siblings and close friends will provide their support. Your patience and diligence will remain maintained, but dedication and courage will increase. Read more…

Read your yearly horoscope by clicking here: Yearly Scorpio Horoscope

Sagittarius Horoscope For June 2015

This month is not at all favorable for financial matters. Financial losses are possible. Expenses may increase beyond limit. If you are into business, income may reduce a lot. Chances of loss of job or change in job location are there for those who are in job. Disputes with life-partner, domestic stress, problems in domestic life, and health problems are possible. Overall, the time is not in favor. Maintain calm and mental stability because these problems will not last for long. Read more…

Read your yearly horoscope by clicking here: Yearly Sagittarius Horoscope

Capricorn Horoscope For June 2015

If you are pregnant, stay cautious. Success will come in competition. You may have to go away from home or life-partner for some time. Financial situation will remain normal. Disputes are possible with brothers. If any ancestral dispute is there, avoid it for some time. Mother will support you, but you may feel annoyed due to father. Confusions will remain in your mind, try to handle situations very calmly. Journeys will be tiresome and wasteful. Take care of your stomach and stay cautious about your diet. Read more…

Read your yearly horoscope by clicking here: Yearly Capricorn Horoscope

Aquarius Horoscope For June 2015

Your power and courage will increase a lot. Disputes are possible with father. You may feel tensed about your mother’s health. Money will come on a normal pace, but expenses will increase. You may buy a new home or vehicle. Property related disputes are possible. Journeys will be fruitful. An unnecessary fear may come into your mind. Some new enemies may develop. Health will not remain favorable. Despite all these opposite situations, you are likely to gain fame and respect in society. Read more…

Read your yearly horoscope by clicking here: Yearly Aquarius Horoscope

Pisces Horoscope For June 2015

You may feel a bit restless. Tensions are possible regarding child’s education. Take care of your relationships. You won’t be able to concentrate on work. Unnecessary tension or fear may surround you. Journeys will be tiring and fruitless. Tensions may arise in domestic life, and relationship may worsen with life-partner. Take care of your health and avoid tensions. Read more…

Read your yearly horoscope by clicking here: Yearly Pisces Horoscope

By Pt. Deepak Dubey

Today’s Event!

Click here to read today’s stock-market predictions: Sensex-Nifty Predictions

Vaikasi Visakam is celebrated today throughout the country majorly by Tamil population. It is believed that Lord Muruga incarnated to earth on this day to destroy all the evil powers.

Have a great day!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Weekly Horoscope (June 1 - June 7, 2015)

Do you want to take a peek into the upcoming time? Do you want to make accurate plannings for the future? Then, read the general and love weekly horoscopes for this week, prepared by our expert astrologers.

Weekly horoscope will tell about your love and general life for the upcoming week.

(June 1 - June 7, 2015) Week At A Glance:

Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator

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This week you may have to try hard to maintain a balance between your personal and professional life. You would love to go out with friends, but prior work commitments may keep you occupied. Minor disputes are possible at domestic front, but everything will settle down after some time. Your health will remain normal, but try to sleep properly, otherwise your efficiency will decrease. If thinking of going for an outing from a long time, time is suitable for planning for the same.

Love Predictions

This week is going to be highly favorable for married couples, but small sweet tiffs are possible for others. Visit somewhere or enjoy with your partner in the starting of the week, as you may not get this chance in the midweek. Also, it would be better to stay restrained in this duration. Weekend will remain favorable.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

: Try to utilize your time and energy in the right direction.

Read the predictions of whole month of June, by clicking here: Aries Horoscope


This time is advising you to maintain calm and patience in every work. Hurry may create losses. Your closeness will increase with in-laws. Family members will also support in every situation. This is a good time for planning outings, but take someone along if travelling during the night. Also, avoid carrying precious jewellery or cash while travelling, otherwise losses may occur. You may think of buying new furniture for home, well time is also good for doing that.

Love Predictions

This week is going to be highly favorable for outings and entertainment. Auspiciousness will remain in the starting of the month, but any competitor may challenge you. Mid of the week is generally favorable, but minor disputes are possible. Avoid taking any kind of risk in love this week. Weekend is likely to give you better results.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worshiping Lord Hanuman will bring auspiciousness for you.

Read the predictions of whole month of June, by clicking here: Taurus Horoscope


This week is going to be favorable for you. Time is good for participating in competitive exams and for legal proceedings. It is very likely that result will come in your favor. Beginning of the week is looking favorable in every manner, but mid of the week may keep you away from home due to some work related reasons. Your mother will take care of you, but minor disputes are possible with father. It would be better to make some plans for outing with your friends in the weekend.

Love Predictions

This week will give general favorable results. Exchange of gifts is possible this week. If you want to express your feelings, starting of the week is suitable. Mid of the week will also give favorable results to up to a great extent. Married couples will enjoy even better time together. Weekend will make things even better for you.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid wearing black during this time.

Read the predictions of whole month of June, by clicking here: Gemini Horoscope


Cancerians are required to take care of their health. Problems like headache, stomach ache, loss of appetite may create troubles for you. But, on the other hand time is good for financial matters. Sudden financial gains are likely to arise and income is also likely to increase. This time you have to try hard to maintain harmonious relationship with everyone at workplace because seniors might not support much. All is looking smooth at the domestic front.

Love Predictions

This week will give favorable results for your love life. Love will drop like rain the starting of the week, but you may not feel satisfied. Mixed results will come in the mid of the week, but weekend will give highly auspicious results. You will get many chances to enjoy with sweetheart. Your love will also intensify.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Perform regular exercises and take care of eating habits for maintaining good health.

Read the predictions of whole month of June, by clicking here: Cancer Horoscope


This week your courage and might will remain high. You will face every opposite situation with bravery. Enemies will also not be able to stand in front of you. Cautiousness would be required because someone closer may try to cheat on you, either any of your relative or business partner. Time is good for your children, any good news is likely to come from them. You will spend quality time with family members by going on an outing with them.

Love Predictions

Long journeys are possible this week, this may increase the distance between you two. But, no need to worry, facilities of video or voice calling are there, use them and stay connected. Go for outings together and enjoy. Try to spend as much time as possible at home in the middle of the week. Enjoy the auspiciousness of time in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Don’t trust anyone blindly, especially in financial matters.

Read the predictions of whole month of June, by clicking here: Leo Horoscope


This is going to be an auspicious week regarding the support of elders. Immense support will come from father and you are likely to gain ancestral property as well. Your health will remain normal. Time is also good for doing new experiments in business. If you were thinking of expanding or changing it from a long time, go for it now. A great amount of success is likely to come your way. Despite all this, some unnecessary stress may surround you, so try to avoid this.

Love Predictions

This week is going to be favorable for you. Although, you may spoil your time by talking about work instead of love. Go for outings or entertainment in the starting of the week. Avoid tensions in the middle of the week. Your love partner will also help you. A warmth will remain in your love in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Maa Lakshmi to gain good financial gains in business.

Read the predictions of whole month of June, by clicking here: Virgo Horoscope


Your luck may not support much this time. So, time is not favorable for doing experiments in business and investing money in stock-market. Also, maintain a distance from gambling or speculation. Your health will remain normal. If your occupation is related to politics, social work or journalism, you are likely to gain fame and promotion. You might feel attracted toward people of opposite sex, but try to control these feelings if you are married, otherwise problems will occur.

Love Predictions

Avoid verbal disputes. Discard the idea of disturbing your partner’s weakest area. It would be better to start your week with sweet talks. You may go for an outing together in the middle of the week. Watch an emotional movie together. You would be able to balance love and work in the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: It would be important to control your desires.

Read the predictions of whole month of June, by clicking here: Libra Horoscope


This week will give you some great results at workfront. Seniors will appreciate your work and your efficiency will remain high. Change in job location or transfer is also possible. Your spouse is also likely to get an increment. Enemies might disturb a bit, but later everything will work out in favor. Arrival of guests at home might create some distractions, but you will be able to complete all your works on time. A good friend might invite you at his/her place, this will let you enjoy a great time with them.

Love Predictions

Week is favorable for you. If planning for a distant trip together, you will enjoy it. Avoid bluffing in the starting of the week. Don’t forget to check your partner’s mood before saying anything. In case you are away from your partner, stay connected with phone or chatting. Weekend will give favorable results.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Shiva for increasing the auspiciousness of time.

Read the predictions of whole month of June, by clicking here: Scorpio Horoscope


This week may give you a good news regarding the arrival of a new family member at home. If you are staying away from home, either you will visit their or your family members will come to see you. Competitors of competitive exams are required to increase their efforts in order to get success. Some health problems might disturb you. You are advised not to take anything casually and visit to a doctor immediately, otherwise problem may increase. A close friend will help a lot this time.

Love Predictions

Avoid anger and disputes this week. It would also be important to avoid depression. The week will start on a favorable note, but mid of the week may increase tension. Be with each other in this situation and avoid creating stress. If you are away from your partner, stay connected with video calling. Weekend will remain good.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Charity of products like clothes, milk and curd will create some great benefits.

Read the predictions of whole month of June, by clicking here: Sagittarius Horoscope


This week is going to give mixed results to you. Your mood will be good and you would like to travel to a distant place. Everything will remain smooth at workplace, but you may think of taking a break from hectic schedule. This week you may feel yourself superior than others, but you are advised to avoid that thought completely. Otherwise, defamation may occur unnecessarily. Also, avoid your dominating attitude this time.

Love Predictions

This week is looking very promising in increasing the intensity of your love. Married couples are going to enjoy a lot. A new energy will come in your love in the starting of the week. You will meet your love partner with full warmth. Mid of the week may decrease the auspiciousness a bit, but weekend will bring back the lost charm.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy/Treatment: Performing meditation will help feeling relaxed and energised.

Read the predictions of whole month of June, by clicking here: Capricorn Horoscope


An auspicious event is likely to take place at your home this week. A prosperous atmosphere will prevail at home and you would love spending time with family. Chances of going on a religious trip or pilgrimage are also very high. Luck is supporting a lot. You will get the full results of your efforts. Increase in respect and fame is also very likely. People will enjoy your company. Overall, this is going to be a highly favorable time.

Love Predictions

You have to try hard for getting the desired results. Domestic problems may fade away the charm of your love life. You won’t be able to give ample time to your partner in the starting of the week due to work commitments. But, you will spend time together in the middle of the week. Although, weekend may keep you apart due to some reason.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid wearing black color clothes this time.

Read the predictions of whole month of June, by clicking here: Aquarius Horoscope


This time you will work very hard at workplace. Senior officials will appreciate your efforts and your influence will increase among them. Your intellect and self-confidence will remain very high. Enemies will get defeat. Your efforts and dedication towards work will make your parents feel proud. You only need to take care of the words you are speaking, speak very carefully so that it won’t hurt anyone. Prosperous atmosphere will prevail at home and life-partner will also support.

Love Predictions

The week will start on a weaker note. In this situation, try to maintain better relations with your sweetheart as much as possible. Try to improve worsen relationships. Workload may increase in the middle of the week, but try to maintain a balance between love and work. Weekend will help in eliminating all the misunderstandings and flowing a new energy in your love life.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Serve cows and offer food to needy.

Read the predictions of whole month of June, by clicking here: Pisces Horoscope

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Today’s Special!

Vat-Purnima Vrat will be celebrated tomorrow i.e. on June 2, 2015. Ladies worship the tree of Vat and observe fast on this day. This help in fulfilling their desires and give them a better life.

Kabirdas Jayanti will also be celebrated tomorrow i.e. on June 2, 2015. This day is celebrated as the birthday of Saint Kabir Das.

Purnima of month Jyeshtha, i.e. Jyeshtha Purnima will fall on tomorrow i.e. on June 2, 2015. You will see a full moon tomorrow night.

Have a great day!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Venus Transit In Cancer Tomorrow - Effects On You

Venus, the planet of beauty and love, will transit into Cancer on May 31, 2015. Certain changes will be seen in your life due to this planetary change. Want to know about changes? Read this exclusive horoscope article.

 Venus transit in Cancer will change your fate.


This transit will bring overall goodness in your life. A successful career, blissful love life, stable finances, everything you wanted. Read more...


Students will do well in studies; others will shine at workfront. You will sound intellectual and influential. Read more...


You will eat good, wear good and live a good phase during this transit. Financial gains will remain there. Read more...


You attention will shift toward looking attractive. Friends will be there for you always. You will talk well and impress all. Read more...


Prosperity will fill your life. Sweet moments with beloved will keep you delighted. Purchase of new cell or tab is possible. Read more...


An excellent phase of your life. Love will blossom into your life. Things will go tremendously great at work. Read more...


You will perform excellent at workfront. Improving your personality and looking best will remain your priorities. Read more...


A new chapter of love will begin in your life. If associated with import-export, this transit is going to be your golden period. Read more...


Other than getting benefits from life partner, everything else will remain average. Don’t worry, time will settle all. Read more...


Business will go great and things will be beautiful in love life. However, expenses might exceed limit. Read more...


This phase might slow down your punctuality. You will turn humorous. Keep an eye on your eating habits. Read more...


Get ready to enjoy music, entertainment and joyful activities. Your suggestions will prove helpful to one and all. Read more...

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

AstroSage Worksheet Is Live To Bless Astrologer’s Life!

AstroSage’s New Worksheet, the most advanced astrology software of all time, is out now! This hi-tech solution will shorten the time spent in analyzing a birth chart to 10x! Because, now you will see all the required charts or tables at one screen. In 2004 we built astrology software in cloud; in 2009, we built mobile extension to that and now in 2015 we are bringing extreme customization with AstroSage Worksheet. 

Key Features

  • Design your own screen
  • Pluggable Widgets for customized layout
  • See what you want to see
  • Drag and drop to arrange widgets
  • Large number of tables and charts widgets available 
  • Charts for North India as well as South India
  • Available in 2 languages - English & Hindi

How To Use AstroSage Worksheet?

It is very very simple! All you need is to first create a Kundali or Log In at AstroSage; and then click on the Worksheet button given at the corner. Your worksheet will open.

Fabulous Features In Detail

AstroSage’s Worksheet comes with the below given features:
  1. Multiple Chart View: Yes, on one page, you may see all types of charts. 
  2. Modifiable Workspace: Easily adjust your worksheet by just dragging and dropping the charts or tables or anything that you want to see on your worksheet.
  3. Save Kundalis: Save all the Kundalis, charts, and other work done.
  4. English & Hindi Language: See your worksheet in both of these languages.
  5. North & South India Charts: Both of these charts are available.
  6. Automatically Saves Worksheet: Your customized worksheet will be saved as per your last edit and you can see it whenever you Log In the next time
  7. Mixed View: You may put all you want in your worksheet. From charts to tables to everything that you want to see on your one space!
All you need is to click on the ‘Add Box’ button at the top right corner and a new box will be added to your worksheet. Further, you may choose from the options what you want to put in that box.

As soon as you click on the options button, you will see a pop-up containing options for the 10 types of charts, 18 types of tables, and 14 types of Vargas. Choose anything you want to see in your box. We have not stopped here, more is being added to the list to give you a huge platter of options.

AstroSage Worksheet In Hindi!

This is how your worksheet will look if you have chosen Hindi language for our Free Kundali software.

It is a fabulous treat for astrologers as well as astrology students. Also, those who know a little bit of astrology or want to learn it, AstroSage’s Worksheet is the easiest way to practice and analyze. 

Why Is It Amazing?

  1. Now, you don’t need to swap onto various pages and links to view different charts.
  2. Stop filling forms again and again to create different Kundalis.
  3. You needn’t note down everything anywhere.
  4. If you know English or Hindi, you don’t need a translator as well.
  5. You needn’t waste your time exploring so many pages for one Kundali.
AstroSage is world’s #1 astrology portal, which owns the first astrology cloud software. This software is the first one which runs on desktop as well as mobile efficiently. The Kundali software of AstroSage is used by lakhs of astrologers everyday. Hence, we understand what astrologers need. When it comes on astrological automation, AstroSage has no competition. We provide the cutting edge technology to the world astrology. AstroSage Worksheet is another step taken by AstroSage to assist the astrologers of the world.

All you need is to work like a Boss, with AstroSage’s Worksheet in your service, Your Majesty!

Today’s Event!

Click here to read today’s stock-market predictions: Sensex-nifty predictions

Shree Durga Ashtami and Dhumavati Jayanti will be celebrated today. Every month, the Ashtami Tithi of Shukla Paksha (bright half) is celebrated as Masik Durgashtami. Devotees observe a day long fast and worship Maa Durga.

Uma Brahmani Navami and Shukla Devi Puja will be celebrated on May 27, 2015, i.e. tomorrow.

Ganga Dussehra will be celebrated on May 28, 2015. Maa Ganga has incarnated on earth on this day.

Bhimseni Ekadashi or Nirjala Ekadashi will be celebrated on May 29, 2015. Devotees observe a day long fast without having a single drop of water and worship Lord Vishnu.

Have a great day!