Paush Putrada Ekadashi, a day highly auspicious for the married couples who are aspiring for a baby, will be observed on 11th January, 2014. South Indians observe this day as Vaikuntha Ekadashi, a major day for the South Indians. Read on to know the importance of Pausha Putrada Ekadashi.
Ekadashi of Paush month is known as Paush Putrada Ekadashi and is observed to please the Lord Vishnu.
Putrada Ekadashi Importance
Every couple loves their child. Everything they do shows their love and affection for their children. One such thing which probably most of the childless couple does is the observance of Putrada Ekadashi fast. On this day, they pray to Lord Vishnu with a hope of getting a child.
Putrada Ekadashi Legendary Story
As per the legends, King Suketuman was married to Shaibya. After many years of married life also, the couple remained deprived from the pleasure of having a baby. As a result, the couple and elders of their family were tensed. Suketuman left his kingdom in gloom and went into the forests of Himalayas. One day, he went to the banks of the Mansarovar Lake from where he saw an Ashram (monastic house). Inside the Ashram were 10 saints who in real were divine beings known as Vishvadevas. The King went to them and told them about his situation. After listening to his problem, the saints suggested him to keep fast on that day as it was the day of Putrada Ekadashi. The King agreed and observed the fast. After that, the King returned back to his palace and explained everything to the Queen. Soon after that, the couple was blessed with a son.
Rituals Of The Day
On the day of Putra Ekadashi, the observer gets up early morning and wears clean clothes after taking shower. After this, Lord Vishnu is worshipped with flowers, coconut, betel nut or leaf, fruits and incense stick. The devotee observes fast throughout the day. Mantras are chanted and Vishnu songs are sung and heard. In the evening, Katha (legend of the day) is heard and fruits are consumed. Feeding the Brahmins and offering donations to them on this day is believed to be very fruitful.
Prayers Of The Day
- Lord Vishnu Sahasranamam
- Lord Vishnu Ashtothram
- Any Vishnu prayer or Gayatri
Vaikuntha Ekadashi
The knowledge of Vaikuntha Ekadashi is obtained from the famous Vishnu Purana. This is a very major day for the South Indians. Major celebrations are conducted in temples of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.
It is said that on this particular day, door to the heaven (Swarg) is opened. Therefore, observing fast on this day frees the devotee from his sins and helps in the attainment of salvation (Moksha). This day is a major attraction in Tirupati, Venkateswara Temple.
Dont’s Of Ekadashi
- On this day, eating rice should be avoided as it is believed that the demon Muran dwells in rice on the day of Ekadashi.
- Intake of non-vegetarian food and alcohol should also be avoided.
- Haircut and other such activities should be avoided as well.
Lord Vishnu is known to grant his devotees with all what they ask for. On this Paush Putrada Ekadashi, worship the Lord with all you can and let him bless you with a baby.