Durlabh Mahalakshmi Utkeelan Rahesyam Sayujya Jyotish Mahaviseshank||
Shri Sadgurudeva Nikhilbhagwaticharan Kamlaybhayo Namah||
With the grace of my Sadgurudeva and by his order, I was exulting in a special Sadhana to achieve certain ‘Gupt Kaal Khand Gyan’ and mystery of astrology. Along with this, he put me in a condition that I have to complete it while living in material world.
It was really difficult because when you are doing Sadhana and concentrating at one side and at the same time you are doing certain tasks that are exactly reverse, it becomes a big trouble. However, I always stayed blessed with the boon giving hand of Sadgurudeva over my head. Well, all these things are different, but amongst all these mysteries of astrology I got to know about one with the help of Gurudeva’s boon. Here, I am going to publicize it. Trust me, if you assimilated this mystery, you will never get troubled of anything throughout the life neither you will have to do any other Sadhana. Hence, the overall summary of all the mysteries is this. Let’s know how.