Showing posts with label learn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learn. Show all posts

Sunday, February 9, 2014

AstroSage 2 Minute Astrology Tutorial: Part 9

Astrologer Punit Pandey has come up with 9th part of ‘2 Minutes Astrology Tutorial’ series. In the previous part, we learned about Exalted & Debilitated Planets. Today, we will discuss Friendship & Enmity Planets. ‘Learn Astrology in 2 Minutes Tutorial’ is available FREE, read further to know more.

Friendship & Enmity of Planets

(If you missed the Part-8 of ‘2 Minutes Astrology Tutorial’, click here: Learn Astrology In 2 Minutes - Part-8)

Hi, welcome to 2 min astrology course. In the last episode I talked about importance of exalted and debilitated planets in predictions. Other than that, friendship and enmity of planets is also very important in predictive astrology. Planets like Sun, Moon etc. are neutral, friendly or inimical to other planets. Check out the table to know friendship and enmity of each planet.

हिन्दी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें…

Planet Friend Enemy Neutral
Sun Moon, Mars, Jupiter Saturn, Venus Mercury
Moon Sun, Mercury None Rest of the planets
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Mercury Rest of the planets
Mercury Sun, venus Moon Venus, Saturn
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Venus, Mercury Saturn
Venus Saturn, Mercury Rest of the planets Jupiter, Mercury
Saturn Mercury, Venus Rest of the planets Jupiter
Rahu, Ketu Venus, Saturn Sun, Moon, Mars Jupiter, Mercury

This table is very important and we should also try to memorize it. If this table seems too long, don’t worry. With the time, you will remember everything on your own. Grossly, we can divide planets in two categories that are friendly to each other:

Category 1: Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter

Category 2: Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

It is an easy way to remember the table. However, it is not correct all the time. It would be better if you memorise the table.

What does being friend or enemy mean? If a planet is in its friend’s sign and with friendly planets, it will give positive results. Similarly, if a planet is in its enemy planet’s sign or posited with enemy planet, its positive effects will be reduced.

I hope you enjoyed watching this video. Hope to see you soon again. 


By Astrologer Punit Pandey

Find all the notes of upcoming parts here:

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

AstroSage 2 Minute Astrology Tutorial: Part 8

Astrologer Punit Pandey has come up with 8th part of ‘2 Minutes Astrology Tutorial’ series. In the previous part, we learned about Signification of houses. Today, we will discuss Exalted & Debilitated Planets. ‘Learn Astrology in 2 Minutes Tutorial’ is available FREE, read further to know more.

Exalted & Debilitated Planets

(If you missed the Part-7 of ‘2 Minutes Astrology Tutorial’, click here: Learn Astrology In 2 Minutes - Part-7)

Hi, welcome to 2 min astrology course. As we have discussed earlier that good and bad results of a planet depend upon various factors. We have also discussed how significations of planet get negatively affected in 6th, 8th and 12th house. Similarly, position of a planet in a zodiac sign is also very important. Usually, any planet gives good results in its own sign, in exalted sign and in a friendly sign. On the other hand, it gives unfavourable results in debilitated sign and inimical sign.

हिन्दी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें…

Check out exalted and debilitated signs for planets in the below mentioned table.

No Planet Exalted Sign Debilitated Sign
1 Sun Aries Libra
2 Moon Taurus Scorpio
3 Mars Capricorn Cancer
4 Mercury Virgo Pisces
5 Jupiter Cancer Capricorn
6 Venus Pisces Virgo
7 Saturn Libra Aries
8 Rahu Sagittarius Gemini
9 Ketu Gemini Sagittarius

There are some interesting points in this table. First, the exalted and the debilitated signs for a planet are seventh from each other, e.g. Sun is exalted in Aries, the first sign of zodiac, and is debilitated in Libra, seventh sign of zodiac. Second, Venus and Mercury have opposite exaltation and debilitation signs. Same is true for Saturn-Sun & Jupiter-Mars. Third, exaltation and debilitation sign for Rahu and Ketu are not that important. 

A planet is most powerful in its exalted sign. In its own sign, it has power of second grade. In its friendly sign, it has power of third grade. In neutral sign, it has power of fourth grade. In enemy sign, it has power of fifth grade. In debilitated sign, a planet has the power of sixth grade; i.e. a planet is weakest in it.

While analyzing a birth-chart, you should note down those planets that are in exaltation and in debilitation. The planets posited in exalted signs are able to give their results. If a planet is in debilitated or enemy sign, it becomes weak and cannot give its results. When we say “results”, it means planets’ own significations and the significations of the houses it owns.

I hope you enjoyed this video. 


By Astrologer Punit Pandey

Find all the notes of upcoming parts here:

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

AstroSage 2 Minute Astrology Tutorial: Part 7

Astrologer Punit Pandey has come up with 7th part of ‘2 Minutes Astrology Tutorial’ series. In the previous part, we learned about Birth-Chart. Today, we will discuss about Signification of houses. ‘Learn Astrology in 2 Minutes Tutorial’ is available FREE, read further to know more.

Signification Of Houses 

Signification of houses is very important to analyze birth-charts. Every house tells about something concrete. Knowledge of all the things in this world is in these twelve houses. Everything cannot be covered during these two minutes, yet we can discuss about some important significations.

  1. First house tells about the entire chart, birth and nature of the native.
  2. Second house indicates finances, eyes, face, speech etc.
  3. Third house depicts courage, younger siblings, mental balance etc.
  4. Mother, happiness, property and house are signified by fourth house.
  5. Fifth house shows progeny and intellect.
  6. Sixth house tells about diseases, enemy and loan. 
  7. Marriage, spouse and partner are depicted by seventh house.
  8. Age, danger and accident are shown by eighth house.
  9. Luck, father, Guru and religion are indicated by ninth house.
  10. Action, profession, position and fame are signified by tenth house.
  11. Eleventh house shows gains and fulfillment of desires.
  12. Expenditure, loss and Moksha are depicted by twelfth house. 

Usually, it’s considered negative if any planet is posited in 6, 8, 12 houses. This is a general rule with several exceptions. We’ll look into it later. Generally, a planet posited in 6, 8, 12 houses not only adversely affect its significations, but also hampers the significations of the house it owns.

In this illustration, Mars is the lord of third and tenth, and it is posited in sixth house. Mars signifies siblings. Therefore, it is not good for siblings. Profession is considered with tenth house, so this position of Mars is also adversely affecting native’s profession.

I hope this information will be helpful for you.


By Astrologer Punit Pandey

Find all the notes of upcoming parts here:

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Sunday, January 12, 2014

AstroSage 2 Minute Astrology Tutorial: Part 6

Astrologer Punit Pandey has come up with 6th part of ‘2 Minutes Astrology Tutorial’ series. In the previous part, we learned about the Zodiac Signs. Today, we will discuss about Birth-Chart. ‘Learn Astrology in 2 Minutes Tutorial’ is available FREE, read further to know more.


(If you missed the Part-5 of ‘2 Minutes Astrology Tutorial’, click here: Learn Astrology In 2 Minutes - Part-5)

Hi, welcome to 2 min astrology course. We’ve already discussed about planets and zodiac signs. Now, let’s discuss about birth-chart. Check out the image of birth-chart on blackboard.

Forget the numbers written in birth-chart for a while. The colored square on the top is called Ascendant. Ascendant is also called the first house. It’s the starting point where we begin the counting of houses. To understand it more clearly, check out the houses in image – this is first house, this is second, this is third, and this one is twelfth house. Irrespective of number written in it, the location of a house is fixed in a birth-chart. In this birth-chart, Venus and Rahu are posited in fifth house. Moon and Mars are posited in sixth house. Saturn, Sun and Mercury are posited in seventh; and Jupiter is in eleventh house along with Ketu.

These numbers indicate the zodiac signs and with the sign we can find out the lord of the house. In this birth-chart, Ascendant has 11th sign i.e. Aquarius. In other words, the native has Aquarius ascendant. You already know that 11th sign is Aquarius, don’t you?

We also know that Aquarius is owned by Saturn. So in our example chart, ascendant or first house is owned by Saturn. Similarly, second house is owned by Jupiter as ‘12’ is written in it and we know that 12th sign i.e. Pisces is owned by Jupiter.

Owners of zodiac signs are fixed. However, owners of houses differ with birth-charts.

I hope this information will be helpful for you.


By Astrologer Punit Pandey

Find all the notes of upcoming parts here:

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

AstroSage 2 Minute Astrology Tutorial: Part 5

Astrologer Punit Pandey has come up with 5th part of ‘2 Minutes Astrology Tutorial’ series. In the previous part, we learned signification and nature of planets. Today, we will discuss the zodiac signs. ‘Learn Astrology in 2 Minutes Tutorial’ is available FREE, read further to know more.

Zodiac Signs

(If you missed the Part-4 of ‘2 Minutes Astrology Tutorial’, click here: Learn Astrology In 2 Minutes - Part-4)

Hi, welcome to 2 min astrology course. If you look toward the sky at moment of birth from the place of the birth, the planetary position in sky is called a birth-chart or Kundali. Planets seem to be moving in a circular path when observed from earth. This circular-path is known as zodiac. If we divide zodiac in twelve equal parts, each part is called a zodiac sign. These twelve signs are – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. It’s very important to remember the order of zodiac signs, because signs are shown using numbers in a birth-chart. 

For example, if 1 is written, it means Aries or first sign. If 2 is written, it means Taurus or second sign and so on.

As per mathematics, a circle consists of 360 degrees. Therefore, 12th part of 360 degrees, i.e. a sign, consists of 30 degrees. However, we need not focus on mathematical part as of now. Just note that each zodiac sign covers 30 degrees.

Every zodiac sign has a fixed lordship and we should also memorize it. Lord of a sign is also referred as owner sometimes. Let’s have a look at lords of different signs.

Mars owns first sign – Aries. Taurus is owned by Venus, Gemini by Mercury, Cancer by Moon, Leo by Sun, Virgo by Mercury–i.e. Mercury is the lord of both Gemini and Virgo–Libra again by Venus, Scorpio by Mars again, Sagittarius by Jupiter, Capricorn and Aquarius by Saturn, and Pisces is owned by Jupiter.

Sun and Moon own only one zodiac sign. Rahu and Ketu do not own any of the signs. Rest of the planets, i.e. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, own two zodiac signs.

I hope this information will be helpful for you.


By Astrologer Punit Pandey

Find all the notes of upcoming parts here:

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

AstroSage 2 Minute Astrology Tutorial: Part 4

Astrologer Punit Pandey has come up with 4th part of ‘2 Minutes Astrology Tutorial’ series. In the previous part, we learned signification and nature of Sun & Moon. Today, we will discuss signification & nature of remaining planets. ‘Learn Astrology in 2 Minutes Tutorial’ is available FREE, read further to know more.

Significations & Nature Of Planets - Part 2

(If you missed the Part-3 of ‘2 Minutes Astrology Tutorial’, click here: Learn Astrology In 2 Minutes - Part-3)

Hi, welcome to the 2 min astrology tutorial. We have discussed signification and nature of Sun & Moon in last video. Now, let me tell you about remaining planets.


Mars is of masculine, vice, cruel, aggressive, warrior class, Tamo guni, fire element and Pitta nature. It signifies blood-red color, siblings, battle, weapons, thief, wound, blood, muscles, operation etc. If Mars is malefic, it adversely affects things it signifies; e.g. there may be several incidences of stealing, one might get hurt frequently etc.


Mercury is of impotent, business-class, Rajoguni, having Tridosha i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and thin nature. Mercury signifies green color, maternal uncle, mathematics, business and speech.

As Mercury signifies mathematics, if Mercury is benefic, the native has sound understanding of Mathematics. On the other hand, one finds it difficult to understand math if one has weak Mercury. In such as case, it’d be better if native chooses arts over science as his academic stream.


By nature, Jupiter is polite, Sattvik, male; it has fat body and Kapha nature. Jupiter signifies yellow color, Vedas, religion, devotion, gold, wisdom, Guru, fat, Kapha, knowledge, progeny, marriage etc.


Words like beauty, femininity, Brahmana and Kapha describe nature of Venus best. It signifies white color, beautiful clothes, luxury, love-affairs, libido, semen, marital bliss, poetry etc.

After going through significations of Venus, it’s no rocket science to understand that Venus must be positive in birth-chart for a happy married life.


Lean and tall stature, cruel, impotent, vice, and Kapha – these things describe the nature of Saturn. It’s significator of black color, paternal uncle, age, servants and renunciation etc. If native has malefic Saturn, one might get troubles from servants. There may also be some tension with paternal uncle etc.

Rahu - Ketu

Vice, outcast, Tamoguna, Vata-Pitta etc. describe nature of both Rahu & Ketu.

Rahu signifies color of dark smoke, paternal grandfather, deceit, speculations, foreign lands, snake, widowhood etc.

Ketu signifies Tantra, Mantra, Moksha, Maternal grandfather, dispute, theft, dog and hunger etc.

I hope this information will be helpful for you. 


By Astrologer Punit Pandey

Find all the notes of upcoming parts here:

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