Delhi is once again in the limelight, it’s the fight for power talking. Who will win the power capital? Will it be the long standing ‘Congress’; the come back party ‘BJP’ or the newbie ‘AAP’? Let’s know with the help of Astrology.
Delhi the fort for Congress government in the past fifteen years (three terms) is going to conduct historical assembly elections in December, 2013. All eyes are on the capability of new born child Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). There are three main contestants for the throne of Delhi which attracted the attention of the nation. Congress, BJP and AAP are toiling hard to hoist their flag. In this scenario as an enthusiast follower of KP, I would like to present my prediction about the possibility of AAP to come to the rule in Delhi. The following is the horoscope for horary number 144 in favor of AAP:
Rule: The strength of 6th sub-lord is important. It should signify 1, 2, 6, 10 and 11 houses for the victory over opponents. The sub lord of 11th house confirms the above indications.
In this horoscope, 6th sub-lord is Venus. She is in 2nd house in own star and Mars sub and he is in 10th house in Venus star. Therefore, Venus is connected with second house at sub level. Therefore, she is favorable for the victory over opponents (Congress & BJP). Hence, there is very likely chance for gains in the polls.
The sub-lord of 11th house is Jupiter. He is in 8th house in own star and Ketu sub. Ketu is in 6th house in own star representing Mars in 10th house. Therefore Jupiter is strongly connected with 6-10 houses at sub level which promises power and authority.
Here, the sub lord of 7th house is Mars. He is in Leo in Venus star and Mercury sub. Venus denotes lady (Sheila Dixit) who is very weak with respect to 7th house. Further Mercury is lord of the 11th house with no planets in his stars. Thus one of the opponents may become an ally (11th house) with AAP. Of course this is an observation which needs more research.
If we analyze the DBA at the time of election and declaration of the result we come to know that Moon-Moon-Jupiter period will rule between 15-11-2013 and 24-12-2013. As per the schedule polling will be on 4th December and counting on 7th December 2013.
Moon is lord of the 10th house and occupant of 7th house in own star and sub. This shows that Sheela is a hard nut to crack for AAP. Moon was aspected by Sun, the star lord for 11th house. The significations for 7-10 houses are further depended upon the sub-sub lord Jupiter. As discussed earlier Jupiter is the sub lord for 11th house and connected with 6-10 houses at sub level. Hence Jupiter favors AAP to a great extent.
If we look at transit, Sun is in Mercury star and Venus sub, Moon in Saturn sign Moon star! Saturn is in Mercury sub and Venus in Rahu sub. Jupiter is also in Mercury sub who is lord of 11th house. It seems to me that AAP will win this vote battle with a decent majority and stars are in favor for their ruling in Delhi.
It is my duty to disclose that the above prediction is purely out of academic interest and nothing to do with any impression on any political party. It is for the followers and lovers of Astrology. Good Luck All!
By VGR Pavan
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