Friday, June 28, 2013

Marriage & Astrology

Marriage & Astrology
A Hindu marriage is the formation of a sacred bond with 7 promises for the 7 lives of the duo. According to Hindu mythology, a person becomes complete after marriage. The wife is hence called the ‘Ardhangini’. Ardhangini is a Sanskrit word, which is formed by the conjunction of 2 words – Ardha + Angini. ‘Ardha’ means half and ‘Angini’ means body. When two people are tied together in the bond of marriage, they are considered to be complete with each other. Without a wife, a man cannot perform any Hindu religious ritual. In other words, a man is incomplete without a woman.

The process of marriage includes many steps; one of them is ‘Panigrahan’. It is a Sanskrit term, which means – to take the water. During this ritual, the bride and groom hold their hands together and the groom renounces – “I will hold this hand of yours always for happiness. May we live longer to cherish this bond! You are the Queen of my house from now. I am Rig Veda; you are the Sam Veda. You are Earth, I am the Sky. Let’s conjoin ourselves in the bond of marriage.” The next ritual is Saptapadi. It is a Sanskrit term, which means 7 steps. In this ritual, the couple takes 7 steps together. Let’s now understand the significance of each step.

Importance of 7 Steps in Hindu Marriage

  • First Step: for food and sustenance
  • Second Step: for strength in home
  • Third Step: for keeping ideals and vows
  • Fourth Step: for a comfy life
  • Fifth Step: for welfare of cattle
  • Sixth Step: for keeping the bond strong in any condition
  • Seventh Step: for fulfilling the religious duties
So, these seven steps signify that the duo is now husband and wife.

In Sanskrit, marriage is termed as ‘Vivaha’, which means righteousness (Dharma). The right conduct of the house holder is Dharma, the material wealth is Artha, enjoying the love life is Kama and attainment of salvation is Moksha. Dharma is considered as of the highest priority amongst these 4 (Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha).

The Hindu marriage is the compilation of spiritual as well as social duties. Before marriage, the compatibility of the duo is tested by the science of Astrology. An astrologer is the person who studies this science and helps in Match-Making. If the birth charts of both the individuals seem compatible to the astrologer, then only the process is moved further to marriage.

Planets Affecting Married Life


Planet Venus is the significator of marriage, life partner and sex life. Also, it rules over the reproductive organs and processes of the males.


Mars is like the controller of all senses. It influences the senses through the medium of blood. In a female’s horoscope, Mars is the significator of marriage and sex life. It rules over the ovaries and reproductive organs of the females. Planet Mars and Moon rule over the menstrual cycle of a woman. Basically, planet Mars regulates the initiation of the menstrual cycle and Moon decides the duration. By the observations, it has been found that menstruation begins when the aspect of Mars is very powerful over the birth ascendant or Moon ascendant, in transit. If the Mars aspects radical Moon, it results in heavy flow. The first menstruation of a female is the result of Mars’s aspect over birth ascendant. 

Houses Affecting Married Life

Seventh House

7th house is the significator of spouse, reproductive organs and marital happiness. The 7th house from Moon and Sun also rules over the life partner and marriage. In case of males, 7th house from Venus looks after the marriage and spouse. On the other hand, in case of females, 7th house from Mars looks after the same. The lowest degree planet in the Kundli also signifies spouse. It is Pati-Karaka in case of females and Patni-Karaka in case of males.

Eighth House

8th house controls all the secretive things, like the feeling of longevity for the partner or urinary diseases. The house rules over the reproductive as well as urinary organs.

Twelfth House

Twelfth house represents the married love life of the females. Being 6th from the 7th house, the twelfth also represents the enemies of married life. If the 12th house gets afflicted, either by a malefic aspect or association, it gives troubles like extramarital affair. 

Zodiac Signs Affecting Married Life


The Libra indicates balance. So, this is the sign of balance. The sign shows balance in everything; however if the native doesn’t have deep interest in anything. In other words, the native will be shallow. Venus, the cool and watery planet rules over Libra sign.


In the Zodiac, Scorpio is the eighth sign. This sign is related to the sensual desires. Planets present in Scorpio sign decides the attitude of the native toward sensual desires. It happens only if the effect is pure (not impacted by any other aspect or association). Presence of Mars in the sign may result in the rise of sexual arousal for an instant; or Venus is the significator of sensuality.

So, this was all about the intricate factors of males and females that are important for a married life. With this description, you may now check the person’s compatibility with you via birth chart. Apart from Guna Milan, sensuality is another most important aspect of a married life. Hence, this article is concentrated on the least bothered factor while choosing a life partner.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Retrogression & Combustion of Mercury : Effects on You

By Acharya Raman 
Mercury will be getting retrograde from 27th June to 22nd July 2013. From 2nd July 2013, it will stay combusted till 17th July 2013. Mercury rules over 3rd and 6th house in Kaal Purush chart and also rules over commerce, communications, negotiations and IT.

Since the period is not long enough to cause much trouble, there is no need to be worried but yes one need to be cautious in speculations and negotiations. 3rd house rules over sports activities and the IPL series was started when Mercury was debilitated. That time also I had said that there will be some unexpected results in this game and we have the reason in front of us in the form of players who took the bait and tainted the game.

For those who have Mercury Pratyantar in this period, be it of any sign, need to be cautious in speaking and listening both. Some people may find their skin itching more than usual and some may hear whistles in their ears. Your attention will be disturbed and your cell-phones, computers and internet connection will be malfunctioning. The internet line which comes to India from beneath the sea also could be hampered but the chances are low. The period of 2nd July to 17th July is most crucial when mercury will be retrograde and combust.

Incomplete deals might end up negatively and will upset your mind. Boardroom meetings will reach no-where, so will government decisions. Astrologers will see their predictions fail drastically. You should be careful with your cell phone as it can be lost or broken beyond repair. Sensex will behave senselessly and political leaders will be uttering sheer nonsense to abuse others and later will be saying I didn’t meant it etc., as usual. Matters of court will be prolonged and out of court settlement will be delayed. The results of games etc. will be getting reversed of expected.

The signs Gemini and Virgo should be most careful along with Aquarius and Taurus. But in general, all should be careful. That is all what is required. No need to think too much or worry. Mercury inherently is a good planet but changes according to the company it gets. No chanting, worship, Hawan or gemstone etc. is required to overcome this small time frame.

You may also like to read: The Astrological Effects of Retrograde Mercury

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Uttarakhand: Astrologically Prone To Natural Disasters

By Pt. Hanumman Mishra
 Destruction all Around
हिंदी में पढने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें।

Nature’s fury has hit the beautiful mountains of Uttarakhand and has left each one of us terrified. It seems like faith of people is under attack. People who have come out alive from the dreadful experience do wish to go back to the mountains ever. However, they do feel thankful to God for giving them another chance to live. All the astrologers including myself are curious to know the Astrological reasoning for these events. Though I do not believe in predicting after the event yet I cannot ignore the curiosity of Astrologers.

Uttarakhand, previously known as Uttaranchal was formed on 9th November 2000. From 2000 to 2006 it was called Uttaranchal and after that it was changed to Uttarakhand. It was done to respect the religious sentiments of the locals. Also, the state was referred to as Uttarakhand in religious texts and scriptures. The literal meaning of Uttarakhand is the Northern part of a region. The Holy rivers like Ganga and Yamuna originate in the hill state. The banks of Gangotri and Yamunotri have many sacred places which serve as famous pilgrimages.

Moon Chart of Uttarakhand

The day on which the state was formed, the Moon was in Pisces; therefore the sign of the state will be considered as Pisces. The day had Revati Constellation, which indicates a Mool Sangyak constellation. It is the constellation of Mercury which is posited in the 8th House of Kundli. The 8th house indicates both the positive and negative aspects of water. In this way, the watery planet Moon is related to the 8th House. Also, the Lord of the sign is Jupiter, which is in constellation of Moon. At the same time, Pisces is considered to be the sign of water. So, the relation between the Uttarakhand and water is obvious.

There are other facts also which show the relation between the Moon and water. As you can see in the chart that the Lord of the 4th house is Mercury is also posited in the 8th house. It is in the constellation of Mars and sub-constellation of Moon. Posited in the 4th house, Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node) is in the constellation of Jupiter and Jupiter is in the constellation of Moon. The 6th, 8th and 12th houses in a Kundali creates challenging situations. The Lord of the 6th house, Sun is in the constellation of the Jupiter and Jupiter is in the constellation of Moon. Also, Sun is in the sign of Venus, which is a watery planet. Venus is in the constellation of Jupiter and Jupiter is in the constellation of Moon.

At the times of these devastation it is very common to the see Ascendant and Ascendant Lord afflicted by aturn and Mars. At the same time, Sun is also afflicted in some or the other way. As we can see in the Kundli that the ascendant Lord, Jupiter is with the Saturn and ascendant is being aspected by Mars. Sun is in 8th house and is debilitated. All these conditions are indicating that the place might suffer from recurrent natural calamities. And, like we all are well aware that before this Uttarkashi saw such devastation in the year 2012.

When will the hill state see such devastation? When Ascendant, Lord of Ascendant and Sun will be related to either Saturn or Mars. And, if Rahu also comes into the picture then the magnitude of the calamity will increase manifold.

Let us now see the day on which the calamity struck the state for the first time.

The Transit on the Day of Calamity

As you can see that, on that day, 4 planets were posited in the 4th house. Ascendant was not being aspected by any exalted planet. Ascendant Lord was combusted. Lord of the 9th house (representing religion and fate) Mars is combusted. Ascendant Lord was affected by Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node); and therefore it will also be affected by Saturn which is sitting with Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node). Hence, not only the ascendant Lord, Jupiter, but also the Lord of 4th house Mercury along with Sun and Venus are also afflicted by Saturn and Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node). Sun is in the constellation of Mars. Jupiter is also in the constellation of Mars. In this way, we see that ascendant, Lord of ascendant and Sun have an effect of Mars, Saturn and Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node). And, this is the time when Mars is in the constellation of significator of water, Moon. Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter also indicate that there is some calamity which is round the corner in a religious event. On that day, Moon was aspected by Mars, the sign of Sun. All these conditions are indicating that there is an impending calamity.

Though it is ironic that we are discussing all these astrological aspects after the calamity yet it is necessary. We should discuss every aspect of this natural disaster to ensure that such events do not happen in the future. We pray for all the people who have been hit by nature’s fury.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ind vs Eng on June 23, 2013 : Champions Trophy Final Match Prediction

By Pt. Hanumman Mishra 
India Vs England final match
हिंदी में पढने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें।

India Vs England

The Final ODI match of ICC Champions Trophy will be played on 23rd June, 2013 at Edgbaston, Birmingham. Finally the match that all were waiting for is about to be played. The competing teams who have battled their way to the end of the competition are India and England. India has been the unerring team of the tournament and England on the other hand has been performing exceptionally well. This is the moment when both the teams will play for the coveted trophy and to have their nation exalted and jotted down in history. This year’s ICC Champions Trophy is the final one. So which team will be able to engrave their name forever in the tournament? Both the teams have been working hard and stand confident. The anticipation of the result is unbearable; so let us see which team's star will favor who and to what extent through Numerology. We will use Pythagorean method of Numerology to make the predictions.

Moolank 5 & India Vs England

India & Moolank 5

This match will be played on 23rd June, 2013. Moolank of this date is 5. As per Numerology, India's Namank is 1. 5 and 1 share a cordial relationship. This is a positive indication for the team. Mahendra Singh Dhoni is leading the team as Captain and his Namank is 9. 5 and 9 share a neutral relationship and this is neither a negative nor a positive sign for the team.

England & Moolank 5

This match will be played on the 23rd of June, 2013 and the Moolank of this date is 5. As per Numerology, England has Namank 3. 5 and 3 share a neutral relationship. This is neither a positive nor a negative indication for the team. The team's Captain is Alastair Cook and his Namank is 8. 5 and 8 also share a neutral relationship. This is again neither an auspicious sign nor a negative one for the team.

If we analyze on the basis of Moolank then team India appears to be the winner. But this cannot be considered as the final result. We will now analyze the Sampoornank of the date, to draw a final conclusion.

Sampoornank 8 & India Vs England

India & Sampoornank 8

This match will be played on 23rd June, 2013. Moolank of 23+06+2013, which we will call Sampoornank here is 8. According to Numerology, India's Namank is 1. 8 and 1 share a hostile relationship, hence this is an inauspicious indication for the team. Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who is the Captain of the team, has Namank 9. 8 and 9 also share hostile relationship.

England & Sampoornank 8

According to the Numerology, Namank of England is 3. Since this match will be played on 23rd June, 2013, Sampoornank of this date is 8. 8 and 3 share a neutral relationship. This is neither a positive sign nor a negative sign. Alastair Cook is the team's Captain and his Namank is 8. 8 and 8 share a cordial relationship and this is a positive sign for the team.

Thus, we can see that on the basis of Sampoornank, team England appears to be favored. There will be a tough competition between the teams as on the basis of Moolank India has an upper hand and on the basis of Sampoornank, England will be the winner. Yet I have to give one answer. After going into the depth of the calculations, I conclude that team England will emerge victorious and finally acquire the coveted trophy. Rest is all in God's hand. But bear in mind, these are mere possibilities. Any action or risk taken on the basis of these possibilities is not advisable. The consequences of it will be borne by the risk taker.

Friday, June 21, 2013

India Vs England (23 June 2013) – ICC Champions Trophy 2013 Final Match

By Acharya Raman 
Final match of ICC Champions Trophy 2013 is between India Vs England.
Much awaited tournament ICC Champions Trophy has begun. All are interested in knowing the winners of each game and for Astrologers also it is a good time to test their skills. I am using horary branch of Astrology and a system which is mix of traditional Astrology, KP and Numerology. The system used is quite similar to the one taught by Lt. Shree Suresh Sahasne.

The Horary question that I asked is who will win the match between India and England today. Here is the analysis:

Match 23/6/2013  

Time: 23:45:26
Place: Indore
Date: 23/6/2013
KP Ayanamsa: 23-56-44.94

I have used KP System Numerology which takes only the numbers of the signs into the account of the ruling planets and omit the signs whose Lord is retrograde.

Thus the numbers are:


The resultant remaining after calculation is 0 and so India should win. It is very tough choice as both teams are equally competent with batting and bowling. Stars are also equally confusing, so are the numbers. This is the last ICC Champions Trophy and the team with the cup in their arms will go in history forever.


How to Get Married Quickly?

The Beginning of A New Life
How to get Married? Indeed, it is a big question for many. Lots of people search on Internet the answer to this question every day. But, very few find the helpful answer. You may get advices by many for your question - How will I get married? But, not like the one we are going to share here. In this article, we are going to suggest you some occult Astrological ways to get you a life partner. The astrological remedies mentioned here for early marriage are quite easy to perform. So, let’s start with it.

Marriage: The Beginning of A New Life

Marriage is that one topic, which interests all of us. From the time, when we step into this world, we get to know about this word – ‘Marriage’. This term is so important that no one is unaware of it. After all, marriage is the second part of one’s life. As per Hindu Scriptures, marriage has its own importance. A person is considered incomplete without marriage. The Scriptures explain about 4 main objectives of life – Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Marriage is considered as ‘Dharma’. So, in other words, the basic step to the salvation is marriage.

Let’s now change the angle. Put all the Scriptures and philosophies aside. Now say – don’t you feel like you should have someone to love you, to care for you? Obviously, everybody wants that one person in life.

Marriage is the bond that ties two human beings together to make them complete with each other for the rest of their lives. Your parents and you have a generation difference. They cannot walk in pace with you till your last breath. Hence, after them, you need someone in your life.

Marriage is not a topic to be embarrassed about or to underestimate its importance. It is the most precious aspect of life. Yes, you may find a substitute for it. But, nothing is as glorious as marriage. The sacred bond is so special in itself that nothing can replace it. So, let’s now know how to get married soon?

Astrology is the one word answer to your trouble. Here, we have decided to share some trusted methods of astrology that have changed the lives of many people. Yes, these methods have worked for many. Now, it’s your turn!

Astrology Remedies To Get Married

Mostly, women of India are seen to be following these remedies to woo the man of their dreams; as they are more tilted toward spirituality. So, let’s start with the remedies for the beautiful ladies.

Marriage Remedies for Women
  • Another chance to wear new clothes: Girl should always wear new clothes while the talks of marriage are going on.
  • Get a Yellow dress from parents: The parents or guardian of the girl should give yellow clothes on Thursdays and white on Fridays to the girl. This should be done continuously till 4 weeks. No garment should be repeated.
  • Halt & check your breathe: Whenever the parents or anyone from the side of the girl goes to the boy's house to talk, they should put the first step corresponding to the nostril they are breathing with.
  • Sweets & hair to entice your Groom: When the girl’s family visits the boy’s house for talks, girl should go while keeping her hair open. Also, she should be happy and offer sweets to everyone before the initiation of the talks. This remedy is just not for the purpose of enticing your qwould be groom. It has a special significance in Astrology.
  • Let Shiva also look into the matter: Girl should fast for 16 consecutive Mondays, offer Holy Water in a Shiva temple, dress up like Goddess Parvati, tie the knot between Shiva-Parvati and pray for marriage. The proposals will start pouring in.
  • Universal Parents to find your Groom: For a perfect groom, girl should worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati by taking a round around them and reciting the following Mantra:
“ऊँ नमः मनोभिलाषितं वरं देहि वरं ही ऊँ गोरा पार्वती देव्यै नमः||”

Some Common Marriage Remedies for Both Men & Women

After women, it’s the time for men to know what all they can do. However, the remedies we are going to mention now are also advisable  for women. Hence, these are unisex remedies and anybody can perform them. So, let’s start with the multi-utility series of astrology remedies for early marriage.
  • No shoes for this meeting: If the relations are breaking at the final stage continuously, make it a point to take off your footwear before entering the room of marriage discussion.
  • Henna to create the bond of Love: Boys and girls willing to marry should apply some henna on hands while going to any marriage ceremony.
  • Reading for the start of new life: Read the verses of Shiva-Parvati marriage mentioned in the ‘Bal Kanda’ of ‘Ramayana’ every day.
  • Friday for the Shiva’s Grand Bathe: On Friday, marriageable people should pour the Holy water over Shivlinga and place 108 flowers as well as 21 Bel leaves over it while chanting - ‘Om Namah Shivaye’. This should be done till continuous 7 Fridays.
  • A present & some sweets for Vishnu: On Thursday, offer Kalangi (the feather on the Hindu groom’s turban) and 5 ladoos to the Laxmi-Vishnu.
The above mentioned methods are very simple and everyone can do them. The intensity of devotion while performing these remedies decide the results of fulfillment. If these measures don’t work and you are still suffering, then it shows that the problem is with your stars. In that case, we have another method for you.

Intervention of God & Goddess of ‘Love’ for Marriage

The method we are going to discuss is a Tantric method. Hence, it should be performed flawlessly. First of all, bring a Kamdev-Rati Yantra home. Wake up early in the morning and get ready before the sunrise. With the first ray of Sun, give ‘Arghya’ (offering water to the Sun) 7 times and then position yourself on an Asana. Now, place a wooden cart and a new piece of cloth over it. Place the Kamdev-Rati Yantra over it. Further, make sure you worship the Yantra with Panchopchar every day. Chant the following Mantra 1.25 Lakhs times with full devotion.

“ऊँ हो कामदेवाय रत्यै सर्व दोष निवारणाय फट्||”

Yantra to break all the barriers!

As the name suggests, it is a marriage hindrance removal Yantra. It is also a Tantric method. This remedy should be initiated on a Tuesday. The parents or even the girl or boy themselves can perform this remedy. If you find it difficult then the help of a priest can be taken. The apparatus required for this remedy is as follows:

1. Saubhagya Mala
2. Vivaha Badha Nivaran Yantra

Method to perform:

Wake up early in the morning, take shower and then take a seat with a wooden plank in front of you. Cover the plank with a new cloth and then place the Yantra over it. Before placing the Yantra, clean it with milk & water, and use a clean cloth to wipe it off. After that, offer flowers, vermillion and Akshat (the Holy rice) to the Yantra.

Before proceeding to the Tantric Puja of any Yantra, pray to the Guru to seek his blessings for the successful results of this Tantric procedure. Now, take water, Akshat and flower in the right hand and resolute that you are performing this Tantric Puja to remove the hindrances in your marriage.

Further, chant the following Mantra 11 rounds of Saubhagya Mala:

“ऊँ हो कामदेवाय रत्यै सर्व दोष निवारणाय फट्||”

Perform this chanting for continuous 21 days (without any break). After 21 days, flow the Yantra and Saubhagya Mala in the running water.

Call the Support of Universal Power

If your son is not getting married, perform the Durga Saptashati Path with Samput. Durga is the Universal Power and considered as the Universal Mother.  Chant the following Mantra to get the effective results. Even a rosary a day will do.

“पत्नि मनोरमां देहि मनोवृत्तानुसारिणीय।
तारिणिं दुर्गासंसार सागरस्य कुलोद्भणामं।।”

The best results will be gained if the marriage seeker will perform this remedy himself. And, the girls who are willing to marry to sleep in the room where fresh air flows.

So, these were some remedies for the ones who are willing to marry. The above methods are practiced by many and have got positive results. All the remedies are also easy to perform. Hence, you just need to spare out some time to perform these remedies. With this, we hope you get married soon with your dream partner. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

India Vs Sri Lanka (20 June 2013) – ICC Champions Trophy 2013 2nd Semi Final

By Acharya Raman 
 2nd Semi Final match of ICC Champions Trophy 2013 is between India Vs Sri Lanka.
Much awaited tournament ICC Champions Trophy has begun. All are interested in knowing the winners of each game and for Astrologers also it is a good time to test their skills. I am using horary branch of Astrology and a system which is mix of traditional Astrology, KP and Numerology. The system used is quite similar to the one taught by Lt. Shree Suresh Sahasne.

The Horary question that I asked is who will win the match between India and Sri Lanka today. Here is the analysis:

Match 20/6/2013  

Time: 23:45:26
Place: Indore
Date: 20/6/2013
KP Ayanamsa: 23-56-44.94

I have used KP System Numerology which takes only the numbers of the signs into the account of the ruling planets and omit the signs whose Lord is retrograde.

Thus the numbers are:


The resultant remaining after calculation is 1 and so India should win. It is very tough choice as both teams are equally competent with batting and bowling. Stars are also equally confusing, so are the numbers. This is the last ICC Champions Trophy and the team with the cup in their arms will go in history forever.