The world’s number 1 Novak Djokovic and number 2 Rafael Nadal will lock horns again in the US Open 2013 Finals. We are predicting this match with help of Numerology. Let us see who makes a place at the Semi final of the US Open 2013.
Novak Djokovic Numerology
Sampoornank of the date of the match and Namank
US Open Final Men’s Singles is on 09.09.2013. The Sampoornank of the date of the match is 6. While, the Namank of the Novak Djokovic is 7. As per the Cheiro method of Numerology, 6 and 7 are believed to be friendly numbers, which indicates positive sign.
Sampoormnank of the date of the match and Mulank
As we already know that the Sampoormnank of the date of the match is 6. The Mulank of the date of birth of Novak Djokovic is 4. 6 and 4 are friends, which indicates a positive sign again.
Rafael Nadal Numerology
Sampoornank of the date of the match and Namank
This match will be played on 09.09.2013. The Sampoormnank of the date of the match is 6, while the Namank of the Rafael Nadal is 7. As per the Cheiro method of Numerology, 6 and 7 are considered friends. This indicates a positive sign.
Sampoornank of the date of the match and Mulank
Like already mentioned, Sampoornank of the date of the match is 6. The Mulank of the date of birth of Rafael Nadal is 3. Now, 6 and 3 are enemies, which indicate a negative sign.
Winner of the Match
Comparing the results as per Namank, Mulank and Sampoormnank; Novak Djokovic will win the Men’s Singles Final of the US Open 2013. However, these are only possibilities so no risk should be taken on the basis of these results. We wish both the players all the very best.