By Kishore Ghildiyal

Our skin has two layers – outer layer and inner layer. Under the inner layer, there is a cell called Melanophore, which contains an element called Melanin. Melanin provides the natural tone or color to the skin. When this element becomes distorted anyhow, it tends to an ailment called Leucoderma.
Element named Melanin generates under the skin and gives the color to the skin after coming up. The portion of skin that suffers through the lack of melanin shows up in the form of white spot. Ayurveda has placed this disease under the diseases happen due to the lack of sufficient nutrients. According to this, small pores of skin get obstructed due to the excess of cough, due to which Melanin couldn’t forms and this disease incepts. From the angle of Astrology, we should consider following houses as well as planets for this disease.
House: Ascendant, Sixth House and Eighth House
Planets: Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus and Ascendant Lord
Ascendant house signifies our body. Any type of change and disorder in body is seen through the effect on ascendant. And, general physical health is also seen by this ascendant only.
Sixth house is the main house for considering any type of ailment. This house also predicts the duration of an ailment. Apart from this, we can also know if the ailment will be big or small.
Eighth house predicts the prolonged effect of an ailment and also predicts the big diseases.
Sun is considered as the significator of ascendant as well as salubrity. This planet also predicts the splendor and confidence level of a person. A person starts losing his self confidence due to Leukoderma. Therefore, afflicted Sun can become the one reason for this disease.
Mercury is considered as the significator of our outer skin. And, only this outer skin shows this disease by white spot patches. Any other type of outer effect is also signified by this skin significator. That is why Mercury has to be afflicted during Leucoderma.
Ascendant Lord represents the entire body. This has to be afflicted anyhow for the commencement of any disease. Till the time ascendant Lord is not afflicted, body cannot suffer through anything.
Mars is helpful in generating those elements that offer color to the skin. It also signifies spots on skin. Any sort of skin disease like scabies, mites, infections or eruptions is considered via Mars. Hence, Mars should also be afflicted for the existence of Leucoderma.
Venus is the significator of skin’s beauty, luster and glow. The shine in the skin of a dweller is defined by the strength of Venus in his chart. Leukoderma takes away the radiance of skin, which tells that Venus should also be afflicted for this disease.
Let’s now look for this disease (Leucoderma) in some birth charts:
Apart from all these elements, we also found Moon affected at certain places. Natives, who had their face affected by Leucoderma, had their Moon affected. Moon signifies our face. On more fact we noticed is that in both the signs of Venus as well as Mercury, at least one of the sign was afflicted.
Apart from these Kundali, we found these elements affected on approximately 300 more birth charts and proved that these elements are the results of Leucoderma.

Our skin has two layers – outer layer and inner layer. Under the inner layer, there is a cell called Melanophore, which contains an element called Melanin. Melanin provides the natural tone or color to the skin. When this element becomes distorted anyhow, it tends to an ailment called Leucoderma.
Element named Melanin generates under the skin and gives the color to the skin after coming up. The portion of skin that suffers through the lack of melanin shows up in the form of white spot. Ayurveda has placed this disease under the diseases happen due to the lack of sufficient nutrients. According to this, small pores of skin get obstructed due to the excess of cough, due to which Melanin couldn’t forms and this disease incepts. From the angle of Astrology, we should consider following houses as well as planets for this disease.
House: Ascendant, Sixth House and Eighth House
Planets: Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus and Ascendant Lord
Ascendant house signifies our body. Any type of change and disorder in body is seen through the effect on ascendant. And, general physical health is also seen by this ascendant only.
Sixth house is the main house for considering any type of ailment. This house also predicts the duration of an ailment. Apart from this, we can also know if the ailment will be big or small.
Eighth house predicts the prolonged effect of an ailment and also predicts the big diseases.
Sun is considered as the significator of ascendant as well as salubrity. This planet also predicts the splendor and confidence level of a person. A person starts losing his self confidence due to Leukoderma. Therefore, afflicted Sun can become the one reason for this disease.
Mercury is considered as the significator of our outer skin. And, only this outer skin shows this disease by white spot patches. Any other type of outer effect is also signified by this skin significator. That is why Mercury has to be afflicted during Leucoderma.
Ascendant Lord represents the entire body. This has to be afflicted anyhow for the commencement of any disease. Till the time ascendant Lord is not afflicted, body cannot suffer through anything.
Mars is helpful in generating those elements that offer color to the skin. It also signifies spots on skin. Any sort of skin disease like scabies, mites, infections or eruptions is considered via Mars. Hence, Mars should also be afflicted for the existence of Leucoderma.
Venus is the significator of skin’s beauty, luster and glow. The shine in the skin of a dweller is defined by the strength of Venus in his chart. Leukoderma takes away the radiance of skin, which tells that Venus should also be afflicted for this disease.
Let’s now look for this disease (Leucoderma) in some birth charts:
- 14-6-1983, 11:40, Amaravati, Leo Ascendant – In this Kundali, Mars and ascendant Lord Sun at ascendant, significator of skin Mercury and Mars is influenced by retrograde Jupiter (Lord of Eighth house). Venus with twelfth house Lord is aspected by Saturn in twelfth house. As a result, this native is suffering from Leucoderma and going through the treatment.
- 19-4-1975, 19:30, Delhi, Libra Ascendant – This Kundali shows that ascendant is affected from the constellation of Rahu. Lord of the ascendant Venus is itself aspected in eighth house by axis of Rahu-Ketu and Mars (Enemy Sign). On the other hand, significator of skin Mercury is in Ketu constellation in combust situation. Hence, due to the affection of all elements, the native is suffering from Leukoderma.
- 2-12-1987, 2:30, Haryana, Virgo Ascendant – This Kundali has impact of Rahu-Ketu. Lord of the ascendant Mercury is afflicted by Sun with Saturn in combust situation. Lord of the eighth house Mars is in Rahu’s Swati Nakshatra (constellation) and Venus is in Ketu’s Moola Nakshatra (constellation), due to which affliction is in power. Hence, this native is also suffering from Leucoderma due to the affliction of all elements.
- 6-9-1936, 13:40, Ghaziabad, Scorpio Ascendant – This Kundali belongs to a famous lawyer. In his chart, ascendant is aspected by Saturn. Ascendant Lord Mars is of debilitated sign. Sun is affected by Saturn. Venus is in debilitated sign and significator of skin Mercury is in the constellation of Moon, which is itself aspected by Saturn in sixth house. This I show this native is suffering from Leucoderma since 1985.
- 4-6-1968, 19:57, Delhi, Sagittarius Ascendant – In this chart, ascendant as well as ascendant Lord are posited in Ketu’s constellation. Sun, Venus and Mars are aspected by Saturn in sixth house and significator of skin Mercury is in Rahu’s constellation. This native has Leukoderma all over her body.
- 28-3-1954, 6:04, Tamil Nadu, Pisces Ascendant – This Kundali has both ascendant as well as Lord of ascendant both affected by Mars. Lord of the ascendant Jupiter is in Mars’ constellation. Mars is itself affected by Rahu, Ketu and Saturn. This afflicted Mars is also affecting Sun and Venus. On the other hand, significator of skin Mercury is placed in Rahu’s constellation in twelfth house. Native got this Leucoderma due to the affliction of all the elements.
- 2-9-1943, 4:20, Delhi, Cancer Ascendant – In this chart, ascendant is affected by Rahu – Ketu and ascendant Lord if afflicted with Lord of the twelfth house Mercury. Mercury is itself posited in the constellation of Moon. Sun and Venus are aspected by Saturn and Mars. Mars is aspected by Saturn and Saturn is also the Lord of eighth house. Due to all these reasons, the native is suffering from Leucoderma.
- 21-1-1993, 9:01, Ghaziabad, Aquarius Ascendant – In this chart, ascendant is in the constellation of Rahu and ascendant Lord is in Mars’ constellation with Saturn and Sun in twelfth house. Venus is in dead condition; Mercury is combust as well as in dead condition and Mars itself being intentionally debilitated is retrograde. This native is suffering through Leukoderma since the age of seven.
- 15-2-1977, 00:00, St. Louis (America), Libra Ascendant – In this chart, ascendant is in axis of Rahu-Ketu in Lord of the ascendant Venus in sixth house. Mars and Mercury are affected by Saturn. Sun is in Saturn’s sign. Due to the affliction of all elements, this native is suffering from Leucoderma and going through the treatment.
- 15-10-1987, 2:30, Wankaner, Gujarat, Leo Ascendant – In this chart, ascendant is in Ketu’s constellation and aspected by Saturn. Lord of the ascendant Sun is in the axis of Rahu – Ketu in second house with Mars. Venus and Mercury are in a Rahu’s constellation named Swati and Lord of the eighth house Jupiter is aspected by retrograde. Due to all these reasons, native is suffering from Leucoderma since long.
- 2-5-1988, 23:25, Rajahmundry, Sagittarius Ascendant – In this chart, Saturn is in retrograde form in ascendant. Lord of the ascendant Jupiter is combust. Sun is affected by Lord of the twelfth house Mars. Significator of the skin Mercury is in combust form in sixth house and Venus is completely aspected by Saturn. Due to all these reasons, the native has Leukoderma in most of his body parts.
- 23-11-1983, 14:20, Kanpur, Pisces Ascendant – In this chart, ascendant is affected by Venus (debilitated and Lord of the eighth house) and Mars. On the other hand, Lord of the ascendant Jupiter is in debilitated form in the axis of Rahu – Ketu with Mercury. Mars is with debilitated Venus.
Apart from all these elements, we also found Moon affected at certain places. Natives, who had their face affected by Leucoderma, had their Moon affected. Moon signifies our face. On more fact we noticed is that in both the signs of Venus as well as Mercury, at least one of the sign was afflicted.
Apart from these Kundali, we found these elements affected on approximately 300 more birth charts and proved that these elements are the results of Leucoderma.
Any remedies for this disease.
My brith date. 24.11.1989
Time. 4.45am
Ratan mishra my birth date is 23031983
Time is 11.57
place is mumbai
And my wife name is neha tiwari
Dob is 26011994
Place is kanpur
Plz told me about my astro
arun kumar ratan...
my dob is 10.10.1959
time 9.05am
place- banka, bihar
plz say abt me...and thanx fr ur anticipation...
My Name is Ved prakash
Time-5.00 AM
I required your kind guidence
my birth date 17-01-85 time 11:40 am Delhiplz tell me when i get relief from lecuderma and alopecia
My D.O.B is Jan 9th ; 1986 at 3:20 PM ( Rajpura ) Punjab. Plz remove the pall of darkness career-wise, health-wise and married-life-wise.
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