Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sun’s Transit to Cancer (16th July, 2013) : Effects on You!

By Pt. Hanumman Mishra
Sun is transiting to Cancer this 16th July 2013.
हिंदी में पढने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें।

On the 16th of July at 03:45 pm, the Sun will transit to Cancer. It will remain there till 12:07 am, between the nights of 16th and 17th of August. The mighty Sun is considered to be the King of all the planets. So, its transit will have a major impact on nature. At this point of time, it is going into ‘Dakshinayan’. Right now, the Sun is moving toward the water sign, which is Cancer. Thus, we can hope for plenty of rain. This will ultimately have good impact on the crops as they will yield higher output. But, it will not be advantageous for the South Western zones, as either the rain will cease or the level of rain will decrease. The agricultural sector of the South-West region is likely to suffer. The governments of the northern belt are likely to face problems. Peace and prosperity will prevail in the East. There will be fluctuations in the price of commodities and on the whole the situation will be quite balanced.

Now, let us see what impact the Sun’s transit to Cancer will have on all the Zodiac signs.


The Sun will be in your 4th house at this time, so will be concerned about your parents’ health. Some unpleasant ideas may also crop up in your mind. Try to stay far from an unethical work. If you have been planning to purchase some property or vehicle, it would be better for you to delay the investment. You may be overloaded with work; thus feel stressed out.


Sun’s transit will bring it to your 3rd house, Taurians. This means that you will be very happy with your family life. You have been longing for a number of things that you are most likely to get during this period. You will be all set to buy an expensive phone. It would be advisable to be close fisted. You may plan on a short travel, which will be beneficial and enjoyable for you. Taurians, during this time bonds with your family, friends and relatives will strengthen. You will be blessed with good health too in this period.


Sun will be in your 2nd house. This does not have a very good indication for you in terms of finance. So, you need to be very careful while making any transaction. You may have some technical problem in your laptop, computer or mobile. This will further add to your list of expenditures. Your family life will be affected. Some ailments in your eyes and mouth may cause you bother.


The Sun has transited to your 1st house; hence you may feel anger bubbling within you constantly. If you wear spectacles and are planning to purchase a new pair then this is an appropriate time to do so. Inclement weather may be harmful for your health and you may run fever. But, you may gain in other fields of life or get aid from the government. If you have worked hard, you will indeed achieve success. You may have to travel to some nearby place.


Sun is in your 12th house. This indicates that you must not take any decisions in haste. Any wrong decision may cause you harm. Expenditures will be ever high. Be very wise while carrying out business or you may be at a loss. Maintain cordial relations with your friends or relatives or an awkward situation may erupt. Speculation may give you to monetary loss. During this period, you will face a lot of problems while travelling because of traffic.


Sun is in your 11th house, so all your desires will be fulfilled during this period. You may hang out with your friends on a shopping spree to some mall or market place. Your boss has been planning on giving you a boost in your pay scale. You will spend some good time with your love. Long journey will be very pleasurable and lucky. You will be successful in making deals. You will gain from making compromises too.


Sun has transited in your 10th house, so this period will be satisfying for you from all spheres. You will be relieved  from all financial stress. You will also find success in business or job. Your seniors will praise you. You may even get promoted. During this period you will be very active in work. Your diligence will be acknowledged. You will go on a successful business tour.


Sun is in your 9th house. During this time you will get mixed results. You will meet prominent and senior people. You may go on a pilgrimage. Since people have faith in you, you will be given more responsibilities. This time will be good for you in terms of money too. You may have to travel somewhere, but a long journey will do you no good. Take good care of your parent's health.


Sun is in your eighth house. This transit is not very lucky for you. You may face some problems all of a sudden. You will have to face the traffic no doubt, but take care of your vehicle. Stay away from any unethical work. Before signing any important document please go through it very carefully. Maintain good relations with your in laws and take care of your health.


Sun will be in your 7th house during this time. This house belongs to your daily affairs and conjugal relationship. Transit of Sun in this house is not considered lucky. So, even if you work very hard, you may not get much success. It may be problematic for your career or business. Avoid getting involved in any argument with your family and specially your life partner. You will feel quite stressed out so do take care of your health. But don't worry, these problems will prevail only for a short span of time.


Sun is now in your 6th house. So, whatever you do, you will find success. You will gain respect and may be promoted too. All your problems will be sorted out. You will be successful in debates.  Your work will be good and there will be improvement in your career. This period will be lucky for you from every dimension.


Sun will be transited to your 5th house. Sun's transit to this house is not considered very lucky. So, generally, you will be very enthusiastic about your life and welcome every situation. But, this time will not be good in terms of love. You may have to travel. Try not to spend too much time in contemplation. This could be harmful for you.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

England Vs Australia (10 July 2013 – 14 July 2013) – The Ashes 2013 Series

By Acharya Raman
The Ashes series has begun and 1st test match is between England and Australia.
The Ashes Series 2013 has begun from 10th of July, 2013; and will be hosted by England. This series would be more exciting than any other recent Ashes since the British team has been performing very well in every format of the Cricket for the last couple of years. The Ashes has always been dominated by the Australians so expectation from cricketing fan of Australia would be higher this time too. The Ashes is considered as a series of prestige and reputation among these two countries so it is expected to get the best from both of these teams before the Cricket world cup.

I am also trying to find the results hidden in the match in my way of astrology, which I learnt from Lt. Shree Suresh Sahasne Ji`s methodology. It is not required to see each day’s play, but to see the winner; so I will also give it a try. Let’s hope for the best.

The major issue in test match is - many times it is drawn and no one wins. Weather also plays a spoil sport. But hoping that weather will not create any problem and play will be continued.

Date: 15-7-2013
Time: 12:24 IST
Place: Nottingham


WINNER: Australia will be the winner as the total coming is 0. Here, I have omitted Mercury as it is retrograde and in both cases it is pointing toward Australia.

India Vs Sri Lanka (11 July 2013) – West Indies Tri Nation Series, 2013

By Acharya Raman
West Indies Tri Nation Series 2013’s Final match – India Vs Sri Lanka.
West Indies Tri Nation Series 2013 has come to its end. All are interested in knowing the winners and for astrologers too it is a good time to test their skills. I am using horary branch of astrology and a system which is mix of traditional Astrology, KP and Numerology. The system used is quite similar to the one taught by Lt. Shree Suresh Sahasne.

The Horary question that I asked is who will win the match between India and Sri Lanka today. Match is on 11-7-2013 13:30 GMT. Here is the analysis:

Match  11/7/2013  

Time: 1:00:00
Place: Indore
Date: 12/7/2013
KP Ayanamsa: 23-56-44.94

I have used KP System Numerology which takes only the numbers of the signs into the account of the ruling planets and omit the signs whose Lord is retrograde.

Thus the numbers are:


The resultant remaining after calculation is 1, so India should win. It is a very tough choice as both teams are equally competent with batting and bowling. Stars are also equally confusing, so are the numbers.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Secret Of Activating Psychic Powers In You!

Become an extra-ordinary being
Humans these days have become less spiritual, losing their grip over natural powers and God’s gifts. The epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana are the legends of those humans who were quite extraordinary. If we compare ourselves with them, then those epics sound almost absurd. But, it happened! Yet also, many people in the world are working on activating those supernatural powers in them. And, many of them have changed their lives too. Now, it’s your turn.

Click Here For The Tips To Become A Superhuman!

Meditation is considered as the best way to activate the psychic powers in you. This process is the easiest amongst all and doesn’t require any investment other than time. Chanting certain Mantras unlock the corresponding channel to the psychic powers in you. Traatak is a Yoga technique that widens up the spiritual gates of your brain. And, a little change in lifestyle is also very helpful. All these methods are explained in detail here - Methods To Generate Psychic Powers!

As most of the ancient superpowers are almost extinct now, we can hope for the basic ones at least. All the powers begin from brain. Once your brain is in your control, you can tame everything. A normal human uses 2 to 3 percent of brain. Till date, only one man could use it to the maximum – Albert Einstein. Now wonder, what if you could use the 100% of it or even more than that? Leave that 100%, just think about raising the percentage to at least 10%. We all are super humans. But, only those who use their brains a bit more gets the salutation of being super human. Psychic powers also get activated when you use your brain more than an ordinary being.

Now, let’s come to the point – how to do that? As here, we are just on the first step of becoming superhuman, we can only talk about some simple psychic powers. These simple psychic powers are also too much these days for an ordinary being. So, what these psychic powers are –

Psychic powers are the supernatural powers that allow you to do more things than an ordinary being. These powers are generally known as extra sensory perceptions. Scientifically, these perceptions cannot be proved, but if observed being unbiased give accurate results.
Eyes are the screen to portray your soul

Intuition is a psychic power or say – Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). Knowing future in advance in the form of delusions or any other way is also ESP. Talking to spirits and understanding their signs is another psychic power. Knowing everything about someone in just one look is another one of its kind. There are many. But, we have mentioned few to give you an idea – what psychic powers are. Many of you must be having them already and some of you must be finding this piece absurd. But, there would be no wrong if you will read and follow the Free tips available here. Here, we are giving you tips on generating your psychic powers. Utilize them and change your life.

Click here to read the tips on activating Psychic Powers in you!

The Ashes 2013 Match 1: England Vs Australia - Numerology Prediction

Clash of the Year
The Ashes 2013; it is cricket, it is historic rivalry and then of course it is the vintage flavor, which makes the Ashes the most awaited tournament for cricket fans all over the world. Since 1882, the Ashes series has developed into a different sort of a world cup for both England and Australia. Both the nations wait anxiously for the ultimate cricketing clash of the year. It is the clash, which is worth all the wait and speculation. England and Australia are backed by the tremendous support from the celebrities, politicians, sports person and the entire public of their respective nations.

The Sweet Revenge: History of Ashes

England saw its first defeat from Australia at her home soil in Oval in the year 1882. Not used to defeats in their own national game, a newspaper carried an obituary saying that English cricket had died and the Ashes will be taken to Australia. The defeat became an obsession and Ivo Bligh, England’s Captain then, vowed to get the Ashes back in the next tour. Keeping his vow, Ivo Bligh managed to grab the historic series and was presented a terracotta urn representing the Ashes. There on was born the historic rivalry of Ashes, which still continues.

Prediction Through Numerology

The venue of the Ashes series shifts alternatively between the two countries and this time England is hosting grand event. It consists of 5 test matches which will be played from 10 July to 25 August. Who will win the Ashes this time? The answer to that question lies in the depth of time. But with some help from Numerology we have attempted to predict the first match of the series. Keep up with us, while we predict all the matches of Ashes series.

First Day of the Match: (10.07.2013) England will be Leading

Mulank of the Date and England

The test match will begin on 10.07.2013. The Mulank of the date of the match is 5, while the Namank of Team England is 8. The relationship between 5 and 8 is friendly, which is indicates a positive sign. Further, the Namank of the captain of the team Australia is Alastair Cook 8, which is friendly with 5. Here, we are getting another positive sign.

Mulank of the Day and Australia

The test match will begin on 10.07.2013. The Mulank of the date of the match is 5, while the Namank of Team Australia is 8. The relationship between 5 and 8 is neutral, which indicates neither a positive sign nor a negative one. Further, the Namank of the captain of the team Australia is Michael Clarke 2, which is friendly with 5. Here, we are getting another positive sign.

Second Day of the Match (11.07.2013) England will be Leading

Mulank of the Date and England

The Mulank of the date of the match is 6, while the Namank of Team England is 8. The relationship between 6 and 8 is friendly, which is indicates a positive sign. Further, the Namank of the captain of the team Australia is Alastair Cook 8, which is friendly with 6. Here, we are getting another positive sign.

Mulank of the Day and Australia

The test match will begin on 10.07.2013. The Mulank of the date of the match is 6, while the Namank of Team Australia is 4. The relationship between 6 and 4 is friendly, which a positive sign. Further, the Namank of the captain of the team Australia is Michael Clarke 2, which has a neutral relationship with 6. Here, we are getting neither good sign nor bad.

Third Day of the Match (10.07.2013)

Mulank of the Date and England

The Mulank of the date of the match is 7, while the Namank of Team England is 8. The relationship between 7 and 8 is inimical, which is indicates a negative sign. Further, the Namank of the captain of the team Australia is Alastair Cook 8, which is inimical with 7. Here, we are again getting another negative sign.

Mulank of the Day and Australia

The Mulank of the date of the match is 7, while the Namank of Team Australia is 4. The relationship between 7 and 4 is inimical, indicating a negative sign. Further, the Namank of the captain of the team Australia is Michael Clarke 2, which has negative relationship with 7.
If the match is played even after the third day then, England will be leading on fourth day and Australia on the fifth.

Therefore, analyzing all 5 days, we can deduce that England will win the first test match in the Ashes 2013. However these are mere possibilities and no risk should be taken on the basis of this prediction. We hope to see an interesting clash between the many decades old rivals.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Secret Weight Loss Tip Is Now Revealed!

Weight Loss with no side effects but additional benefits.
How to lose weight? This question has flooded internet by many answer seekers. And, to their rescue, zillions of answers are available out there. However, none of them assures the final result. Over that, the assurance of a bad side effect free deal is also not given. Yes, at some places, you may get the assurance of no bad side effect; but what if something comes with better than this? Like, along with weight loss, you will also get a youthful look, prevention from various horrible diseases, treatment of various ailments and many other benefits. It may sound absurd to you that how one single thing could give you so many benefits? But, my dear friend, it is true!

With globalization, everything has become so easy that physical movements have almost come to a halt. Career, money, children or marriage; everything keeps us so busy that we hardly get any time to think about us. We try to look better by putting on accessories, beautiful clothes, nice shoes, hair-do or make-up; but we hardly get time to look at us without all these artificial things. Don’t you think we need to work on it? Don’t you think it will save your money if you will naturally look beautiful? But, the only problem we all are suffering through is of shortage of time. Even if we get some time to workout, we get so tired and disabled to perform other important activities. But, this technique just requires few minutes of your life. Apart from this, you don’t even have to move your body so much that can make you tired. Over that, it is more like meditation, so it also soothes your mind and energizes you for other important works. The best part of this technique is – it doesn’t require any special diet plan. The best part is – there is no investment! Nothing can be better than this.

The weight loss tip that we are going to give you here works directly from your brain. This technique works on each cell of your body, filling them with immense energy. The energized cells not only make you healthy internally, but also externally. In other words, you will stay refreshed and healthy from inside; and it will be visible outside. There would be no excess fat left on your body and the shape of your body will take a natural beautiful form. Enough of its praise, it’s the time to reveal that magical tip. It is called – Kapal Bhati Yoga.

Kapal Bhati Yoga became popular via Baba Ramdev. He spread the word in the entire world and helped many people. This Yoga technique is just so easy that anyone can perform it so easily. Even if someone is bed-ridden, it can also be performed while lying on bed. However, it is advised that Kapal Bhati Yoga should be performed while sitting in a proper posture. So, if you want all those benefits that are described above, click here – Kapal Bhati Yoga: The Simplest Way of Weight Loss With Additional Benefits!

Monday, July 8, 2013

India Vs Sri Lanka (9 July 2013) – West Indies Tri Nation Series, 2013

By Acharya Raman
West Indies Tri Nation Series 2013 match’s 6th match – India Vs Sri Lanka.
Much awaited tournament Tri Series has begun. All are interested in knowing the winners of each game and for Astrologers also it is a good time to test their skills. I am using horary branch of Astrology and a system which is mix of traditional Astrology, KP and Numerology. The system used is quite similar to the one taught by Lt. Shree Suresh Sahasne.

The Horary question that I asked is who will win the match between India and Sri Lanka today. Match is on 9-7-2013 20:00 IST. Here is the analysis:

Match 9/7/2013  

Time: 23:00:00
Place: Indore
Date: 9/7/2013
KP Ayanamsa: 23-56-44.94

I have used KP System Numerology which takes only the numbers of the signs into the account of the ruling planets and omit the signs whose Lord is retrograde.

Thus the numbers are:


The resultant remaining after calculation is 1, so India should win. It is very tough choice as both teams are equally competent with batting and bowling. Stars are also equally confusing, so are the numbers.