Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ind vs Pak on June 15, 2013 : Champions Trophy Match Prediction

By Pt. Hanumman Mishra 
India Vs Pakistan
हिंदी में पढने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें।

India Vs Pakistan

The 10th ODI match of ICC Champions Trophy will be played on 15th June, 2013 at Edgbaston, Birmingham. The competing teams are India and Pakistan. This match is the most anticipated one as today the arch rivals who have been recorded in history to be controversial, will once again meet on the field of Edgbaston. India has already booked its comfortable seat in the semi final by winning two matches, whereas Pakistan is out of the league. Nonetheless, it is highly unlikely that this match could lose its charm, even if it’s merely for academic records. Let us see which team's star will favor who and to what extent through Numerology. We will use Cheiro method of Numerology to make the predictions.

Moolank 6 & India Vs Pakistan

India & Moolank 6

This match will be played on 15th June, 2013. Moolank of this date is 6. As per Numerology, India's Namank is 3. 6 and 3 share a neutral relationship. This is neither a negative nor a positive indication for the team. Mahendra Singh Dhoni is leading the team as Captain and his Namank is 3. 6 and 3 also share a neutral relationship and once again this is neither a negative nor a positive sign for the team.

Pakistan & Moolank 6

This match will be played on the 15th of June, 2013 and the Moolank of this date is 6. As per Numerology, Pakistan has Namank 7. 6 and 7 share cordial relationship. This is a positive indication for the team. The team's Captain is Misbah- ul- Haq and his Namank is 5. 6 and 5 share a friendly relationship so this is again a positive sign for the team.

If we analyze on the basis of Moolank then Pakistan appears to be doing fairly well. But this cannot be considered as the final result. We will now analyze the Sampoornank of the date, to draw a final conclusion.

Sampoornank 9 & India Vs Pakistan

India & Sampoornank 9

This match will be played on 15th June, 2013. Moolank of 15+06+2013, which we will call Sampoornank here is 9. According to Numerology, India's Namank is 3. 9 and 3 share a cordial relationship, hence this is an auspicious indication for the team. Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who is the Captain of the team, has Namank 3. 9 and 3 also share a cordial relationship and this again imparts positivity.

Pakistan & Sampoornank 9

According to the Numerology, Namank of Pakistan is 7. Since this match will be played on 15th June, 2013, Sampoornank of this date is 9. 9 and 7 share a cordial relationship. This is a positive sign for the team. Misbah- ul- Haq is the team's Captain and his Namank is 5. 9 and 5 share a hostile relationship and this is a negative sign for the team.

In this manner, if we were to analyze on the basis of Sampoornank then team India is at a higher altitude in terms of success. The scores of team India and its Captain are good, but they are also neutral in all aspect. On the other hand Pakistan’s scores are very good but the Sampoornank of the date is not auspicious for the Captain. It is difficult to draw a conclusion because there appears to be a balance at every point. But I have to give a definite response to complete the predictions. Hence, after scrutinizing every aspect, I conclude that India will emerge victorious in this match. It is an auspicious moment for Pakistan too, but India will take the lead. Rest is all in God's hand. But bear in mind, these are mere possibilities. Any action or risk taken on the basis of these possibilities is not advisable. The consequences of it will be borne by the risk taker.

India Vs Pakistan (15 June 2013) – ICC Champions Trophy 2013 Match 10

By Acharya Raman 
10th match of ICC Champions Trophy 2013 is between India and Pakistan.
Much awaited tournament ICC Champions Trophy has begun. All are interested in knowing the winners of each game and for astrologers also it is a good time to test their skills. I am using horary branch of astrology and a system which is mix of traditional Astrology, KP and Numerology. The system used is quite similar to the one taught by Lt. Shree Suresh Sahasne.

The Horary question that I asked is who will win the match between India and Pakistan today. Here is the analysis:

Match 15/6/2013  

Time: 10:48:26
Place: Indore
Date: 15/6/2013
KP Ayanamsa: 23-56-44.94

I have used KP System Numerology which takes only the numbers of the signs into the account of the ruling planets and omit the signs whose Lord is retrograde.

Thus the numbers are:


The resultant remaining after calculation is 1 and so INDIA should win. It is very tough choice as both teams are equally competent with batting and bowling. Stars are also equally confusing, so are the numbers. This is the last ICC Champions Trophy and the team with the cup in their arms will go in history forever.


Friday, June 14, 2013

SA vs WI on June 14, 2013 : Champions Trophy Match Prediction

By Pt. Hanumman Mishra 
South Africa Vs West Indies

South Africa Vs West Indies

The 9th ODI match of ICC Champions Trophy will be played on 14th June, 2013 at Sophia Gardens, Cardiff. The competing teams are South Africa and West Indies. This is a crucial match for both the teams. The winning team will find its place in the second semifinal spot. South Africa did not perform very well in its opening match with India but caught up in its match against Pakistan. West Indies on the other hand has endured defeat in both its matches. This match will be a turning point. As West Indies Captain had recently commented on the rival team, it is certain that South Africa would look to shed their “chokers” tag and put forward an outstanding performance in order to break the tradition of failing to perform well on important matches. As South Africa and West Indies try to conquer the match, let us see which team's star will favor who and to what extent through Numerology. We will use Cheiro method of Numerology to make the predictions.

Moolank 5 & South Africa Vs West Indies

South Africa & Moolank 5

This match will be played on 14th June, 2013. Moolank of this date is 5. As per Numerology, South Africa's Namank is 5. 5 and 5 share a cordial relationship. This is a positive indication for the team. Ab de Villiers is leading the team as Captain and his Namank is 9. 5 and 9 share a neutral relationship and this is neither a negative nor a positive sign for the team.

West Indies & Moolank 5

This match will be played on the 14th of June, 2013 and the Moolank of this date is 5. As per Numerology, West Indies has Namank 1. 5 and 1 share cordial relationship. This is a positive indication for the team. The team's Captain is Dwayne Bravo and his Namank is 4. 5 and 4 share a neutral relationship. This is neither a negative nor a positive sign for the team.

If we analyze on the basis of Moolank then both the teams have a favorable position. So far both the teams appear to be on the same plane. But this cannot be considered as the final result. We will now analyze the Sampoornank of the date, to draw a final conclusion.

Sampoornank 8 & South Africa Vs West Indies

South Africa & Sampoornank 8

This match will be played on 14th June, 2013. Moolank of 14+06+2013, which we will call Sampoornank here is 8. According to Numerology, South Africa's Namank is 5. 8 and 5 share a cordial relationship; hence this is an auspicious indication for the team. Ab de Villiers, who is the Captain of the team, has Namank 9. 8 and 9 share a hostile relationship and this is a negative for the team.

West Indies & Sampoornank 8

According to the Numerology, Namank of West Indies is 1. Since this match will be played on 14th June, 2013, Sampoornank of this date is 8. 8 and 1 share an inimical relationship. This is a negative sign for the team. Dwayne Bravo is the team's Captain and his Namank is 4. 8 and 4 share a positive relationship and this is a good sign for the team.

In this manner we can see that even on the basis of Sampoornank, South Africa and West Indies appear to be on the same plane. But I have to declare one winner. We can see that the Moolank and Sampoorank are auspicious for South Africa. The outcome appears negative only from the Captain’s side. On the other hand Moolank is auspicious for West Indies but not Sampoornank. Hence I can conclude that South Africa will emerge victorious in this match. Rest is all in God's hand. But bear in mind, these are mere possibilities. Any action or risk taken on the basis of these possibilities is not advisable. The consequences of it will be borne by the risk taker.

South Africa Vs West Indies (14 June 2013) – ICC Champions Trophy 2013 Match 9

By Acharya Raman 
8th match of ICC Champions Trophy 2013 is between South Africa and West Indies.
Much awaited tournament ICC Champions Trophy has begun. All are interested in knowing the winners of each game and for Astrologers also it is a good time to test their skills. I am using horary branch of Astrology and a system which is mix of traditional Astrology, KP and Numerology. The system used is quite similar to the one taught by Lt. Shree Suresh Sahasne.

The Horary question that I asked is who will win the match between South Africa and West Indies today. Here is the analysis:

Match 14/6/2013  

Time: 10:48:26
Place: Indore
Date: 14/6/2013
KP Ayanamsa : 23-56-44.94

I have used KP System Numerology which takes only the numbers of the signs into the account of the ruling planets and omit the signs whose Lord is retrograde.

Thus the numbers are:


The resultant remaining after calculation is 1 and so South Africa should win. It is very tough choice as both teams are equally competent with batting and bowling. Stars are also equally confusing, so are the numbers. This is the last champions trophy and the team with the cup in their arms will go in history forever.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Astrological Secrets of The Millionaires!

By Astrologer Usha Saxena
Your Kundli knows the secret of your wealth.

Yogas Making You Immensely Rich

“लक्ष्मीस्थान त्रिकोणख्यं विष्णुस्थानतु केन्द्रकम|
तयोस्सम्बन्धमात्रेण चक्रवर्ती भवेन्नरः||”

It means that Trine (Trikona) is the place of Lakshmi and Quadrant (Kendra) belongs to Vishnu. The combination of these makes a man successful in all directions.

Hence, the first objective of work is to earn wealth. Since ages, the worldly beings have desired for more and more wealth. There could hardly be any person satisfied with personal financial condition. Especially, in this age, desires of luxuries have become endless. But, it is very important to know that which planetary condition is best suited to the native for earning abundant wealth.

“धनेशो धनभावस्थ केन्द्रकोणगतोऽपि वा।
धनवृदधिकरो ज्ञेयस्त्रिकस्थो धनहानिकृत।।“

Lord of the second house, second house as well as Quadrant; if they all lie in Trine, the wealth increases. On the contrary, if they lie in the 6th, 8th and 12th house, the native becomes incapable of making wealth. Additionally, if they lie in the afflicted houses, it leads to the loss of savings too.

“धनेशे लाभभावसथे लाभेशे वा धंनगते।
तावुभौ केन्द्रकोणस्थो धनवान स नरो भवेत्।।“

If Lord of the second house is posited in eleventh house and eleventh Lord in second house, the native gets abundance of wealth. If Lord of the second as well as eleventh house is situated in Quadrant and Trine, the native becomes very rich.

“लाभाधिपो यदा लाभे तिष्टेत्केन्द्रत्रिकोणगः।
बहुलाभं तदा कुर्यादुच्चे सूर्याशगोऽपि वा।।“

If Lord of the eleventh house is placed in the eleventh house or Quadrant and Trine or exalted sign, gives immense prosperity.

“लाभेशे धनराशिस्थे धनेश केन्द्रसंस्थिते।
गुरूणा सहिते भावे गुरूलाभं विनिर्दिशेत्।।“

If Lord of the eleventh house is posited in second house and Lord of second house is in Quadrant with Jupiter, native earns the required money.

“केन्द्रत्रिकोणगे लाभनाथे शुभसमन्विते।
चत्वारिंशे तु सम्प्राप्ते सहस्त्रार्धसुनिष्कभाक्।।“

Lord of the eleventh house along with positive planets posited in the Quadrant or Trine blesses the native with abundance of money at the age of 40.

“लाभस्थाने गुरूयुते धने चन्द्रसमन्विते।
भाग्यस्थानगते शुक्रे षट्सहस्त्राधिपो भवेत्।।“

Jupiter in the eleventh house, Moon in the second house and Venus in the ninth house, makes the native royal.

“वित्तायोदयशयः पतियुता वित्ताधिको जायते।“

If second house, eleventh house and ascendant gets conjoined with its Lord, the native becomes prosperous.

“लाभस्थौ धनलाभपौ निजसुहृत्तुग्ड़ादिकौ चेत्तथ।“

If Lords of the second and eleventh house are posited in the own sign, friendly sign or exalted sign in the eleventh house; it gives abundant prosperity to the native.

“तद्वल्लाभधनाधिपौ तनुगतावन्योन्यमिष्टग्रहो।“

If Lords of the second and eleventh house are posited in ascendant and are friendly with each other, gives abundant wealth to the native.

“लग्नेशे धनराशिपयुते लग्ने बहुद्रव्यवान्।।“

If Lord of the ascendant is posited in the ascendant with second house Lord, the native becomes very rich.

“धनस्थे यदि लग्नेशे निधिमान् बलसंयुते।“

If Lord of the ascendant is posited in the second house, the native becomes rich.

“वित्तधीशे लग्नगे लग्ननाथे वित्तस्थानेऽयत्नतो वित्तमेव।“

Lord of the second house in ascendant and Lord of the ascendant in second house makes the native capable of earning by putting in effort.

“धनेशे लाभसंयुक्ते लाभेशे धनलाभगे ।
तावुभौ केन्द्रगौ वाऽपि धनवान् ख्यातिमान् भेवत्।। “

Lord of the second house in eleventh house and Lord of the eleventh house in second house or Quadrant gives the native abundance of wealth.

“लग्नेशे धनराशिस्थे धनेशे लाभराशिगे।
लाभेशे व विलग्नस्थे निध्यादिधनमाप्नुयात्।।“

If Lord of the ascendant is in second house, Lord of the second house in eleventh house or Lord of the eleventh house in ascendant, the native will be immensely rich.

“लग्नाय धनभाग्येशाः परमोच्चांशसंयुताः।
वैशेषिकांशगा वापि तदा कोटीश्वरों भवेत्।।“

If Lords of the ascendant, eleventh house and ninth house come in extreme exaltation point, the native becomes millionaire.

“ लाभस्थानोपयातः सकलबलयुतः खेचरो वित्तदः स्यात्।“

The fully powerful planet in eleventh house gives prosperity.

“लास्थानपतौ विलग्नभवनात् केन्द्रत्रिकोणस्थिते।
लाभे पापमन्विते तु धनवान् तुंगादिराश्यंशके।।“

If Lord of the eleventh house is posited in Quadrant & Trine and a fully malefic planet is posited in the eleventh house, the native receives abundance of money.

“लाभे पापमन्विते तु धनवान् तुंगादिराश्यंशके|”

‘A fully malefic planet is posited in the eleventh house, the native receives the abundance of money.’ – In this context, from my experience, planets Sun, Mars and Rahu make the native richer. On the contrary, Saturn and Ketu give adverse effects. Rahu in eleventh house brings money through unethical ways. However, in any case the ownership of house is considered to be more effective at that time. Sun, Mars or any other planet – if posited in the second house being the Lord of the twelfth house, will lead to monetary loss instead of profits.

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Eng vs SL on June 13, 2013 : Champions Trophy Match Prediction

By Pt. Hanumman Mishra 
England Vs Sri Lanka
हिंदी में पढने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें।

England Vs Sri Lanka

The 8th ODI match of ICC Champions Trophy will be played on 13th June, 2013 at Kennington Oval, London. This is going to be a do or die match for both the teams as the winning team will find an assured place in the semi finals. England’s optimism is high because of their grand victory in its opening match against Australia, where as Sri Lanka faced a devastating blow after losing to New Zealand by one wicket. As the teams meet at Kennington, Oval grounds, they know that none of them can afford a defeat to mark a history on the semi finals of the last ICC Champions Trophy series. So, let us see which team's stars will favor who and to what extent through Numerology. We will use Pythagorean method of Numerology to make the predictions.

Moolank 4 & England Vs Sri Lanka

England & Moolank 4

This match will be played on 13th June, 2013. Moolank of this date is 4. As per Numerology, England's Namank is 3. 4 and 3 share a neutral relationship. This is neither a positive nor a negative indication for the team. Alastair Cook is leading the team as Captain and his Namank is 8. 4 and 8 share a cordial relationship and this is a positive sign for the team.

Sri Lanka & Moolank 4

This match will be played on the 13th of June, 2013 and the Moolank of this date is 4. As per Numerology, Sri Lanka has Namank 9. 4 and 9 share inimical relationship. This is a negative indication for the team. The team's Captain is Angelo Mathews and his Namank is 8. 4 and 8 share a friendly relationship. This is a positive sign for the team.

If we analyze on the basis of Moolank then team England’s position is very auspicious. But, this cannot be considered as the final result. We will now analyze the Sampoornank of the date, to draw a final conclusion.

Sampoornank 7 & England Vs Sri Lanka

England & Sampoornank 7

This match will be played on 13th June, 2013. Moolank of 13+06+2013, which we will call Sampoornank here is 7. According to Numerology, England's Namank is 3. 7 and 3 share a neutral relationship; hence this is neither an inauspicious indication nor an auspicious one for the team. Alastair Cook, who is the Captain of the team, has Namank 8. 7 and 8 share an unfriendly relationship and this is negative for the team.

Sri Lanka & Sampoornank 7

According to the Numerology, Namank of Sri Lanka is 9. Since this match will be played on 13th June, 2013, Sampoornank of this date is 7. 7 and 9 share a cordial relationship. This is a positive sign for the team. Angelo Mathews is the team's Captain and his Namank is 8. 7 and 8 share a hostile relationship, which is a negative indication for the team.

In this manner, if we were to analyze on the basis of Sampoornank, Sri Lanka has a chance to win this match. But since on the basis of Moolank, England appears to be the winner, it can be concluded that team England will emerge victorious. England has been performing well but Sri Lanka has got some outstanding players like Lasith Malinga. So the competition could be tough, but the stars will definitely favor England for this match. Rest is all in God's hand. But bear in mind, these are mere possibilities. Any action or risk taken on the basis of these possibilities is not advisable. The consequences of it will be borne by the risk taker.

England Vs Sri Lanka (13 June 2013) – ICC Champions Trophy 2013 Match 8

By Acharya Raman 
8th match of ICC Champions Trophy 2013 is between England and Sri Lanka.
The much awaited tournament ICC Champions Trophy has begun. All are interested in knowing the winners of each game and for Astrologers also it is a good time to test their skills. I am using a hoary branch of Astrology and a system which is a mix of traditional Astrology, KP and Numerology. The system used is quite similar to the one taught by Lt. Shree Suresh Sahasne.

The Horary question that I asked is who will win the match between England and Sri Lanka today. Here is the analysis:

Match 13/6/2013  

Time: 10:48:26
Place: Indore
Date: 13/6/2013
KP Ayanamsa: 23-56-44.94

I have used KP System Numerology which takes only the numbers of the signs into the account of the ruling planets and omit the signs whose Lord is retrograde.

Thus the numbers are:

Ascendant Lord = Sun = 5
Moon Star Lord = Mercury = 9
Moon Rashi Lord = Moon = 4
Day Lord = Thursday = 21

The resultant remaining after calculation is 1 and so England should win. It is a very tough choice as both teams are equally competent with batting and bowling. Stars are also equally confusing, so are the numbers. This is the last ICC Champions Trophy and the team with the cup in their arms will go in history forever.