Thursday, June 6, 2013

India Vs South Africa (6 June 2013) - ICC Champions Trophy

By Acharya Raman

Much awaited tournament ICC Champions Trophy has begun. All are interested in knowing the winners of each game and for Astrologers also it is a good time to test their skills. I am using horary branch of Astrology and a system which is mix of traditional Astrology, KP and Numerology. The system used is quite similar to the one taught by Lt. Shree Suresh Sahasne.

The Horary question I asked is who will win the match between India and South Africa today. I am asking this question on the behalf of South Africa. Here is the analysis:

Match 6/6/2013 

Time: 23:20:00
Place: Cardiff
Date: 6/6/2013
KP Ayanamsa: 23-56-44.94

The match will begin at 15:00 IST on Sophia Gardens ground. I have used KP System Numerology which takes only the numbers of the signs into the account of the ruling planets and omit the signs whose Lord is retrograde. Team 1 is India (3) and 2 is South Africa (5).

Thus, the numbers are:

Ascendant Lord = Jupiter = 21
Moon Star Lord = Sun=5
Moon Rashi Lord = Venus = 0
Day Lord = Jupiter = 21

The resultant remaining after calculation is 0 and so South Africa should win. It is very tough choice as both teams are equally competent with batting and bowling. Stars are also equally confusing and so are the numbers. This is the last ICC Champions Trophy and the team with the cup in their arms will go in history forever.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Who will Win Champions Trophy 2013?

By Acharya Raman

Much awaited tournament series ICC Champions Trophy 2013 is about to begin soon and will be watched world over enthusiastically by all cricket fans. All are interested in knowing the winners of each game and for Astrologers also it is a good time to test their skills. I am using Horary branch of Astrology and a system which is mix of traditional Astrology, KP and Numerology. The system used is quite similar to the one taught by Lt. Shree Suresh Sahasne.

The Horary question that I asked is who will win the trophy out of all teams. Here is the analysis:

Match 23 June 2013: Astrology

Time: 8:24:12 
Place: Indore 
Date: 1/6/2013

KP Ayanamsa: 23-56-44.94

Thus the numbers are:


Since, planet Mercury is coming in the ruling planets, so we will have to take two choices, as clearly explained by Lt. Shree Suresh Sahasne Ji. So, we will now choose the best two options for the winner of the Trophy. Of course, anyone of them will be the winner and other could end up as runner up also.

The total of the numbers is = 30.

The teams participating are:

1)    Australia
2)    England
3)    India
4)    New Zealand
5)    Pakistan
6)    South Africa
7)    Sri Lanka
8)    West Indies

As per my opinion based on this system, South Africa and India are the two possible winners of ICC Champions Trophy 2013. As the rule says we have to choose one, it seems South Africa has stronger possibility of winning the title.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Guru Peyarchi Palangal in Midhunam on June 1, 2013

Jupiter’s transit Guru Peyarchi Palangal i.e Jupiter’s transit in zodiac Mercury and Gemini is on 1st June 2013. Gemini signifies dualism and masculinity. Astrologers worldwide will be seeing this transit with great curiosity and interest. Jupiter is considered to be the most beneficial planet. Even when it is in bad houses (6, 8, 12) it plays the role of a protector. This transit is said to bring good results. Let us find out the effects of Guru Peyarchi Palangal on different signs.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Mesham:

Your hard work has finally paid as your work will find appreciation from all quarters. Also, there are chances that your income will increase. You will also make many friends who will be there with you during the times of need. The time is also very good if you are interested to take up a new business.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Rishabam:

The time is going to be fruitful and blissful for you. If there are chances of a surgery, it is going to be successful in this time. Stay away from betting as you might incur huge losses due to it. It is likely that you will visit holy places shortly.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Midhunam:

The stars are in mood to shower blessings of good luck and prosperity at you and your family. The time will improve your health. Jupiter’s transit into the 1st house brings one closer to family and friends. Overall, the time is blissful and prosperous.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Kadagam:

This time will make you really conscious about your health and eating habits. Your relations with your family members will improve and you will get their full support. Your speech will also improve which will help boost your career to a new level. In short, Jupiter’s transit will be fruitful for you.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Simmam:

The time is good and rewarding for you. It is highly likely that you will go on a pilgrimage. You will also spend a good amount of time with your family. Also, you might buy some new and high end gadgets of communication. Your behavior with friends and relatives will be polite and compatible.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Kanni:

It is likely that during this period you will go through a lot of changes. To begin with, you might plan to change your vehicle as the current one is not cost effective for you. There are good chances that you also might change the place where you live. You might move to your own residence shortly. Further you will be inclined toward helping others which will give you immense satisfaction.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Thulam:

Time will be rewarding for you as a new member will be added to your family. Birth of this new child will bring luck and prosperity into the house. the child will be inclined towards reading books. You will see that there will a lot of improvement in your intuitive powers and foresight. It is advised that you should recite Mantras and also take out some time to perform puja. There will an inclination toward reading Holy Scripture. Time is especially good for astrologers, priests and teachers.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Viruchigam:

Go with the flow of life and you will reach your destination. The divine power has decided to help you. Stars are backing you and the people who are conspiring against you will be defeated. People who have been suffering from a long term disease should know that time is good to cure such ailments forever.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Dhanusu:

Good news is coming up for you soon. If you are of marriageable age then there are high chances of you taking the big plunge. Great time for people in love as the time is great for you to get married. Most likely you will visit other countries for both personal and professional reasons. However, people seeking divorce will have to wait a bit as he time is not that favorable for you.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Magaram:

You will develop a new interest in occult sciences. Most of your time will be taken by this new interest. It is likely that you will visit sick people and offer them help. Though the time is not good for you professionally yet it cannot be said that it is all bad.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Kumbam:

The transit shows that your family life will improve. There will be mutual love and respect between you and your elders. Also, you will be inclined toward spirituality. There is possibility that in your search you will end up finding a Guru, who will guide you. it looks like that you might head for a pilgrimage very soon. You also change the place where you live, which will turn out to be good for you.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal for Rasi Meenam:

This time is great for you in every aspect. You will see new heights in your career and will enjoy your work like never before. All the work issues which troubled you, will be solved. Personally also the time is rewarding and good.

Venus Transit in Cancer

By Pt. Hanumaan Mishra
Venus Transit
हिंदी में पढने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें।

Venus is considered the significator of beauty, enjoyment and luxury. Venus will transit from Gemini to Cancer on 23rd June at 1 A.M and will remain there till 7:32 P.M of 17 July 2013. Let us see the transit’s impact on different Zodiac signs.

Aries: The time is great for you as your reputation and income will increase. There will be happiness and prosperity in your family. Short travels will be favorable for you and you will succeed in your attempts. Also, your mother will support you in all your attempts. It can be said that this time period will be fruitful for you from every aspect.

Taurus: During this time period you will be highly enthusiastic and energetic. You will interact with a lot of people and will progress professionally. Short travels will be comfortable and fruitful. Prosperity will spread in the family and siblings will stay happy.

Gemini: Relationship with your family will strengthen and there will be increment in your income. Your family will organize an auspicious event. Further, you will enjoy the company of women. You will indulge in eating expensive and delicious food. Also, you will spend a lot of money in buying things for your house. There will be general atmosphere of happiness and bliss with all members being together.

Cancer: You will be happy and blissful during this time. The atmosphere around you will also be positive. You will interact with a lot of women. Work a little harder and it will increase your income. You will take a serious interest in music and literature. Good times for you as you will get the support of your family.

Leo: You will spend a good amount of money in luxuries of life. Attraction to opposite sex will increase. Further, there are chances that your rivals will try to harm you. Do not take them lightly. Though this is not a bad time for you financially yet it is advised that you should avoid spending too much money.

Virgo: You will succeed in all your attempts during this period. Friends and well wishers will be supportive. Most awaited desires and dreams will get fulfilled. Prosperity in the family and compatibility between siblings will flourish. Your expenses will increase but income will be enough to handle them.

Libra: This time will come to increase your reputation and respect. You will achieve a great amount of success in your profession. With time you will start saving money but will simultaneously spend on luxurious items. Your family will be supportive and caring. It is likely that you will travel a lot due to work commitments. Further, you will be able to get out of all the odds due to your consistency and determination.

Scorpio: Your relationship with parents and teachers will be cordial and sweet. You will be appreciated and felicitated by people who are well placed in life. During this period your capability to fight with unfavorable situations will increase manifold. If there is an expected promotion then it will be exactly as per your desire. You will be tilted toward performing religious and philosophical activities.

Sagittarius: This time period is not very favorable for you. It is likely that your reputation might get maligned due to a controversy or scandal. This time is not good in terms of your health as well. However, there are chances that you might have a sudden financial gain but your expenses will also increase simultaneously. You will enjoy the support of your family.

Capricorn: During this period your behavior with everyone will be that of courtesy and respect. You will stay away from arguments and controversies. There is a high probability of an enjoyable journey in this time. You will work diligently in your business or job. Due to hard work you will achieve a substantial increase in your income. There are chances that you will fall sick but overall the time will be prosperous for you and family.

Aquarius: This time is not very favorable and it is advised not to get involved in immoral activities. Your work and daily routine will be affected due to some health related issues. You will rise professionally. It is advised that you should develop the skill of resistance during unfavorable conditions. Also, keep a check on your expenses.  

Pisces: Venus is in your 5th house, which will attract you towards the opposite sex. It is likely that you will experience good times ahead. In addition to this, you reputation and prosperity will increase. Family life too will be happy and blissful. Dreams and desires will get fulfilled during this time. Further, it is likely that you will meet old friends and socialize a lot.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sun’s Transit into Gemini & You

By Pt. Hanumaan Mishra
Effects of Sun Transit on different signs
हिंदी में पढने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें।

On 15 June 2013 at 04:55 A.M the Sun is transiting into Gemini. It will remain there till 15:45 on 16 July 2013. Let us study what impact it will have on different signs.

Aries: Sun will be in its 3rd house. Therefore, there will be prosperity in the house and awaited desires will be fulfilled. It is likely that you will have financial gains. Relationship with your family and friends will improve. Your health will also be good during this period. It looks like that you might get a chance to go for a vacation. Short travels will be fruitful and good for you.

Taurus: Sun will be posited in your 2nd house. Therefore, the period is not good in terms of money matters. It is advised that you should be very careful while making financial transactions. It is likely that this will affect your family life too. An eye or mouth related disease might give you a hard time.

Gemini: Sun is posited in your 1st house. Therefore, it is likely that you will be hot tempered during this period. Also, you might fall sick. However, you may get benefitted from public and government related areas. Short travels are probable. You will be well rewarded for your hard work and will donate for public organizations.

Cancer: Sun is posited in your 12th house so do not get involved into momentary clash. There might be heavy losses if you make wrong choices. Expenses will increase. Take mature decisions in business related issues because you might incur losses otherwise. Maintain warmth and love in your relations or else there could be stress. Try to keep your distance with betting as there are chances you might incur losses due to such activities.  

Leo: Sun is in your 11th house, which will fulfill your desires and dreams. You will get a lot of support from your family and friends. Long journeys will be fruitful and comfortable. Transactions done during this period will be fruitful. Contracts and deals done in this period will give abundant profit. The time is also good for matters related to love.

Virgo: Sun’s transit is in your 10th house, which is indicating your overall well being and prosperity. This period will get you out of all financial troubles. You will also succeed professionally and will be appreciated by your seniors. This period will be very hectic for you. This time will prove your diligence and work related travels will render positive results.  

Libra: Sun is in your 9th house, which indicates mixed results for you. You will meet influential people and will get benefitted by them. You will visit religious places. Due to your position, you will get a lot of work. The time is good for financial gains and other money related matters. However, long travels will not be fruitful. It looks like your parents might experience bad health during this period.

Scorpio: Sun is in your 8th house, which is not considered a very good position for a transit. Therefore, unpredictable troubles might develop. Try to avoid any immoral and suspicious deals. Before signing any document you should read it very carefully. It is advised that you should maintain harmonious relationship with your relatives. Also, take good care of your health.

Sagittarius: Sun is in your 7th house, which is the house of your employment and married life. The transit of Sun is not positive here. Therefore, your hard work will not bear fruits in this period. You might incur losses due to your business partners or else will face other troubles due to them. Personally, do not get involved in any sort of argument with your life partner. You will feel stressed and might fall sick. So, take care of your health.

Capricorn: Sun’s transit is in your 6th house, which indicates success in whatever you will do in this period. This period will reward you with a promotion and also you see that your reputation will increase manifold. Troubles will end and you will win over in all disputes. All will be good at work front too. The time is good for overall well being and prosperity.

Aquarius: Sun’s transit is in your 5th house, which will not be considered very positive. Though you will be very positive and enthusiastic in this period yet the time is not good for matters related to love and marriage. There might be an unexpected travel. Do not think too much as it could be harmful for you.

Pisces: Sun’s transit is in your 4th house, which indicates that your parents’ health can be a reason of worry. You might feel inclined toward immoral activities. This week will require you to work really hard but you will not be able to pull it off. This is to say that hard work will tire you easily. Further, it is advised that you should not drive too fast during this time.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Announcing Horoscope App

Yesterday we announced AstroSage Kundli. AstroSage Kundli is probably the most comprehensive personalized horoscope app available on mobile phones and tablets ever but there are certain people who do not have knowledge of their date of birth and time of birth. Such people always demanded zodiac sign based app. Today, to fulfil their demand, we are announcing new version of our Horoscope App with following features -

  • Daily Horoscope
  • Weekly Horoscope
  • Weekly Love Horoscope
  • Monthly Horoscope
  • 2013 Horoscope

Please download Horoscope App and let us know your feedback.

Hope you will enjoy it.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

AstroSage Kundli for Android Mobile Phones and Tablets is now available

Most powerful astrology software for Android smartphones and tablets has become even better now. We have added many new features and fixes quite a few bugs to make it more useful for astrologers. Though it is FREE, but it is most powerful astrology software even for Android mobile phones and tablets. It can be downloaded from -

It has many new features and bug fixes, and here are few to note -
  • Horoscope Matching (36 Points Match) is part of the app now
  • New Calculation: Nakshatra Nadi Coordinates (4 step and cuspal interlinks coming soon)
  • Chart Display bug on HD devices (Sony XPeria, HTC One, Galaxy S4 etc.) resolved now
  • Support for 7 inch and 10 inch Tablets
  • New Prediction: Planet consideration i.e. prediction of each planet
  • Fixed Personalized Daily Horoscope bug
Please have a look and share your feedback. Download AstroSage Kundli now.