Friday, December 2, 2016

Venus Transit In Capricorn Today - Know It’s Effect On You

Venus, the planet of beauty, art, glamour, material comforts, luxuries, & sensual desires, shall move into Capricorn from Sagittarius, on Friday, 2 December, 2016 and will be positioned there till its arrival in Aquarius on Thursday, 29 December, 2016. This transit could mark some significant impact on many zodiac signs. To know what effect this transit could have on your zodiac sign, sink your teeth into this blog on Venus transit in Capricorn & be prepared from what may follow. Lets see what the fuss is all about & get into these changes for each zodiac sign in brief :-


Love, care and harmony would be prevalent in domestic life. If you are into business, you will do remarkably well and if you are a working professional, your performance shall witness a steep rise. READ MORE...


This transit will increase your luck quotient so much, so as you could get some big news to celebrate. You could be inclined to perform virtuous deeds. READ MORE...


You will talk & think a lot about the birds & the bees, during this transit as you will feel a drastic increase in sensuality. Also, keep an eye on your health. READ MORE...


Venus will move into your seventh house. This is a period to blow off some steam and romance with your partner. READ MORE...


It is time to roll up your sleeves for some serious hard work, if you wish to get favourable results in career. Your skills will improve. However, some issues in marital life could crop up. READ MORE...


Venus will move into your fifth house. It is a time of prosperity and happiness in life. Your efforts will be highly rewarding as you would rake in hefty profits. READ MORE...


Venus will move into your fourth house. Your domestic life would be in a great deal of harmony and you would be living high off the hog. READ MORE...


You would be inclined towards arts, music and other artistic interests. You could spark off a new relationship. Your spouse would accomplish something really spectacular. READ MORE...


You would continue living in clover, for your bank balance keeps on increasing and is not going to stop anytime soon. There could be a cause for some celebration in your family. READ MORE...


Love, affection, attachment and sensuality will swamp your thoughts in your mind. It is a pleasing time for love matters. READ MORE...


You would be guilty of profligacy as you will spend heavily on luxuries and other materialistic assets. You may as well plan for a long journey or a trip abroad. READ MORE...


You could suddenly make a killing as this transit strongly predicts some quick & hefty financial gains for you. READ MORE...

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