Thursday, December 1, 2016

Know your fate in the month of December with the Monthly Horoscope 2016

Based strictly on the principles of Vedic Astrology, AstroSage brings to you the Horoscope for December 2016, to help you plan out your month meticulously and graciously.

Aries Horoscope For December 2016

The start of the month could create some tiffs between you and your mother. Family life will be very disruptive, so it’s advised that you develop a mutual understanding to work in coordination with your dear ones. Children could be the harbinger of stress in your life in this duration; it’s important that you understand their temper and tantrums, instead of rebuking them.

Remedies: Worship Mangal yantra.

Rating: 3/5

To know the in-depth analysis of your zodiac sign, follow the link: Detailed Monthly Aries Horoscope for december 2016.

Taurus Horoscope For December 2016

This month you’ll accomplish something big, which would make your family proud and gloat in your success. Those belonging to technical backgrounds will enjoy the fame this month, as their lucky stars are shining bright in this period. Your talent will be appreciated by your seniors and colleagues. Decisions related to property or land must not be taken in haste, as chances of loss are there. Manage your expenses wisely to prevent any financial crunch later. 

Remedies: Chanting Mantra ॐ क्रां क्रीं क्रौं सः भौमाय नमः will help in managing your expenses. 

Rating: 3.5/5

Know your family, financial and married life in detail by following this link: Detailed Monthly Taurus Horoscope for December 2016

Gemini Horoscope For December 2016

This month you’ll focus on working and completing your work on time. Try to be polite at work to get your tasks completed on time. Your financial situation will be weak in this duration, and due to your increased expenses your savings might get affected. Share market might lure you in this duration. Prior to investing any money, it’s important that you do proper research. To gain profits you need to showcase you talent and prowess to your seniors. 

Remedies: Worship Shani Mantra regularly. 

Rating: 2.5/5

To analyse Gemini zodiac for December 2016 in depth, click here: Detailed Monthly Gemini Horoscope for December 2016

Cancer Horoscope For December 2016

Relocating your house is on the cards for you this month. You’ll have to work extremely hard in order to yield any results. Time is favourable for gaining benefits from your previous work. The month seems very auspicious for you as you’ll be bombarded with good news from every side. All your plans will reach their execution stage in this duration. You’ll need to maintain your calm in any situation that’s being presented in front of you. Being a strong person, both mentally and spiritually you’ll be benefited in the adverse situations.

Remedies: Donate white and black things to please Ketu.

Rating: 3/5

Click here to know Cancer horoscope in depth: Detailed 2016 December Cancer Horoscope

Leo Horoscope For December 2016

This month it’s advised that you pay heed to charities. Your philanthropic nature will help you maintain name and fame in the society. The wrong deeds of past will nullify this month, due to all the good that you’ve been doing. Avoid any hasty decisions in the matters related to land or property. Liquor must be avoided in order to stay fit and in shape. 

Remedies: Pay homage to Lord Bhairava to please Rahu.

Rating: 2.5/5

Know the detailed predictions about your sign Leo: Detailed Monthly Leo Horoscope for December 2016

Virgo Horoscope For December 2016

This month will yield you mixed results. You’ll plan a small vacation or an excursion to refresh your mind. Enemies will try to tarnish your image and defame you, but it’s advised that you stay above it all. Use your intelligence and wit to secure greater things in life. Job related matters will require patience and perseverance. Try to check matters beforehand and not jump onto any conclusions. Luck will be on your side this month and matters will turn in your favour. 

Remedies: Wear one faced rudraksha.

Rating: 3/5

Know more about your future and what it bears for you by following this link: Detailed Monthly Virgo Horoscope for December 2016

Libra Horoscope For December 2016 

Students will have a gala month. Efforts put into studies will yield results and you’ll be pleased to get glory and fame. You might come into contact with a person from a foreign country. Hard work you’ve done previously will get you lucrative benefits. Do not spend unnecessarily on things that you don’t require at home. Shelling out money luxuriously will get you into problem. Make sure that you work in accordance to your partner and business associates. Tiffs at work will create huge problems for you.

Remedies: Wear three faced Rudraksha on Tuesday. Wash your feets before sleeping.

Rating: 3/5

Know in-depth about your zodiac by clicking here, Detailed Monthly Libra Horoscope for December 2016

Scorpio Horoscope For December 2016

The planet mars will be transiting in your birth sign in the fourth house, which presages tiffs and arguments happening between you and your father. Hard work will gain you success as luck won’t reap you much benefits. Relations with father will start improving by the mid of the month. You’ll hit pay dirt this month. Problem solving will come naturally to you, which will make you quick with decisions. You’ll strive hard to get a promotion this month. 

Remedies: You are currently suffering from Shani Sade Sati. You must fast on every tuesday. Read ‘Bajrang Ban’ daily.

Rating: 2.5/5

Click here to know more about your horoscope and what it has in store for you, Detailed Monthly Scorpio Horoscope for December 2016

Sagittarius Horoscope For December 2016

The month of December will be the harbinger of many changes in your life. Some natives will start thinking about changing their jobs. The time seems auspicious for long term commitments, be it in business or partnerships. Your sincere and determined attitude will yield you great results. Married life will be based on the strong pillars of trust and harmony, which will build and empower the love that you both share. People already in love will get fortunate enough to spend some quality time with their partner. Financial help from father will bring you more close to him, and build up your relationship.

Remedies: Eat light and simple. Stay at bay from alcohol, bad company and things which spoil your mood.

Rating: 3/5

To know your zodiac analysis in detail, click here: Detailed Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope for December 2016

Capricorn Horoscope For December 2016

The month of December advises you to steer clear off shortcuts. In order to come out as a winner, you need to act like one, and make meticulous plans for your year ahead. Decisions must be taken on time in order to succeed. Financially, the year will prove lucrative for you. New sources of income will come and will equip you to work harder. Your toils will pay you off well, only if you want them to. Devise a strategy to milk in the most results. Use your energy on things that’ll be beneficial for you. 

Remedies: Chant Gayatri Mantra to restore peace and harmony in your life. 

Rating: 3.5/5

To know the Detailed Monthly Capricorn Horoscope for December 2016, click on the link.

Aquarius Horoscope For December 2016

This month being calm and composed is your key to happiness. Deal every issue with tactical prowess. You might consider going to a religious place to find your inner peace. Throughout this month, You’ll focus on making yourself better and achieving higher things in life. Some might consider taking a loan from a bank or a relative in this duration. Don’t go looking for help outside when you can ask your loved ones to ease out the wrinkles in your life. A bridge between the family members could sour the relationships, so try to not let it happen. Keep your siblings under your wing, but don’t forget to let them breathe as well. 

Remedies: Observing fast on Tuesdays and chanting “Bajrang Ban” will help you eliminate problems of life.

Rating: 3/5

To know the in depth analysis of your sign, follow the link: Detailed Monthly Aquarius Horoscope for December 2016

Pisces Horoscope For December 2016 

Your financial life looks great this month. A salary hike or a promotion is highly probable. Some new opportunities might line up at your door, so be sure to grab them by their neck. If you’ve lend money to someone, the end of the month will be favourable to get it back. Expenditure might rise this year due to the rise in your income. Property related issues will get settled. Journeys and excursions will make you shell out considerate amount of money; so it’s advised that you stay alert about it. Familial bliss will follow your course. Don’t let tiffs and arguments breathe in your family. 

Remedies: Donate things related to the Lord and light mustard oil under Peepal tree every Saturday. 

Rating: 2.5/5

Know in depth about the future of Pisces by following the link: Detailed Monthly Pisces Horoscope for December 2016

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