Monday, December 5, 2016

Know what’s in store for you this week - Check out your Weekly Horoscope (December 5 - 11, 2016)

Weekly horoscope from December 5 to December 11, 2016 is now available at AstroSage. Read general and love horoscope predictions based on your moon sign to make your life blissful. The predictions here are based on Vedic Astrology.


The beginning of the week will be favorable for you. Mental peace will be there in your life as you will have a positive outlook towards the world. Short journeys with friends and family is assured for you in this week. In the mid of the week, you’ll be quite busy with your family. Take care of the automobiles you possess, and follow a healthy life cycle to maintain your well being.

Love Predictions: 

This week will be usual for you in love related matters. However, if you plan your week in accordance to your sobriety, you’ll have a gala time. The beginning of the week might make you fall in love with your colleague, which can be very beautiful and at the same time auspicious for you. The weekend will deliver happiness and contentment in your life. It’s advised that you stay safe and live the life of riley.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Avoid unhygienic food and follow healthy diet.

Click here to know more about your sign: Aries zodiac sign


A combination of splendid and humdrum results is assured for you in this week. But you have to be careful about what you are saying. Spend your valuable money on only the things that you require for a better future. Working professionals will have a constant flow of income. The end of this week looks great as it promises a blissful romantic life. 

Love Predictions:

This week won’t present you with much good results when it comes to love life. It’s advised that you meet your partner in secluded and private places, instead of public spots; secrecy and safety must be your top-most priority. Do not take any risks and meet your partner only if it can be executed. Conversing on phone or video calling is also a great option. Express your feelings to your partner in such a way that they could feel your love. The start and the end of the week will be average, but the mid of the week will make up for it.

Fortune Star: 2/5

Remedy: Be careful of what you are speaking.

Click here to know more about your sign: Taurus zodiac sign


You will get favors in everything you do this week. Peace will prevail in your life. Success will kiss your feet, and you’ll be happy to see your kith and kin supporting you in your ventures. It’s advised that you make your health your primary concern. A trip or an excursion is possible for the Gemini natives in this week. 

Love Predictions: 

The week will yield mixed results for the Geminis. Albeit you keep your thoughts to yourself and behave in a sober and respectful way, your week could take a turn for the better. The start of the week presages you to maintain decency in your relationship. The mid will be average but you can expect everything to return to its former glory by the weekend. If you’ve been planning to meet your partner for very long, the weekend is the most auspicious time for you.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Take care of your health and diet.

Click here to know more about your sign: Gemini zodiac sign


At the workfront, you might become restless at times but it will be good to ignore it. Doing so will help you in understanding the situation. You are suggested to control your expenses especially this week. The middle of the week might get you some good news. You might spend on your home decor and go for some entertainment options. 

Love Predictions: 

Maintain transparency in your love relations to keep them going strong. Whatever you’ve to say must be said with calmness and truthfulness. Meeting your lover in the starting of the week could kick start your career in a good direction. Married couples will be drunk in love with each other. The mid of the week advises you to stay in control and make decisions wittingly. The weekend will be hectic for you.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Do not spend money unnecessarily.

Click here to know more about your sign: Cancer zodiac sign


Financial life of the natives is going to be great this week. You might get a surprise gift from your in-laws. Just keep control on your expenses to maintain regularity in goodness. Singles might think of settling down with their partner by the end of this week. 

Love Predictions: 

The week will give you amazing results in your love life. It’s advised that you stay away from petty confrontations and arguments. Do not scratch the surface of previous wounds to inflict more damage. The tiffs which happened in the beginning of the week will strengthen the bond you have with your partner and make you feel more in love with them. The weekend advises you to be sober and restricted in your approach. 

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Avoid getting hot under the collar on petty issues.

Click here to know more about your sign: Leo zodiac sign


Success will come to you in every shape and size. Your work will go on smoothly and due to this your toils would fetch great results. You will be able to give your best in every task you do. It is suggested for you to give time to your relationship in the mid of the week. The weekend will bring you and your family close to each other, as some special moments can be foreseen at your family front. 

Love Predictions: 

Your love will lack bliss this week. You won’t get much time to spare for your lover, and won’t be able to meet them too. Although, if you do find some time to meet them, it’s advised that you do that with caution and secrecy. Try to rein in your temper and respect your partner’s feelings. The beginning of the week might make you interested towards your classmate. The mid of the week contains happy moments for you, but the weekend advises you to be sober in love.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Avoid trusting people blindly.

Click here to know more about your sign: Virgo zodiac sign


Spirituality will attract you this week. People will praise you, which will earn you fame and glory. The natives are predicted to have good financial gains along with peaceful mind. Lovers will cherish moments together. You expenses will increase. 

Love Predictions: 

You’ll get great reasons to celebrate this week. You’ll have to maintain transparency in your relationship, to enjoy the fruits of your love life. In the beginning of the week, moon, mars and venus will be conjuncting in your fourth house, which will lure you to meet your partner in a secluded spot. Mid of the week will be average, but the weekend could bear tiffs and arguments with your spouse.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Praise the lord to increase auspiciousness.

Click here to know more about your sign: Libra zodiac sign


You have to put more effort in everything so as to get the best results. To get financial results this week, the natives need to be very careful about the work. The middle of the week is promising you a relaxed time. Also, profits are possible via journeys. 

Love Predictions: 

This week will be gleeful for the married couples. You’ll be happily in love with them, and work upon making it more and more better. Overwhelmed in love, you can rebuke your partner, which could make them act aversive towards you. Refrain from doing that. The beginning of the week will give you plenty of reasons to celebrate and have fun with your beloved. The weekend could be the harbinger of proposals in your life. Act wisely and not cocky.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: have a more determined approach towards your goal.

Click here to know more about your sign: Scorpio zodiac sign


The natives of this sign are going to get mixed result in all things. However, there are chances that you might get into an unwanted quarrel with your lover; keep yourself calm, no matter what. Be careful in doing partnership business and avoid talking behind others back. Things will be better as the week ends. 

Love Predictions: 

This week, your ego could outweigh your love. You’ll bring in your stubborn attitude between your relationship, which could hamper its growth. Your tone could be harsh towards your partner. Maintain transparency and loyalty in your relationship, to let it retain its charm. You could plan a lunch with your beloved in the mid of the week. The weekend advises you to go on a date with your partner, so that you could paint your canvas with beautiful reds and pinks. 

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Be alert regarding partnership business.

Click here to know more about your sign: Sagittarius zodiac sign


You will be more enthusiastic and energetic in this week. Success is assured to all your creative plans if you will do it with dedication. As the week ends, there are chances that you might go on an adventurous trip but also be careful. You will be more conscious of what you’re wearing in this duration. 

Love Predictions: 

The week will be average for Capricorn in love matters. You won’t get much time to spend with your partner. The beginning of the week is auspicious for you. You’ll be emotionally vulnerable in this period, but your partner will value that respect your opinion over theirs. The mid of the week will be difficult, as your words could be twisted and the meaning extracted from it would be very different from what you were implying. Think before you speak to avoid misunderstandings. Weekend might contain some stress and tensions, but your heart’s desires will be fulfilled. 

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Stay cautious about your tone in the weekend.

Click here to know more about your sign: Capricorn zodiac sign


Students might worry about their studies this week. But restlessness will not help you in this situation. You will experience some unexpected situation and cherish those moments.You’re advised to clear off all your debts, so can live the life of riley. 

Love Predictions: 

This week will be an amalgamation of good and best memories for you. Avoid stubbornness and ego in your relationship. Maintain transparency and respect your partner and their feelings. The start of the week could create some tensions in your relationship, but by the mid of the week will settle down the chaos and all will be fine again. The weekend will return the laughter in your life, as your partner and you’ll be spending much time together and spinning a web of sweet memories.

Fortune Star: 3/5 

Remedy: Clear all the previously taken loans.

Click here to know more about your sign: Aquarius zodiac sign


Take care of your electronics as some malfunctioning is possible. Some tiffs are possible fat your office with your seniors or colleagues. However, things will be better as the days pass and you will get desired results for your hard work. Financial life will be great, as you’ll earn well and shell out on only the necessary items. 

Love Predictions: 

This week will yield you favorable results. The start of the week will be splendidly good. Natives thinking about proposing their love to someone, must act quick as the week will be very accommodating for them. The mid will be weak. Some important work, if stalled might get stuck. By the weekend, the strains in your relationship will straighten out and you’ll feel light as a feather. 

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: Be calm and have patience.

Click here to know more about your sign: Pisces zodiac sign

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