Monday, November 28, 2016

Mercury Transit In Sagittarius - Know It’s Effect On You

Mercury, or the messenger of the gods represents wit, communication and expressions, and will move into Sagittarius On Monday, 28th November, 2016. It shall stay, until its arrival in Capricorn on Friday, the 3rd February, 2017. During these days, the impact on your life would be colossal, good or bad that you can see for yourself by reading our Mercury Transit in Sagittarius. 


Mercury shall transit in your ninth house which will increase an urge to gain knowledge and you could be more spiritually inclined. You might fancy a chance to pursue your education abroad, also you would witness a great upliftment in your PR skills. You shall write your own future as your efforts will be instrumental in your growth. Love life will flourish and hard work will devise new sources of good income. Read more


With Mercury moving into your eighth house, troubles related to financial matters are inevitable. The money that you earned with your blood, sweat & tears could be lost. Love life could have some concerns and misunderstandings, and things like clairvoyance & other hidden secrets might interest you. Your spouse would be able to save up a substantial amount of money. Read more


As Mercury will move into your seventh house, a favourable period could be expected. You would get happiness in domestic life, as concord & empathy would prevail. Your marital life would see a major improvement and there will be love in the air. Health should be the least of your concerns as you would enjoy the company of your loved ones. Your career shall see unparalleled success.  Read more


Mercury shall move into your sixth house, which could take you to long journeys, and lead to success in trials or other legal disputes. You might not see eye to eye with siblings as there could be some differences. Your own efforts will help you steer your career ship. Read more


Mercury will be moving into your fifth house. You would be inclined to learn new things and if you are a student, you would perform exceptionally well in studies. Your intellect level will see a sharp rise as you would print money while still learning. You are in for a time of your life for matters concerned with love. You would be able to share your true heart feelings with your loved one. Your career graph will experience a shoot up.  Read more


Mercury will move into your fourth house. This shall help with the increase in your domestic happiness. Harmony and bliss would prevail as there would be serenity all around. You would feel more connected to your family and you might think about getting some beautification done of your home or might even search & survey for buying a new vehicle. Professional life would throughout be in second gear, as you would make all the smart choices and tactful approaches, which should open the gates of success at work. Read more


Mercury would move into your third house, which shows that you would outstrip in communication, sales and marketing during this period. There could be some short distance journeys and you could also embark for pilgrimages. Your luck will never hang you out to dry as it would support you at every step and you would indulge in virtuous pursuits. There lies a massive opportunity for your siblings to receive fat gains during this period. Read more


Mercury shall move into your second house. It depicts that you would accumulate a great amount of wealth. Your elder siblings or seniors at work will sing your praise during this period. Some unexpected or sudden gains could change the whole complexion of your situation. You would enjoy a hearty relationship with your family and may also fancy good food. You might get a gift from your in-laws. You will share good bonding with every family member. If you have taken debt, you might be asked to return it. Make sure not to lend more money. Read more


Mercury will transit into your zodiac sign, which means that you would be the one effected the most. The transit should improve your contemplative thinking, as you would make all the right decisions that would lead you to success, very soon. Your spouse may be more supportive and caring towards you. Your exemplary work will earn you success & avowal. You would enjoy a gala time with friends and there will be a pinch of humour in your behavior. Read more


The dexterous planet, Mercury will move through your twelfth house. The transit predicts that your expenses would manifold and you might consider shelling out your money on luxurious goods. You’ll struggle in making decisions and this will affect your thinking process. Disappointment might follow you while you take any major decision. You might think of taking an overseas trip. Your opponents might become powerful in this duration and try to tarnish your image.  Read more


Mercury will transit through your eleventh house. Being a mercurial planet, the effect this transit will have on you will be tremendous. The planet signifies communication and wit. Your knowledge and education will increase in this period, and chances are that you’ll earn very well. Socially, you’ll be the life of the party. Albeit, be particular about who you befriend. Love life will be gleeful. Your children will enjoy comfort in this duration. Financial gains can be expected from them. Long awaited desires might get fulfilled in this duration, so keep your efforts going!  Read more


The rational planet, Mercury will move through your 10th house, which presages work efficiency for you. You’ll be exceptionally good at your work, and might excel at it too! Glory and fame will brighten your path. At work, there’s a high probability that a good news will ring your doorbell. Hike in income is possible. Familial support will be constant. Your spouse and you will have a cordial relationship. Overconfidence in anything might be lethal for you, so try and tone it down a notch. Overall, the transit looks good for Pisces. Read more

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