Monday, June 25, 2018

Weekly Horoscope (25 June - 1 July 2018)

These 3 Zodiac signs will get special surprises this week! Read weekly horoscope to know how your life will be this week with respect to job, business, education, health, love and family life.

 Big Horoscope - Key To Your Bright Destiny

With the month of June coming to an end, 3 Zodiac signs would have their hands full with various unanticipated prospects. A raise in income and opportunity to travel some place is predicted for the people of these 3 signs. Apart from them, the natives of remaining 9 signs will have their lives going on as usual.

Furthermore, the retrograde of Planet Mars will occur on June 27 and will retrograde in its exalted sign Capricorn. People who are affected by the Mahadasha and Antardasha of Mars, might face some problems in this period. As Capricorn is ruled by Planet Saturn, which is already in retrograde motion, so the retrograde of both planets (Mars and Saturn) is not an auspicious indication. In this duration, natural calamities like flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc might be seen. Additionally, turmoil in country’s politics and increase in military conflicts seems a possibility. At the same time, situation in military-dominated countries might worsen.

Now, take a look at what your horoscope has in store for you this week -

Click here to know your Moon Sign: Moon sign Calculator


Your supremacy will be established at workplace and you might get a good position as well. Read More…


Maintain your patience, as the time demands it and would reap you rewards for it in future. Read More…


You would feel quite energetic, and your courage and strength would also increase. Read More…

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Control your emotions as you may feel quite sentimental, and even a minor thing might hurt your feeling. Read More…


You will take out some time for your family and hobbies, and would make efforts to overcome your challenges. Read More…


Chances of a promotion as well as increase in your authority are there. Read More…


Pay attention to your work as a minor negligence can create a big problem for you. Read More…


You might face some tensions in your family life as well as feel mentally stressed about something. Read More…


Pay attention to your health as ailments like cold, cough, headache, etc might trouble you. Read More…

Planetary influence on your life through your Birth Chart? Read: Planets in Astrology


Your income would increase in beginning of the week, but an increase in expenses is also a possibility during weekend. Read More…


You will work hard which would reap you rewards in the form of increased income. Read More…


You may go on a long - distance trip for seeking peace or for enjoying some leisure time away from your daily hectic routine. Read More…

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