Sunday, June 24, 2018

Mercury Transit in Cancer Tomorrow, Know its Significance

These 3 Zodiac signs need to be careful from June 25! Read astrological predictions for Mercury transit in Cancer and how it will influence the life of natives of all 12 signs.

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Significator of wisdom, speech, business and journeys, Planet Mercury will transit in Cancer tomorrow on Monday June 12, 2018 at 06:13 PM and will remain progressing in this sign until 09:16 PM on Sunday, September 2, 2018. This planetary transit will influence the lives of all 12 Zodiac signs. Therefore, they need to be very careful and attentive in this duration.

While positioned in Cancer, Mercury will conjunct with Venus and Rahu here, and Mars will aspect all their movements. This celestial phenomena may lead to a rise in the Gold - Silver and Oil prices, despite their slowness in the share market.

Now, take a look at below astrological predictions to know what this transit has in store for the natives of all 12 signs.

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Your personal life would be harmonious, but the health of your parents might decline. Read More...


Your determination would increase, and you would be a helping hand to your siblings in every possible way. Read More...


You would be able to impress and convince others with your remarkably sweet words. Read More...

Know Remedies for Mercury Related problems: Read Budh Puja Vidhi


Mercury will transit into your own Moon sign, due to which your health might be affected. Read More...


You need to keep a check on what you spend, otherwise your expenses would exceed your income. Read More...


Your social circle would improve, and you would enjoy the company of your friends and loved ones. Read More...

What Numbers Say about your Future? Numerology Calculator


During this period, harmony would prevail in your personal as well as professional life. Read More...


With Mercury transit in Cancer, the natives of Scorpio would be subjected to sudden ups & downs in their lives. Read More...


There might be some friction in your married life due to tussles and disagreements between you and your spouse. Read More...


With this transit of Mercury, you would experience a rise in your career. Read More...


Your expenses would increase a bit, but you would find yourself capable enough to repay your loans or debts. Read More...


During this period, your mind would be inclined towards learning new things and grasping knowledge. Read More...

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