Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 7 Of Navratri: Goddess Kalratri Arrives Today

Kalratri Devi is the goddess to be worshiped on the seventh day of Navratri. Kalratri Devi represents the goddess of the dark night. She arrived on earth as a demon slayer and freed all beings sorrows & troubles. Read below to know more about the seventh Navratri day.

Kalratri Devi is worshiped on the seventh day of Navratri.

Honor The Day With Kalratri Devi

Navratri has already commenced, and today is the seventh day. Goddess Kalratri will be worshiped today. Kalratri Devi is believed to be the most ferocious among all other Durga Avatars. Her appearance is dreadful, with four hands and three glowing eyes. Her long dishevelled hair and dark complexion add more to her valor appearance. Kalratri Devi symbolizes the death of ‘Kaal’. She arrives on earth on a ‘Gadarbha’ or donkey, as a slayer of the demons. She is also known as Kali Maa. She holds a curved sabre or Kripaan in her upper right hand and a thorn like weapon in her lower right hand. Her left arms signify peaceful gestures.

If you are bounded with evil powers all around, then, today is the day to liberate yourselves. Goddess Durga has manifested herself as Kalratri to save the earth from evil forces.

Rituals To Please Kalratri Devi

Today is considered to be the ideal day for Tantriks. Tantra Puja is performed to please Goddess Kalratri and the rituals of the puja begin after midnight. The devotees should worship Kalratri Devi with no measures turned out. Tonight will be regarded as the Night Of The Siddhis. Morning Puja should be carried out in a similar mannerism as in the previous six days. Devotees also offer Madeera or alcohol to the Devi.

Mantra Of Kalratri Devi

To invoke the blessings of Kalratri Devi, you should chant this Mantra:

Ekveni Japakarnapura Nagna Kharastitha |
Lamboshthi Karnikakarni Tailabhyakta Sharirani ||
Vaampadolla Salloh Lata Kanthak Bhushna |
Vardhan Murdha Dhvaja Krishna Kalratri Bhayankari ||

To know more about the mythological legend associated with Kalratri Devi, take a look at - Devi Kalratri

Astrosage wishes you a Happy Navratri 2014!

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