Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mercury’s Transit to Leo (21.08.2013): Effects on You

Mercury’s Transit to Leo

On 21st August at 4:55 a.m, Mercury will transit to Leo. It will remain in Leo till 5th September. From then it will transit into Virgo sign on 6th September. As per astrological scriptures, this transit will have several impacts. The harvest will be average during the transition. Also gold prices will rise and there will be shortage in rainfall. This shortage will lead to decline in the crop harvest. There will be political differences in local parties. There will be a difference in opinion between the people and the administration. Let us find out what effects will this transit have on different signs.

Aries: You will get fruitful results of your hard work. Also, all attempts will have a positive outcome. You will get a lot of support from siblings and your short travels will lead to good results. During this period you are likely to make many friends. Business will also progress.

Taurus: Your family will support you through thick and thin. People will get inspired by your views and opinions. Financially also this time is really favorable for you. You will receive pending payments and your interest in science will also increase.

Gemini: This time period will increase your name and fame manifold. There will be happiness at home. Health will also be in your favor, which will be an added advantage. Solely on the basis of your talent and hard work you will be able to achieve success.

Cancer: This time will not be favorable for your family life. You will be engrossed in anxiety. Expense will rise sharply. Control the urge to take risks during this period. You tilt toward spirituality.

Leo: You find immense support from family and friends. Business will progress as a result to your hard work. During this time you will become friends with a lot of people. You also travel long distances during this time.

Virgo: Establish healthy relation with elders and people at administrative posts. There will be general happiness and satisfaction in the family. Your business will flourish and expand.

Libra: Due to your brain you will reap abundant benefits during this period. You may also travel for different reasons. You will come in contact will popular people and this will increase your reputation manifold. This time will also be good for your business as well.

Scorpio: During this period, it is likely that you will get involved in tiffs. It is suggested that you stay away from all these things. Do try to earn a lot of money in a small period of time. Take good care of your family and their health. Avoid travelling during this period.

Sagittarius: You will see that your business will progress in this period. You will succeed in all competitive events. This will also increase your name and fame. You will find great support from friends and family.

Capricorn: you waste your time in useless activities. The family atmosphere will tense and there will anxiety in your mind. Keep a track over your words. Also, avoid traveling during this time.

Aquarius: during this time there will happiness and prosperity in family. Also you will go on a trip, which is going to be memorable. This time is also going to be great for people in love. You will find immense support from family and friends.

Pisces: During this time, you feel that atmosphere in your family will be light and happy. A religious puja take place at home. You will be happy and blissful. Also you will spend a lot of money on luxurious items.

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  1. Is this based on vedic moon signs or zodiac signs

  2. thanks for the information.good to hear. MY SIGN IS LEO AND STAR MAKHA. PLEASE ME THE FUTURE
