Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lord Krishna: Janmashtami 2013

 Little Krishna
This year Krishna Janmashtami, the birthday of Lord Krishna is on the 28th of August 2013. This is a festival celebrated far and wide by everyone. One can say that he is one of the most loved, adored and earnestly worshipped God among Hindus. Lord Krishna's influence has reached beyond India, many westerners are also showing interest in knowing and following the Krishna path.

Lord Krishna's life can be summarized mainly into 3 parts; his birth and childhood days, his youth and his role in Mahabharata.

For a thorough summary of Lord Krishna's birth, click here - Krishna Janmashtami

Bal Gopal (Little Krishna): The Makhan Chor

Lord Krishna is the 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is the most powerful and also most popular avatar of Lord Vishnu. Krishna was the son of Vasudeva and Devaki, who was born as a reliever of the evil that had engulfed Mother earth. Soon after his birth, Lord Krishna was taken to a small village called Gokul where he was brought up as the son of Yashoda.

Later on, Lord Krishna slew all the demons who posed a threat to the people of earth. Some of the famous stories include, Killing of King Kamsa, his uncle and the ruler of Mathura; Killing of demon Putna , when he was only a baby, by sucking on her breast; Killing of Kali Nag who had poisoned River Yamuna and thus making it poison free.

Now, lets see the fun part of his childhood days. Lord Krishna was famous for being a mischievous child.

His love for butter and Indian sweets, especially Ladoos is known by everyone. Legend has it that, there has not been a day in Gokul when Krishna hasn't tried to steal butter and ladoos with the help of his trusted and equally mischievous brother Balaram and friends, much to Yashodha's worry to answer to the cries of all the neighbors' whose pots have been emptied of butter. His childhood days were spent as a cowherd, playing his mesmerising music with his flute and playing pranks on the Gopis and the people of Gokul.

For beautiful posters of this little God, click here - Krishna Posters and Wallpapers

Moving Onto The Youth & Handsome Krishna

Krishna who was famous for his charisma, valour and strength was loved and admired by one and all. He married Rukmini, the princess of Vidarbha and daughter of Bheemshaka. But a more popular and sought after story would be the story of Radha and Krishna. Even though Krishna ended up having wives, the love of Radha and the Gopika's for Krishna is regarded as the most purest.

There are many stories to back this above sentence. Once Narada asked Krishna why he considered Radha's love more pure than his wife Rukmani's. To this Krishna answered , the love of Rukmini is as a wife, who loves and worships her husband, who expects the same love and which can be paid back by loving her. But Radha's love is selfless, that she does not expect anything back from Krishna but to have the chance to Love him for eternity. The love between Radha and Krishna is considered the most purest and many worship them and seek their blessings.

Krishna's Role In Mahabharat

Krishna and Mahabharata

This stage in history can be considered the most important of all. The entire encounter is made into a book called Mahabharata, which is the most read, sought after book in the history. Krishna moved to Hastinapur to live with the Pandavas and Kauravas. When the Pandavas and Kauravas fought for the Kingdom, Krishna was sent as a mediator and failed in bringing peace between the two parties. Eventually a war broke out between the two which lasted for 18 days. Krishna played his part as the Chariot rider to Arjuna. It is then, that Lord Krishna advocates Arjuna about the Nishkam Karma Yoga (selfless action) which is the sacred path to achieve the truth. This part alone, where Krishna advises Arjuna makes the heart of the holy book Bhagavad Gita. The battle of Kurukshetra between Pandavas and Kauravas was fought in about 3000 BC.

Well... that is a brief summarization of Lord Krishna's life. Now, if this has gained your interest and if you would want to continue your prayers for Lord Krishna, then click here for - Krishna Bhajan

To know the Puja Muhurat for Krishna Janmashtami, click here - Janmashtami Puja Muhurat

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