Friday, January 25, 2013

21 December 2012 & Mystery of Mayan

By Devesh Kumar Singh
“Shri Sadgurudeva Charan Kamaleybhayo Namah ||”

Since one year, whatever people said about Mayan Calendar and 21st December was carrying more lie than the truth.

Let’s see what the Kaalgyan and Astrology says about it (only according to my perception).

First of all, we will consider present Kaal Chakra – Saturn took transit in Libra on 4th of August 2012 and Saturn is Mahakaal. Now, where is the Saturn’s place of rest? It is in Third Eye Chakra. It means exactly at the center  Hence, Sun (Right Eye) on one side and Moon (Left Eye) at the other.Now, what is the best zodiac sign of Mahakaal? Guess, I have just told you. Well, it is Libra because Saturn is Mahakaal. Now, what is the symbol of Libra? It is the Weigher. And, how does it look, balancing both of the sides, right? Same is the picture shown for the sign Libra. Similarly, Agyachakra (Third Eye Chakra) is the pin of the scale that balances both of the eyes.

Second thing is the nature of Mahakaal. He walks in slow pace. The biggest thing is that he doesn't do anything in one go, everything is done by him quite gradually.

Third point, 21 December 2012 –

Let’s now do some Numerology:

21 – 12 – 2012 = 2+1+1+2+0+1+2 = 11 = 1+1 = (2)

21 – 12 – 12 = 2+1+1+2+1+2 = (9)

Only date, 21 = 2+1 = (3)

After calculation, we got these numbers = (2), (9) and (3).

Let’s now know about these numbers.

(2) – Number 2 is the significator of Moon, which means water resulting in tsunami or flood. Overall, disasters related to water.

(9) – Number 9 signifies Mars, means Earth and Fire resulting in Earthquake, Train Accident, Big Fire Casualty or landslide.

(3) – Number 3 is the significator of Jupiter, means sky resulting in aeroplane accidents, gas leakage and airborne diseases like swine flu.

Now, you all must be thinking, why only 21st date has been chosen? Here is the answer –

Every month of the year has been divided in the series of 10 days, which means 1 to 10, 11 to 20 and so on. And, this series was invented by keeping 10 Mahavidyas in mind. Next big thing is that there are only 3 series. These are 1 – 10, 11 – 20 and 21 – 30. 3 mean Trinity, the Brahma – Vishnu – Mahesh. Amongst these three Lords, Mahesh is the destructor and Mahakaal. As we consider trinity by number 3 and 3 numbers are specifically designated to them, these are 3 – 12 – 21; 3 for Brahma, 12 for Vishnu and 21 for Mahesh. These numbers also have a series. Didn’t you get yet? Let me tell you more about it.

Actually, Brahma – Vishnu – Mahesh are the three Lords known as trinity and there is a day dedicated to each of them in a month. And, in a month, there are only three numbers that make three according to Numerology. These are –


(12) = 1+2 = 3

(21) = 2+1 = 3

Now, you must have understood the glory of number 3.

Apart from this, series of ‘Kaalgyan Tantra’ and ‘Ank Tantra’ is quite long, I don’t consider it important to explain right now.

Now, another important aspect is that Mahakaal is posited on the top of the pin of scale (symbol of Libra). Here, Sun and Moon are posited on either side of the weigher. That means hot planet and cold planet on either side. Guess it is a very big hint of something. It also means East and West, which means hot countries and cold countries on either side. Hot is desert means Arab and cold is America. Now, what can happen in between these two countries, you can better judge by the present scenario. This time is running from 4th of August 2012 to 2nd of November 2014. But, this is also applicable on West as well as East India and on you too. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself because if you exist Earth exist, you do not exist Earth can also not exist. Therefore, South – West and North – East part of India will be mostly affected. And, the elements that might affect are mentioned above with the numbers (2), (9) and (3).

This Mahakaal year will end till 2nd of November. Keep performing Mahamrityunjaya Puja till then.

However, this time is going to bring some really good considerable beginning for India. In other words, a new India is going to emerge. It will be the beginning of a powerful India, which will become a grand guider in future. Before any new beginning, destruction has to take place, as Siddhi comes only after the elimination of sins.

With these words, I would like to cease this article here and dedicate it in the pious feet of Sadgurudeva.

“Twadiyam Vastu Bhagwatnikhilam, Tubhyamayo Samarpaye ||”


Unknown said...

feel good
think good
live good
let other to live as much as you wants to live.
[email protected]

Unknown said...

feel good
think good
live good
let other to live as much as you wants to live.
[email protected] said...

yes,,,sanath..leave as much as you can...but TIME and TIDE waits for its better to go for the mritunjay pooja....