Monday, October 1, 2018

October 2018 Monthly Horoscope

12 remedies and important predictions for 12 signs! Read October 2018 monthly horoscope predictions and know what eminent changes will occur in job, business, education, health and family life.

October month has begun! Just like every other time, AstroSage has brought important monthly horoscope predictions for our readers this month as well. You would get important predictions related to all 12 Zodiac signs and special remedies to avoid your problems. This month seems beneficial for the natives of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius. They would gain several benefits and immense success in the domains of education, career, business, health, family and marital life.

Furthermore, October also seems significant from religious and astrological point of view. A chain of festivals would also begin from this month. Among this auspicious events, Navratri and Dussehra are major events. Additionally, Mercury, Jupiter and Sun planet will transit in respective Zodiac signs this month.

Major Fasts, Festivals and Astrological Events in October

Now, take a look at following monthly horoscope predictions for the month of September:

Click here to know your Moon Sign: Moon sign Calculator


In this month, you will be able to receive monetary benefits after a lot of struggle. A large number of opportunities pertaining to success would come your way. While you’ll be able to achieve success in your working domain, there may be some...Read More


Some ongoing projects might be hampered during this month. There may be an increase in concerns related to your child. Problems may arise due to useless expenditures and hardships. However, there is a good possibility of...Read More


During this month, you’ll embrace new avenues of money acquisition. Your resources of materialistic comforts are likely to increase. There may be an increase in the count of opportunities to perform new tasks. In addition to this, there are a high possibility of...Read More


Trouble and delay in executing numerous financial schemes may lead to lots of mental stress. Being lazy may also make you prone to interruptions in your working domain. However, In addition to better prospects of money-making; your relations with relatives will get better. There is also a clear possibility of...Read More


Your interest in religious activities and social domain is likely to increase. Additionally, your respect and honour would also going to increase during this 1 month’s period. Works undertaken with self-confidence are possibly going to create excellent economic prospects. Also, relations with...Read More


Money might be spent on auspicious tasks, but opportunities for financial gain and progress will also get better. Work done with confidence can be successful. If there is a plan to expand an existing project, then it would...Read More


In addition to your respect and honour, a growth in economic gains is likely to take place in this month. There is also the possibility of solving a complex problem with the help of a loved one. Venus is transiting into its own Zodiac sign, which ensures success in works undertaken with self-confidence. Additionally, there may be...Read More


Progress of destiny might be affected by numerous obstacles. Due to your extreme temperamental nature, disruption in work may arise. Struggling in vain may cause mental stress. Conflicts may arise with your favoured friends and brothers. Relations might also get worse with close relatives, but...Read More


Getting indulged in different tasks would increase your struggling power this month. New business related plans will be created and its related benefits will also get available accordingly in time. There may be additional expenditure on...Read More

Get your Career and Business Report for current year: 2018 Career and Business Report


Your mind might get disturbed due to financial difficulties during this month. There may also arise fear of an injury during a journey. In the second half of October month, means of earning a sustained income are likely to exist with the support of your family members. With Mars being exalted during this month, there are...Read More


In this month, your sources of income are likely to increase. Any effort made physically might also become successful. Any auspicious and pleasant work may get completed in you family. As you are a person of reserved nature, therefore, you’re likely to...Read More


During this period of 31 days, your problems may arise due to spending more money in unnecessary projects. As a result, mental disturbance as well as stressful situations might become more intense. Works which are about to get completed might also get interrupted. Furthermore...Read More

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