Thursday, September 6, 2018

Saturn Direct in Sagittarius, Know Its Effects

Saturn progress will put your life in order! With Saturn direct in Sagittarius, certain changes will occur in your life. Read here to know what these changes might be, and the astrological significance of this major phenomenon.

Saturn is considered a malefic planet as per Vedic Astrology. Lord Shani is also known by the name of Karmphal Data, and maintain balance in the worlds by offering results to humans as per their deeds.

When Saturn aspects a person or influence him/her malefically, then obstacles, pains and sufferings occur in the life of that person. There are several mythological stories related to the wrath of Lord Shani like King Harishchandra, King Nal and Queen Damayanti, etc. These eminent people in ancient times have to face several pain and sufferings due to the malefic effects of Saturn planet. At the same time, if Saturn is favourable on a person, their life becomes blissful. As it is known that Lord Shani offers people the outcome of their good or bad deeds. Therefore, the only way to appease the God is to follow the path of righteousness and perform good Karma in life. Also serve the poor and miserable, and avoid lying and deceit.

In Vedic Astrology, Saturn transit is a significant phenomenon. This is because Saturn stays in a Zodiac sign for about 2.5 years. Currently, Saturn is transiting in Sagittarius. From April 18, 2018, it started its retrograde motion in this sign. But, from today, i.e. September 6, 2018 at 5:02 PM onwards, it will become direct in Sagittarius.

With Saturn’s retrograde motion, natives of all Zodiac signs were suffering from various problems. But now as the planet will be in progressive motion, all their pain and sufferings would come to an end. Also, Lord Shani is the significator of Karma and services, therefore he will influence the profession and business aspects of people’s lives.

Let’s take a look at how this direct motion of Saturn in Sagittarius would be for your professional domain as well as for your lives:

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This direct motion of Saturn (Lord Shani) may bring tremendous profits for the natives of Aries. With his blessings, your income would increase. Additional sources of earnings would also occur. Professional natives may get a promotion or an increment in salary. Problems from your opponents would also come to an end. If there are tensions in relationship with your family members, they would end as well.

REMEDY: Perform Lord Shiva Rudrabhishekam at home on Saturday.


Saturn direct will bring good luck for the natives of Taurus. During this progressive period, all problems and sufferings in your life would end. Success in job or business is likely. Additionally, sudden bigger profits in new job or business may occur. Also, benefits in education and love relationships are presaged.

REMEDY: Chant Mahamrityunjaya Mantra regularly.


For Gemini natives, this progressive motion of Saturn would offer mixed results. You would yield positive outcomes in your personal and professional life. Where your respect and fame would increase at workplace, differences of thoughts and disputes with your spouse would also come to an end. You might also hear some good news with the blessings of Lord Shani. However, increase in expenses may create problems for you in this period. 

REMEDY: Do recite King Dashrath created Neel Shani Stotra.

How to appease Lord Shani? Read Shani Puja and Remedies


This progressive period would bring peace to the natives of Cancer. If there is any legal dispute, it would end. You would dominate your opponents and would get successful as well. Obstacles in the education of students would also eliminate. If your children are suffering from any health issue, it would improve. However, you may suffer from an old disease during this period. Disputes with your spouse would also get resolved.

REMEDY: Donate a mustard oil filled bowl (Katora) after seeing your shadow in it.


Leo natives would gain benefits as well as attain auspicious results with Saturn direct in Sagittarius. Your income and fame would increase at workplace. However, keep a tab on your spendings, as increase in expenses may affect your budget. You may hear some good news from your children. At the same time, if you are suffering from some old disease, it would improve and your health would get better. There are chances of job change as well.

REMEDY: Donate black Sesame seeds or whole (Sabut) Urad Dal on Saturday.


Direct motion of Saturn will prove to be beneficial for the natives of Virgo. Materialistic comforts like property and vehicle might be attained with favourable influence of Lord Shani. Victory in court related matters is also presaged. Mixed results in Career domain might be experienced. If your mother’s health is not good for a while, it would get better in this duration. You will have to work hard to get success in all the important aspects of your life.

REMEDY: Regularly chant Shani Beej Mantra “ॐ Pram Preem Proum Sah Shanaischaraya Namah”.


With this progressive motion, Lord Shani blesses the natives of Libra with lots of happiness. Mental tensions will evaporate and you would find peace. Your courage would increase, and your decisions making ability would also improve. With less tensions in your life, you would make better decisions about important matters at hand. Long distance tours or higher education abroad are likely. Rise in income and control in expenses would make you happy. Problems related to younger siblings would also end.

REMEDY: Water and worship Shami tree on regular basis.


With the Lord’s blessings, Scorpio natives would get promotion and profits in business. If you are searching for a job, your search may yield you promising results this time. Efforts made earlier would also reap you rewards in this duration. Reduced mental tensions will help you perform well in every aspect of your life.

REMEDY: Help the poor and needy as much as possible.


Since Saturn is already transiting in Sagittarius, after its retrograde motion, now it is direct here. Therefore, this progressive motion would offer promising results to the natives of this sign. With the blessings of Lord Shani, all your problems would be uprooted, and mental tensions would also be eliminated. Happiness would grace your family life, and relationship with your spouse would also improve. This period of Saturn direct would be especially beneficial for your siblings. With Saturn’s influence, you would become more busy at work. You are advised not to be haste or careless in your activities.

REMEDY: Feed sugar and wheat flour to ants.


All problems in your life would end with Saturn direct in Sagittarius. You would progress at workplace and would also gain monetary benefits. You would also gain new sources of earning, additional to your income through job or business. Though this will add to your overall earnings, but expenses on materialistic comforts would also increase. Your enemy and opponents would not be able to overpower you. Long-held tasks would get finished this time. Chances of foreign trip is there. New status as well as fame would be achieved in the society.

REMEDY: Do recite King Dashrath created Neel Shani Stotra.


Direct motion of Saturn would offer optimum results to the natives of Aquarius. Your sources of income would increase. If you are searching for a new job, you would get successful. You would also get respect in your workplace. All your wishes and desires would come true with the blessings of Lord Shani.

REMEDY: On Saturday, wear best quality Sapphire (Neelam) gemstone during Shani Nakshatra and Shani Hora.


With the blessings of Lord Shani, your income would increase and your status at work would also grow. Professional people may get a promotion in this duration. Some lucky natives may also go on a foreign tour. However, pay attention to your mother’s health, as it may get affected during this period. Students would reap rewards for their hard work. Busy yourself, and try to avoid any kind of dispute.

REMEDY: Behave well with your colleagues, and clean the area around the main gate of some religious place.

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