Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Mercury Transits to Leo, Know Its Impact on Your Life

9 Zodiac signs get lucky, while 3 are out of luck! Read astrological predictions for Mercury transit in Leo and how it will influence the life of natives of all 12 signs.

Significator of wisdom, speech and intellectual, Planet Mercury has already transited in Leo sign on Sunday, September 2, 2018 at 09:16 PM. It will remain in this sign until 04:23 AM on Wednesday, September 19, 2018. As Leo is the ruling sign of Sun planet, therefore, Mercury will conjunct with Sun here. And Mars will aspect both these planets. These astrological phenomenon will influence the lives of all 12 Zodiac signs. The natives of Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius will find this period quite favourable and lucky for them. Additionally, this transit period would lead to a rise in the prices of Gold and Silver, and banking stocks will also see an upsurge in this duration.

Now, take a look at below astrological predictions to know what this transit has in store for the natives of all 12 signs.

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During this transit period, you would gain mental strength, and your intellect would also enhance. You might also...Read More


Your hard work would offer you favourable results in your professional life. Additionally, you might...Read More


During this transit period, your communication would strengthen and you would procure gains through it. However...Read More

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During the transit of Mercury in Leo, gains from abroad are presaged for the natives of Cancer. Furthermore...Read More


In this duration, you would get recognition in the society, and your social status would also get enhanced. This transit...Read More


You might go abroad or to a remote place for some professional reasons during this transit period...Read More

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During this transit period, your income would definitely increase, and if you are into any business, it would...Read More


You would focus on the diverse aspects of excelling at work. However, there may arise...Read More


This transit period would prove to be progressive for your life. Long journeys are predicted that would...Read More


During this transit period, there might arise some troubles in your life like...Read More


Unexpected events might occur in your life. Tiffs in marriage are likely. You need to...Read More


In this transit period, you may get indulged in some disputes or debates, but the outcome of the same...Read More

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