Wednesday, August 1, 2018

August 2018 Monthly Horoscope

Important predictions of August month are here! Read August 2018 monthly horoscope predictions to know what eminent changes will occur this month and whether your objectives will get fulfilled this time or not.

 Big Horoscope - Key To Your Bright Destiny

August month is beginning from today and it will offer different results for the natives of 12 Zodiac signs. It will be highly blissful for some people, while quite good to being normal for others. This month may also bring money gains, family happiness, business growth, success in education and blissful love life for the people of these signs. Furthermore, some astrological events may take place in this duration, as well as fasts and festivals will also be celebrated in the month of August.

Today on August 1, Venus is transiting in Virgo and is predicted to be highly generous for the natives of 9 Zodiac signs. At the same time, it will be aspected by planet Saturn. As a result, the prices of Silver, Wheat, Gram (Chana), Sugar and Woollen Cloth may see a straight rise. Stock market may also see a steep rise in the shares of IT sector. On August 11, third and the last Surya Grahan of the Year 2018 will also occur. However, this partial Solar Eclipse will not be visible in India. Now take a look at fasts and festivals this month:

Additionally, find out the dates for Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga that will occur on different days of this month. This Yoga is an auspicious opportunity for a person to fulfill his/her desires in the most splendid way possible.

Now, take a look at following monthly horoscope predictions for the month of August:

Click here to know your Moon Sign: Moon sign Calculator


This month, an appreciable eminence in the reputation of people belonging to Aries Zodiac sign will be seen. You’ll get the opportunity to develop new relations with important dignitaries in your field of interest. On financial front, you are likely to...Read More


Incidental expenses and rise in difficulties is predicted towards month end. Unnecessary hardships and anxiety will also be on rise. However, later part of the month would have things turning in your favour and...Read More


Initial days of the month expects you to work hard in order to achieve success. In this duration, financial transactions may result in troubles and excessive expenses. In the middle half of the month, you’ll feel inclined towards spiritualism and will notice...Read More

What Surprises awaits you with Venus Transit in Virgo?


This month, possibilities of disruption in your usual tasks are predicted. Domestic and economic complications may increase and harmony in family life might also get interrupted. Health concerns may arise, but probability of...Read More


You are courageous and brave in addition to being highly ambitious, and always make efforts to accomplish a higher status. Your attempts to hold a grip in administrative domain may become successful. But, you may have to face...Read More


You are a well-settled person and performs a task, only after giving it an in-depth analysis. This is the primary reason behind your success. This month your respect and honor will increase in the society. You may also feel inclined towards domestic activities, and...Read More


In this duration, you’ll be expected to work in accordance to your financial situation. As a native of this sign, you are required to strike the right balance in your life, whether personal or professional. Be careful as doing any work in haste wouldn’t help you. Also, attempts might get...Read More


You have an over-enthusiastic nature and love doing things with a whole lot of fun and excitement. However, your aggressive nature makes you prone to arguments with others. When angry, you tend to cause problems for yourself. Being stubborn also...Read More


There are signs of delay in making solid decisions pertaining to a particular task. Chances of gaining normal monetary benefits are also likely. Mental problems may increase as well during this month. Furthermore...Read More

Get your Career and Business Report for current year: 2018 Career and Business Report


Your honour and respect will increase throughout this month. You will also get opportunities to successfully execute new projects. If you’ve been provided with any specific task or responsibility in the past, you’ll be able to execute the same in this month. Additionally, all projects undertaken...Read More


You are a person of serious and altruistic instincts. You achieve success by devoting yourself to your work. With Saturn transiting in Sagittarius, there are higher chances of you to achieve success in such works that you have done with complete seriousness. Additionally, this month shows...Read More


In this duration, there are chances of unexpected expenses, but continuous efforts will play a vital role in gaining high-end economic benefits. However, lack in mental concentration may give birth to problems pertaining to strong decision-making. At the same time, the second half of the month would witness...Read More

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