Thursday, July 5, 2018

Venus Transit in Leo, Know Astrological Significance

Multiple gains for these 10 Zodiac signs! Venus is transiting in Leo, read here to know how this planetary transit will influence your life as well as the lives of the natives of other 12 signs.

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Venus is the main factor for life partner, family happiness, land and materialistic comforts. With its strong presence in Birth Chart, a person finds happiness in the form of life partner, blissful married life, vehicle, house and other worldly pleasures. However, the debilitated position of Venus in one’s Kundli arises problems in marriage and declination in all comforts.

Venus transit in Leo has taken place today, on July 5, 2018 at 2:38 AM and will remain in this sign till 12:41 PM on Wednesday, August 1, 2018. Now, take a look at how this transit will influence the lives of the natives of all Zodiac signs:

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Your love life would improve and there might be romance in the air. As a result, your relationship....Read More


This period would bring happiness in your domestic life as domestic harmony would prevail and you would....Read More


In this transit period, you would love to take risks and will become determined towards....Read More

To appease Planet Venus, Read: Venus Shanti Puja & Remedies


This period would bring you monetary gains. As a result, you would be able to accumulate....Read More


There might be a positive change in your persona, seeing which there might be a change in....Read More


During this period, your expenses would be on peak. As a result of this, you would get indulged....Read More


With this transit of Venus would bring success, achievements and gains in your life, and whatever....Read More


Your business would yield good results and there might be a prospects or source of some....Read More


During this transit period, your hard work would reap you good results and benefits, however you might have to....Read More

Know why Gemstones are important in Astrology? Read Gemstones & Astrology


During this period, you need to control your sensual activities as they might lead to health issues and if married....Read More


Venus would influence your personal life, while improving your relationships and will offer....Read More


With the transit of Venus in Leo, the natives of Pisces would feel extra energetic and this might lead to....Read More

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