Friday, September 15, 2017

Venus Transit in Leo, Know its Effects

Surprises packed inside this transit. Get to know the effects of Venus transit in Leo on you and all 12 zodiac signs. 


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The lord of pleasure, Venus will transit in Leo on 15th of September 2017. Venus is considered to be headed by females and is known as the planet of luxury and magnificence. The prime job of this planet is to bring worldly pleasures and familial happiness in one's’ life, and hence, this is going to be an important transit for everyone. Let’s see what changes is it bringing to us with this transit.

The predictions given below are based on your Moon Sign. To find out what your Moon Sign is, you can check out: Moon Sign Calculator


This transit will bring mixed results to you. Personal relations and financial condition will go good. You need to keep a tap on your health… Read More


Good times are approaching you in all aspects with this transit. Try to avoid arguments and aggression, else you may get yourself delved into trouble… Read More


You may show off your inner creative talent during this transit. Along with this, your social status will also reach new heights… Read More

Get your Kundali delivered at your doorstep: AstroSage Big Horoscope


Luxury is about to enter your life. You will find yourself lucky in financial matters and issues related to property. Your soft spoken nature will bring good results, but you need to get into that first… Read More


Hardwork always pays you back. And you will witness some good results of jobs done in past during this transit. Your positive attitude will add cherry to the cake… Read More


You will be enjoying during this transit. Your career will get a new direction for good. You may also go on a beneficial long trip.… Read More

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Venus will bring some positive results in your life. The time is to enjoy at the fullest. Your personal relations will get strengthen as well as success will also be in your court… Read More


You can think about your career during this transit as the time is favourable. You may also go on certain long and short trips. Your partner will support you in all phases of life. Try to control your emotions… Read More


This transit will bring positivity for you as well as your family members. You may go on long trips which will bring good results to you in professional terms… Read More

Get answers to all your love related queries: Love Analysis Report


You may not witness the utmost pleasure during this transit. Your health may dwindle, so keep a tap on that… Read More


Your marital life will blossom with this transit but try not to hurt your partner’s self respect. Your personality and image in the society will increase… Read More


This transit will bring good results for your career. Deal with your health carefully. Try not to demotivate your partner… Read More

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