Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Apple iPhone 8 Launched – Let’s Predict its Future

Apple iPhone is one of the leading smartphones available globally and doesn’t require any introduction. With timely updates, new models and latest technologies, Apple has introduced new iPhones almost every year. In lieu of that, Apple has introduced the first ever iPhone 8 on 12th September 2017 at 10:00 AM (pacific time) in Cupertino, California (10:30 P.M. in India). iPhones are bound to perform great, but what future it holds can now be predicted astrologically.

On the basis of iPhone 8’s launch time and place of launch, we have created an astrological chart for the same. Please note that this astrological prediction is jotted down by AstroGuru Mragaank and is based on Vedic Astrology.

Launch Date: 12.09.2017
Launch Time: 10:00 AM
Launch Place: Cupertino, California, USA

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  1. During the time of launch, Libra was rising in the chart of iPhone 8 whose Ascendant Lord Venus (significator of Gadgets) was placed in 10th house with Rahu. Venus is the significator of gadgets and Rahu signifies wireless systems. These two together will endow massive gains to the overall sales of this phone globally. Also, this phone will challenge existing technologies from Apple as well as its competitors. Connecting this to the real scenario, Apple may receive the iOS 11 along with a new set of processor chips. Also, it will receive an OLED bezel free screen where you won’t find any home button. A face detection system instead of Touch ID is also on charts. Rahu is known to respond beyond the limits, we may expect a wireless charging technology and other superior stuff loaded in this phone.
  2. The competitors, as always, will be biting dust with its launch as the planet of expansion, Jupiter; which is also the lord of 3rd and 6th house of efforts and competition; will make this phone almost unbeatable in the market. Normally it is seen that any Apple device creates a major hustle-bustle amongst its competitors and directly challenges their innovation to another extent. A similar picture may get canvassed here. 
  3. As far as the public support is concerned, the planet Sun is posited in 11th house in own sign and since it is conjoined with 7th and 2nd house, lord Mars, who is also the lord of public interest and achievements, have these two things already on its platter. Apple iPhone has a huge fan following and a super rigid reliability factor since the inception of the first generation device. Steve Jobs has managed hard enough to build a great foundation for the organisation and this phone will enjoy the same.

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Few Notable predictions as per Astrology.

  1. If we look at the sales graph as per the region, U.S. has always received the highest number of sales, although this time things may take a turn. There are chances that this phone will bring bigger sales from the rest of the world than U.S. Planet Mercury, which is the lord of 9th and 12th house and the planet of communication conjoining with planets Sun and Mars in the 11th house, is creating such scenarios. Apple iPhone 8 is expected to bring major number of sales from overseas, rather than the parent country. India, Canada, China, Japan, Middle east, European and other Asian countries are expected to witness high sales numbers. 
  2. Some ups and downs are also likely to happen during the career of this phone as the 10th Lord Moon is exalted in 8th house and is in interchange with 8th lord Venus. Probably, the phone may receive some updates to work in a much efficient manner. However, in overall terms, this phone will do great. 
  3. The iPhone 8 is also expected to have female owners more than male owners. This could be something new to the Apple’s portfolio. Expect some Hello Kitty or cute looking phone covers in the coming times.
  4. As this phone is expected to bag a big number on sales chart, it may receive a great impact from competitors as well. As per the iPhone 8’s astrological chart, this phone is expected to receive some really tough competition in the coming times. South Korean and Chinese giants must have buckled up to compensate against the losses they are about to witness from the launch of Apple iPhone 8. 
How Jupiter will bring good deeds with its transit?: Jupiter Transit in Libra 

We hope, our prediction on the coming flagship smartphone Apple iPhone 8 would have brought more clarity to your investment. We wish you all good times and a happy future!

Astrology Verdict by AstroGuru Mragaank

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