Thursday, August 24, 2017

Saturn Direct in Scorpio Tomorrow, Stay Calm

This movement will flourish you financially! Get to know the aftermath of Saturn direct in Scorpio. How will it affect on you in terms of profession, business, career, familial aspect, etc.


Ask KP System Astrologer

Price : Rs. 715
Sale Price : Rs. 455

Ask Lal Kitab Astrologer

Price : Rs. 715
Sale Price : Rs. 455

AstroSage Big Horoscope

Price : Rs. 1105
Sale Price : Rs. 650

Saturn will end its retrogation and get directed towards scorpio tomorrow on 25th of August 2017 at 5:19 P.M. It will remain posited in the same sign till 6:11 P.M. on Thursday, 26th October 2017, and will start transiting in the Sagittarius zodiac post that. Let us know how will this movement of Saturn affect all 12 zodiacs.

The son of Lord Sun, Shani is the lord of Karma. It is known for bringing balance in one's’ life. Saturn transits in a sign for almost 2 and a half years, hence it leaves the biggest impact on that particular zodiac compared to any other sign. 


Obstacles in business front will start depleting, and the path towards success will get clearer. Beware while taking decisions related to professional and personal life… Read More


The long awaited success will come to you. You may witness success in any legal matters charged against you. Keep a tap on your health… Read More


Official affairs and environment will get as per your desire. The efforts you did earlier will bring start bringing positive results, so keep doing hard work… Read More


You will try to spare your time for your children in this duration. The time is to give more attention towards your children… Read More


Your house will be filled with positivity and favourable circumstances. Hence, you may indulge into some house renovation or equivalent plans… Read More


Spirituality will get you in this particular period. Your siblings will be benefited from you in all terms… Read More


Your expenses may reduce, but still you need to keep an eye on the same. If you are living away from home, then you might get back to your native place… Read More


Your speech will get people impressed by you. You personality will get stronger while the egoistic behaviour will start vanishing… Read More


Spiritual and religious activities will get your interest and relax you. You will get indulged into altruistic activities. You need to be a bit cautious while doing transactions… Read More


Positive thinking will bring success in your life. Your family members will receive special attention from you during this duration… Read More


Complications and obstacles getting onto your path of success will be at bay. You will be enjoying the result of your hard work… Read More 


The time is favourable for students. The problems with your higher education will no more be troubling you... Read More

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