Monday, July 10, 2017

Weekly Horoscope, Sawan Month Begins Today

Know what lies ahead of you in this weekly horoscope? AstroSage brings before you everything you need to know about your weekly horoscope. So, prepare your body, mind and soul for the coming week with our precise and accurate astrological forecasts. Get apprised with the significance of the month of Sawan and the essence of Sawan Somvar (Monday) in observing the fast to please Lord Shiva. 

The below mentioned predictions are based on your Moon sign. Calculate yours through: Moon sign Calculator


As per the weekly predictions, harmony in your domestic life would be prevalent. The week would prove to be a phase with an upswing in love, bliss and peace. During this week, you would be pumped up with full determination. Siblings might face some health issues and your mother would support you in making essential decisions for your career. At your workplace, the females would extend their support towards you. Moreover, you might confront hurdles in your undertakings. In this time period, you need to work hard and put up your sincere efforts. However, ups and downs in your career is presaged. Any family function might take place and children might feel irritated. Obstacles in your education is foreseen, but on the contrary some gains are likely. In addition to it, you might experience gains through your spouse.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would fetch you mixed favourable results in love affairs. You might get an opportunity to go for outing with your partner. The starting of the week would be commendable. The mid of the week would be much better, but you need to behave in a sophisticated manner. The end of the week might be pretty unfavourable, but if you desire to go for outing, your desire might get fulfilled.


REMEDY: Take blessings from little girls and offer them white sweets.


In accordance with the weekly predictions, this week you would possess an appealing personality. However, arrogance and bitterness in your speech would persist. There are probable chances that you might stay away from your family or spouse. Moreover, mental distress would prevail and you would be showcasing a charitable approach for social causes. Long journeys are prevised. Though, children in this week would enjoy learning, but they might be having occasional health issues. Apart from it, you might procure gains through foreigners or foreign relations. Gains through government is also foreseen and a much long awaited promotion of yours is likely.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would fetch you blended results in love matters. If you are married, then you need to take care of your partner’s health and emotions. You also need to take care that your partner does not suspects you in any of the ways. The starting of the week might be a bit tedious for you, but in the middle and end of the week you would enjoy your life by maintaining an equilibrium between your work and love life. 


REMEDY: Donate Seven Cereals on Wednesday.


This week you might face several health issues and a period of mental distress is predicted. Moreover, your arrogance, anger, and rigidness would make you feel quite irritated. So, you need to control your anger, as it might affect various shades of your life. However, your domestic life would be pretty fine and blissful. Atmosphere at your workplace would also be fine and your actions would be pretty fruitful. You might fall ill for a long duration of time. No matter what the situations would be, you would work hard and you would also witness the legal matters falling in your favour. During this period, you would be able to repay your loans and debts. Increase in your expenses is presaged. This week would mark the period of low income and an improvement in your mother’s health. In addition to this, your father’s health might also get affected and your children might go abroad for studies.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week indicates that you need to be pretty cautious in your love affairs and probably it would yield you favourable results. You need to be sugar coated in your speech with your partner and its outcome would be in your favour. However, the starting of the week might be unfavourable for you, hence stay pretty refined. The middle of the week would give you average results, but you would gt opportunities for outings. The end of the week would prove to be quite promising for you. 


REMEDY: Donate jaggery and gram on Tuesday.


According to the weekly predictions, your intellect would enhance. However, new ideas would bring positive results in your business and career. Potential gains through females is presaged and you are advised to drive carefully in this week. Refrain yourself from eating coarse food in order to avoid food poisoning. This week would mark a period of enjoyment with your friends and loved ones. Moreover, your social circle would enhance and you would experience wealth gains. You might purchase new clothes or jewellery. Apart from this, you might receive rental income as well and you might get inclined towards religious activities. Travelling abroad on professional front is prevised and thus, there would be an increase in your expenditures.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: For love matters, this week would bring before you average results. You would get opportunities to meet your partner only after striving hard for it. If you are married, then do not discuss or talk about the misunderstandings deliberately in your bedroom. However, the starting of the week would yield you good results, but the middle of the week might prove to be disadvantageous for you. The end of the week would give you satisfactory results. 


REMEDY: Do meditation and worship Lord Hanuman.


As per the weekly predictions, huge or multiple gains is presaged. You would procure benefits through government and favours from your seniors at work. Moreover, your seniors would also support you at work. However, this week would bring about mental distress in you. Mother’s health might get affected this week. Any auspicious ceremony might take place in the family or an addition in your family is foreseen. As far as students are concerned, they would reap good results out of their hard work. Apart from this, children might feel irritated and they might suffer from health issues. Possibility of being away from home is predicted.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week might give you commendable results. You might get into soulful connection with anyone of your colleagues. However, there might be tiffs in the starting of the week, but in spite of all this your love would get more intensified. The mid of the week would be pretty favourable for the married people, but the end of the week asks you to be patient enough.


REMEDY: Donate Blue Flowers and blue clothes on Saturday.


According to the weekly predictions, you would focus on novice ideas of growth and development. In this time period, you would experience good gains and expansion in your business. Your health might improve this week and an upswing in your social status is prevised. During this period, there would be an increase in your intellect. Moreover, you might gain in authority at your workplace, but controversies or heated arguments might erupt at your workplace. You would enjoy long journeys which would be quite fruitful for you. As far as your career is concerned, your siblings would extend their support towards you. Long journeys on professional front are probable. Apart from it, children this week would flourish and your hard work would fetch you advantageous results.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would turn out to be less favourable as far as your love affairs are concerned. Keep yourself full of life and look at the brighter side of the horizon. If possible, do not get indulged in immoral deeds. In the starting of the week, you might like one of your classmate or colleague. There might be some tiffs with your partner in the middle of the week, but your love for each other would remain unmoved. The end of the week would bring about commendatory results, especially for the married couples the week would prove to be a silver lining. 


REMEDY: Recite Shri Vishnu Sahasranam Stotra everyday.


This week you might face some or the other health issues. You might get involved in sensual activities. This week would bring about a quality time for your in-laws. Enjoyment in full swings is presaged for you this week. Moreover, you would witness an upswing in your career and it is advised that you should maintain cordial relationships with females. Health issues or differences in opinions with your father is probable. However, you ideas at work would beget you fame, recognition and appreciation. Seniors at your workplace would also support you. This week would bring about potential monetary gains for you. Harmony in your domestic life is presaged. Children on the other hand might feel irritated and the students might lack in concentration as far as studies are concerned. But probably children would gain interest in mysteries.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would fetch you blended results in your love life. While talking to your partner, you need to keep in mind that you should not utter any such thing that might hurt your partner. The starting of the week would give you average results, but the mid of the week would be fantastic for you. The end of the week might be saturated with optimum results, but tiffs between you two is also probable. 


REMEDY: Worship Lord Ganesha and offer him Durva.


This week would bring about health issues for you and thus, fever, headache, etc are probable. You might go for undesired travel and excessive expenditures is presaged. Health issues to both your father and mother are probable. Moreover, this week you might lack in energy and enthusiasm. Sudden ups and downs in your career is foreseen and you might be a victim of any controversy as well. However, you would be able to repay all your debts and loans. Probable chances of any chronic disease are there. Children on the other hand would be fine and pay respect to their elders. Students would work hard and gain knowledge. On the whole, this week would bring forth average gain in wealth.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week seems to be pretty promising and happening for your love life. If you want to marry someone, then this week is the high time to keep your proposal. The starting of the week would offer you opportunities of entertainment and outings. Your mood might get turned off in the middle of the week due to which you would not be so inclined towards your love. But the end of the week might prove to be beneficial for you.


REMEDY: Donate mustard oil after seeing your face in it on Saturday.

To get your FREE Kundli, follow the link: Kundli Birth Chart


As peer the weekly predictions, your workplace would be your focal point. Your dedication towards your career and work would fetch you favourable results. Domestic life would be blissful and peaceful and troubles in business partnerships is presaged. However, you may get into arguments which might increase your aggression. In order to gain income you need to work really hard. This week would mark a period of increase in your enemies. Students would put up their sincere efforts and your expenditures would increase. Moreover, you might also plan for a foreign settlement.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week might prove to be be pretty splendid for your love life. However, some tiffs might persist in between. You need to make sure that arrogance does not comes in between your love. Refrain yourself from getting into arguments in the starting of the week. The mid of the week is pretty good, so just enjoy the time by spending quality time together. The end of the week would be pretty normal, but efforts laid to meet your partner might fall in your favour.


REMEDY: Worship Lord Sun and offer him Water in a copper vessel.


As per the weekly predictions, there would be an increase in your gains. Any long awaited business deal or any professional commitments would get fulfilled and thus, you would get monetary gains. You need to drive carefully, as chances of injury or accident are probable. Health issues are also prevised. There might be tiffs in domestic life which would make the situation quite tensed. Children on the other hand would be comfortable and the students would love to study. If you possess an artistic ability, then i would get enhanced and would beget you money. Moreover, you would supercede your opponents and you would register victory in your legal cases.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The end of the week would be pretty magnificent for your love affairs. If you want to marry the person whom you love, then this week brings you the perfect time to take an initial step. Specially, the starting of the week would be very favourable for taking an initiation. You can propose the person whom you want to. Your emotions and feelings would be valued. The mid of the week would give you average results, but the end of the week would prove to be very spiffing. 


REMEDY: Worship Lord Bhairava and offer him Imarti.


According to the weekly predictions, you would experience mental instability. Troubles in relationships are probable. However, you might buy a new vehicle or a new house. Hard work is required from you at your workplace and possibilities are there that you might get transferred or you look for a change in job. Children on the other hand would suffer with health issues and students might feel some stress or pressure. However, gains for you are foreseen and you might get inclined towards hidden or occult things. You would get inclined towards the spiritual values. Unanticipated gains and losses are predicted. In addition to it, you might also develop your hobby.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would yield you average results in your love matters. If you are in love with your colleague then be cautious enough, as there might be some people who do not appreciate your relation with your colleague. There might be some reasons that you might not be able to meet your partner in the starting days of the week. In the middle of the week, relationship would become quite emotional. Refrain yourself from proposing someone on social media. Relationship might be in full swings at the end of the week. 


REMEDY: Donate black sesame seeds.


This week would bring about a rise in your career like promotion. Tiffs in your domestic life is presaged and health issues to your mother is predicted. Moreover, you might have differences in opinions with her. This week you would spend over household or property related matters. This time period would prove to be commendatory for business partnerships. Children would be fine and students would enjoy their studies. You might become friends with new people and probability of going` for short enjoyable trips are prevised. Though, this week your income would be slightly low but gains through foreign land or people is predicted. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week seems to be very promising for your love life. The starting of the week would be pretty commendatory for you. During this time, your love life would be full of enthusiasm and energy. Not only this, if you want to propose someone , then take the decisions wisely according to the situations. The middle of the week would be pretty weak, but the end of the week would be quite better. 


REMEDY: Donate black urad.

To match your birth chart with that of your lover, follow the link and get it for FREE: Horoscope Kundli Matching

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