Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sun Transit in Aquarius

Sun is the bearer of life and light. The planet Sun represents the self: the personality that a person has and the air of ego that it carries. The unlikeness of an individual is what’s described by the movement and placement of the planet Sun in its horoscope. Sun also plays a pivotal role in determining the authority and influence of all the male relatives of the individual such as father, son and husband and so are his children. In a nutshell, the planet Sun decides what it would make an individual into. 

The planet Sun will be transiting into the sign Aquarius on the 12th of February. This transit would mark a number of changes for people belonging to different zodiacs. Let us know how this Sun transit would muddle through!

ARIES: The transit of the planet Sun in the sign Aquarius might bring your long awaited desire to the journey's end. This period is also predicted to be rewarding for your father. Financial gains to the spouse can also be expected in this period. Read more... 

TAURUS: The movement of the planet Sun into the sign Aquarius might bring dissatisfaction amongst family members. You also might get a little aggressive in this duration. Though, chances of a financial gain are also high. Read more... 

GEMINI: The transit of Sun in the sign Aquarius would be bitter-sweet for you. This period would give you long journeys and an increased interest in sacred activities. While being completely engrossed in your career during this period, keep an eye out for those who might backstab you. Read more... 

CANCER: The movement of the planet Sun in the sign Aquarius might be the bearer of health issues and financial losses for you. Your inclination towards spiritual activities might increase. Unplanned journeys might keep you on the go during this period. Read more... 

LEO: The transit of the planet Sun in the sign Aquarius would pump you with aggression. Your partner might also have to face minor health issues. You might gain recognition and glory at work. Try to avoid partnerships at work as they might not prove to be beneficial in the longer run. Read more... 

VIRGO: The movement of the planet in the sign Aquarius would bring long journeys for you during the transit period. Increased efforts and diligence towards work would lead to attainment of goals. Take one step at a time and keep negativity at bay. Read more... 

LIBRA: The transit of the planet Sun into the sign Aquarius is expected to open new avenues of professional success for you. Your income might also hike up. Though, your children's health might need attention during this transit period. Try to balance out your personal and professional life. Read more... 

SCORPIO: This period of transit of the planet Sun in the sign Aquarius would leave you hemming and hawing before taking any decision. You might get influenced and manipulated by others very quickly which would keep you indecisive over major issues. Try to keep yourself knuckled down. Read more... 

SAGITTARIUS: The transit of Sun in the sign Aquarius would brim you over with focus and determination. You would prioritise your work over everything. Short trips with family and friends is also on the cards. Glory and recognition in the society can be expected in the near future. Read more... 

CAPRICORN: The movement of the planet Sun in the sign Aquarius might herald sudden gains for you. Your performance at work would be your best so far. Though, look out for people who might slander behind your back and cause you defamation. Inclination towards spirituality might help you maintain your calm during this period. Read more... 

AQUARIUS: A devoted spouse at home and a compatible partner at work would make you ace through this transit period of the planet Sun in the sign Aquarius. You would find solace in solitariness. Your performance at work would reap appreciation. Slight hike in aggression is also expected during this period. Read more... 

PISCES: The transit on the planet Sun in the sign Aquarius would set your career on the right track and would provide it with momentum. Government employees might get a reason to rejoice during this transit period. The thought of taking a loan might cross your mind in this duration. Keep your ego at bay to avoid sour relationships. Read more... 

We at AstroSage, hope that this transit brings the best for you and helps you achieve what you truly deserve and desire. Let’s try to make the most of this auspicious period!

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