Monday, February 13, 2017

Horoscope Of The Week (Feb 13 to Feb 19)

The weekly predictions for the week of Love are here. Know how the Valentine Day week will be for you, through the astrology predictions of the Weekly Horoscope for the third week of February. Plan and win over your love!

ARIES: This week you might go on long trips and journeys. Going abroad would intrigue you, and you might consider taking up that offer. Expenses are expected to skyrocket in this duration. Take special precautions when it comes to expenditure. Students will have to face a little lashing, as time doesn’t look in their favor this week. Chances are that you’ll be in a state of dilemma and will act icky and confused. Some natives might think of changing their jobs, for better opportunities. You’ll indulge in sensual activities this week; keep tabs on your health and make sure that you stay away from shady stuff. Some minor tiffs with spouse can be expected. Issues with seniors might arise; professionally, things might become bleak for you. You won’t be able to gel with your seniors properly. Mother’s health might dwindle, but with proper care it’ll come back on track. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: Although, this week promises to give you average results in love life, you’ll move heaven and earth to meet your partner on the Valentine’s day. Keep in mind that you must keep your relationship under wraps, so as to keep it at bay from your enemies. Just the weekend looks mellow, but throughout the week you’ll have a gala time. 


Remedy: Worship Lord Shiva.

TAURUS: This week your earnings are presaged to increase. You’ll be focused and determined to increase the money inflow. The period is positive for love relations and affairs. For the single masses, the time bears good fortune. You’ll meet someone who’ll intrigue your interest. Some unexpected gains are possible from spouse’s side. Clashes at home are possible, which will hamper your peace of mind and you’ll have to take a back seat in numerous affairs. Your hard work might not give you desired results. Due to which you’ll have to work harder in order to reap the results of your toils. You’ll gain intellect and positivity in your life in this period. Parent’s health might decline; stay extra cautious. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week looks tremendous for love relations. Keep in mind that your partner doesn’t get mad at you. If you think that your partner is kidding with you, do not shy away from reciprocating the same. The week looks brilliant for you in love matters, so enjoy and create memories with your partner. 


Remedy: Worship Lord Shani

GEMINI: This week a sudden decline in health could hamper your day’s work. You’ll be in for a treat, as the stars play you for a fool. An increase in occultism and/ or hidden and mysterious things is indicated. This week younger siblings might have to suffer. Health of your father might decline. Eat healthy food, and abstain from junk foods and packed and frozen items. You are expected to implement gained knowledge and skills in your professional arena. At the familial front, things look a bit bumpy. You’ll be required to spend quality time with family and pay heed to all their needs. Professional associations with foreign lands would reap huge benefits. Your hard work in your vocation would reap you huge profits. An increase in determination but would feel highly impulsive.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: Although, this Valentine’s week looks swell for you, abstain from taking out your anger on your partner. Married couples are advised not to get mad at their partner and resolve each issue with love and care. Those in love with their colleagues will have a great time. The whole week looks promising for you. 


Remedy: On Wednesdays, float five coconuts in running water.

CANCER: This week you might go on long and beneficial journeys. The stars of your luck are on your side this week. You’ll be able to get your hands on things that you’ve been dreaming of. Siblings will be extra supportive. This week you might indulge in sacred activities. You would enjoy the company of your loved ones this week. Understanding issues and irksome nature might create some problems for you. The week looks great for students and educationists. Career will see new heights in this period. At the domestic front, harmony would prevail and you’ll be able to make the most of this time. Slight increase in aggression is presaged. This week your rivals might try to tarnish your image; Health will improve for the better and you’ll see bright new lights in your pale sky. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week looks great for you. You might get to spend your valentine's day on a vacation with your lover. Students might propose someone in their class or coaching centre.Although there isn't any risk involved, but you are advised to propose the love of your life with modesty. The beginning of the week might be dull, but as the week comes to an end you’ll feel the warmth of your love increasing. 


Remedy: Worship Lord Hanuman.

LEO: This week you might remain confused and in a state of restlessness. You’ll have problems concentrating, due to which some matters might slip out of your hands. Some sacred activity or religious ritual might take place at home this week. You will take your time in processing and understanding every little detail. Spouse might exhibit an egoistic behaviour and would like to dominate the relationship. Your influential nature will make you the belle of the ball, as everywhere you go all eyes will be on you. Due to over sensuality, you might have to face some health issues. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: Although this week looks promising for you, you are advised that you stay cautious in your life if you’re not serious about your relationship. If you’re pretty sure about spending the rest of your life with your lover, then time is in your favor. Overall, the whole week looks great for you. 


Remedy: Incorporate Surya Namaskar in your daily regimen

VIRGO: Your decision making prowess will make you land with good results. Due to your patient nature, you’ll be sorted and will take time in coming at conclusions.Marital bond will gain strength and love will be renewed. You would respect your spouse but your spouse might suffer from increased aggression. Your partner would like to have an upper hand always, in every situation, which might lead to some arguments. You would outshine your opponents in this duration. Love affairs will have a great time. Communication would improve in this duration. It’s advised that you express yourself properly in order to avoid misunderstandings. This period might give rise to expenses and you’ll have to keep tabs on them. Income would rise but despite of this you might have to face a money crunch due to over expenditure. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week looks pretty sweet for you. For those thinking about transforming their relationship into a nuptial bond will see the stars shining bright for them. Although you are advised to stay modest. The beginning of the week might be slow, but by the mid of the week everything will start taking shape. 


Remedy:  Feed black dogs regularly.

LIBRA: This week you might suffer from lethargy. You’ll procrastinate work and will have to be nudged in order to get benefits. You will have a hard time in taking advantage of opportunities. Ample of opportunities will knock at your door, but only with quick wit you could understand them. In this period you’ll have minor health issues but with proper precautions you’ll be able to lift them up. Professional trip to foreign lands might come up. Children might suffer from health issues. Students will find it hard to retain focus on studies. Minor health issues must not be taken lightly, as they might escalate into something big. Do not overlook any symptoms. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week looks bitter sweet for you. To make it sweet you’ll have to work on putting your ego aside to accommodate your partner’s wishes. Despite of the fact that you know you’re right, sometimes it’s better to keep mum and take the high road. The start of the week looks promising but the mid looks dull, and as the week comes to end, you’ll again be seen in high spirits. 


Remedy: Surprise your spouse with a present.

SCORPIO: This week you might have to face challenges at your vocation. You might face detachment from work in this duration, which might make matters worse for you. Your rivals could be planning to tarnish your image, so make sure that you do not give them any reason to complain about. Abstain from taking shortcuts; some clashes are probable. The time is highly auspicious for love affairs. Clashes in domestic life are high. Those looking to go for a love marriage, might get to do it this week. New beginnings in love relationships are indicated. Students might have to struggle harder to gain success. You might consider repaying an old loan.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: If you’ve been thinking of turning your relationship into a marital bond, then things might just take a turn for the fulfillment of your wish. You need to keep your emotions in check and your modesty intact. The beginning of the week would be great, your partner would be understanding. The mid of the week will be great, but you’ll have to work harder by the week end. 


Remedy: Consume sweets

SAGITTARIUS: This week might give a boost to your solitary attitude. You’ll be exceptionally good at work and will get the praises of all. Relationship with your father will be strenuous. You’ll have to cut him a slack, as all he thinks about is your benefit. Long journeys are on the card for you. Spouse might bring in gains in your life. This week those who’ve been thinking of getting a vehicle might just finally make up their mind. Property related tiffs are highly probable in this period. Marital life might feel unattractive and drab. But try to reignite the spark in your relationship. Siblings might suffer health issues. Domestic life will have mixed results.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would yield you good results in love life. If you’ve been planning to propose your partner at some romantic place, the plan might just actually work out for the both of you. The beginning of the week might turn out to be great for those who’re in love with their colleagues. The mid of the week will be great, but the weekend could turn a little towards dull.


Remedy: Apply Kesar Tilak on your forehead.

CAPRICORN: A sharp decline in health and steep rise in mental agony is indicated. Loss of wealth is predicted for you. You’ll have to keep a close eye on your expenses. You would gain the support of luck gradually which would lead you to professional gains. Intellect would improve your will and would pave the way for future success. Harshness in speech could create troubles in your relationships, so abstain from doing anything or saying anything that you wouldn’t like to hear. This week you would like to spend time on your own in solidarity. A pilgrimage is also a probability. Would gain support and blessings from the elderly. An increase in valor is expected. You would have an upper hand over your rivals and will outshine them. Those associated with sports, restaurant, travel, management and marketing would benefit in this period. Beginning of new relationships is on the cards for some. Exercise restraint and value your love relationship to make it last longer. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week looks great for you in love related matters. Although you’ll have to keep a strict eye on your stubborn habits. If you’re in love with a colleague or a neighbour, then chances are that you’ll get great results. The first day of the week looks meek and dull, so refrain from confessing your love on that day. The mid looks dull but by the weekend you’ll get pleasant surprises that’ll brighten your mood. 


Remedy : Wear the roots of Dhatura plant.

AQUARIUS: This week would yield mixed results in general. Your focus would be on increasing your income and accumulating wealth. An increased income might lead to increased expenses which might trouble you mentally. This would make your suffer from stress and anxiety. Marital life would be less satisfying and dull. You’ll need to work a little magic to make it come to life again. Children might suffer from health issues. Students aspiring to go abroad for higher education would succeed in this duration. Exam results would be favourable. A sacred ceremony at home can be expected. You would feel highly inclined towards spirituality. A the familial front, everything will be peachy and perfect. You’ll have a great bonding with everyone. Some benefits from property related matters are expected. Love life would remain pleasant. Your hard work and diligence would yield good results.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: For those who’ve their partner living away from them, the week looks great. Meeting them would be a piece of cake for you. But for the others the time could prove to be challenging. Those finding love on social media or internet would find this week to be great for them. The weekend looks great for you. 


Remedy: Worship Radha- Krishna and distribute sweetmeats amongst the needy.

PISCES: This week you’ll receive the support of your spouse. They’ll be happy to help you in every way possible. Some monetary gains are possible. You’ll work exceptionally hard in professional arena, that’ll yield you great results. You’ll find peace in giving most of the time at work. This week you will spare quality time to interact with people and develop relations. Siblings will be supportive of you. Love life will have some issues, but with proper care you could throw them off guard. Children might suffer from health issues in this period. Students will find it difficult to focus in academics. Increase in expenses is indicated. Your health might fluctuate in this period.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: If you’re thinking about spending your whole life with your partner, then the week looks amazing for you. Your Valentine’s day would be great if you’re serious about your relationship, but if you’re just passing time then the week looks bleak. The mid of the week requires you to be cautious and the weekend would be great in love matters. 


Remedy: Offer water to Shivling and meditate right in front of it

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