Thursday, January 26, 2017

Saturn Transit in Sagittarius Today

Know how the Saturn transit will fare for you! Saturn, being a master and an authoritarian planet, will be bringing-in significant changes in the lives of many with its transit in Sagittarius sign on the 26th of January, 2017. Further, it will become retrograde on the 06th of April, 2017 and will remain so till the 25th of August. On the 21st of June, Saturn will again be moving back to the sign Scorpio and will again set foot in the sign Sagittarius on the 26th of October this year. Let us know what this transit has for folks belonging to different zodiacs!

Aries- The transit of Saturn in your ninth house might affect the momentum of your career growth and might urge you to work harder to reach your goals and fulfil your aspirations. Keep a tab on your aggressive and finicky attitude. Read more..

Taurus- Movement of Saturn in your eighth house this year will test your will patience and knack for hard work. Pull up your socks and be prepared for some hard work and a combat against time and luck. Read more..

Gemini- This Saturn transit will be a bitter-sweet period for you. Your legal disputes are expected to settle in your favour, however, you might remain preoccupied by a sudden drop in your mother’s health during this period. Maintain your calm and prioritise situations and work as per their urgency. Read more..

Cancer- Saturn will be making a move towards your sixth house this year indicating family issues and irritated relation with your partner. Health issues to you and your children are also foreseen during this period. Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Read more..

Leo- The planet Saturn will be transiting in your fifth house indicating towards a blissful love relation in this period. A hike in salary and better professional opportunities is on the cards for some. A financial crunch can also be expected round the corner. Consider a better financial management and tone down your expenses this year. Read more..

Virgo- Saturn is expected to move to your fourth house pointing towards increased chances of relocation. You might have to go that extra mile to maintain your mental peace in this duration of transit. Do not sideline your health during this period as this might turn into bigger problems. Read more..

Libra- This year, Saturn will be transiting in your third house. This movement of the yog-karak planet will induce you with diligence and determination. The urge to establish and maintain a mental balance and acquire level of spirituality will keep you motivated during this period. Read more..

Scorpio- Saturn will be making a move to your second house which might hamper your family relations during this period. Your hard work is expected to bear fruits in this period. Also, fresh professional opportunities are on the cards during this transit period. Read more..

Sagittarius- This year, Saturn will be moving to your Ascendant house giving you restless mind and an easily irritable attitude. You might also suffer from minor health issues during this period. However, this transit period might prove to be rewarding for your siblings. Read more..

Capricorn- During this transit period, Saturn will be moving to your twelfth house indicating a financial loss for some. Keep a tab on your expenses as your lavish lifestyle might bring you trouble this year. Professional success from foreign lands is also on the cards for some. Read more..

Aquarius- This Saturn transit will place the planet Saturn in your eleventh house. This movement of the planet might give a boost to your determination and commitment towards your work. You will enjoy the pink of your health in this period. Try to abstain from getting anxious unnecessarily. Read more..

Pisces- The planet Saturn will be moving to your tenth house this year indicating towards a hike in your expenses. The health of your mother might need extra care and attention during this transit period. Misunderstanding might crop up in your love relation. Handle such situations while maintaining your calm and composure. Read more..

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