Sunday, January 29, 2017

Horoscope Of The Week (Jan 30 to Feb 05)

Yearning to know your weekly prediction? AstroSage brings to you your Weekly Horoscope from 30th of January to 05h of February is here to help you ace through this week. Acquaint yourself with what the upcoming week might have in store for you!


This week might bring prolonged bliss and contentment, as the Arians might plan a long pleasant trip. Excessive expenditure on comforts and luxuries is also a possibility this week. Those belonging to the sign Aries might suffer from mental agony, katzenjammer, tensions and stress in this duration. Though, they would enjoy glory and reputation at workplace this week. You might have to work harder to achieve your goals. Your seniors will be supportive of you in your endeavours throughout. Multiple opportunities to earn more will knock at your door during this period. Keep a tab on your sensual endeavours. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: Though, this week is expected to bring good results for your love relationship, minor irrelevant stress might cause some trouble in the paradise for you. The onset of the week is predicted to be quite eventful. The mid of the week might seem a little colourless but the weekend would be delightful and satisfying. Try to exercise control over your emotions to keep the blissful period going.


REMEDY: Offer 4 bananas to Lord Hanuman on Tuesday. 


This week would prove to be quite positive for love matters of the Taurians. You might plan a trip or a social gathering during this week. You might find yourself mentally drifted and your energy would seem to be muddled and dispersed. Your seniors at work might behave in an icky and weird way. You will have to work harder this week to meet your goals. You would spend great time with lover. Your partner is predicted to benefit you financially during this period. You would have to go an extra mile to maintain a harmonious environment at home. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: Your controlled and caring attitude might prove to be a bonus this week. Though, this week is predicted to be quite pleasant for your love relation, paying heed to what your partner expects of you might just make it better. Try to establish an equilibrium between your personal and professional life during this period. The mid of the week might prove to be quite satisfying. The end of the week might be a little drab hence, refrain from getting emotional unnecessarily and behaving unexpectedly.


REMEDY: Light a mustard oil lamp beneath a Peepal tree.


Those belonging to the sign Gemini are expected to have high determination and inclination towards their work this week. Though, slight mental stress might bother you during this period. Abstain from indulging in a fight with a colleague at work. Also, refrain from boasting about your achievements. Minor tiffs with partner this week might keep you distracted. Though, your devotion and loyalty will not be doubted upon. Your luck will favor you throughout. You might go for vacations during this period. Your authority at work and your income would increase in this duration.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would prove to be truly blissful and engrossing for those in love. Those in a love relationship with their colleague might be able to make the most of this week. Try to imbue spirituality in your love relationship during the onset of the week as this might give you wonderful results. The middle of the week might feel considerably pleasant while the weekend would be as per your expectations. 


REMEDY: Worship Lord Ganesha regularly.


Cancerians might plan vacations this week. At the beginning of the week, you might feel gloomy but try not to be in complete solitude. Abstain from indulging in any kind of confrontations or arguments as it might escalate into bigger issues. You would want to spend some cosy time with your partner this week. Minor health issues are possible in this duration. Maintain cordial relations with everyone to retain at home. Try to maintain a balance between your personal and professional life this week. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week might urge you to remain balanced and exercise acute control over your desires. Try to obtain the middle path maintaining your excitement levels to a normal. Practice restraint, especially during the onset of the week. Try to turn towards spirituality during the middle of the week. Weekend seems to be brimming with love and compassion towards each other. Try to straighten out your older issues during this period. 


REMEDY: Meditate regularly.


This week, try to maintain cordial relations with your partner. You might have to focus more on your personal and professional life in order to get desired results. You would annihilate your opponents in this period. Your health might need attention this week. Try to communicate your feelings to your lover so that misunderstandings do not breathe in. Keep your feelings in check otherwise your image might get tarnished this week. You would employ new ideas to get income benefits. Students might have to work harder this week.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would be pleasant for you. Albeit, married couples would be able to make the most of it. Try to bear with your partner during the beginning of the week as they might undergo mood swings and feel easily irritable. Keep a tab on your sexual desires during the middle of the week as this might not turn out the way you want it to. The weekend seems to be satisfying for you as you might plan a short trip or a pilgrimage with your love partner.


REMEDY: Recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly. 


This week is predicted to bring in a blissful time for your marital life. Your kids might get mischievous during this period. They might get a little aggressive too. Keep your tongue tied to avoid disrupted relationships. You might indulge in unnecessary arguments. With your quick wit, you would be able to handle different situations efficiently. You might consider a change of place during this period. You would be determined and focussed on work this week, churning out great results at work. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week is expected to bring in mixed results for your love relationship. Though, you would expect much more during this period. Try to avoid redundant quarrels with your love partner. The onset of the week might imbue slight irritation in your relationship. But the middle of the week is expected to be pleasant. Exercise restrain during the weekend. 


REMEDY: Feed green fodder to cows daily.


Librans might indulge in small arguments with their partner during this week. You might find yourself to be detached from love affairs during this period. You might feel lethargic during this period and might consider going for small trips to keep yourself fresh and rejuvenated. You might shell out on a pilgrimage in this duration. You are expected to outshine your rivals and come up with new plans to accumulate wealth this week. Chances of you contracting a disease in this duration are pretty high hence, exercise caution. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week is predicted to be pleasing and delightful for your love relationship. Try to balance out your choices and decisions and do not be hasty during this period. Abstain from unnecessary stubbornness. You might feel inclined towards a peer or colleague during the beginning of the week. Slight squabble is a possibility during the mid of the week. The weekend might give mixed results. 


REMEDY: Offer kheer to Goddess Durga on Fridays. 


Scorpions are predicted to be completely focused on love and on keeping their relationship intact this week. You would be highly determined to go for a love marriage during this period. Though, avoid making hasty decisions as they might turn out to be detrimental later on. Your income would rise in this duration. A peaceful marital life is on the cards too. Albeit, there might be lack of contentment in familial issues. You are expected to remain focused and thoroughly determined this week.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: In general, this week would be quite pleasant for you love relation. Though, you might miss the essence of your love bond due to some stress or by being way too occupied in other things. You might feel a little drab and influenced during this period. The middle of the week might seem to be better. You can expect the weekend to be quite blissful. Minor tiffs and passion will keep your bond alive during this period.


REMEDY: Feed a brahman on Thursday. 


Those belonging to the sign Sagittarius might show earnest commitment towards their work this week. You might also plan long trips too. An argument with younger siblings will be a possibility during this week. Your kids might have a hard time concentrating on their studies. Your life partner would be supportive of you in your tough time. Do not pay heed to irrelevant tiffs at home. Keep a check on your tone, though. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week might not be very well for your love relation. Try to maintain your love bond lively and fresh this week. You might want to plan a date with your beloved during this period to avoid the rants. The onset of the week might bring you closer to your partner as you would come up with new ways to keep them entertained. The mid of the week is predicted to be quite pleasant. Though, the end of the week might not be as per your expectations.


REMEDY: Donate iron on Saturdays. 


Those of the sign Capricorn might indulge in making new relationships in this duration. Rejuvenating travel is on the cards for you. Disturbances in the family environment due to avoidable situations might occur. You’ll be lured towards spirituality during this period. Your expenses would increase too. Your partner might get glory as they might get an appreciable achievement in this period. Your health would need your acute attention. Do not be overconfident in this period. Financial gains from foreign sources would keep you motivated this week. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: Try to maintain the trust and transparency in your love relationship this week. Also keep a tab on your sensuality and exercise restrain during this period. Refrain from smutty talks during the onset of the week. The mid of the week seems to be pleasant. The weekend will give you enough chances to spend quality time together and have fun.


REMEDY: Distribute candies amongst little girls on Fridays. 


Aquarians might have a gloomy start this week. Sudden gains are probable. New opportunities would knock at your door giving you space for professional growth. If you’ve been thinking about selling a property, the time would be in your favour this week. Try to make the most of it. Prosperous ceremony might take place at home to celebrate a happy and auspicious event. Wealth would increase during this period. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: You can expect this week to be pretty satisfying and worthwhile for your love relationship. Try to maintain your emotional balance during the beginning of the week. Do not go overboard with sentimental and impassioned self. You might plan a date during the middle of the week with your beloved. A small trip or a movie date would be a good idea. The weekend might urge you to meet your love interest at a safe place to spend some cosy time together.


REMEDY: Feed chapati to street dogs, daily. 


Partnerships might get good results this week for those belonging to the sign Pisces. Those aspiring to pursue foreign studies might get great results during this period. Keep a tab on your wishlist this week. You are predicted to achieve success through toils. You might have a brilliant time with your spouse in this duration. Though, this week might not be a great time for those in love relations. You will be thoroughly engrossed in your work this week. A favorable time can be expected for all those who’ve been desirous of a promotion or a salary hike during this week. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week is predicted to fare quite well for your love relation. Though, the onset of the week might not be as per your expectations. You might not get enough opportunities to meet your beloved but the middle of the week can be expected to get better. You would be able to get back the old passion and tenderness in your relationship. You might plan a date with your beloved to spend some quality time together. The end of the week would come with new energy and entertainment in your relationship.


REMEDY: Put a flag at a Hanuman Temple. 

We at AstroSage, hope that this week would contribute massively towards your career and your personal life. We hope that you make the most of all the opportunities that come your way this week!

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