Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Venus Transit In Sagittarius - Know It’s Effect On You

Venus transited in Sagittarius on November 07(11:57am) & will embark upon to its next haven on 02 December 2016 (06:42pm). Believe this or not, but this transit will influence all of us, for certain. Who knows, maybe a new love pops up in your life or something very astonishing happens in your professional life. Let’s take a quick peep into our awe-inspiring and optimistic future.

Venus transited in Sagittarius

The effects on the various zodiacs are as follows:


Avoid futile travelling, bickering. Some problems might crop up in your married life. Read More


Try to act in a frugal way this time around. Beware of your adversaries. Read More


Try to gel in with your partner and spend some quality time with family. You have to be considerate and take special care of your health. Read More


The door to happiness leads you through family, spend some time with them. Be very watchful regarding financial matters. Read More


Speak gingerly especially about your relationship. Your professional life might go a little berserk. Read More


A propitious event might happen at home. Try not to trigger any discussion at home to avoid any fracas. Read More


Avoid erroneous ways to make money and hold the meaningless travelling for some time. You are advised to be Exuberant. Read More


Prioritise yours as well as your partner’s health. Plan about starting a family prudently so that you don’t lament later. Read More


You have to be clear in your actions or you might just end up burning your fingers. Being rational and persevering will help you take on everything. Read More


Redundant expenses might roll in and professional life could also go through a trouble spell. Read More


Everyday activities might take a backseat for a while. Work diligently to earn goodwill in life, instead of looking for shortcuts. Read More


Lead a simple life for a few days. Your professional life could go all downhill. Read More

These are the things to watch out for, once Venus transits in Sagittarius on November 07, this year.

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