Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Mercury Transit In Scorpio - Know It’s Effect On You

Mercury will transit in Scorpio on November 09, 2016. This planet of intellect will reside here till December 26, 2016 and will bring drastic changes for everyone. To know what these changes are, go through our exhilarating horoscope.


Think twice before shooting your mouth off. It is advised to push back the date of a legal matter, otherwise losses are possible. Read more


It's time to give a fresh start to your love relationship. You will spend a fortune on your spouse. Read more


Health could drive you up the wall as cold, cough or problem in throat will mask you all over. Read more


You may feel disgruntled in love relationships, wastage of time and thoughts could also occur. Luck will not favour much, but you will keep on marching with aplomb. Read more


Your business will progress and you will get desirable results in service. Time is really good for businessmen, it will rain Benjamins for businessmen. Read more


You will get benefits from debates and consultations, time is really great for students. Read more


Lord of the ninth house has come to your second house and this is very auspicious for you. Read more


You could suffer from losses so be very mindful. Pay attention on your diet. Read more


Some work related travel is possible. Stoppages and setbacks may crop up at work, which will create stress. Read more


It’s the perfect opportunity for a job switch. Maintain healthy relations with your friends and make the best of their vibes. Read more


Mercury is a felicitous planet for you and Capricorns. Though it becomes the lord of eighth house in Aquarius, but number of its ominous results are very whimsical. Read more


Mercury in ninth house will give providential results. You should definitely plan some trips to make the most of this time. Read more

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