Sunday, August 14, 2016

Weekly Horoscope 2016 (Aug 15 - 21)

Do you want to know what the upcoming week is holding for you? Do you want to unfold the mystery of coming seven days? If yes, read these exclusive predictions for this week. These predictions are made by our expert astrologers.

Know the future of your upcoming week with weekly horoscope.

Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator


This week, the results will be dependent on your hard work. Great performance is expected by you at workplace. Your seniors will appreciate and also provide a great support. Some unwanted news might be heard from relatives. Disputes are possible in the family. Therefore, avoid anger. The week is very beautiful, so make the best plans. 

Love Predictions: This week won’t be able to give you something exclusive in love life. You will have to put some good efforts to make the things favorable. Hence, mixed situations are possible. Things will stay quite simple initially. Weekend will also give you mixed results.

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid being rude with anyone.

Love Rating: 2.5/5


Taureans who are single, you might hear wedding bell soon. This week, you will have love, work, and family time. You will observe that new relationships are blossoming. Marriage proposals will come for singles. It is recommended to drive safe. Also, stay away from electrical appliances and fire. 

Love Predictions: This week, you will get mixed results in love matters. Mind may stay a bit unstable due to some familial stress. Especially, in the initial days, you will have to behave sober. Mid of the week is good, but you may have the stress of work. Weekend is positive; things will be even better if you are in love with a classmate or a colleague. 

Remedy/Treatment: Be careful on roads. 

Love Rating: 3/5


This week has arrived for you Geminis giving desired outcomes. You will be purely contended towards your work and efficiency of doing task will increase. A good support from parents will be there. If you were planning for an outing for a long time. The time is good, so pack your bags. You might go on a business trip this week. Expenditures are likely to increase on luxurious items. 

Love Predictions: In general, this week will give you good results. If you are flirting with someone, this one may take you seriously. Starting of the week may stay quite good. But, it will be good to stay sober in the mid. Chances are there that the weekend will be of mixed results. If you fell in love with a colleague and tried to strike a perfect balance between love & work, things will become even more beautiful.

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid the wastage of money.

Love Rating: 3.5/5


This week, hard work is very important to achieve the desired results. Healthwise, you will remain fit and if suffering from chronic disease, the chances of recovery are there. For job seekers, time is favorable to switch off. People will appreciate you for your work and enemies will face defeat. Lastly, your intelligence and good humour will be maintained. 

Love Predictions: This week may give mixed results in love matters. You may stay just too emotional during this time. Try not to do anything indecent being emotional. Starting will be good, but don’t make a mess on small things. Mid of the week is good. Weekend is a bit weak, so behave nice and visit a religious place.

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Lord Hanuman.

Love Rating: 3/5


Lions, health issues are possible this week, but nothing major is expected. So, take care of yourself. To gain mental peace, you are advised to go on a pilgrimage. Also, it is recommended to put a delay on legal matters as time is not favorable. Do not let any new issues reach to the court, otherwise it is possible that losses can be faced. So, try resolving them outside.

Love Predictions: Due to sad mood or sickness, you won’t feel much interested in love and romance, but if you could control your health and mood then things might become interesting. Especially, things will become really good in the starting days. Also, there are chances that the mid of the week will be good, but weekend might stay a bit ordinary.

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid disputes with anyone on the road.

Love Rating: 3/5


You will be busy indulging in meetings and with the social circle. At your place, some auspicious happenings might occur. The new friends will make entry in your life. Your sense of humor and intelligence will do wonders in this time. You are recommended to avoid getting into brawls and have control over your anger. Otherwise, your reputation might get down. 

Love Predictions: In general, the week will be quite good for the love matters. If you are thinking about initiating the talks of marriage, the week will give even better results. In case you have plans to meet in isolation, starting days will be good. Mid of the week is also good, so if you want to propose someone, just do it in this time. Weekend is also positive, but some lovely tiffs are possible. 

Remedy/Treatment: Keep a control on anger and avoid disputes.

Fortune Star: 4.5/5


Librans, this week is going to be just ordinary. You might go on a planned outing with your friends. This week might bring some difficult situations in monetary terms. It is recommended to put a pause on major decisions for a while. Also, do not think or plan about the expansion of business for sometime. 

Love Predictions: This week may stay mixed for the love matters. Situations may stay like either you won’t be able to meet much or there will be some tiffs. Starting of the week is good. In this time, you will get an opportunity to travel somewhere or watch a movie together. There might be some stress in the mid of the week, but weekend is positive.

Remedy/Treatment: Offer water to Shiva Lingam.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5


Your luck is very strong this time. Success shall kiss your feet this week in terms of business and at workplace. Students’ desired wishes will come true. This time is good for the competitions, so go on. A full support will be gained from parents, which will result in happy moments. This week, guests might knock your doors, so spend an enjoyable time. 

Love Predictions: This week will stay mixed for the love matters. Love is possible with a colleague, but this entire week you will have to stay sober because defamation is possible. Try to keep control over your speech in the starting days. Don’t use harsh words on phone as well. You may meet by the mid of the week, but beware of the neighbors. Weekend may just stay normal.

Remedy/Treatment: Chant Hanuman Chalisa regularly.

Love Rating: 3/5


Your courageous attitude will go up this week. You will be able to make solutions quickly. Also, you will be able to defeat your enemies. This week your personality will grab a lot of appreciation. All tasks will be finished on their due time. A support will be received from siblings and close friends. You might go on a foreign trip. 

Love Predictions: In general, this week will stay mixed for the love matters, but your libido may stay high during this time. It will be better to keep your feelings under control and then make your relationship better. Starting of the week may stay quite emotional. Even in the mid of the week, a lot of positivity is possible. Weekend will give your mixed results, but you may meet the love of your life.

Remedy/Treatment: Take care of your essentials while travelling.

Love Rating: 3/5


The week is very favorable in monetary terms. You might also get some financial help. Businessmen are likely to gain profits. Whereas, in love life, some ups and downs might be seemed. But, with a little delay, it will soon get over. Money will be spent on fashionable items. Lastly, pilgrimage is foreseen. So, you are advised to maintain good behavior with everyone.

Love Predictions: This week will give you good results, but it will be good to keep a control over your libido and anger. You may have to stay a bit far from your lover in the starting of the week. Mid of the week is good. Sit somewhere together and have some lovely talks. Weekend will give you mixed results. To make it better, watch a movie or some entertainment together.

Remedy/Treatment: Avoid being rude with anyone.

Love Rating: 4/5


This week has arrived with favorable outcomes at workplace. Even if it's not, then you are recommended to always choose the right path. Talking about health issues, problems like stomachache, headache might make you suffer. Help will be received from subordinates and servants. You are advised to save money for future.

Love Predictions: In general, this week will give you good results. Married people will get even better results. Time is also good to talk about love. Especially, starting of the week is going to be really good. Relations might stay quite emotional. But, mid is quite weak. However, you will get enough opportunity to spend time with your lover at the weekend.

Remedy/Treatment: Worship Maa Lakshmi.

Love Rating: 4/5


This week is going to be of fun as you might go on an outing with family & friends. Your reading and writing skills will improve. Those who are studying will get desired results. If you are going for some competitions, there are chances to win. Financial help and support will be received from the in-laws. Take care of every relation at home. 

Love Predictions: The week will give you good results generally, but you will have to keep your ego aside. Beginning of the week is quite good, but you will have to strike a balance between love and work. Mid of the week might stay a bit week. You will stay emotional at the weekend. Your partner will take care of your feelings.

Remedy/Treatment: Try to maintain a balance between work and family.

Love Rating: 3.5/5

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra.

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