Saturday, August 13, 2016

Saturn Direct In Scorpio (August 13, 2016) - Know Effects On You

Saturn is getting direct in Scorpio on August 13, 2016. Read this horoscope by Pt. Hanumman Mishra to know how this change in Saturn’s position will change your life.

Now, let’s know the impacts of Saturn direct in Scorpio in 2016.


Some tensions are possible in your profession, be it job or business. Although, there are likely to be delays in your life, you will surely get deserved outputs of your efforts. You will be focused and determined to your aim. In response to your constant efforts, Lord Saturn is likely to favor you. You will gain favors from the government and other social organizations. Read More...


A rise in your income is foreseen. However, be careful of high expenditures, as sudden expenses may make you suffer to a great extent. But, if you are earning a lump sum amount, you need not to worry too much. Your governmental and social status will not be very pleasant and it may cause worries. There is likely to be an inhibition in crucial works. Read More...


This change might be beneficial for business and basic livelihood. People associated with technical and semi-technical fields are likely to succeed. However, familial matters might not remain very pleasant. It would be good to behave politely with family and friends. You need to be very patient while dealing with financial matters. There is likely to be a change in place. Read More...


Conflicts are possible, so stay cautious. During this time, you need to stay cautious and behave carefully while dealing with persons of the opposite gender; else, this might get you into troubles. Do not get into a new business or investment during this time. You might also face deception in matters related to conjunction of funds. Read More...


Saturn will bring in ups and downs in your life and business. Try not to be filled with unlimited aspirations, as this might involve you in irrelevant tasks. This might also waste a lot of time and money of yours. If you are thinking to deal in real estate matters, be cautious and try to know the transparency of legal matters involved with it. Read More...


Present position of Saturn will be advantageous for you; although, you might face unknown fears or losses at times. You could be able to be at peace regarding matters related to your children. There might be chances of an auspicious function to take place at your place. In this highly favorable time, you are likely to get benefits in business. Read More...


You need to be very cautious of your speech. You need to be patient, else, enmity will grow around you. Property transactions may not work smoothly. You need to be extremely cautious while dealing with financial matters. Physical ailments may cause you trouble; especially, eye related ailments. You need to be really careful with matters related to money and property. Read More...


You are likely to face physical problems. Take care of your fitness. It is possible that you might ignore health while getting absorbed in professional tasks. However, you should give rest to your body in order to get relief from fatigue. Stay aloof from enemies, as they might hamper your social status. Read More...


There might be huge transformations in your life. It might happen that a family member, may be your child, will go against your decision. You might realize that your savings are being used in irrelevant things; hence, do not to take part in argumentative issues. You should not be careless while dealing with your health. Read More...


This planetary change will give you motivation to initiate a new task and you are likely to follow it. You should keep in mind the tasks performed in the past, which are not morally right, as per Lord Saturn or Shani Dev. This is the time when you might get punishing outputs for such deeds. But, if you haven’t done any wrong deed, you need not to worry. Read More...


This planetary change will bring you benefits in business. Social prestige will get enhanced. It is a good time for governmental works. If you are in the mood to join politics since long, it is the perfect time. Beside this, it is also a good time to get involved in social work. You need to be cautious regarding health of aged members of your family. Read More...


This positioning of Saturn will be helpful in intellectual or mental tasks. This position of Saturn will be good for financial matters. Apart from this, you are likely to get fruitful results, may be a job promotion. This period is considered to be a favorable time for job and business related matters. There is likely to be an auspicious function at your place. Read More...

We hope that after reading this article, you are now completely aware of the outputs of this period. This horoscope is compiled with remedies for each zodiac, we hope that you will consider them and go ahead in the path of progress and happiness.

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