Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Venus Transit in Cancer

By Pt. Hanumaan Mishra
Venus Transit
हिंदी में पढने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें।

Venus is considered the significator of beauty, enjoyment and luxury. Venus will transit from Gemini to Cancer on 23rd June at 1 A.M and will remain there till 7:32 P.M of 17 July 2013. Let us see the transit’s impact on different Zodiac signs.

Aries: The time is great for you as your reputation and income will increase. There will be happiness and prosperity in your family. Short travels will be favorable for you and you will succeed in your attempts. Also, your mother will support you in all your attempts. It can be said that this time period will be fruitful for you from every aspect.

Taurus: During this time period you will be highly enthusiastic and energetic. You will interact with a lot of people and will progress professionally. Short travels will be comfortable and fruitful. Prosperity will spread in the family and siblings will stay happy.

Gemini: Relationship with your family will strengthen and there will be increment in your income. Your family will organize an auspicious event. Further, you will enjoy the company of women. You will indulge in eating expensive and delicious food. Also, you will spend a lot of money in buying things for your house. There will be general atmosphere of happiness and bliss with all members being together.

Cancer: You will be happy and blissful during this time. The atmosphere around you will also be positive. You will interact with a lot of women. Work a little harder and it will increase your income. You will take a serious interest in music and literature. Good times for you as you will get the support of your family.

Leo: You will spend a good amount of money in luxuries of life. Attraction to opposite sex will increase. Further, there are chances that your rivals will try to harm you. Do not take them lightly. Though this is not a bad time for you financially yet it is advised that you should avoid spending too much money.

Virgo: You will succeed in all your attempts during this period. Friends and well wishers will be supportive. Most awaited desires and dreams will get fulfilled. Prosperity in the family and compatibility between siblings will flourish. Your expenses will increase but income will be enough to handle them.

Libra: This time will come to increase your reputation and respect. You will achieve a great amount of success in your profession. With time you will start saving money but will simultaneously spend on luxurious items. Your family will be supportive and caring. It is likely that you will travel a lot due to work commitments. Further, you will be able to get out of all the odds due to your consistency and determination.

Scorpio: Your relationship with parents and teachers will be cordial and sweet. You will be appreciated and felicitated by people who are well placed in life. During this period your capability to fight with unfavorable situations will increase manifold. If there is an expected promotion then it will be exactly as per your desire. You will be tilted toward performing religious and philosophical activities.

Sagittarius: This time period is not very favorable for you. It is likely that your reputation might get maligned due to a controversy or scandal. This time is not good in terms of your health as well. However, there are chances that you might have a sudden financial gain but your expenses will also increase simultaneously. You will enjoy the support of your family.

Capricorn: During this period your behavior with everyone will be that of courtesy and respect. You will stay away from arguments and controversies. There is a high probability of an enjoyable journey in this time. You will work diligently in your business or job. Due to hard work you will achieve a substantial increase in your income. There are chances that you will fall sick but overall the time will be prosperous for you and family.

Aquarius: This time is not very favorable and it is advised not to get involved in immoral activities. Your work and daily routine will be affected due to some health related issues. You will rise professionally. It is advised that you should develop the skill of resistance during unfavorable conditions. Also, keep a check on your expenses.  

Pisces: Venus is in your 5th house, which will attract you towards the opposite sex. It is likely that you will experience good times ahead. In addition to this, you reputation and prosperity will increase. Family life too will be happy and blissful. Dreams and desires will get fulfilled during this time. Further, it is likely that you will meet old friends and socialize a lot.

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