Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sun’s Transit into Gemini & You

By Pt. Hanumaan Mishra
Effects of Sun Transit on different signs
हिंदी में पढने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें।

On 15 June 2013 at 04:55 A.M the Sun is transiting into Gemini. It will remain there till 15:45 on 16 July 2013. Let us study what impact it will have on different signs.

Aries: Sun will be in its 3rd house. Therefore, there will be prosperity in the house and awaited desires will be fulfilled. It is likely that you will have financial gains. Relationship with your family and friends will improve. Your health will also be good during this period. It looks like that you might get a chance to go for a vacation. Short travels will be fruitful and good for you.

Taurus: Sun will be posited in your 2nd house. Therefore, the period is not good in terms of money matters. It is advised that you should be very careful while making financial transactions. It is likely that this will affect your family life too. An eye or mouth related disease might give you a hard time.

Gemini: Sun is posited in your 1st house. Therefore, it is likely that you will be hot tempered during this period. Also, you might fall sick. However, you may get benefitted from public and government related areas. Short travels are probable. You will be well rewarded for your hard work and will donate for public organizations.

Cancer: Sun is posited in your 12th house so do not get involved into momentary clash. There might be heavy losses if you make wrong choices. Expenses will increase. Take mature decisions in business related issues because you might incur losses otherwise. Maintain warmth and love in your relations or else there could be stress. Try to keep your distance with betting as there are chances you might incur losses due to such activities.  

Leo: Sun is in your 11th house, which will fulfill your desires and dreams. You will get a lot of support from your family and friends. Long journeys will be fruitful and comfortable. Transactions done during this period will be fruitful. Contracts and deals done in this period will give abundant profit. The time is also good for matters related to love.

Virgo: Sun’s transit is in your 10th house, which is indicating your overall well being and prosperity. This period will get you out of all financial troubles. You will also succeed professionally and will be appreciated by your seniors. This period will be very hectic for you. This time will prove your diligence and work related travels will render positive results.  

Libra: Sun is in your 9th house, which indicates mixed results for you. You will meet influential people and will get benefitted by them. You will visit religious places. Due to your position, you will get a lot of work. The time is good for financial gains and other money related matters. However, long travels will not be fruitful. It looks like your parents might experience bad health during this period.

Scorpio: Sun is in your 8th house, which is not considered a very good position for a transit. Therefore, unpredictable troubles might develop. Try to avoid any immoral and suspicious deals. Before signing any document you should read it very carefully. It is advised that you should maintain harmonious relationship with your relatives. Also, take good care of your health.

Sagittarius: Sun is in your 7th house, which is the house of your employment and married life. The transit of Sun is not positive here. Therefore, your hard work will not bear fruits in this period. You might incur losses due to your business partners or else will face other troubles due to them. Personally, do not get involved in any sort of argument with your life partner. You will feel stressed and might fall sick. So, take care of your health.

Capricorn: Sun’s transit is in your 6th house, which indicates success in whatever you will do in this period. This period will reward you with a promotion and also you see that your reputation will increase manifold. Troubles will end and you will win over in all disputes. All will be good at work front too. The time is good for overall well being and prosperity.

Aquarius: Sun’s transit is in your 5th house, which will not be considered very positive. Though you will be very positive and enthusiastic in this period yet the time is not good for matters related to love and marriage. There might be an unexpected travel. Do not think too much as it could be harmful for you.

Pisces: Sun’s transit is in your 4th house, which indicates that your parents’ health can be a reason of worry. You might feel inclined toward immoral activities. This week will require you to work really hard but you will not be able to pull it off. This is to say that hard work will tire you easily. Further, it is advised that you should not drive too fast during this time.

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