Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Revolutionary Career Counselling System Launched - CogniAstro

Find the answer to all your career confusions with the revolutionary career counselling system, CogniAstro. Career Guidance based on the innovative system following analytical psychology.

Our career is one of the most important decisions of our lifetime, and finding out the best-suited fields for us is not as easy as it sometimes sounds. We begin worrying about our children’s future from early on, as soon as the time comes for them to take some crucial decisions in life. One such milestone is choosing their stream after grade 10. The pioneering research by CogniAstro R&D Labs helped us come up with the solution to all your confusions and problems: the new and radical career counselling report.

हिन्दी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें…

Out of approximately 250 career options available in the country today, people know about barely 7, due to which almost 70% of the professionals are disappointed with their jobs. The solution to this is brought to you by the perfect blend of astrology and psychology from CogniAstro, which helps you discover your passion and potential. Get rid of all your confusions concerning your child’s future and attain clarity with CogniAstro.

CogniAstro – Career Counselling Redefined: Unlock Your True Potential!

The thinking behind the conception of CogniAstro has always been helping people all around the globe. This revolutionary product helps parents and children alike in taking the right decision for their future and career. When you do something you genuinely enjoy, it contributes not only to your happiness but also to the overall joy in the society, and the quality of work improves as well. Working towards the same goal, the company’s groundbreaking research in Career Counselling brings to you the pioneering career and education counselling report ever.

With their out of the box thinking, the great brains at CogniAstro Labs have come up with the concept of personality assessment based on astrology, building upon the research of the great psychoanalyst, Carl Jung. This career guidance report has proven to be much more precise than numerous prevalent psychological assessments in the surveys conducted. The superiority of this report is apparent as Cogniastro offers:

  • The Solution to All Your Confusions: You can now forget all worries about your child’s future because CogniAstro bases its recommendations on their birth chart, offering suggestions for the most suitable streams and subjects for them. The report counsels parents and children alike with the fields and domains where one can thrive and flourish best.
  • Most Accurate Career Counselling Report: The Career Counselling Report has been tested on an extensive database by the research team at CogniAstro Labs and proven to be 98% more precise than the existing psychology based tests. This report focuses on resolving all concerns revolving around the career and future of your children by offering accurate recommendations for their personality type.
  • Relies On Analytical Psychology: Building upon the research and lectures of Carl Jung, CogniAstro offers you your career options and personality assessment, basing the outcomes on the RIASEC model. This innovative career counselling report provides you with an extensive range of career options best-suited for you, that you can choose from, according to your personality and interests.

  • CogniAstro = Cognitive Science + Astrology: Since the native’s psychological evaluation is based on their kundali, this report becomes accurate and valid for any person throughout their life. It will not alter with changes in their psyche, which can occur through experience, unlike psychology-tests based assessments. 
  • Reports For All Ages: Whether you are worried about which stream to choose after Class X, or unsure of your career choice, the CogniAstro career and personality counselling provides you with the solutions best suited for you.
  • From Perplexity To Certainty: Unlike psychology based reports, the CogniAstro assessment offers you clear and to-the-point directions as it informs you how successful your children will be in each field/stream, instead of maybe’s and could-be’s. It helps remove all confusions from your mind to offer you distinct options best-suited to your child’s personality.

  • Concise Assessment: Leaving behind the time taking process of going through psychological tests, the CogniAstro only requires you to enter your birth details and voila, you have your career and personality assessment report in your hands.
  • Career & Personality Counselling Reports Till Class X: You can now make the crucial decision of choosing the best stream, subjects, and consequently the best colleges and career options for you, based on your personality assessment, easily.

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